Julian Assange has transcended the confinement of his Ecuadorian embassy asylum to attend the 2014 Nantucket Project – as a hologram. In his ghostly entirety Assange was speaking about censorship, control and manipulation of history....http://rt.com/news/191376-assange-hologram-appearance-nuntucket/
The Light Emerges as the darkness recedes.... A New Matrix is being born All around & even inside you. Here's what's happening just ....................out of Sight & Beyond perception. It will continue changing Everything Until there is a Totally New Light. We will discuss and help make these changes as Pleasant as is Possible while giving you the Knowledge + Information to make Important Choices. {Took this Photo overlookin the Pacific at Sunset + a Visitor}
About Me
- Galactic Jack
- I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!

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- The Exposure of the Earth Sacred Treasure by Godde...
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
9-30-14 G F Update by Sheldan Nidle ..surrender... prosperity deliveries are so close...
Look within, and there you can discover magnificent things...
Un-K-now-able HearTouch
of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
12 Lamat, 6 Tzotz, 11
Dratzo! We come in Joy! More and more, the evidence for the rise of a new
reality manifests. A number of special agreements are being signed, which are to
formalize a new financial system. These agreements set up new banking and trade
regulations that run counter to the desires of the dark cabal. A pathway is
being established to a more equitable and prosperous realm. The various
exchanges of old monies are allowing numerous nations to revalue their
currencies. In addition, the process is set for the functioning of a new global
currency reset. These are all preliminary to the next major steps which include
precious metal-backed monies and the rise of new governance. All of these
developments are a precursor to disclosure. Disclosure is actually a major
watershed. In your mostly forgotten global histories, the memories of these
ancient deeds still vaguely remain. The Anunnaki did their best to make your
forget your off-world and Lemurian ancestries. Disclosure is to return these
memories to you and permit you to meet your Inner Earth cousins.
We are here, as you know, to carry out Heaven’s divine
dispensation, which is to return you to your former state of full consciousness.
This process includes our mass landings and the introduction to you of a mentor.
Mentors are meant to carry on a divine dialogue. This dialogue begins with trust
and ends with you able to enter your crystal Light Chamber. This three-day
journey is to reverse the epigenetic issues that prevented you from quickly
returning to full consciousness and kept you mired in the horror of misplaced
fears and illusions, which are the essence of limited consciousness. Hence, you
first need to undo those horrors, which added to what the dark Atlanteans first
gave you. Then you are ready to accept the grace-filled transformations of the
Light Chamber. Your mentor and your various angelic hosts are to watch over you
during this process. When you emerge, you are ready for a special training in
the life tools we call our special etiquette. This in hand, you can begin your
new life with us.
As we stated previously, you have a number of important tasks
assigned to you by Heaven. The former members of the Anchara alliance are most
anxious to have you assist them in acquiring Light bodies. You, along with a
similar species who are presently fully conscious, are there to counsel them and
give these former Ancharans the courage to perform a process very similar to
what you are to encounter. This selfless act of divine service is to secure
galactic peace and permit this galaxy truly to become a showcase for this sector
of physicality. We were told long ago by Heaven to permit the Sirians and their
spiritual allies to watch over you. Somehow, the Anunnaki wished to secure your
present limited state of consciousness and make you permanent servants to their
own minions. The Sirians long suspected that the Anunnaki were up to no good. It
is because of their diligence and the various Ascended Masters that Heaven
implored us to take on this first contact mission.
The dark cabal is the last living remnant of those minions that
have controlled your realm for millennia. Unlike the Anunnaki, they formally
refused to give up and undertake programs, which were to lead to your prosperity
and to governance that was able to free you from a most heinous debt slavery. To
this dark cabal, we were interlopers, with allies on this globe that needed to
be defeated. The usual misplaced wars and terrors were to be the means to do so.
These tactics have failed. The dark has reached a point where the surrender it
feared is to become a reality. Expect your prosperity, and also the rise of
governance that really wishes your input and your support. In this new realm, we
can appear and aid your Ascended Masters in their duties to free you and inform
you about the uncluttered truths given you long ago by Heaven. You are at last
to bask in these truths and rediscover the extent of your magnificence!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with good
news and blessings. Our sacred associates continue to make excellent progress!
The arrival of the prosperity packages is quite close. These packages are tied
to the advent of NESARA, and therefore, the rise of new governance. The present
dark cabal is desperately using its old methods of war and fear to somehow save
themselves from destruction. This is not going to work! The consciousness of
this world has risen too much to give way to such nonsense. A schedule for the
transfer of new governance and the rise of a new economic system was recently
reached. These documents are seen by our associates as a form of surrender and
are to be carried out accordingly. This is why the prosperity deliveries are so
close. Once all of this becomes fully manifest, then government can free you
from millennia of enforced debt slavery. After a brief time, a schedule can be
given for our lessons.
