
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Saturday, March 22, 2025

How to Merge with Your True Identity by Lord Melchizedek


Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . 

Past Present and Future are all blending into one singular powerful moment. Many of us are feeling a little disoriented. This is natural as we align with our new Earth - 5D consciousness. This cosmic shift is happening on a global scale. 

Not everyone experiences this shift the same. Some feel a sense of euphoria while others continue to struggle stuck in a loop. The difference lies in how much Light you can hold in your body. The more inner work/shadow work one does, the more Light one can anchor in our bodies. 

Lots of past life reviews surfacing and vivid childhood memories.  Rapid acceleration of time can create a sense of urgency - not enough time. We are learning how to experience time in a new way - not linear. Daily spend time aligning with higher energies.  

Today we are sharing with you one of Kenji's videos. When Miles and his wife were researching information on Kenji to prepare our webinar presentation, they became enamored with him and his mission. He is an Arcturian Contactee with many stories to share with us. 

Enjoy the video introducing Kenji to our PAO family.

Empowering the Next Generation of Starseeds

Welcome to PAO's Galactic Activation Webinar for March

Kenji Kumara’s spiritual roots extend back to the time when Sheldan Nidle was developing the foundation that would eventually become the PAO. In the early nineties, Kenji, already an aspiring energy healer, attended some of Sheldan’s lectures.

Recently, we invited Kenji, now a highly sought-after spiritual facilitator to be our guest. He quickly and very graciously accepted.

A “joyful soul” with a worldwide reputation as a spiritual catalyst and energy healer, Kenji’s current mission is to assist those seeking their Soul’s destiny and true life’s purpose.

We are honored to welcome Kenji Kumara to PAO.  Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:
• Quantum Lightweaving

Kenji Kumara: Facilitator of Higher Consciousness
• Letting Go of the Old Matrix

Making the Transition from 3D to 5D
• Aligning Chakras & Meridians

Finding Our Balance
• The Arcturus Star System's Galactic Healers

Holding Frequencies Of Spiritual Healing
• The Great Shift!

Living on New Earth in Peace, Joy and Divine Harmony

Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you
a link to a video recording.

Sunday, March 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on March 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble.  (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now! Cost: $20.00 U.S.
To make payment and register:  Click Here

How to Merge with Your True Identity by Lord Melchizedek

Source:  Natlaie Glasson - OmNa

It is my purpose, Lord Melchizedek, to awaken your inner remembrance at this time. I am present to stimulate the light within you so that truth may emerge from within your being, entering your conscious mind. You may call upon my presence at any time to work with you, inviting me to awaken your inner remembrance and stimulate the light within you, whether you wish to gain guidance or a deeper understanding concerning a particular matter or simply to enhance your ascension process. It is my purpose at this time to support all in connecting with their inner truth, awakening and realising all that is the Creator within. To assist I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to share information concerning your identity and how with contemplation upon your identity, you can experience greater inner liberation and acceleration of your ascension.

Illusions and Truth of Your Identity

When speaking of your identity, it is often that you percieve your identity to be who you really are, your truth, source or core. There are numerous aspects of your being. Therefore there are numerous aspects of yourself and the Creator for you to identify with. To say that you have only one identity whether physical or spiritual is an illusion. To believe that you extend from an individual energy, planet, star or civilisation is also an illusion. When wishing to comprehend your source, essence, core or truth, it is important to comprehend that you are both constant and every changing, everything and yet also nothing. You are the Creator, and you are formless, infinite and ever present. When you can truly comprehend yourself in this way, not with your mind, with your heart and inner knowingness, you become an embodiment of the truth of the Creator. With embodiment, you live and experience the truth of the Creator in every present moment. This is when your reality becomes effortless, truly enjoyable and breathtakingly beautiful.

The experiences of your current reality, past and future lifetimes, as well as existence on different dimensions, become stories, like scripts of a play in which you have a leading role. Each experience is valuable, beautiful, growth enhancing and inspirational allowing you to explore all that is the Creator. These experiences although they may feel real and a deep part of you at the time, truthfully, they do not resemble your true self, the formless, infinite and every present and yet ever changing self. Each experience becomes a story which describes your journey rather than the source of your being or who you truly are. Many allow their story and journey to become their identity.

It is interesting to contemplate if a lifetime where you were immensely kind, generous and compassionate describes or could be described as your truth? It is my opinion that this lifetime does not describe your true essence, no more than a lifetime when you were immensely spiritual, poor, sick, cruel or unkind. Each experience or story allows you to glimpse an aspect of your inner truth, akin to a mighty jewel within you gradually being revealed.

