| Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for October |
Many voices predict that this month, October, is to be a watershed – a turning point – that will usher in the longed-for change that transforms our world. We are citizens of the world, but we are also cosmic citizens. Planetary change is inevitable. The Light is in the final stages of its war against the dark. And the universe is with us in our struggle for freedom. Into this upheaval, Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return. They bring Laarkmaa, those eminent Beings from the Pleiades, who will tell us how the Light is winning. The peace and constancy of their presence, always instructive, always reassuring, will help us to re-assess our roles and re-align our resolve for the coming showdown. |
What an opportunity – to shake off our fears and melt into the revitalizing embrace of entities who feel with us in these difficult times, and wish to guide us to the higher destiny for which we were meant. Together, we can beam a brighter Light into the universe. Please join us.Subjects to be discussed:• Pia and Cullen Update Us on Their Mission’s Current Focus • How is the Light Winning the War Against the Dark? • Separating the Awakened from the Unawakened • Re-evaluating Our Personal Missions • How are Frequency Upgrades Affecting us? • Laarkmaa will outline Humanity's Current Situation and What Lies in Store for Our Future |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Sunday, October 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday October 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
FIRST IT WAS RUSSIA ~ NOW JAPAN ~ THE APPEARANCE OF "PILLARS OF LIGHT" IN THE WORLD CONTINUES.Source: Darryl Anka - Bashar (Facebook) Bashar previously explained that the vertical, non-branching structure of palm trees symbolize abundance: they require no sideways expansion as a support for reaching the heavens. In much the same way, I see the vertical light of these crafts to be conveying a message of synchronicity, of precise timing becoming apparent, of cutting through challenges decisively towards swift progress. I feel it's an invitation to us to embody that frequency. What do you think? |
We are One, you all know that, and yet for most of you that statement makes no sense as you perceive a world with billions of individual people, yourselves included, each seeking recognition and love separately and for themselves only. But seekers only find distractions. Those distractions can be quite fascinating, bringing new knowledge and information of value, sometimes of great seeming value – perhaps even a momentary awakening of sorts to be investigated later – to the seeker, but they remain distractions. Seeking needs to cease so that you can quieten your minds, your intellects, your curiosity, and just BE! Eventually seeking will lead you to the awareness of your need to just be, but that awareness is available now, so avail of it now, and take a break right now, and BE! To just be is the reason many of you chose to be incarnate as humans in form at this moment in humanity’s collective awakening process. That is a most wonderful choice you made, and you can have really no idea, while you are present in human form, what a powerful impetus your just being is having on your collective awakening process. You, just being, is an absolutely essential aspect of the process, so totally let go of any sense you may have that would suggest to you that you are doing nothing, that you are a ‘waste of space.’ Nothing could be further from the truth! You are here on Earth now because your presence is required here now, as you knew would be the case when you made your courageous choice to incarnate to assist most greatly in the process, and you are greatly honored here in the non-physical realms for doing so. Also, on Earth, there are many with whom you have interacted, often without any real awareness of the interaction because it was very brief or seemed to be of no consequence, who have been greatly uplifted by those interactions; and now you are still continuing to interact quietly and unobtrusively and most powerfully with many more. This is the work you incarnated to participate in. The work you are engaging in just by being is magnificent. Please honor yourselves, because doing so further increases the effectiveness of your present earthly presence. To accept and honor yourselves is extremely important, because until you do honor yourselves fully and completely you will be unable to truly honor others. There will always be a sense of judgment of them within you, even if you override it and keep it quietly to yourselves – they are better and more important than me, or the opposite. Truly judgment is endemic within humanity, and a major aspect of your collective awakening is to let go of it and engage only with your own true nature, and to engage with that identical nature in others – LOVE – which each one of you is continuously expressing in your own beautiful, magnificent, and utterly unique manner. The only manner in which you can express it. Being is your purpose. Yes, you have to earn a living, and doing that is fine, but it can become all consuming for any number of reasons, leading you to forget that basic fact. And of course what you do to earn your living can be enormously helpful to others. Nevertheless, it is essential that when you do remember that you have a spiritual purpose that you honor it, and allow yourselves time daily to be quiet and feel your divine connection, and then give thanks for the deep inner knowing that arises as a result. |
