"DNA Frequency And Reality"

DNA is frequency and light.
Consciousness is a frequency.
You are in a holographic world and reality.
YOUR vibration ALONE creates your reality.
There is nothing solid.
YOUR DNA shifts through frequency.
Your beliefs are the number one frequency that programs your DNA.
Not the physical external world UNLESS You believe that. Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings create your reality as they are a frequency.
The HIGHER shifts in DNA take place through the frequency of the heart.
When the physical body dies the eternal light body continues on. AS WHAT YOU ARE is light, not what you believe the physical body to be.
DNA is a frequency tool that vibrates and sends out signals EVERYWHERE as there is no distance or time. This is NOT dependent on your beliefs. This is how the UNIVERSE operates.
When the vibrations in your DNA shift ~ so also your thoughts and mental patterns and heart awareness.
The dimensions are not places to go on a plane and fly to.
They are LEVELS OF FREQUENCY that you attune to or NOT. They still exist NOW.
When you live only through your heart you are living through the only one true portal that access ALL DIMENSIONS and frequency realities.
IT is this space I enter parallel worlds and other universes, CONSCIOUSLY.
IT is the currency of eternity ~ the attunement of vibrational frequency to it. The limitless state is accessed through the heart.
It is here and in this limitless multidimensional frequency of the heart that you ONLY EXPERIENCE your DIVINE ascension.
TO be divine on EARTH ~ You live as the eternal SELF HERE AND NOW.
SINCE there is no distance or time it is ALWAYS accessible, ALL levels and all dimensions.
THIS IS the shift, this is the heart, this is now and this is Love.
Creator and Author.
Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..
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