
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Connecting to Galactic Healers with Kenji Kumara


Greetings from Galactic Heart...

We at PAO are happy to finally have a working shopping cart so we can continue to offer our monthly Galactic Activation webinars. This month we have the esteemed Kenji Kumara as our guest. He’s fantastic.

With a new shopping cart comes new processes. Let’s go over how you can automatically receive your personal webinar link email.

You place your order on PAO’s secure shopping cart.

You will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the email.
You will be taken to a form.  Complete the form - name and email. At the top of the email, click on “Show in My Time Zone”. Select your time zone. That will be your start time for the webinar.
Click Register.
You will receive an email with your personal webinar link. Put it in a safe place. 10 minutes before the webinar start time, click on your personal webinar link. Sit back, relax and get Activated.

We hope these instructions are clear. and helpful.

We are happy to report that Paypal is again available as an paying option. 

Thank you for being patient. We appreciate your continued support by attending our monthly webinars. Let's get Activated together!

With Love,


    Welcome to PAO's Galactic Activation Webinar for March

    Kenji Kumara’s spiritual roots extend back to the time when Sheldan Nidle was developing the foundation that would eventually become the PAO. In the early nineties, Kenji, already an aspiring energy healer, attended some of Sheldan’s lectures.

    Recently, we invited Kenji, now a highly sought-after spiritual facilitator to be our guest. He quickly and very graciously accepted.

    A “joyful soul” with a worldwide reputation as a spiritual catalyst and energy healer, Kenji’s current mission is to assist those seeking their Soul’s destiny and true life’s purpose.

    We are honored to welcome Kenji Kumara to PAO. Please join us!

    Subjects to be discussed:
    • Quantum Lightweaving

    Kenji Kumara: Facilitator of Higher Consciousness
    • Letting Go of the Old Matrix

    Making the Transition from 3D to 5D
    • Aligning Chakras & Meridians

    Finding Our Balance
    • The Arcturus Star System's Galactic Healers

    Holding Frequencies Of Spiritual Healing
    • The Great Shift!

    Living on New Earth in Peace, Joy and Divine Harmony

    Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you
    a link to a video recording.

    Sunday, March 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

    Please note: If you are unable to attend on March 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble.  (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

    Seats are Limited... Register Now! Cost: $20.00 U.S.
    To make payment and register:  Click Here

    The Hidden Mystery of Earth’s Fall Into Density

    Source:  Ronna Herman Vezane





    Were called forth and ordained to serve under the direction of the PARADISE SUNS. Within this SUB-UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE OF DUALITY AND POLARITY.

    From the Supreme Creator of the Omniverse, via the Father/Mother Co-creator God of our Sub-Universe, Archangel Metatron radiates forth the full SPECTRUM DIVINE LIGHT called ADAMANTINE PARTICLES throughout this Sub-universe. When the Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universe was planned, it was decreed that Archangel Michael would be the “OverLighting Bearer of our God Father’s Divine Will and Power” as the Guardian and protector of humanity. Archangel Lady Mary would be the “OverLighting Bearer of Divine Love and Compassion” and she was ordained to radiate forth, throughout this Sub-universe, the Light/Love/Life Essence to all Creation via the Sacred Breath of the “Holy Spirit”.

    The Third Ray of the Divine Trinity would be embodied by the PARADISE SUNS, two greatly refracted White Fire God Seed Atoms of Creator Divinity bearing the Divine Blueprint for the Third Ray of the Trinity: Active Intelligence; they would be infused with a burning desire to Create ‘worlds without end’ within the multiple planes of Creator Consciousness.

    For the “Christian Dispensation,” JESHUA was the “Paradise Son for this Sub-Universe and MARY MAGDALENE was the Paradise Daughter.” Down through the Ages, these shining Paradise SUNS have had different names for each SUB-ROOT RACE. However, they are all the same: Facets of the Divine Offspring of our Sub-universal Father/Mother God. They would embody “Christ-Consciousness,” which is a “Diamond Core God Cell” of the Pure Essence of Divinity” or the “Living Light of the Supreme Creator of All.”

    Also, as each new Divine Blueprint is created, at every level of creation within our Sub-universe, the individual assignments are always voluntary. Example: Archangel Lucifer agreed to make a supreme sacrifice and take on the awesome task of "Overseeing the Shadow (negative) vibrations of duality/polarity” throughout this Sub-universal experience within the lower frequency, vibrational patterns of the material planes of consciousness.

    The Archangels, like all the other great Beings of Light sent out "refracted Facets of themselves down through the multi-dimensions.” Our Father/Mother God, the Archangels and the great heavenly host of Beings are experiencing polarity and duality through us. However, they perceive all that is taking place throughout the Universe much differently than we do. They have great compassion for us; however, they do not sense, feel or comprehend the lower multi-dimensional negativity as we do.

    For this Sub-universal experience in duality, Archangel Metatron did not divide his Essence into masculine and feminine Facets. Also, he did not “fragment his Essence below his Ninth-Dimensional “LORD OF LIGHT Aspect.” However, it was necessary to divide his White Fire God Seed Atom Essence into two “complete Facets of Masculine and Feminine Power, virtues, qualities and attributes.” Archangel Metatron was directed to divide his Essence in order to create his twin brother, Archangel Sandalphon, who then became a Seventh-Dimensional Archangel in order to join the Twelve Archangels of our Galaxy.

