The Light Emerges as the darkness recedes.... A New Matrix is being born All around & even inside you. Here's what's happening just ....................out of Sight & Beyond perception. It will continue changing Everything Until there is a Totally New Light. We will discuss and help make these changes as Pleasant as is Possible while giving you the Knowledge + Information to make Important Choices. {Took this Photo overlookin the Pacific at Sunset + a Visitor}
About Me
- Galactic Jack
- I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!

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Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Next feweeks are bringing in many things in any way GJ
Toss a Coin to PIR:
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Planet Alert May 2020
The Bible says we will be in silence for ½ hour before the new beginning starts. I think this is why everything was shut down...
May is one of my favorite months of the year. I love it when all the trees and flowers are blooming. The tulips and the Daffodils have been blooming since March. Now the fruit trees are in full bloom and the Rhododendron are starting to bloom. My yard is very beautiful when everything is blooming. It gives me joy to look out our large picture windows to see all that beauty and to enjoy the birds who also like our yard. I don’t mind the shutdown at all when I have such beauty to look at.
I would not like to be cooped up in a little apartment somewhere with only concrete to look at. I do hope the Virus goes away soon although it has given us the opportunity to look at ourselves and find out who we really are and decide what we want to do when this Virus is over. The Bible says we will be in silence for ½ hour before the new beginning starts. I think this is why everything was shut down.
Today is April 26 and the Sun is conjunct Uranus on 6 degrees Taurus. Uranus is the ruler of the Age of Aquarius and the meaning of this degree is: “The meaning of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future. Jesus, as the Avatar incorporating the Christ-Impulse came to replace the old tribal order with a new order based on Universal Love.” To me this means that the old order is now over and we are moving into a consciousness of love. Uranus rules new technology like computers, light, wind, storms, demonstrations, revolutions, space ships, and unexpected events. It also means that events happen fast and unexpectedly.
Planet Alert May 2020
We are also in a safe place to protect us from what has been going on behind the scenes between the light and dark Beings. There has been a mental and physical war going on for control of the earth. I heard from the grapevine that many dark Beings got together to put a curse on earth a few days ago so they could win. This will not work because what you give out comes back to you big time. This is probably what will destroy the dark Beings or neutralize their energy. This energy needs to be neutralized so we can start expressing love, which is the glue that holds the Universe together.
I also find it interesting that people are acknowledging the authorities and staying home. No one has been forcing us to stay home. Fear has been what is keeping us home. We are afraid of the Virus. Fear is very powerful when it is experienced by many people. I think that fear of the Virus is expressed because so many people have died from the virus. Many people are afraid of death. Actually, there were many people who survived the Virus and are now well. I experienced the Virus in my family. They just had a lite case of it and are now healthy and happy again.
The planetary aspect that caused this virus was Pluto, the planet of birth, death, and transformation. The line-up of planets in the first part of January was affecting China and it was very powerful. It caused the Virus to break out and spread all through the city of Wuhan. It closed down everything and it caused some businesses to fail. Then the Virus moved around the world. Look at how the whole world has been shut down because of a Virus. This is unheard of in our modern world.
Jupiter, which is a large planet, went into Capricorn in December of 2019 and started activating Pluto and the Virus started spreading like wildfire. The fixed cross of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra were the places that got the worst cases of the Virus. Aries is over Hawaii, Cancer is over New York, Libra is over Italy and Spain, and of course Capricorn is over China.
I think it is almost time to reopen things because Pluto is on 25 degrees Capricorn and Jupiter is now on 26 degrees Capricorn. Jupiter is starting to move away from Pluto, and Pluto is now retrograde so the Virus should slow down. It is almost time to come out of hibernation.
Saturn and Mars are now in the sign of Aquarius although Saturn will retrograde, along with Jupiter and Venus in May. Venus will stay retrograde in Gemini until August. Pluto retrogrades today and will stay retrograde until October 5. When planets retrograde, it means we have to relook at our past. Venus link & Video
The north node has been in Cancer for over a year and on May 5 it will move into Gemini. This is an entirely different vibration. Cancer/Capricorn is all about Home, family, and governments. Gemini is the communicator and Sagittarius is the teacher. It looks like there will be much communication and travel during the time period the north node will be in Gemini. Are you ready for this active energy to come into effect? It is almost time to awake from our slumber and move full speed ahead.