We are excited about the very near events. Prosperity and
freedom are indeed heady items. You need to take the time to review your inner
plan for success. Confer with your loved ones on these matters, and above all,
take into account each other in this vast world that many still call “the global
village.” All of this wealth and well-being is to raise you up from a most
serious daily toil for survival. You need to take on a new countenance. You need
to learn to love each other, and especially, Gaia. Think of what she provides
you daily. Think of how her special friends have gifted you with the time to be
meditative and knowledgeable about this world. We bless you all and rejoice in
the fact that this global society is to be freed from the dire wishes of the
In this new realm, you are to meet us and learn numerous truths
about yourselves and Gaia. You are to meet your Inner Earth cousins and together
rejoice in the affairs of the day. We each took many lifetimes to reach our
sacred goals. See how great is the grace of the Creator. You are to receive what
your ancestors lost in Atlantis long ago. This restoration is meant to return
you to the stars, and most importantly, to look after Gaia and her numerous and
diverse life forms. Each Being here, whether it is a tree or simply a rose, can
converse with you, and you with them. Even rocks have the ability to convey
truly amazing stories to you. This is a realm filled with wonders, which are to
open up to you in your new state of consciousness. Be in joy and bless this
truly, for it is indeed divine. Hosanna! Hosanna!
We now come to a place where we thank you for all, and state
that you are on the verge of a great change. Look around and really see what is
happening. Look within, and there you can discover magnificent things. We leave
you now with our great blessing. Rejoice and be ready for the Creator’s wonders!
Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven
are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and
Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization |
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA
E-mail: write2pao@aol.com | Website address: www.paoweb.com
E-mail: write2pao@aol.com | Website address: www.paoweb.com
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Monday, September 29, 2014
Message from Jesus~John Smallman
You, the Light bearers and wayshowers, are doing tremendously
valuable and effective work in helping to clear and dissipate these energies as you hold the intent
for Love to penetrate every heart...
HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 6:33 PM
Subject: Message from Jesus~John Smallman
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Sunday, September 28, 2014
Ascension and the Intuitive Ability of Clairvoyance
Those who experience clairvoyance may also possess the ability to see beyond the third dimension Earth. They may be able to see into the higher dimensions, and they may be able to see into alternate realities (parallel universes)...
READY FOR DOWNLOADING.... New Ascension symptoms are on the rise. Sheldan will share what to expect and provide suggestions on how to manage them gra
Friday, September 26, 2014
The Exposure of the Earth Sacred Treasure by Goddess Oscea
We Lovingly Share the
Treasure that changes Reality as We Create withe Creator,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch
of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS ****
The Exposure of
the Earth Sacred Treasure by Goddess Oscea
through Natalie Glasson- 26th September 2014-www.omna.org
It is with
universal love I approach you guided and supported by the Goddess, Nature,
Elemental and Element Realms, all
encouraging me
to speak their truth on their behalf. I am a Keeper of the Treasure of the
Earth, it is my purpose to protect and
maintain the
harmony of the treasure of the Earth provided and created by the Creator so all
may benefit and align with ease.
Within the
consciousness of the Planet Earth, this means within the light creating the
energetic and physical structure of the
Earth there is
a great volume of wisdom born from the universe of the Creator. The wisdom is
held within encoded waves of
love which
ensure all those with pure intentions can access the knowledge as it also holds
the divine plan of the Creator for
the Earth, all
nature and elemental kingdoms and humanity. Love acts as a powerful protector as
one can only penetrate the
energy waves of
love to access their treasures if one exists and vibrates from the true love
within their being. When you
approach the
love waves within the light structure and consciousness of the Earth the key to
unlock and accept its wisdom is
your own
truthful emanation of love. This precaution has been put in place in order to
ensure the wisdom isn’t used for
purposes encouraging the Earth to stray from its destiny. When one aligns with
the Treasure of the Earth then they
receive its
continuous waves of love similar to the rhythmic patterns of the ocean washing
over and through them creating an
effect and
experience of liberation. If one is unable to remain focused as their energy
expands and liberation is experience
then the energy
will carry their focus away from the divine and sacred wisdom held within the
Earth’s light structure, thus they
will feel
spiritually awakened but unable to receive the treasured wisdom and codes safe
guarded by my own energy. If one
holds the
radiating vibration of love within their being with a clear focused mind that is
able to remain centred within the
energy, likened
to the rhythmic patterns of the ocean, they will find themselves seeping into
the love wave as their spiritual
body, emotional
body, physical body and then finally mental body is inspired and encoded with
the treasured wisdom of the
Such an
experience has the possibility of magnifying your entire energy structure,
expanding your being, accessing sacred
states of
liberation while enhancing the radiance of your light and love vibration. In
truth your entire being will be strengthened
by the Earth’s
light structure. This will signify your alignment with the Earth at a spiritual
and emotional level, manifesting a
union within
your being of the heavens or inner planes of the Creator’s universe and the
Earth. The purpose and divine plan of
the Earth will
be anchored into your entire being, especially your heart chakra and heart space
thus even though you may not
be able to
understand the wisdom and codes shared or imparted to you (more truthfully
reawakened within you) you will
anchor an inner
drive and fire to be of service in this sacred ascension process both to the
Earth and the inner planes. As you
follow your own
intuition within your everyday life the divine plan of the Earth and the inner
planes will merge within you and be
enacted from
within your being through each day of your existence. Most of your actions may
be unconscious, as you may not
understand the reasoning for their creation but you will be moving in harmony
with the Earth and the inner planes creating
harmony upon
the Earth, often silently that impacts powerfully in moving all forward to an
existence of harmony.