Your True Identity

Your actions reflect and reveal so much about you. However that which is revealed is not your identity, mostly it is a mixture of your beliefs, experiences, parental programming and so forth. Your true identity may not truly be revealed to you until barriers, limitations and distractions that your thoughts and emotions attach to are released. Your true identity emerges to you as glimmers when you are in stillness, connecting to the Creator, communing with nature, or exploring deep within. It is often that there is a need to move beyond your thoughts, emotions and perceptions of identity, even your spiritual perceptions of your identity to connect with the true essence of your being, your formless, infinite, every present and ever changing aspect of yourself. I share my message with you as I observe many people upon the Earth witnessing their inner self, in doing so many access a glimpse of their true essence, the Creator. The glimpse they receive of their inner Creator is awe inspiring and expansive with so much to contemplate, that they accept this glimpse of the Creator as their whole truth. They accept this glimpse of the Creator as their identity, feeling that they have discovered all they originally desired to recognise about their true self. There is so much of yourself to discover. Therefore it is important to let go of spiritual discoveries, past lifetime realisations, spiritual civilisation connections and so forth, as otherwise, these become your identity. Rather than a story, script or a glimpse of your truth leading you forth to greater true self-awareness, attachments can be formed, and you become stagnant in your growth, believing you have discovered all you need to about your spiritual being and self. Your belief in your discoveries and your acceptance of them as your identity can offer further growth to some extent. However, it also causes you to be blind to or distracted from new inner awakenings, realisations drawing and glimpses emerging.

Letting go or releasing your attachment to the stories, experiences, past, present, future and glimpses of the Creator, encourages you to exist in the flow of the Creator, creating within you an appropriate state of further growth, self-acceptance, discovery and true self-emergence. Cherish and love all that you are, all you have experienced and discovered about yourself, however, remember that your true self is formless, infinite, ever present and ever changing. This way attachments are dissolved, and the truth is constantly emerging from within your being. Therefore, your actions become an expression of your inner truth and Creator self.

Aligning with Your True Identity

Take time to observe your thoughts. In doing so contemplate whether you use your experiences, stories, inner reflections, beliefs and glimpses of the Creator to form your identity? Do you create who you believe yourself to be at a spiritual and physical level through your perceptions of yourself and the world around you? Notice how attached you are to your spiritual discoveries, the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself. It is important to allow your spiritual discoveries to inspire you, to fill your entire being, even for you to embody the energies revealed to you, carrying it forth as an aspect of yourself without believing that it is your new complete identity. If your perception of yourself was to vanish would you feel liberated or lost?

Through contemplation, you can expand your mind, your ability to perceive the Creator within you, while casting aside any blockages or limitations causing stagnant energy within your spiritual growth. There are no further instructions or guidelines for me to share with you because I know that with your contemplation, you will reveal insights that will support you in transforming within, releasing attachments and perspectives that cause stagnant energy within you. Your natural abilities will awaken within you rising to guide and assist you ever more.

You may wish to affirm during meditation or quiet time:

‘I merge my perspective of my identity with the formless, infinite, ever-present vibrations of the Creator.’

As you repeat the affirmation silently within, imagine thin threads of multi-coloured light flowing and twisting together, entering through your crown chakra at the top of your head, moving through each chakra and into the Earth. The energy you experience is directly from the Creator, it holds the Creator’s qualities of formlessness, infinity, being present and ever changing. You can imagine these sacred threads of light akin to the light DNA of the Creator, penetrating and merging with your being while awakening the same within you. This affirmation, visualisation and inner knowingness can be practised as often as you wish to support your deeper connection with and expression of the Creator.

In discovering your inner essence and truth, perceptions of your identity will naturally fall away revealing the truth of the Creator within you.

I honour the divine within you,

I am present to serve the Creator within you,

Lord Melchizedek

"Is Humanity Ready For The EVENT?" | Orxa - The Vega Collective

Source:  GFL Station

Beacons of Light, March 2025: The Day the Earth Stood Still

Source:  Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, I am the Scientist of the Heart and I welcome you this day with good news. As you can see, your world and humanity as a whole are changing rapidly now. Many are concerned as they see the negative side of this shift. Long term, humanity is experiencing a rapid state of evolution, similar to the rapid evolution of technology on your planet.

In a time of great transformation, it is easy to focus on the challenges, divisions, and uncertainties that surround all humans right now. But beneath the surface of these events, something extraordinary is unfolding. A global awakening is underway. It is a shift in consciousness, a new beginning. As conscious creators we ask you to expect a miracle. Do so without attaching yourself to an outcome, just expect the miracle.

We have spoken of the inner core of Earth that spins at a different rate than the surface. This is true of many Earth-like planets in the cosmos. Besides the many effects it has on the rotation of Earth, this difference in rotation produces a charge similar to magnetism in the Universal Energy. This rotational difference is one of the reasons that scientists have had to add "leap seconds" to the atomic clock 27 times since its creation in 1972.

