If you’re like most people on the fast track into 5D at this point, you’re probably feeling major unsettling shifts and losses occurring within you and your life. And you’re maybe experiencing a great deal of discomfort, disorientation and fear with them – feeling lost, not sure what’s happening to you. Perhaps you’ve experienced this sensation at other times in your life when change has happened. But now if feels different. Change is happening much more quickly, and much more dramatically. There’s a whole lot more unknown involved, and the demand to simply trust the process can be overwhelming. It can be helpful to remember that these are times now in which profound changes need to be occurring in your ascension process, because you are in the process of literally losing an identity you’ve lived with all your life. You’re not just experiencing certain shifts and losses like before — you’re in the process of losing your whole sense of “self”, that experience of “me-ness” that you’ve always lived with. And you are rebirthing into another sense of self that is going to prove to be so different, so expanded, and so unlike what you’ve ever been imagining — it’s no surprise if you are feeling disoriented, fearful or vulnerable.
Not Everyone is Going through these Same ChangesIt can be all the more confusing if you’re noticing that there are people around you who don’t seem to be going through the same kind of changes you are. If so, these people are probably not on the same timeline with you. They are likely not able, like you, to access and be affected by the same high frequency waves hitting the planet at this time that are here to assist those who are ready to make the transition into 5D. It can be difficult to go through this transformational process alone. But what you’re now being called do is to just allow it all to happen in whatever way it is. All that is falling away at this point is what you can’t take with you where you’re going. You need to trust that whatever is essential for you will still be with you.
Shifting into your New Identity in theSmoothest WayOne way to assist you through this rapid transformative process is to become very aware of the identity you’ve had most of your life – essentially as a body with a mind and emotions. And then, once you began your conscious spiritual journey, you’ve also known yourself to be someone with a spiritual aspect, as well. This has likely felt like a very full and complex sense of identity, especially when adding in the auric field around you and the “Higher Self” you maybe experience with you. And then, on top of that, you’ve also had a number of shifting, temporary identities that have also occurred within this general sense of “you”, as you’ve lived your life since childhood. This is especially so when you consider your relationships. Maybe you’ve had an identity as a parent, child or partner, or as a work colleague or a sibling. You’ve probably had several different identities as a friend, depending on who the friend has been. In addition, maybe you’ve also developed a strong identity around what you DO. You’ve put a lot of effort into creating, developing, refining, and expanding your identity with your work or your spiritual mission, whatever you see this as. There is nothing wrong with creating all these identities – or in continuing to see yourself as one major identity who shifts in and out of these temporary ones. This is all part of the journey we make on this planet. And, if you’ve managed to create a comfortable identity as someone with a spiritual mission, that’s likely given you a sense of purpose and meaning. It’s probably helped you through rough patches of challenge in other parts of your life.
Next Step in the Ascension JourneyHowever, what needs to happen now is the next step in your ascension journey. This is realizing that this identity you have created – as complex and spiritually-oriented as it may be – is still not actually who you are in the deepest sense. Or, at most, it’s a very small part of who you are. And it’s also been an identity that has been conditioned by frequencies created by hijacking, controlling forces that have operated on a hostile alien frequency for thousands of years that have distorted and hindered your knowing of who you really are.
The Larger Identity You’ve Been Locked out ofSo what is this larger identity you’ve been locked out of all these years? Click on link to continue or comment: Breaking Free of Your Limited 3D Self Identity | Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
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