
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Presence: The Next Initiation by Archangel Michael


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We can thank Miles for coming up with this brilliant idea to "gift a friend".

Simply insert your friend’s name, e-mail address and state in the 'comments' section when you register, and we will send them a FREE link to attend this month’s Live Webinar.

Be sure to take advantage of our "Give a Friend a Webinar Gift" for the month of January. We appreciate your efforts to share our webinar and help the PAO grow. Your friend will be happy too.



Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar


After far too long an absence, we are thrilled to ring in this New Year by welcoming back broadcaster and writer Patricia Cori. She will guide us on a fresh and captivating journey through our human DNA history, and examine the effect it exerts upon our higher consciousness.

Patricia is an acknowledged authority on spirituality, a meta-physician and clear clairvoyant and channeler. As Scribe to the Sirian High Council, she was privy to a wealth of information that she shares with us today.

Our current reality is to accelerate its creation of new and higher levels of awareness, which, in turn, will usher us away from Gaia's present turmoil into a state of enlightenment and spiritual joy.

As an extra special bonus, Patricia will also present a brief summary of her new best-selling book, Hacking the God Code.

Please join us for a stimulating and high-spirited Webinar that will start off your New Year right!


With your Registration and payment for this Live Webinar, why not include a small gift to a friend who may be curious about our Galactic Activation Webinars?


Simply insert your friend’s name and e-mail address in the 'comments' section when you register, and we will send them a FREE link to attend this month’s Live Webinar.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Patricia Updates Us on Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Crop Circles
Sirian Connection Experiences
• Our Human DNA History
Reclaiming Our DNA
• 3D-4D-5D
Inter-dimensional Time Occurrences and Our Karma
• Cosmic Phenomena
How They are Affecting Us
• Hacking the God Code
The Conspiracy To Steal The Human Soul

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, January 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on January 22, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

$20.00 U.S.


Ismael Perez, Michelle Klann & Catherine Edwards LIVESTREAM Q & A

Source: Catherine Edwards

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Good reminder...

Digger: Aquarius Rising

Source: Digger Barr

My Source: Golden Age of Gaia


Everyday we become more and more aware of how powerful we really are.

Everyday events happen around us to try to undermine this process.

We are powerful beings.

Let us remember and step into our true selves.

Feel these words and let them sink into your psyche.

Feel these words lift you as you read them.
You are amazing.

There, you see? Words carry powerful vibrations.

We are probably all familiar with Dr. Emoto’s experiments with water. One source of his findings are featured in the film ‘What the bleep do we know’. Its available online, Gaia Tv and even Amazon. Go have a look. It’s actually a really good one to share with slow believers.

Dr. Emoto demonstrates beyond doubt how words carry vibration and affect the world around us.

This knowledge is one of the greatest tools in our warrior tool box.
We can program our water, bless our food, and praise each other.

Praise yourself.

Powerful , uplifting words vibrate out into our communities.

For this article I want to focus on a simple action that we can take everyday to step into our power.

Blessing and programming the water.

I have a large water reservoir of filtered water in my kitchen.
In the tank I have placed a food safe ceramic disk with the words love and joy on it.

I did this when my son was around 10 yrs old. The age when lemonade was the top drink choice. Now, my son got to rotate between multiple households. Here, there, Grandparents etc. By the time he was 11 he started requesting water as his top drink choice.

I noticed the change and asked him about it.

He replied that for some reason my water tasted so much better than anybody else’s.

Thank you Dr. Emoto.

To this day I will bless any water I ingest. It doesn’t mean I don’t still filter or make informed choices on my purchases. But it is a very simple and easy way to empower myself and my health.

Let’s expand on this a bit.

I hardly ever walk through the bottled water section at the store. But one day I did. I looked at all that plastic and wondered how it ever came to this. I noticed my negative thoughts and decided to change them.

I started blessing all the water in all those plastic containers.

Change my thoughts, change my words, change my world.

Maybe just maybe…

And now I am looking at water pipes. What if I write LOVE and JOY on the water pipes, the hot water tank, and even the water meter?

I sit on the shore and send my love into the seas of GAIA.

Let’s bless the rain, the sleet, the snow.

Bless the rivers, the creeks, the waterfalls.

Let’s give our empowered selves permission to be powerful.

And smile when you do, because you ARE.

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Presence: The Next Initiation by Archangel Michael

Source: Natalie Glasson

Presence: The Next Initiation by Archangel Michael. This energy we label presence, it is your presence, it is the Creator present within your being


It is an abundant blessing to be in connection with you, to observe within your being an essence, a truth and knowingness. This energy we label presence, it is your presence, it is the Creator present within your being. This energy of presence, the Creator present within your being is active, in action and motion. It is your gift that you can give to others.