The next thing to happen in Bible prophecies is the three days of darkness. Are you ready? I don’t know when this will happen although it must be close, at least before the end of this year because there are many space ships out there waiting to have contact with us earth people. The Bible says that the Lord will come with great power and glory in the ships of heaven.
We just went through the time period when two will be in the field and one will be taken and one will be left. I hope no one you knew died from this Virus. If so, I send you my love to move through your grieving period. Now we are starting to move out of our ½ hour of silence where we had time to reflect on our life and now we are ready to go forward with the new, whatever that is. Maybe we will be taken for a ride in one of the beautiful ships that are in the heavens right now.
Chapter 21 of Revelation says: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first earth had passed away. Then I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. Now the dwelling place of God is with people.” It is time to have contact with our space friends. It is also time to acknowledge the God spark that is within all of us which means that we are all part of God.
We are all one. So Be It!
Comments are always appreciated. You can post them on my website: MahalasAstrology. And donations are always welcome. Written in Love and Light.
**** Mahala Gayle ****
I would like to thank my son Dave who has been doing my website for over 10 years. He has helped me very much over the years and has been very dedicated to this website. I really appreciate him. He is a wonderful person and I never could have done this without his help. His birthday is April 27. Happy Birthday Dave and I hope you have many more Happy Birthdays. I love you! ***** Mom*****
Rinus Verhagen: An Honest Society in the New Future After the Corona Scam
NESARA & GESARA are coming online as thingstart changing before our eyes. GJ
Rinus Verhagen: An Honest Society in the New Future After the Corona Scam
4/29/2020 09:42:00 PM
An Honest Society in the New Future After the Corona Scam
By Rinus Verhagen
April 29, 2020
There are many changes in the background, ...the political incorrectness is coming to an end.
Those who know and do not act are partly to blame for the crime against the population.
The fact is that with the signing of the climate agreement in Paris, the QFS has been activated to introduce a new gold covered money system. (Quantum Financial System)
This under the GESARA act of NESARA in the US will now apply to the whole world.
GESARA stands for Gobal Economic And Reform Act.
This to eradicate poverty around the world.
This will involve 209 sovereign countries, countries controlled by the Deep State Cabal, will have to be cleaned up to comply with the GESARA protocols.
At the moment, the Gold Standard is activated.

From Cabal countries there are still some obstructions, which are now going to be removed quickly.
Donald J Trump has told us, the best is yet to come.
He has declared the month April to the month against human trafficking.
Now the fact that the former Netherlands has a slave policy from May 18, 1940, introduced by Hitler.
In hindsight, this is an even greater crime against the people who thought they had a voice on their future by electing a representative who would represent their interests.
The reality is that the population of the former Netherlands was deceived by an illegitimate administration and invalid royal house.
In order to carry out the oppression and crimes, all political parties turned against the population.
The nice thing about the QFS is that it has run in parallel with the Swift system of the Central Banks.
This has made all transactions visible to the QFS, which means that those who pay have the right to have the use of funds withdrawn from the economy through taxes audited with the books of a government.
This audit is called the draining of the swamp.
In the video below is a very clear story of the corruption of politicians.
This will be no different in Deep State Cabal countries.
The population has the right to be open about the tax paid.
There will therefore have to be an Audit, in which the books and the expenditure of funds with the QFS information will have to be correct.
The Swift system has now been replaced by the CIPS protocols Cross Border Interpay System.
This means that no one has access anymore to an account of persons or companies by a corrupt government.
The system is there to get mankind out of the debt policy of governments and bankers.
We now see the fascist nature of Western Cabal politics, which is exposing itself with their measures to take the population hostage.
This can also be called human trafficking, and then through an imposed fear and fine for the 1.5 meter measure to form the people for a totalitarian dictatorship.
Wanting to enforce compulsory vaccination, and introducing 5G shows who the real criminals are against humanity.
