These sacred events are Heaven's formal launch for the push to
bring in the prosperity programs, NESARA and the new Republic.
These events are to cancel the present actions currently
underway since the conclusion of the American election last November eighth...
We move to the NESARA REPUBLIC as
the u.s. corporation is now defunct & Announcements are at
Open to the
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced
Love of Our Ascension
9 Akbal, 6 Yaxk'in, 13
Dratzo! Much is now
happening around this globe. The various funds required to “cash out” all
programs are being counted and to be distributed where they are needed. This set
of operations is earmarked to lead eventually to the formal announcement of
NESARA and then GESARA. This means that America is moving closer to the formal
announcement of its new NESARA Republic. This new reality is ultimately to
permit a new global banking system to manifest. All nations who have ratified
the Paris Agreements are then to begin to carry out a concerted series of
interlocking operations to reverse the massive pollution of the past two
centuries. These events are also to begin a series of large humanitarian
projects that are to bring water to the deserts and modern sanitation to all
nations. Moreover, each nation is to implement electrical grids that can bring
the Internet to all. This is just the start of a series of developments that are
to upgrade global education and let the world’s people know what is being done
to alter the way the old world operated. This new reality is to feature peace,
prosperity, freedom and global cooperation. This is to be a new and glorious
time for surface humanity!
This profusion of
prosperity is only the start of what lies ahead for you. Long ago, when this
time was ordered up by Heaven, it was commanded that the period before the
Ascension was to start to reconnect surface humanity with its galactic brethren.
This was also to be a time when the people of Agartha met you. This joining
together is to reacquaint you with how broadly your brethren had spread across
this gigantic galaxy. From the moment you were forced into limited
consciousness, you forgot that you were not alone. You did not even know that a
vast Federation of Humans was there to aid you. This initial process is simply
to show you how widely humans travelled. You therefore need to set aside your
fears and quickly turn away from your rising xenophobia. In this light, we were
told to allow time for you to readjust your conception of this galactic reality.
You live in an expansive plane of existence that includes many different types
of quite sentient Beings, even versions of the various species seen frequently
on your world.
These magnificent
Beings are to meet you only after you have made the transition back to galactic
humans. In that new state, your initial apprehension will have already
transformed to awe. We understand this one fact very well and have kept the
current use of galactic non-humans to a minimum. To you, the most familiar of
these are, of course, the Arcturians. Their healing wonders are well-known to us
and they represent a species for which you have always had good feelings. Our
duty is to present this next stage of your transition in the best light
possible. Hence, our medical teams are composed only of Arcturian and human
components. We realize, too, that we need to work closely with those who are in
the act of processing your abundance and forming new governance. You are to see,
and be a part of, many extraordinary events. These events are to introduce you
to new technology and pave the way for our initial set of announcements to you.
Especially important to us is, of course, our arrival. The Ascended Masters are
to prepare the way by giving you a number of vital history
These lessons are
to fill in the large gaps that your current approach to history fails to impart.
It is easy to manipulate what you don’t know. We are anxious to see that you
deeply learn what these gaps are and how they unknowingly have affected you. We
come to welcome you home and to propose ways for you to build your new star
nation. It is vital that you do this as a conscious collective. It is important
for you to merge freely with the Agarthans and know in detail how you are to
establish your new homes on Venus, Mars and the newly reconstituted
trans-Martian realm. Star nation construction requires an organic approach. You
also require a knowledge of how to successfully navigate the great Galactic
Federation of Light congress in the Vega system. These things are to be
“old-hat” to you shortly. You are also to learn numerous things from your
mentors and, in the process, more about yourselves. Take this time to begin to
realize what lies ahead as an astonishing cosmic adventure in consciousness!
Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!
Blessings! We are
your Ascended Masters! Around your sacred orb, a most divine set of actions is
beginning to take shape. These sacred events are Heaven's formal launch for the
push to bring in the prosperity programs, NESARA and the new Republic. These
events are to cancel the present actions currently underway since the conclusion
of the American election last November eighth. We in Heaven and on Earth deeply
wish to bring you what we have long promised. It is the duty of Heaven to bring
forth a new sacred reality that frees you from the yoke to which you were
shackled nearly 13 millennia ago. At present, as noted in previous messages, we
sincerely appreciate your collective visions and positive actions. We bless you,
and are determined to put forth a new prime prototype upon this magnificent
blue-green orb. Special events are therefore moving ahead that are destined to
bring you this glorious success!
We Masters have
decreed to our sacred associates that this world of want and power be
transformed. This land is set upon the sacred territory of Gaia, our Sacred
Mother. Many hold the notion that a continuance of the present is right: this is
mere folly. Humanity has a most glorious past that is to lead to the swift
transfiguration of this reality. It is this command of Heaven from which we draw
joy and sustenance. This unholy realm is destined to be quickly consigned to the
dustbin of history! The new prosperity is meant only to enkindle a quiet
revolution of the Heart! that in turn is to restore the original US Constitution
and give you new governance. This instrument is to spark a godly thought process
that is to speed around this globe and inspire new, prosperous and free
realities. It is these that are to welcome your brethren and liberate you to
again taste the joys of full consciousness!
Enveloped in this
ever-resounding joy, we address you. Be brave and expect nothing less than
Heaven’s generous bounty. In this time, we have been able to create many
miracles. The greatest lie just ahead. We acknowledge that those who seek to
restore darkness want to entrap your magnificent Souls in obscurity. This is not
to be the case. A majestic glory has descended upon this plane and it is not to
rest until a truly divine victory is yours! Use this time to feel your soaring
inner strength. A mighty stream of heavenly energy is to sweep away all that is
beyond the parameters of this new holy future for humanity. Manifested in joy,
it is to be an exalted and divine reality, filled with Joy, Freedom and Endless
Prosperity. Observe mindfully as this peaceful, sacred revolution rolls
Today, we
continued to report on what is unfolding around this globe. Events are occurring
that promise a great change in the way the nations of your world operate. Yours
is a world that is on the verge of contact. Prepare yourselves to witness the
most extraordinary events! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and
never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun!
Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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