You have an inner presence that is all knowing, that is divine and sacred. When you radiate this inner presence, you shower others in blessings and gifts. It is like the most healing, the most uplifting, the most truthful expression of your being. When you share this energy, truthfully and openly, others will respond to you by sharing their own inner presence, and this goes beyond the ego, the chattering of the mind, the wounds of the emotions or the emotional body. This is the truth, it is the way you were designed to exist, the way you are designed to connect with others, it is a beautiful expression of yourself that is immensely fulfilling for you, and for all beings.

Not only is the purpose of your presence to be radiated outwards to connect with all other beings and aspects of the Creator, it is for you to use this presence, to be present with other beings.

Many beings speak of being present. The way, I, Archangel Michael speak of being present is that you exist with other beings radiating your presence. Yes, you are present with that being, your entire being is in communication with that other soul, that other person or energy.

You are responsive, you are sharing energy, you are gifting energy, you are receiving energy. You are constantly aware of what is occurring within your being, the reactions that occur and the actions that you feel inspired to create. When you allow yourself to be present with another being, or to be in the presence of your essence, while in the space of another being, this is immensely powerful. It is an immensely powerful initiation because you are connecting with yourself on a deeper level. You are connecting with others on a deeper level, and in truth this is what all souls yearn for on the Earth.

There are many expressions such as loneliness, suffering and pain, these can be healed. They can be in many ways rectified or rebalanced when you are in presence with yourself and in presence with another being and even more so, when they are in presence with you. It is so much more than just being present, just observing yourself and others. You are observing yourself and others from the space of your inner presence, if you like your inner divinity, your inner expression of the Creator.

Gaining mastery in this way will allow you to see yourself and the entire reality around you in a completely different manner.

The Illusions, the challenges, the aspects, the stuff that seems to block you dissolves and what remains is the truth. It is clarity predominantly, a clarity and clearness of self and others. This process will allow you to become more sensitive to yourself and more sensitive to others around you. Therefore, a greater channel of the Creator’s light.


When you are in your presence, you are in your power, you are connected to your inner truth. If there are challenging situations in your reality, something that confuses you, there is a need to be in your presence with yourself, the situation and anyone else involved in that situation.

From this space of presence and radiating outwards your inner presence, the clarity, enlightenment, and illumination will dawn.

You may ask how do you connect with your inner presence and how is it different from your divine self, your higher self or your soul?
When you connect with your inner presence, you are connecting with the aspect of yourself that is present with the Creator, present with the entire universe of the Creator, present with every ascension shift, and present with every being of light. You have an awareness of all that is the Creator and it’s from that awareness of all that is the Creator that you experienced the vibration of your presence. It is not a thought-form, it’s not even a being, it’s the vibration of your presence and your presence is your natural amazing ability to be aware of and in connection with all aspects of the Creator on all levels and dimensions of the Creator’s universe and across the world. You may liken, and or label this to oneness.

You may understand that when you connect with your inner presence, you are connecting with oneness and this is true. It is an easy way to understand your inner presence. If you imagine your inner presence as connected to everything and aware of everything, your mind, your consciousness automatically expands, and you enter into that state of immense expansion bringing it to your reality by connecting with yourself. Being aware of yourself and being aware of another being, letting yourself relax in your inner presence and there is something to explore, and sense. It can be challenging to locate and understand with the mind, but if you have the intention of connecting with your inner presence, that aspect of yourself that is aware of all aspects of the Creator, it can be like you are observing and connecting with all aspects of the Creator. You then enter into a space of immense liberation, consciousness, and awareness of truth and it’s through the experience of that, even if it is only for a moment, you will find yourself more able to be present with yourself and others. You will recognise the magic of your inner presence and how when you are willing to be in the space of your inner presence in certain times in your reality and with certain people, it is as if magic occurs.

Connecting with your presence is important now as we step into our power due to the current ascension shifts. The direction or pathway of stepping into your power and presence will allow you to enjoy life and your spiritual growth. It will feel like a space of sanctuary, a sanctuary that you can bring to yourself and that you can bring to other beings.

This is what I, Archangel Michael, wish to share with you. It may take time to integrate into your conscious awareness and to experiment to achieve. However, it is something that you are capable of and able to achieve.

I, Archangel Michael, wish to support you in achieving it. Imagine it almost like a game that you can enjoy. You are more likely to succeed if you do not put too much pressure on yourself.

In love and truth always,

Archangel Michael, thank you.

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