As the wisdom,
divine consciousness, sacred plan and codes of the Earth are concealed in waves
of love within the Earth’s
light structure
activated only by pure love radiance and clarity of mind as each person on the
Earth learns to love themselves
the process I have previously described has already begun to occur. This is why
we are guiding humanity and
all to love
themselves and each other unconditionally, much of the ascension shifts have
been programmed to activate in
response to
pure love. As you work upon your own spiritual awakening you are often
unconsciously awakening many shifts
that enhance
and magnify the Creator further upon the Earth. If you feel guided to achieve
this process it may be that due to
your focus on
self-love and the radiance of love the process has already began and so your
conscious awareness will aid
experiences and embodiment. It could be the Treasure of the Earth already
embedded and activated within your
being simply
requires your greater acceptance and acknowledgement.
I share with
you this invocation and meditation to aid your experience of this most
magnificent harmonisation between the
heavens and the
Earth as sacred wisdom and codes are shared from the Earth’s light
‘Goddess Oscea,
I call you forth as the Keeper of the Earth’s Treasure. Please be present with
me as I wish to express my
deep love to
you and the Earth surrendering myself to be of service at this magnificent time
of ascension. I emanate my
radiant love to you and the Earth, especially to the Earth’s light
( Take a moment
to emanate love from your heart space, feel love emanating into my being,
Goddess Oscea, it may feel that
you move
through my being and into the light structure of the Earth, as if I am the
gateway to this structure, which I am.)
‘As I connect
with the light structure of the Earth, I ask Goddess Oscea to guide me, I
embrace the ocean like waves of love to
surround me and
penetrate my being. My only focus is upon love, my focus and love stimulate
experiences of liberation and I
resolve to
remain focused on love as transformation and expansion occurs within and around
(Affirm with
each breath you inhale, ‘I Am Love, achieving the same on the exhale. This will
maintain your clarity of mind. Be
observant and
aware of the energies merging with you and activating within you. Take time then
to just breathe peacefully. If
you experienced
yourself being carried away by experiences of liberation then know that it is
not the appropriate time for you
to align more
fully with this sacred treasure of the Earth. If your being aligns with the
wisdom and codes of the Earth you may
feel a deep
focus, inspiration or a shift within you being. Remember this cannot be forced
or persuaded into manifestation,
nor does it
indicate your worthiness.)
‘I am grateful
for this experience of connection and to be of service in harmonising the Earth
and the inner planes through my
being and
actions. Thank you.’
(Simply sit in
meditation for as long as you wish or feel guided to.)
With the sacred
wisdom and codes embedded in the Earth’s light structure seeping into the Earth
and humanity’s reality this
will encourage
a focus upon inner divinity and outer harmony. When you recognise harmony within
your reality or people upon
the Earth,
remind yourself this is because you and others are acting as vessels to bring
forth the harmony of the Earth and
inner planes.
Much wisdom and codes is being anchored into the water and ocean of the Earth as
water is a magnifier
especially of
light and light consciousness. I, Goddess Oscea, have a strong connection and
resonance with the water of the
Earth, it
symbolises the energised flow of the Creator, allowing one to access the divine
flow of the Creator, moving and
resonating in
harmony with it.
I encourage you
in your meditation to imagine, sense or acknowledge a vast ocean before you
which symbolises the water of
the Earth and
the divine flow of the Creator. Imagine with your hands cupped you hold some
water in your hands placing it into
a cup of light
of a similar colour within your heart chakra. Fill the water within your heart
chakra with your deep and profound
love; you may
even notice the water altering in colour. You may wish to say,
‘I integrate
the supreme love of my being with the water of the Earth, in doing so I magnify
the sacred wisdom and codes of
the water and
the Earth returning to the knowledge of humanity. I acknowledge the divine flow
of the Creator within my reality
as well as the
experiences and existence of all. I now resonate in harmony with the divine flow
of the Creator. Thank you.’
Then imagine,
sense or acknowledge you take the cup of water in your heart chakra and return
it to the ocean before you,
observing how
it seeps and integrates with the entire ocean and water as well as your entire
being as you are composed also
of water and
the divine flow of the Creator.
So much is
awakening from the Earth now as love manifests with greater strength, as you
align with love so you align with the
understanding their impact upon your being and the Earth.
With love
following to you in the rhythmic waves of the ocean,
Goddess Oscea
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