If you were fined for being human, and did not follow the 1.5 meter measure, you have the choice not to pay this fake fine.
The fact of the matter is that we as a population can now have government bills frozen until fair justice has been done according to the GESARA legislation.
In the meantime, the Cabal system will have no money or resources to further oppress its own people.
They have disqualified themselves from participating in the new QFS system.
Be aware that the mass arrests are going to start all over the world to eradicate corruption and free people from their oppressors.
Here is an example about the actions and arrests in the US,
With the Europe Defender 2020, we can expect the same here too, because the children have been freed, now that the responsible one has been picked up.
Central banks no longer have the possibility to create counterfeit money out of nothing, not even the ECB.
Since the EU is not a country, but a Cabal-controlled fascist body, they will not participate in the new gold covered money system.
If order troops don't get an income the they fascists won't carry out orders to force a corrupt policy by force.
This also applies to police and army, if you are not loyal to the population, then no income.
Anyone who deliberately participated in this scam and false information propaganda will no longer be able to function in the new human society on penalties of exclusion.
The era of the Cabal and Deep State is over, we now only see convulsions, to keep the people under fear and control.
The Deep State Cabal will never be able to sustain this for long, everything will become known.
For all communications have been collected and will be used as evidence in the trial of the crime syndicate of the fake Elite.
I've seen a lot of stupid Corona broadcasts of idiots who had something to say about the measures, they all had something in common, they didn't use their brains or were deliberately malicious to want to keep the Cabal rat system alive.
By Rinus Verhagen
April 29, 2020
There are many changes in the background, ...the political incorrectness is coming to an end.
Those who know and do not act are partly to blame for the crime against the population.
The fact is that with the signing of the climate agreement in Paris, the QFS has been activated to introduce a new gold covered money system. (Quantum Financial System)
This under the GESARA act of NESARA in the US will now apply to the whole world.
GESARA stands for Gobal Economic And Reform Act.
This to eradicate poverty around the world.
This will involve 209 sovereign countries, countries controlled by the Deep State Cabal, will have to be cleaned up to comply with the GESARA protocols.
At the moment, the Gold Standard is activated.

From Cabal countries there are still some obstructions, which are now going to be removed quickly.
Donald J Trump has told us, the best is yet to come.
He has declared the month April to the month against human trafficking.
Now the fact that the former Netherlands has a slave policy from May 18, 1940, introduced by Hitler.
In hindsight, this is an even greater crime against the people who thought they had a voice on their future by electing a representative who would represent their interests.
The reality is that the population of the former Netherlands was deceived by an illegitimate administration and invalid royal house.
In order to carry out the oppression and crimes, all political parties turned against the population.
The nice thing about the QFS is that it has run in parallel with the Swift system of the Central Banks.
This has made all transactions visible to the QFS, which means that those who pay have the right to have the use of funds withdrawn from the economy through taxes audited with the books of a government.
This audit is called the draining of the swamp.
In the video below is a very clear story of the corruption of politicians.
This will be no different in Deep State Cabal countries.
The population has the right to be open about the tax paid.
There will therefore have to be an Audit, in which the books and the expenditure of funds with the QFS information will have to be correct.
The Swift system has now been replaced by the CIPS protocols Cross Border Interpay System.
This means that no one has access anymore to an account of persons or companies by a corrupt government.
The system is there to get mankind out of the debt policy of governments and bankers.
We now see the fascist nature of Western Cabal politics, which is exposing itself with their measures to take the population hostage.
This can also be called human trafficking, and then through an imposed fear and fine for the 1.5 meter measure to form the people for a totalitarian dictatorship.
Wanting to enforce compulsory vaccination, and introducing 5G shows who the real criminals are against humanity.
If you were fined for being human, and did not follow the 1.5 meter measure, you have the choice not to pay this fake fine.
The fact of the matter is that we as a population can now have government bills frozen until fair justice has been done according to the GESARA legislation.
In the meantime, the Cabal system will have no money or resources to further oppress its own people.
They have disqualified themselves from participating in the new QFS system.
