
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Sunday, July 31, 2022





Join me Wednesday, August 3rd for the next channel.


We are moving into the Lion's Gate, which is always a very powerful portal. I'm sure the ULBs have a lot to say!!!
Albayon spoke recently about the medbeds, Brysentia spoke of the changes in our bodies. So MUCH has been happening.
Join me Wednesday, August 3rd for the next channel.



Everything future of A*I*


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Dear Starseeds and Lightworkers:

PAO welcomes this opportunity to thank each one of you for your enduring support of our interplanetary project over these many years. We are honored to have brought you inspiration and enlightenment through the good days and the not-so-good ones. But what you may not realize is that you have been our beacons as well, galvanizing us with every newsletter and Webinar to light the next steps through this world’s growing darkness.

All we want is to continue to bring you inspiration, fresh invigorating air for mind and soul, each day and month. Sadly, that is no longer inevitable/to be taken for granted.


PAO is hanging by a thread. As we enter an era of growing shortages, supply and distribution issues – challenges facing us all – we at PAO are finding it increasingly difficult to pay the bills that can keep your inspiration coming. With each week, digital communication platforms and related expenses are ballooning. Add to this the unknowns and uncertainty of the coming autumn, and to what extent alternative sites such as ours may be censored.

Ironically, these are the times when, more and more, we are all in need of the thoughtful, paradigm-shattering insights, wisdom and cheer that PAO’s network and guests provide. By gathering together each month during our Webinar, we can amplify the light in hearts, minds and souls. PAO’s candle, multiplied by each one of our listeners, can become a searchlight across the sky.

And together, that searchlight will transform earthly darkness into universal Light.

Webinars and donations are PAO’s financial lifeline.

Please contribute whatever and whenever you can to keep PAO beaming truth your way:

Peace and Blessings,

PAO Team

You can register for upcoming Live Activational Webinars or download last month's archive here:

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(Webinar archives, books, and downloadable dvds) are available here:

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Everything Counts… It Can Be No Other Way

Source: [Matt Kahn - email]


Greetings Beautiful,

Good health in the body is one of life's precious gifts. I am so happy to be feeling better now.

Thank you for your loving support, blessings, grace with scheduling changes, your good vibes, Care Bear gifs, and well wishes.

I appreciate every bit of the love you sent my way. I hope to feel even better to do some "Facebook lives" this week with you as we head toward the upcoming Angel Academy 14.

In the meantime, here is an offering from my heart to yours:

May this moment in time invite a pause of deep heartfelt reflection. Perhaps you find yourself in an in-between phase of your journey -- aware of what no longer resonates, while unsure what is next, what to do, where to go, and even who to be from one moment to the next. Maybe the amplified speed of a fast-paced technology-driven society leaves you emotionally wrung out, existentially exhausted, and emotionally depleted. Perhaps you're even less tolerant of the conditioning within yourself and others as you make your way toward a brighter horizon of total living freedom. I say all this to let you know, you’re not alone.

While so many of us are sprinkled across all corners of a globe, we remain interconnected as light beings to support each other through the ether, even when we aren’t always within arm's reach. May we take this moment of heartfelt reflection to be at greater peace with who we are, no matter how close of a match or at odds it may seem with the idealized self that is so easy to pursue and chase. Whether this moment feels like exciting new beginnings, another chapter of debilitation, or even just one more breath to humbly survive, I offer these words as the light within your being -- speaking to you.

You are not lost, you are not "less-than," you are not losing it all, unworthy, or invisible in any way. You are waking up.

All too often, waking up can feel more like a perpetual death of who we used to be, how we used to behave, a transition out of the identity of roles we’ve played, and even the disappearance of resonance to all the false coping strategies we employed to micromanage life.

While this isn’t how life will be forever, it invites a more steadfast alignment with Source as our primary ambition and desire as we make our way through the in-between and beyond. In doing so, we gift ourselves with all that we need, no matter the wants, fears, or judgments that are permeating your awareness.

Since you are far more powerful than you may ever know, perhaps these deep existential dives are reflecting your depth of resilience, proving once and for all, the holy eternal Truth that you are, have always been, and shall always be.

I honor your light. I am so with you. We are all in this together. Together as One.

All for Love,


Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 29, 2022

Source: Mike Quinsey on GoldenAgeofGaia


When matters appear to be changing from bad to worse, you could be forgiven for believing that the end of the world was approaching. Certainly what was acceptable in the past is no longer adequate, which is why things had to change.

