but when will you allow yourself to live in the world as if that was all
there is,
because, the world already is only made up of Love.
Your experience of anything other than love is an illusion, that is what
must change...
It comes down to choice...
Quan Yin is thEmbodiment
of Compassion, Considered to be the Christ of theast.
It may be hard to
believe we came here for Love'Sake buthat's Exactly True.
To Recreate this
illusion inew & Loving Ways Made Easier to Evolve thru.
We can consciously
start now to see the Love in All of it's many Facets.
Or justhe thoughts,
feelings & preceptions that increase Love in yoU,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's
Golden Grace of Our Ascension
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Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GJack/messages http://theemerginglight.blogspot.com
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
This is a transcribed conversation with Quan Yin that I'm sharing to help more people. If you want a channeled, live conversation with Quan Yin, or another Master, you can request one here.
I want to ask about money, or really, the changing times. I used to think that 2012 meant life would be radically different, that society would be more like what I had hoped for, ascended. . .
Quan Yin’s Response:
The world is Ascended, but your idea of what ascension is and your experience of the world don’t match. You feel discouraged and wonder if perhaps you have been making it all up, your dreams, the Masters, Ascension, everything. You wonder if you should live a normal life, if you should have a normal job, walk in traditional pathways as you have been led to believe to be ˝traditional˝ or ˝normal.˝
You have even tried this, to some extent, your life is more ˝normal˝ then it was before, and yet you feel something is missing, some magical quality to life is missing. You know it, you feel it, you can practically see it’s absence around you.
Why do you seek validation for your choices? for your beliefs? You know with your heart some things to be true, but you want your truths to be validated, authenticated, by the world around you. If the world changed the way you wanted, had almost expected that it would, would you feel empowered?
Would you be closer to realizing your divine nature?
The question is not when will the world change to be filled with only peace and love, but when will you allow yourself to live in the world as if that was all there is, because, the world already is only made up of Love. Your experience of anything other than love is an illusion, that is what must change.
Now we come to your favorite question (she says with a smile). ˝How?˝
How does one experience the world as peace and love? How does one accept that their their other experiences are illusions and changeable? How does one actively experience Love as all there is?
It comes down to choice.
You can in this very moment, in any moment, choose to alter your perception, to shift your attention from illusion to truth. How? Just pause, wherever you are, whatever is going on around you, and affirm (choose):
I want to ask about money, or really, the changing times. I used to think that 2012 meant life would be radically different, that society would be more like what I had hoped for, ascended. . .
Quan Yin’s Response:
The world is Ascended, but your idea of what ascension is and your experience of the world don’t match. You feel discouraged and wonder if perhaps you have been making it all up, your dreams, the Masters, Ascension, everything. You wonder if you should live a normal life, if you should have a normal job, walk in traditional pathways as you have been led to believe to be ˝traditional˝ or ˝normal.˝
You have even tried this, to some extent, your life is more ˝normal˝ then it was before, and yet you feel something is missing, some magical quality to life is missing. You know it, you feel it, you can practically see it’s absence around you.
Why do you seek validation for your choices? for your beliefs? You know with your heart some things to be true, but you want your truths to be validated, authenticated, by the world around you. If the world changed the way you wanted, had almost expected that it would, would you feel empowered?
Would you be closer to realizing your divine nature?
The question is not when will the world change to be filled with only peace and love, but when will you allow yourself to live in the world as if that was all there is, because, the world already is only made up of Love. Your experience of anything other than love is an illusion, that is what must change.
Now we come to your favorite question (she says with a smile). ˝How?˝
How does one experience the world as peace and love? How does one accept that their their other experiences are illusions and changeable? How does one actively experience Love as all there is?
It comes down to choice.
You can in this very moment, in any moment, choose to alter your perception, to shift your attention from illusion to truth. How? Just pause, wherever you are, whatever is going on around you, and affirm (choose):
I Am NOW seeing the Love
in this situation.
I Am NOW experiencing the Love that Is.
or even
I choose to experience the Love present here.
I Am NOW experiencing the Love that Is.
or even
I choose to experience the Love present here.
If you still don't experience
things shifting, ask for help. Ask the angels, Masters, devas, your own soul,
ask for help shifting yourself out of illusion and into the vibrant experience
of love. It only takes a second to ask. Allow yourself to be helped.
As you begin to experience the Love this is in all thing, it gets easier to continue experiencing it. And, your world, as a reflection of you, will shift around this experience o love. The world will become what you wanted it to be, not because you tried to change it, but because you changed your experience of the world.
I Am Quan Yin and I love you.
As you begin to experience the Love this is in all thing, it gets easier to continue experiencing it. And, your world, as a reflection of you, will shift around this experience o love. The world will become what you wanted it to be, not because you tried to change it, but because you changed your experience of the world.
I Am Quan Yin and I love you.