    Many Ages ago, within our Galaxy, our Solar System and the Earth, human consciousness gradually sank into the lowest sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension, and then the two higher sub-levels of the Third Dimension. Therefore, it was decided by the LORDS OF LIGHT that it was time for extreme measures to be taken.

    As the Earth and humanity sank into the density of negativity and duality, a major portion of the feminine, Divine Mother’s White Fire Memory Seed Atoms of Sacred Love and Compassion was no longer available to humanity; therefore, it had to be withdrawn from her Divine Blueprint Hologram and stored deep within the great Sacred Depositories of Living Light within the Earth. The full allotment of the Divine, Will and Power of the Father God remained intact. Thus began the great disparity within the co-creative process: The dominance of Will and Power over Love and Compassion, and also the diminished self-worth and Divine Sacred Love Power of the Divine Feminine.

    This was a critical component within the “Ascension Process Divine Blueprint” for humanity, the Earth, and the solar system. Before the DIVINE FATHER GOD and DIVINE MOTHER GODDESS could be reunited, they must be returned to their full measure of White Fire Memory Seed Atom Essence within their original Divine Blueprint for the experiment in duality/polarity so that the ascension process for this Sub-universal experience can be completed. Also, this is mandatory so our Solar System may rejoin the Milky Way Galaxy, and this Sub-Universe may continue its reunification with the rest of the Sub-universes within this Universe.

    It was during the astrological Age of Pisces – the Sixth Ray of Divinity that the beloved Yeshua Ben Joseph / Jesus incarnated in a physical body on Earth. He came to Earth to save humanity and the Earth from sinking any further into the negativity and density of the Third Dimension.” He infused the White Fire Memory Seed Atoms of Ascension within the great “crystalline structures,” which were strategically placed deep within the Earth, throughout the world. Yeshua/Jesus brought forth the new “Divine Blueprint for the Ascension of Humanity and the Earth,” which was the preordained resurrection and ascension process for the “Return home to the realms of Light;” after the journey and experiment into the density of duality and polarity had been completed.

    Mary, Mother of Yeshua, and Mary Magdalene also incarnated with a very important Divine Mission: To initiate the reactivation of the SECOND GOD RAY OF THE TRINITY FOR THIS SUB UNIVERSE: THE LOVE AND COMPASSION OF THE DIVINE MOTHER within the Original Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe.

    For the experiment in Duality and Polarity within the Milky Way Galaxy, our Solar System, including our Earth, Sandalphon’s duty was / is to radiate the Half-Spectrum Creator Light called PRIMAL LIFE FORCE SUBSTANCE to the First, Second and Third Dimensions. He also radiates the full Spectrum Light of Creation, the Divine Will / Power of our Sub-universal God Father. However, he brought forth only the Half-Spectrum Light of Love / Wisdom / Holy Spirit Divine Essence of our Mother Goddess. He anchors and radiates this “diminished Divine Light” to humanity and our Host Mother Earth, “Gaia.”

    Archangel Sandalphon is known to be our Intermediary with the Inner Earth and Four-Dimensional levels and sub-Levels of existence within the Earth. He also links humanity and the Inner Earth Mother to the ROD OF DIVINE POWER – The Antakarana Rainbow Bridge to the Fifth- and Sixth-Dimensional Cities of Light. However, during these critical times of chaos and negativity, Sandalphon has been given a “Holy dispensation” to radiate a portion of the reserve Divine Mother’s “Holy Spirit Essence” to the realms of the Inner Earth to help release some of the “extreme internal stress that has developed.” It was also determined that it is vitally important to assist the great Devic and Elemental Kingdoms with the extremely destructive levels of hatred and negativity that have developed within the lower Fourth-Dimensional astral realms of mass consciousness by “unawakened humanity.”

    In addition, Archangel Sandalphon constantly watches over the Earth as he endeavors to overcome the forces of negativity alongside the Archangel Michael. He also radiates the “Upward Spiraling Frequencies of Divine Light from the Inner Earth Aspect of the Divine Mother up into the Earth Plane, with a smaller portion back to her Beloved Consort within the Sixth-Dimensional City of Light. In turn, her Divine Counterpart constantly radiates the highest frequencies of Creator Consciousness, allowable by Universal Law, back to her to assist in the balancing, harmonizing and transmutation of the beloved Earth back into her proper position within the Solar System.

    Like AA Metatron, AA Sandalphon is instrumental in conveying and circulating the “Mighty Forces of Creation” throughout our Sub-Universe and especially upon the Earth Plane during these unprecedented times of evolution and transformation. Along with the mighty forces of Creator Light he conveys, he is also extremely compassionate, kind and extremely gentle, especially with the animal and nature kingdoms.

    This regal, tall, dedicated Angelic Being symbolizes our relationship to both the dense realms of the Earth, the Ethereal Realms / Physical Sky / upper Atmosphere, and also the higher frequencies of Light within the Fifth Dimension. Symbolically, the “Ancient Ones,” especially, the indigenous people of North American, called these realms “Mother Earth and Father Sky.

    As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:

    Barbara O'Neill: "NEVER Mix Honey With These 5 Foods– It Could SLOWLY Kill You!"

    Source:  Healthy Peak

    Planetary Activation Org.

    104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
    United States of America

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