Be aware that the mass arrests are going to start all over the world to eradicate corruption and free people from their oppressors.
Here is an example about the actions and arrests in the US,
With the Europe Defender 2020, we can expect the same here too, because the children have been freed, now that the responsible one has been picked up.
Central banks no longer have the possibility to create counterfeit money out of nothing, not even the ECB.
Since the EU is not a country, but a Cabal-controlled fascist body, they will not participate in the new gold covered money system.
If order troops don't get an income the they fascists won't carry out orders to force a corrupt policy by force.
This also applies to police and army, if you are not loyal to the population, then no income.
Anyone who deliberately participated in this scam and false information propaganda will no longer be able to function in the new human society on penalties of exclusion.
The era of the Cabal and Deep State is over, we now only see convulsions, to keep the people under fear and control.
The Deep State Cabal will never be able to sustain this for long, everything will become known.
For all communications have been collected and will be used as evidence in the trial of the crime syndicate of the fake Elite.
I've seen a lot of stupid Corona broadcasts of idiots who had something to say about the measures, they all had something in common, they didn't use their brains or were deliberately malicious to want to keep the Cabal rat system alive.
KejRaj Report: Mask Off, Trust the Divine Plan
You thought this one virus was a problem? You haven't seen nothing yet. This virus was only a "trailer" of the movie to be released soon. The collapse has only begun...

Era of Light Report 4/29/2020: Mask Off, Trust The Divine Plan
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
The changes unfolding in your world are exactly that, change in your WORLD. This is not just about America or China, Russia or Germany. For whatever happens in one nation, will affect the entire planet.
So it is time time to stop being a "blind patriot", and bragging about your political party, and shaming the other. While at the same time thinking it is another nation's fault for the mess your people find yourself in.
Every nation, every people, the world as one, has one common enemy, and that is the Deep State(Illuminati, Cabal). Which has infiltrated the governments of just about every nation on planet Earth.
You thought this one virus was a problem? You haven't seen nothing yet. This virus was only a "trailer" of the movie to be released soon. The collapse has only begun.
"They" wanted to see how you'd react to your freedoms being taken away. And how your "deadly" reliance on money would affect you without it.
"They" brought in the game of masks in play as well.
The mask in this case symbolizes silence. They want to see how you look with your mouth shut. And how long you will put up with their bullshit.
"They" are also silencing you via your social media platforms. The last source for spreading the truth. Or is it?
Take your masks off and speak now. Rise and raise your voice so that all may hear the truth.
The time has arrived for mass awakening.
The time to rid the world of the old systems, and replace them with new ones. Equality on a world level. This is the only way to peace and prosperity.
From heart to heart, I am Kejraj!
Hundreds Charged Worldwide In Takedown Of Largest Child Pornography Website
Children around the world are safer because of the actions taken by U.S. and foreign law enforcement to prosecute this case and recover funds for victims,” said U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu. » Source
Ashtar Command: Independence
As you look more and more through the illusions and become more independent, you also become a greater threat to those who previously used you as puppets. » Source
Flynn To Be ‘Completely Exonerated This Week’
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn will reportedly be “completely exonerated” this week after being charged in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for allegedly lying to federal agents. » Source
Archangel Gabriel: Trust in the Divine Plan
When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. » Source
The New ‘Normal’ vs. The People – We Do Have Some Say in All This
In a televised CBS interview with Anthony Mason on April 2nd, Bill Gates issued a few key words that have since become iconic in the world of mainstream media. » Source
Expert Says U.S. is on the Brink of ‘Mass Civil Unrest’
Demonstrations against coronavirus stay-at-home measures have exploded across the country over the last week after President Trump encouraged them on social media. » Source
Ashtar Sheran: What CoVid 19 is Showing You
In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize. You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats. » Source
Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Babylon Has Fallen
The fall of Babylonian debt slavery in the United States is fully underway. A critical mass of about 30% of Americans are not paying auto loans, student loans, rent, mortgages, corporate loans, etc. » Source
California ER Doctor Shares Statistics that Belie the MSM Narrative
The good doctor points out the secondary consequences of lock down as being FAR more dangerous and long-lasting than any illness this may bring. Worth a watch. » Source
The Federation of Light: Journey’s End
This SO could mean tomorrow … yet, in your ‘history of time giving’ this so could mean in 2020. We shall just have to wait and see I ‘assume’.” » Source
Jupiter, Venus, And The Moon Will Be Aligning To Form A Smiley Face
The moon, Jupiter and Venus are going to be showing off for us on the 16th of May 2020, by aligning in a rare position that will form a smiley face in the sky! » Source
Source: Era of Light
KejRaj Report: Mask Off, Trust the Divine Plan

Era of Light Report 4/29/2020: Mask Off, Trust The Divine Plan
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
The changes unfolding in your world are exactly that, change in your WORLD. This is not just about America or China, Russia or Germany. For whatever happens in one nation, will affect the entire planet.
