Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced
Love of Our Ascension
Awakening of Your Root Chakra – Galactic Energy Waves by Melchior

Channelled through Natalie
Glasson 30th
June 2017 Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
I am Melchior; I am the Galactic Logos, I oversee the Galactic Levels of the
Creator’s Universe and distribute the sacred energies and will of the Creator. I
am neither masculine nor feminine; I am the synthesis of both, a unity and
expression of the Creator. The energy that I share can be perceived as silver,
golden light which brings forth healing, awakening, enlightenment, unity within
and initiations to aid further remembrance of the
The Galactic Energy Wave
I, Melchior, have been guided by the Creator to deliver
three energy waves of light from the Galactic Level to humanity. The first
energy wave will be distributed from my essence at the beginning of July 2017.
The second will be distributed at the beginning of August 2017 and the third at
the beginning of September 2017. Humanity will experience each energy wave for
at most five days. However, the transformational experience will continue over
the three month period.
To Receive the Galactic Energy
Imagine the lower part of your torso from the base of your
spine, up past your hips and to your waist as a chalice or cup that collects
light. Let the energy of love from your soul and heart chakra overflow to create
the outline of the chalice or cup of light that fills your lower torso. Imagine,
sense or acknowledge the colour your heart and soul emanate is creating the
chalice or cup of light.
Recognise that in the centre of the chalice of light there
is a magnificent jewel of light, you may perceive it as red colour or another
colour; it represents your root chakra at the base of your spine. Your root
chakra is opening and expanding to become connected with and a part of the
chalice of light formed by your heart and soul, while also sending a beam of
light downwards through your earth star chakra below your feet and into the core
of Mother Earth.
Take the attention of your mind to your stellar gateway
chakra above your soul star chakra and say out loud: ‘I permit the most
appropriate vibration of Galactic energy from and overseen by Melchior for my
soul and ascension to ground into and through my stellar gateway chakra
now.’ You may experience an expansion in your own energy as silver golden
light flows through the Universe of the Creator directly into your being. The
light will flood your being grounding into your soul star chakra and resting
within this chakra until you are ready to continue.
Take the attention of your mind to your soul star chakra
between your stellar gateway and crown chakra. Allow yourself time to
acknowledge the energy now present within your soul star chakra. When you are
ready, you can say out loud: ‘I now invite my soul star chakra to deliver
the galactic energy essential for my ascension into my entire being.’
Observe as the light flows into your being and is collected within the
chalice of light created by your soul and heart chakra.
Bring the attention of your mind to the chalice of light in
your lower torso, let it fill and overflow with Galactic light. Focus on your
root chakra and imagine the light penetrating and merging with your root chakra.
A beautiful and transformational shift occurs within your root
Continue to focus on your root chakra and the flow of
Galactic energy pouring into your earth star chakra and the core of the Earth,
as well as filling the chalice of light in your lower torso. Place most of your
attention into your root chakra to observe the shifts, awakenings and energies
anchoring in the present, coming moments and days.
Practice this once or as many times as you feel guided at
the beginning of each month during this three month period.
How the Galactic Energy Will Assist
The root chakra represents patterns and habits of survival,
learning to exist on the Earth and strength for living. As you receive the
Galactic light, your root chakra will be reprogrammed, healed and activated to
support new understandings of survival and existence on the Earth. Galactic
codes, energetic patterns and sacred symbols will be anchored into your root
chakra holding wisdom and knowledge which will support the creation of new
patterns of survival. No longer will it feel as if there is a need to learn to
exist on the Earth, the Earth will become a part of you and you a part of the
Earth. Survival will transform into unity with the Creator, receiving all that
you need to aid your existence on the Earth and the strength of your root chakra
will support further exploration within your existence as a spiritual being
embodying a physical body. A deep sense of knowingness will emerge from your
root chakra as the Galactic energies activate deep-seated spiritual energies
stored within this chakra.
The Galactic Codes, Energetic Patterns
and Sacred Symbols
The Galactic energy that I, Melchior, am sending forth to
you in three energy waves holds a purpose of awakening from your root chakra an
acceptance of your existence and presence on the Earth, as well as an acceptance
of your spiritual self unified with your physical existence. The energy
encourages you to be more fully grounded into Mother Earth, accepting the gifts
of life and learning to exist in oneness and harmony with Mother Earth and the
physical planes. The Galactic energy will support a deeper acceptance of
spiritual living and a spiritual outlook upon the Earth. This means the
embodiment of love, peace, joy, fulfilment, truth and healing, allowing these
sacred energies to become your patterns of survival and existence upon the
Earth, your strength and vigour for a powerful, meaningful existence upon the
Earth. Thus, the same energies will form the foundation of your reality and will
be your experiences of your reality as well.
Your awareness will allow you to recognise that through the
grounding of Galactic light into your being especially your root chakra you will
embark on a healing journey of acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, your
experiences, creations and reality on all levels of your being. This adoption
and realisation of acceptance will allow for higher aspects and consciousness of
your soul to merge with your being while encouraging a deeper understanding of
the marriage between spiritual and physical existence on the
The Three Galactic Energy
The first Galactic energy wave will focus on clearing your
root chakra while beginning the process of acceptance where is it vitally
necessary to support physical and spiritual existence on the Earth. Some people
may experience a deeper bond forming with Mother Earth as they recognise the
unity between their being and Mother Earth, as well as how this supports life
and ascension on the Earth. Others may experience a deepening of their bond with
themselves and an acceptance of energies that have been held within their root
chakra that no longer align with the transformation occurring within their root
The second energy waves will be of a higher frequency of
Galactic light allowing for a deeper healing within your root chakra and
therefore a greater activation of acceptance. Awareness of patterns and habits
of survival which no longer serve you will come to the surface with an
acknowledgement of their transformation into patterns of positive fulfilling
experiences upon the Earth. New outlooks for life will dawn, making you aware of
actions and further healing that is required in your journey of
The third Galactic energy wave will be of a higher
frequency of light than the previous two energy waves, continuing the process of
grounding the Galactic light, I, Melchior, am sharing with you. As the energies
encourage you to move deeper into an exploration of your root chakra, so you may
discover the core of the energy of acceptance and the core of negative
patterning which impacts your reality.
The energy will flow into your being and root chakra three
times whether you are aware of it or not. If you are conscious of the process,
you will receive the benefits with greater ease and perfection, aiding your
acceptance of yourself, Mother Earth and your spiritual existence upon the
With joyful anticipation of working with