No one can fail as a human. I will repeat that: NO ONE CAN FAIL AS A HUMAN. Why? Because you are not humans, you are the most dearly beloved children of God having a very temporary and unreal experience severely limited by the form in which you have enclosed yourselves. When that experience comes to an end you lay down your bodies, in what you call ‘death,’ thought of by many as a total termination of life, and, amazingly, find yourselves once more in the infinitely loving embrace of Mother/Father/God, a joy-filled and eternal embrace. There is only the One, the Unity that is God, and yet there is also the individual expression of that divine state, your individual expression of it. You have free will, a truly God-given gift, so it is possible that you might choose yet again to experience the limitations of form, if you felt the need to learn a new lesson about that state, or to assist others who you could see were calling for help, knowing that to do so will once again temporarily erase your memories of your divine and eternal nature. While in form that knowledge of your Oneness is once again temporarily lost, and that can be a terrifying experience as you come to believe, as many do, that being human, as you most obviously are, is without doubt a terminal event. Consequently, and very often,you seek a sense of safety and permanence in a variety of relationships with others – family, friends, occupation, hobbies, sporting activities – to distract yourselves from your awareness of death. As you are reading this message which I am offering solely to remind you yet again that you are all eternal divine beings, never for a moment separated from Mother/Father/God, from your state of Oneness, I would ask you to remind yourselves regularly throughout the day, especially if you find yourselves in situations that stress you and demand your full and instant attention, and thus become consciously aware, allowing yourselves to momentarily step back in that moment and yet again remind yourselves of your true nature. Then pay attention while holding and delivering on your intent to be only loving as you deal with the situation. It is imperative that you permit yourselves to accept the truth that you are, each and everyone of you, perfect divine beings. As humans, much of the time that does not appear to be the case, especially when you cannot avoid being fully aware of the pain and suffering that so many are undergoing and having to deal with. Only a person who sees him or herself as bereft of love, unloved, shamed, attacked and wounded, mentally, emotionally, or physically, will attempt to attack or injure someone else. In truth an attack is, as it says in that wonderful book “A Course in Miracles,” a call for love. So if you feel under attack do not defend yourself by attacking – unless it truly is physically necessary to protect yourself from imminent harm – but step back momentarily into your own inner calmness and reset your intent to be only loving. You do not have to say or do anything loving, just being calm will dissolve much of the unloving energy directed at you, and then you can talk gently and find out what is so upsetting for the other. Frequently that other is coming from a place of intense fear, and your calmness and lack of an unloving reaction may well allow the other’s fear to reduce significantly, permitting a conversation to occur that may well resolve the issue. Again, just be, and listen. To listen to another is a very loving response, and everyone needs to be heard. In the busy and fast paced world of today it is even more important, and yet often very difficult to find the time and energy to do so. Therefore make it an aspect of your daily practice to just be, and to listen to loved ones, family members, work associates, whoever needs someone to honor them by seeing and hearing them, just as you do yourselves from time to time. This is why you need loving communities to support one another, and when you gather together in that fashion to do this and support one another, you are massively supported by your counselors in the non-physical realms. It is good to open a communal gathering by most positively inviting your spiritual support teams or specific non-physical entities with whom you feel a personal connection to join with you. Doing so intensifies the Presence of Peace as you create a safe space in which people can disclose their personal fears or anxieties knowing that those present are completely and lovingly accepting of them. Be! Be Love! And lovingly support all with whom you interact each day. With so very much love, Saul. |
ETs: Trouble Entering Human Bodies with Dr. Linda BackmanSource: Regina Meredith Dr. Linda Backman is a protegee, and was a co-teacher with Michael Newton of Destiny of Souls fame. She began seeing a noticeable shift in the people coming in for regression about 15 years ago, increasing to this day. More than 50-60% of the people being regressed discovered themselves in lives that were not on this planet. So why the increase in ET and inter-dimensional souls incarnating as humans? And, what are the challenges for these souls who have had few if any lives on earth before? Some of these traits may seem familiar to you and we need to begin understanding that the nature of the New Human is changing. Enjoy! Note: I have only listened to 10 minutes of this video so far. I find the subject interesting. I will listen more later today. |
Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Michael. I come forth with the Angelic vibrations and beings to serve you, to surround you and encapsulate you in Angelic Love. We are here to support your Ascension at this time, to encourage you to explore deep within your being and to allow yourself to access your Ascension from the truth of your being. Today, we wish to speak of the link between your birth into the earthly reality and your Ascension process. Your birth was created by you, your mother, and the Creator, as well as your soul. It was a co-creation. There may have been other people's souls involved in this co-creation, but everything was planned. The way that you existed within the womb and the way that you were born, as well as all the experiences that occurred directly after being born were all planned by you. However, what was not planned is the emotional reaction and the beliefs that you created while being in the womb, during the birthing process, and after the birth. You created a scenario that you believed would support certain emotional reactions and beliefs that would then coincide and be compatible to assist you and lead you forth along your Ascension process. An example of this could be that you had a very difficult birth and yet, once you were held in your mother's arms, you felt such deep love, this love filled you and you carried it forward as a belief into your reality. Ascension might not have been for you about learning how to love yourself, you would have had different issues to