Bear in mind that you are already at the start of a New Age and the period of cleansing is essential if you are to make way for changes that will uplift the vibrations. There is so much that is new to you and waiting to be revealed, that will finally see the end of the low vibrations and the commencement of most welcome changes that will totally change the quality of your lives.

Look around you and see the new ideas emerging as they overcome the old ways of doing things. Many of the changes will come as soon as you are considered to be ready for them. Some are so obvious already and we have in mind the electric car that in a very short time has advanced quite quickly. You simply cannot hold back progress although many with invested interests in what already exists will try to avoid the changes if they can.

Man has always been adventurous and inventive and is forever looking for improvements to what already exists. When we consider you are ready to move on you may have noticed that new ideas seem to come out simultaneously and this is by design. It is a way of ensuring that new opportunities are taken to introduce them that will ensure they are worked upon. So as you can see new ideas are not conceived by chance but by design.

When are you going to realise that there has always been a plan for Man’s evolution, and although the dark Ones have a free hand to try and prevent progress it will be to no avail. Of course they can cause delays and do so, and will go to any extreme to be successful as with the collapse of the Towers. Yet, progress still takes place and with help from us we know the outcome will achieve success. We oversee your activities and through the powers we are given can ensure that your aims are fulfilled.

Some things that seemingly happen by chance are of no consequence, yet the majority are part of the greater plan for Man. It must seem odd to you that you enjoy freewill yet much in the way of your experiences is planned for your advancement. Each life of yours is arranged to enable opportunities to come your way that will help your evolution, as what would be the point if there was no real purpose to your experiences. All is revealed between lives when you go back to the higher dimensions for a life review.

The problem you have is that you can look upon another soul yet cannot tell how advanced they are on their evolutionary path. However, you carry your level of understanding with you through each life and that ensures your progress without having to go through the early stages again.

Evolution is the key to everything and your whole reason for experiencing in the Matter Universe. It is a wonderful way to evolve allowing you free expression whilst at the same time making you responsible for your actions. It also makes you strong willed and able to set your mind on your goal.


You can make mistakes and have the opportunity to make them good, most likely in the same life. Failure is not an issue as you can try to overcome your problems as many times as are necessary. You always have help on hand if it is required, and you may never need to face your problems single handed.

Humans use punishment for those who break the law and it is acceptable from your point of view. It has a way of teaching souls that they have a duty to each other to help them through life’s problems. Putting others first is a quality that is acquired through sheer experience, and the realisation that you all have a link to each other at a soul level, hence the teaching that you are All One.

At your present level there is a tendency for people to look after themselves, without necessarily feeling that they have any responsibility for another soul. However, the higher your rise up the more you understand that you are “your brother’s keeper” and it becomes quite natural to care about those souls around you. There is great satisfaction to be gained from helping others in need and the more you see them in that light the greater the bond becomes between you.

Life is a game but quite a serious one as in your present dimension wherever you turn there are obstacles on your path. Many of these are there to test you and challenge you to handle them satisfactorily. When you can take charge of your life it becomes more purposeful, fulfilling and enjoyable.

Try not to get involved in arguments and be prepared to walk away from them if necessary. You will feel all the better for it and avoid an upset that may in any event have been unnecessary. Egos are powerful energies and tend to intrude when you have a difference of opinion with someone. It is easier said than done but allow another person to be ”right” if necessary if it is a means of closing a difference of opinion without bad feeling.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Stunning AI shows - Robots Conscience?

Source: Digital Engine

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Saturday, July 30, 2022

The word is that No midterm elections until the 2020 is resolved, PLUS 3 MESSAGES


The word is that No midterm elections until the 2020 is resolved, that's 3 months.

Having elections would validate the results & not taking actions would incriminate those responsible

I've posted 3 messages from >CodezVII< abouthe Red Alert, Lift Off & such...

