With all the constant news about the violence, hatred and division occurring in the world these days, it’s easy to fall into focusing on the dark side of humanity. We can get to thinking that a lot of people out there are doing horrendous things and humanity is finally creating its own extinction. Even within spiritual communities, there often seems to be a focus on what is wrong with humanity, and how we as individuals need to constantly improve ourselves and strive to be more spiritual in one way or another. There’s a belief that we are inherently flawed beings who need to be fixed, healed and perfected so that we can become enlightened or ascend to the Fifth Dimension. And that we need to resolve the karma we created because we did terrible things in former lifetimes. And yes, of course, some humans do really do awful things. Since the beginning of time, people have done horrendously violent things to each other. However, it’s important to remember, first of all, that it really is a small minority of people in the world who do these horrific things. Most ordinary people don’t. And – have we ever really questioned why these people do the terrible things they do? Are they all really inherently evil? And yes, it is important to see where we can all become more awake and aware about ourselves and change what feels important to change. We do need to heal all the traumas we’ve experienced. But is this constant focus on self-improvement and a belief that we’re inherently defective based on what’s actually true? Maybe we can ask the question: Are we still somehow caught in the old religious belief about humanity being born in sin? In general, why is there such a focus on the flaws in humanity? And why is there a sense of inherent shame – either conscious or unconscious – about who we are? Is humanity a race that really is so flawed? Humanity’s Evolution has been Greatly Hindered Think about it: Considering all we humans have been subjected to, it’s actually kind of amazing that so many of us are as sane, kind, compassionate and loving as we are. It’s important to remember all that we have been subjected to: We have been poisoned for many, many years now – our food, our water, our air, our soil, and even our medicines are all saturated with substances that are unhealthy, if not downright poisonous, to our bodies. We have been controlled and lied to by corrupt government authorities, the media and three-letter agencies about any number of things – most recently about a lab-created virus and even more deadly vaccines designed to harm and kill us. We have been manipulated by wealthy elites who own and operate the global financial system. Much of humanity lives in poverty, goes hungry every day, and grows up in broken homes with a lack of love and true nurturing. It’s no surprise that children grow up to be criminals. And if we go far back in history enough – and down the rabbit hole enough – we come to the beginning of humanity’s fall when hostile races came onto the Earth, and, among many other nefarious things: • They were able to create a quarantine around the Earth. This cut humanity off from highly evolved, benevolent galactic Beings who had been visiting Earth, and also prevented humanity from being able to leave. In doing this, what’s been called the “false matrix” was created, a synthetic reality we’ve been trapped in. • They also created a controlled karmic wheel that has kept humanity incarnating over and over again, suffering endlessly. • With powerful ancient AI technology, they were able to insert implants within humanity’s DNA to create weakness, fear, guilt, shame, and self-doubt, and to weaken people’s connection to Source. • They infiltrated all religions and even the New Age spiritual teachings with lies about humanity and reality – insinuating in multiple ways that humanity is inherently weak and imperfect and therefore needs to constantly heal and self-improve. • They created powerful hybrid human families — the “Black Nobility” or the “Shadow Controllers” — inserting much of their own DNA into them. Because of the preponderance of this non-human DNA, these people do not have the innate compassion that humans naturally have, nor the connection to the Source that created humanity. Furthermore, they have been taught that they are the ones who own the Earth and that the rest of humanity is essentially to be managed and controlled. Over time, they have achieved control of our governments and many other important institutions throughout the world. These people compose just a small percentage of people on the planet; and yet, because of their advanced technology, they’ve been able to control humanity for thousands of years. And they know well how to create division and fear through continuous wars and increasing poverty and illness among us. Fortunately, these beings will eventually be forced to leave the planet in one way or another, because they will not be able to ascend into the Fifth Dimension when the Earth makes this shift. But this will take some time yet; and until then, they will continue to wreak havoc and create fear in all ways possible, including continuing to create wars, poverty and illnesses. Humanity Continues on, Despite Everything So, given all this, is it surprising that certain traumatized humans become criminals and steal and traffic drugs and murder people? And that others choose to go to war? Or that hatred streams back and forth between certain groups? And – isn’t it amazing that most of humanity has managed to NOT do any of that? Not only have we survived, we have in many ways continued to evolve and thrive. Despite all the hindrances and out-and-out efforts to keep us in fear and weakness, we still know how to love and laugh and dance and sing and play music, create art, and celebrate each other. Isn’t it amazing that so many of us can still act compassionately, with understanding and appreciation for others? Despite all the restraints and hindrances now being placed on us; despite the dearth of true free speech on the planet; and despite how hard it is becoming to just stay afloat financially – we keep going and going – and continue to wake up to who we are. Isn’t this something to celebrate? Don’t all these things demonstrate just how brilliant a race humanity is, how steadfast, how powerful, how courageous we are? We are Pure Love/Light When we really tune in, we can see that what we are, in essence, is pure Love, divine Light. So, in a way, it’s not surprising that, despite all the hindrances, we are still forging ahead in our evolutionary process into higher consciousness. But maybe it’s time to stop and really appreciate this about ourselves as a race – and to focus on these achievements, rather than what seems to be “wrong” with humanity. Maybe it’s time to step out of any judgment we hold and truly find compassion in our hearts for every human being, understanding why some people may do the things they do that are harsh, selfish and violent. Maybe it’s time to truly celebrate us as a beautiful and wondrous race of Beings that is finally in the process of waking up to our divine essence. And that we may finally soon be able to join our extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters in galactic federations!
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