So it is time time to stop being a "blind patriot", and bragging about your political party, and shaming the other. While at the same time thinking it is another nation's fault for the mess your people find yourself in.
Every nation, every people, the world as one, has one common enemy, and that is the Deep State(Illuminati, Cabal). Which has infiltrated the governments of just about every nation on planet Earth.
You thought this one virus was a problem? You haven't seen nothing yet. This virus was only a "trailer" of the movie to be released soon. The collapse has only begun.
"They" wanted to see how you'd react to your freedoms being taken away. And how your "deadly" reliance on money would affect you without it.
"They" brought in the game of masks in play as well.
The mask in this case symbolizes silence. They want to see how you look with your mouth shut. And how long you will put up with their bullshit.
"They" are also silencing you via your social media platforms. The last source for spreading the truth. Or is it?
Take your masks off and speak now. Rise and raise your voice so that all may hear the truth.
The time has arrived for mass awakening.
The time to rid the world of the old systems, and replace them with new ones. Equality on a world level. This is the only way to peace and prosperity.
From heart to heart, I am Kejraj!
Hundreds Charged Worldwide In Takedown Of Largest Child Pornography Website
Children around the world are safer because of the actions taken by U.S. and foreign law enforcement to prosecute this case and recover funds for victims,” said U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu. » Source
Ashtar Command: Independence
As you look more and more through the illusions and become more independent, you also become a greater threat to those who previously used you as puppets. » Source
Flynn To Be ‘Completely Exonerated This Week’
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn will reportedly be “completely exonerated” this week after being charged in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for allegedly lying to federal agents. » Source
Archangel Gabriel: Trust in the Divine Plan
When you trust in the Divine Plan, you are moving into the Universal Flow of Good. You are acknowledging that there is an underlying energy within all things. » Source
The New ‘Normal’ vs. The People – We Do Have Some Say in All This
In a televised CBS interview with Anthony Mason on April 2nd, Bill Gates issued a few key words that have since become iconic in the world of mainstream media. » Source
Expert Says U.S. is on the Brink of ‘Mass Civil Unrest’
Demonstrations against coronavirus stay-at-home measures have exploded across the country over the last week after President Trump encouraged them on social media. » Source
Ashtar Sheran: What CoVid 19 is Showing You
In these trying times of change, there is more afoot than you may realize. You hear of changes being made at the political level, and you see the power shifting away from the Cabal to that of the White Hats. » Source
Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Babylon Has Fallen
The fall of Babylonian debt slavery in the United States is fully underway. A critical mass of about 30% of Americans are not paying auto loans, student loans, rent, mortgages, corporate loans, etc. » Source
California ER Doctor Shares Statistics that Belie the MSM Narrative
The good doctor points out the secondary consequences of lock down as being FAR more dangerous and long-lasting than any illness this may bring. Worth a watch. » Source
The Federation of Light: Journey’s End
This SO could mean tomorrow … yet, in your ‘history of time giving’ this so could mean in 2020. We shall just have to wait and see I ‘assume’.” » Source
Jupiter, Venus, And The Moon Will Be Aligning To Form A Smiley Face
The moon, Jupiter and Venus are going to be showing off for us on the 16th of May 2020, by aligning in a rare position that will form a smiley face in the sky! » Source
Source: Era of Light
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