A new leap second will be needed in the next year or two, due to the change of which we speak today. New technologies will soon replace the atomic clock. These changes may seem infinitesimal to most, but they impact the Universal Energy which is felt by all beings on your planet.

That charge in the Universal Energy is felt by humans and often strikes at the emotional centers of humans, mostly as fear and anxiety. These emotions can easily be turned into anger, at which point humans can be influenced and even controlled.

There are times when the core has moved faster than the surface, while at other times it has moved slower. For the last 15 years it has been slowing with occasional bursts of speeding up. It stopped rotating relative to the Earth’s surface in 2009, which slowly introduced an increasing relative anxiety among Earth’s inhabitants. This change planted seeds of discontent.

Right now the rotation is almost at a standstill, which means it is rotating at the same pace as the surface of the planet.One might think this would produce a state of calm, but any change in the Universal Energy is first felt as an afront. There are many galactic beings sending energy to help it start in the opposite direction. But that will take some years before they’ll know if they have been successful. In the meantime, there is a unique opportunity for humans to be a part of this shift.

The Age of Empowerment Begins Now

Many Lightworkers on Earth know the reason they are here. Many more do not know exactly why they have chosen to incarnate at this time. We have even spoken about those of you who are here from 300 years in the future. Yes, you are right on time. You all have a unique opportunity to choose unity over separation during these times, and to set an energy that will remain long after you leave this Earth. It is a potential to create a new direction for all of humanity.

As we mentioned, this does not happen quickly. Do not be discouraged if you do not see results reflected in the world immediately. You will start to see an effect in your personal life as you align with the Universal Energy. It will magnetize you to attract and receive. You carry seeds of love and love does not exist in separation. Do what you can to release thoughts of separation or of taking sides on anything.

Sit on the fence and observe the world as it flows by, for this will place you in a state of joy. When you hold these thoughts and clear your energy, your field harmonizes with the Universal Energy field. This is what plants the seeds of love on your path. Then you have only to walk forward and reap the harvest you have planted. The Universal energy is based in threes, so wherever possible repeat things three times. This takes you out of duality and into the triality of the fifth dimension. There are steps you can take to clear your energy field to have the most effect.

When possible, do this exercise for short periods of at least three minutes, three times a day.

1. Take three deep breaths, release expectations and center your energy with the exhale. This is a time for you.

2. While keeping your head level and your eyes open or closed, raise your eyes to a 45-degree angle upward as if you were looking up. You will feel your thoughts calm.

3. Imagine stepping out of the main flow of life and sit on the fence, as you become an observer unattached to the outcome.

4. If events or people come to mind look for ways you are alike rather than the way you different. Don’t try to solve anything.

5. Make a conscious decision to release limiting beliefs and just be.

6. Take three deep breaths and release them slowly, while you envision planting seeds of love on your own path to find later.

7. Anchor it in by giving thanks to all that is.

It is Time - Choose Love

Yes, the world is changing, and change can be uncomfortable. But remember this: You are here at this time for a reason. You carry within you the seeds of empowerment, wisdom, love, and resilience. The storms humans face today are not the end of the story; they are the birth pains of a new era, one that each of you have the power to shape. It is why you are here now.

Now, more than ever, it is time to rise above fear and choose love. You can see beyond the illusion of separation and recognize the unity that connects everything, including your connection to us. Every act of kindness, every moment of compassion, and each choice made from the heart sends ripples into the collective consciousness and aligns you to the Universal Energy. This is what plants the seeds of love that will guide humanity toward a loving future.

Hold onto hope. It is not a passive wish, but a force of creation. You are not alone. Together, Lightworkers are building something new, something beautiful. Trust in the process, trust in yourself, and trust that love will always prevail. Light always fills the darkness.

In these times of rapid change, uncertainty, and transformation, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. But know that humanity is not falling apart; it is breaking through. The challenges you face today are not signs of failure but signs of evolution.

You are witnessing the birth pains of a new world, one where compassion, unity, and higher consciousness will prevail. Though the old systems may seem to crumble, it is only to make way for something greater, something built on love rather than fear, on cooperation rather than division.

You are part of a global awakening, a shift in awareness that is guiding humanity toward a brighter future. Each act of kindness, each moment of courage, and each choice made from love contributes to the healing of your planet.

Hold faith in the light within you. No darkness can withstand the power of a heart filled with love. Keep moving forward, knowing that together you are shaping a world where all beings can thrive and live in love. It is with the greatest honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play well together. I am the Scientist of the Heart and I love you.

Espavo. Thank you for taking your power.

Copyright 2000 – 2025

This information is meant to circulate and may be freely disseminated, in whole or in part. Please credit:

Thanks for helping to spread the Light!

Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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