Galactic Jack, [7/30/2022 9:53 PM] [Forwarded from >CodezVII<] >>> My most Loving Greetings to all Souls. Yes, we are at the Ending Time of this Civilisation, and are on "Red Alert" for the Final Word from Mother Earth on her tilting of Planet Earth's Axis. We do not know the exact minute, so I cannot answer your pleas towards coming home to your Higher Spiritual Worlds or exactly when that shall happen, however, I can tell you it is to be anytime now. >>> I do know that the Lighted Realms are most pleased and thrilled that all you Lightworkers have fulfilled their Mission with flying colours, and have greatly helped towards the Galactic Federation clearing the Dark Forces from Mother Earth, the Moon and this Solar System. >>> I can say that the accomplishment was done by the Lightworkers without any ego of personal gain, and that it has all helped clear the way for St. Germain to invoke the Violet Flame of Transmutation which has filled the surrounding Ethers to the brim. This has never happened before since this Creation was first created by our Source Creator. >>> There are still thousands upon thousands of ET Members surrounding Mother Earth in their Spaceships waiting for the Graduation of Earth and, also, to meet all their Twin Flame Lightworkers working down on Earth for its Ascension. Their arrival up on the Motherships shall be the occasion for a "Great Banquet" for all that shall last several days, if you count Earth Time. >>> At this point, I do not see any further Earth Missions that need to be made down on Mother Earth. What is most important at this time of waiting for the "Last Trumpet Call" is to take care of yourselves. I know that you Lightworkers are exhausted and ready to drop. Let me explain part of this exhaustion. Do you realise that you are taken aboard the Motherships every night in your sleep-state for more Meetings and Lessons? We do gather together for many great Meetings of discussion and enlightenment, but for the most part it is about the important details of the coming Earth Ascension processes that you need to be informed of. >>> I hear from you that you feel like you have never slept all night and get up as tired as when you laid down to rest. Your fleshy envelope tries to rest, but you are Etherically in the Lighted Realms most of the night. >>> I hear from you that you feel like you have never slept all night and get up as tired as when you laid down to rest. Your fleshy envelope tries to rest, but you are Etherically in the Lighted Realms most of the night. >>> Yes, I did say I foresee no more Earth Missions, but it is still most important for you to take time for self and read and meditate each day. I do not suggest for hours on end, but to nonetheless set aside a suitable time when you can commune with us. >>> Coming home to your Spiritual Realms is to be anytime now, but you are nevertheless advised to keep on with your personal Spiritual Growth, and not spend these last precious moments just wishing to be back in your Home worlds. You are in our Light-Beam constantly, and are protected from all the evil that may seek to harm you. You must also ask for guidance from your Spiritual Guides to become more centred, focused, balanced and calm, and to clear yourself often from any remaining Karmic blockages from the Past. >>> Remember that each day that you are still on Earth is a Great Gift from Mother Earth of spiritual and evolutionary learning. Use it for your Soul Growth and give out Liquid Love and Light to all. I do indeed foresee that the End of this Civilisation is now upon us. >>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subscribe: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Galactic Jack, [7/30/2022 9:53 PM] [Forwarded from >CodezVII<] >>> A major evacuation could possibly come upon the Planet very suddenly. The flash of emergency events would be as the lightening that flashes in the sky. So sudden and so quick in its happening that it is over almost before you are aware of its presence. And so it could be if the events that warrant this action come to the Planet. It at this time is not possible to describe what these events might be, but it is possible to instill at this time into the hearts of Humanity the hope and the knowledge of our vigilance and emergency actions on their behalf. >>> Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment. And all over the globe where events warrant it, this would be the method of evacuation. Mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our smaller ships, due to possible planetary turbulence at the time with only limited surface landings. These smaller craft would in turn transport the persons to the larger Motherships overhead, higher in the atmosphere, where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people. >>> It has been explained to you in the past that there is a certain amount of preparedness necessary because of exposure to this powerful levitation beam which will be operating in these circumstances. The frequency of it will be higher than most of your known electrical Earthly exposures. >>> Those of extreme density and extreme selfish dispositions, especially at the expense of others or causing suffering to others, would find great physical difficulty in surviving in the frequency of our lifting beams. >>> This is why our messages have been broadcast to Mankind over the centuries to uplift his own emanations and vibrations to a status of Love and Selflessness so that in so doing, a compatibility of vibrational forcefields will make his rescue possible. >>> Those who have lived closely aligned to the Father's Will in their lives and have let the Love of the Father flow through them, would have no problem with the frequency of the Evacuation Beam. For a high state of Love in the Human heart reacts upon the Human forcefield surrounding the physical form, giving it an electrical sheath of protection and a blending with the incoming vibrations between now and that time. Indeed, if enough Souls could experience perfect Love, there could very well be no need for a removal of Humanity. >>> There could be a period of time to be spent with us, for your beautiful Earth must be healed in its cleansing, and given time to return to its true glory. Then those who have been lifted in the body will be returned to reconstruct a New World and a New Order of things. As you tarry with us, you will be given the opportunity to attend classes and training for the work which will need to be done. You will be given our constant help in doing this; our advice and our technology will be at the disposal of these Returning Ones. Many others who have been lifted through the natural transition of death will be returned in new bodies to participate in the new awakening. >>> Those who could not participate in a lifting-off rescue will be transported, following their natural transition, to locations with a vibration and frequency equal to their own, where they may grow and learn at a pace slower than the new vibration of Planet Earth. For the Earth will be in an accelerated and very high frequency as it finds expression in the Aquarian Age. >>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subscribe: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Galactic Jack, [7/30/2022 9:54 PM] [Forwarded from >CodezVII<] >>> The Great Awakening >>> I come at this time, in this opportune time, these Times that are approaching now. You have heard of the coming Great Announcements. You have heard of many great Changes that are coming to Planet Earth, of the many seemingly positive changes. >>> But before the positive Changes come, there must first be those things that bring the Great Awakening forward - the falling of the present Political Establishment with its unjust and incorrect Laws, and Rules - all of that is coming down. See that happening, because that is what is happening now. Even though it does not appear to be so, it is. Everything is coming together exactly as it needs to, and you are in that cusp right now with the Great Awakening that is occurring across the Planet. And not only across the Planet, but the Solar System and your Galaxy. >>> All is coming together and all is happening in the moment now. Even now, the Great Awakening is proceeding forward. The fall of the present social Establishment as you have come to know it. It cannot, and could not, and will not continue as it has. It is not possible. For life to continue here on this Planet, you must all come into this Awakening Process. All across the Planet must come into this Awakening. >>> And that is what the Three Waves of Ascension are all about: it is to allow for this Awakening to happen as more and more people become ready and prepared for it. Each and every one of you that resonate to my words, you have been preparing for it, and as I have said many times, through acclimatising yourselves and your bodies to these powerful incoming Celestial Energies of transformation. >>> And as these Great Waves of Celestial Energies continue to come in, they become more and more forceful. That is what is creating the chaos that is happening across the Planet. As these Energies become stronger and stronger, it is bringing the Awakening to those that have been asleep for so long. >>> And those Dark Ones that have been attempting to hold onto their control are doing everything that they can now more and more to hold on to that control. They are pulling out all the stops, you might say, everything they can, to follow their dark Plan that they have had up till now. But, they can no longer do it, even though they attempt to hold on and attempt to do these various things that have worked for them in the past. Those efforts are no longer working, and cannot work. >>> Your Awakening can no longer be stopped. And you are approaching that Time Period we have been preparing you for so long. In every one of your various meditations, you have been preparing for the Grand Event, the Great Event, THE EVENT, the Solar Flash. You have been preparing for this, so that when it happens, you are ready for it. And then you can indeed turn around and assist those that may not understand what is going on when they see this great flash in the sky. >>> Dates cannot be given at this point. But that does not mean it is not imminent. Just understand that. >>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subscribe: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




