I am Archangel Michael, and I come to be with you at this time in these moments, in these changing timelines that you are in. Certainly your discussion earlier is proceeding this discourse about timelines, and how you are shifting those timelines, even now within this experience, you have shifted timelines. And there are many, many timelines for what you called earlier, decision points within your life, feed you into new timelines for yourself, new experiences for yourself. You make a decision and you move with that decision into the next timeline, and on and on it goes. And how you make that decision, and the vibrational frequency that you are in, in that moment, determines the timeline that you will find yourself on and the vibrational match that will be there for you. That is how manifestation occurs. You first think about what you want. You intend for what you want. And you focus on that, crystallizing that focus. And then that brings upon feelings about that. And then that leads to a manifestation of what you are creating. And again, it is all about the timeline shifting based on the decisions that you make every moment. That is why we say be in the moment, be in that perfect moment. And in that perfect moment, raise your vibrational frequency and you are ensuing consciousness as well. And that will lead you, vibrationally to a timeline that matches yours. And what you are looking for. You want to buy a car, let’s say, then you first begin to imagine what that car looks like. You begin to feel what it would be like to be in that vehicle. And your intention leads you to wherever the vibrational match is to have that vehicle. Whatever it is, it can be yours, a new home, a new job, a new business. Whatever it is, it is all about matching vibrationally what you are intending and feeling to bring that about. It is all within you, you have the power within yourself to shift a timeline anytime you want. And the more of you that are shifting timelines to match the light and love that is being poured upon this planet, will bring you to a collective timeline of light and love as well. And that is how this is working. That is why we have said many times, you are the way showers, you are the catalyst to bring this light and love to the entire population of this world. Without you, it would not be happening. You would still be mired within the darkness. The darkness of the programming that has been here for thousands of years, but no longer, you are creating the light. You are bringing the love back into this planet. And the darkness is receding everywhere, even though you may not see it as you speak and talk to your various friends and family, could not see as you see, do not hear as you hear. But because you are who you are, with your light and you can think of it as your aura, your aura that has grown tremendously, when you are in that vibrational match of light and love. See, that is how it works. If you are vibrationally matched to light and love in the moment and you come upon somebody who is ready to receive that vibrational match of light and love as well, then they will receive it. And they will begin to move into a new timeline for themselves, and on and on and on is how this works. One influences three, three influences three more each and so on and so on, progressively. So allow, allow in your daily moments, moment to moment, find yourselves more and more in that higher vibrational frequency with your words, with your feelings, with your thoughts, all of this, create vibrational matches everywhere you go. And you will find more and more as you do this. You will find that your vibrational match will be there for you in every given moment. And before long, you will find also that your vibrational frequency will continue to remain high. And the higher and the longer that it remains there, then your consciousness will also continue to increase. And you will find yourself less and less, being drawn back into earlier timelines of programming and of darkness. Be yourself. Be who you came to be. Each and every one of you. Be the power within you that you brought here with you. And only now many of you, beginning to realize that you have that power within you. You have the sword of truth within you to cut all the old programming. Because right there within you, always. Know that, visualize my blue sword of truth, flaming blue sword of truth, always there within your heart, always there to be able to be used to cut the old programming. You can use the violet flame as well, tools that are there for you, tools that we have given you, each and every one of you, to be able to completely and continually move beyond the old programming, move beyond the old timelines that were created by the forces of darkness to hold you to it. But no longer you can cut those ties any time you want, now in every given moment do so. And you will rise to the highest levels within yourself and realize the fullness of the light within you. I am Archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness. And that you continue to not only feel and realize, but know that you are the power of thought.
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