Iraqi Dinar; Vietnamese Dong, Zim & Gold! The Golden Era and Global Currency Reset is Happening!


Iraqi Dinar; Vietnamese Dong, Zim & Gold! The Golden Era and Global Currency Reset is Happening!

Message from Saint Germain By Ngari 30.07.2022 ...that the long wait is over.


Message from Saint Germain
By Ngari
Last hour
Dear brothers.
I come to inform you that the long wait is over. Notifications are starting to come out at an accelerated rate.
The new Iraqi government is officially announced today. With victory to the candidate of light. Their currency is being revaluated. And the Dinar changes will be happening starting today.
But not just lunch. VR officially starts today in the 209 sovereign nations that signed Nesara, despite already happening before.
You can celebrate now. They will have ten days to set the appointments. Hopefully that time will be enough, so that quickly between the
I know y'all more than ready And that they will do just fine. The hard work begins now for the humanitarians who are going to develop their projects.
But do not pre-occupy yourselves, for you will be guided. Above all to the right people to assemble their work teams.
And now with money, the doors to the concreteization of their projects.
Wishing everyone a peaceful and safe date. Remember you are never alone.
I Am your brother and friend Saint Germain.
Channeled by Maria Cecilia Ngari.

–Nikola Tesla “The Future of the Wireless Art.” Wireless Telegraphy & Telephony.


“As soon as completed, it will be possible for a business man in New York to dictate instructions, and have them instantly appear in type at his office in London or elsewhere. He will be able to call up, from his desk, and talk to any telephone subscriber on the globe, without any change whatever in the existing equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place. Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large enough to carry conviction. These few indications will be sufficient to show that the wireless art offers greater possibilities than any invention or discovery heretofore made, and if the conditions are favorable, we can expect with certitude that in the next few years wonders will be wrought by its application.”
–Nikola Tesla
“The Future of the Wireless Art.” Wireless Telegraphy & Telephony. By Walter W. Massie & Charles R. Underhill, 1908, pp. 67-71.