overcome. Another example could be that you had the most blissful birthing experience and yet when you arrived, you simply felt like you did not want to be in the earthly reality. Thus, you created beliefs of rejecting people, of rejecting your surroundings, maybe even rejecting yourself and your body. All these beliefs, create circumstances and scenarios in your childhood, and adulthood, and these would become your ascension process, the lessons and the energies to unravel, to heal, to discover, and to overcome. We can begin to recognise that, it's not so much the circumstances of being in the womb, of the birthing process and afterwards, it is how we react that impacts our reality. As souls before you enter the Earth, you have no way of understanding how you will react, however, the scenarios and the experiences that you set up for yourself, allow you to begin your progression along your Ascension pathway. There is a need to understand that many of you will not remember your birth. You may not have anyone to ask about your birth and even if you do have someone to ask about your birth, remember that what you will hear will be their interpretation of it, their emotional reactions, and set of beliefs that was created at that time. It actually has no indication of what you were experiencing. There is only one thing that can be achieved which is to go back into the womb and to allow and guide yourself through the process of being born. Rather than trying to understand what you experienced as physical scenarios, what you will be guided to recognise and understand is more, the vibration that you feel in your body. The emotions and thoughts that come into your awareness. You will not need to know how you were born, what happened, who was there, what your mother said or didn't say. None of that is needed for you to achieve this process. |
What is needed is a willingness to go back consciously and energetically to the womb to understand what you personally were experiencing, the energy vibrations, emotions, and the beliefs that were created then and during the birth process. Then there will be a need to recognise whether these energies, emotions, or thoughts still remain in your reality. Whether you see them as patterns in your reality now, and what these emotions, thoughts and patterns could indicate to you about your Ascension process. Being in the womb was the start of your Ascension process and so there is a message. There's something there for you to acknowledge, maybe to heal and transform, or to simply be aware that a pattern remains in your reality, or that you have already overcome that pattern. If you discover that you felt rejected, it might be that your Ascension process is actually to connect with yourself, to connect with everyone around you and everything to feel the oneness of the Creator. If all you experienced was pain and discomfort, your Ascension process may be about allowing yourself to feel comfortable, to support yourself, to look after yourself, and to care for yourself. If you experience complete and absolute love, like a love bath, maybe there is a need in your Ascension process to grow that love, to realise how expansive that love can be and how much you can share it with others. You will be able to understand the unique message and link to your Ascension because it is unique to you. As you heal your birth experience you heal your foundations, allowing a release of energies that simply keep bombarding you, or are present within your reality that you simply are unable to shift. I wish to offer to you step-by-step guidelines to achieve this process, which you can achieve in your own time. I do not wish for you to expect too much but simply to be aware of the subtle energies and messages. First, allow yourself to gain a meditative state, focus upon your breathing, close your eyes, and relax your body. Call forth your guides to surround you, and ask them and your soul to transport you, if it is appropriate, back to the womb of your current reality. Allow yourself to breathe deeply, you can, if you wish, imagine that you are in the womb of your mother, or you can simply breathe deeply and allow yourself to be aware of any energies, emotions or thoughts that come to your awareness. When you are ready, you can ask your guides and your soul to support you in energetically experiencing the birthing process that you experienced, allowing you to enter into this physical reality. Be aware of any emotions, energies or thoughts that come to your awareness. When you are ready, invite your guides and your soul to allow you to experience what it was like after your birth, those first few minutes or hours or days after your birth. Take some time to acknowledge and understand any insights, thoughts, emotions or energies that you became aware of. Think through to your current reality, your lifetime, and recognise if these energies still remain in your reality. Recognise, acknowledge or ask how these energies, your reactions, emotions and thoughts are linked to your Ascension process, your mission, your purpose in your Ascension journey. When you feel ready, you may go back to where is needed, whether it's in the womb, whether it's the birthing process or afterwards, recognise what needs to be acknowledged. What illusions are you holding on to, what you are not allowing yourself to see, what truth is present that you are ignoring. Invite your guide, your soul to bring forth what is needed, the energies, the healing so that you may transform this process, and experience. Watch as the transformation filters into your current reality. When you feel ready, invite yourself to remember, what do you need to focus on now in your current reality and your Ascension process after understanding more about your birthing process into the Earth? If you find this process challenging, you may wish to try it again another time. Sometimes even the approach of a meditation allows for an opening and when you return, you are able to go deeper. There is so much to discover, so much to heal, and as we said everything was planned. Your emotions, your thoughts, and the beliefs created were not, they are unique to you, and you can transform their influence and foundation in your reality now. When you feel the process is complete, you can simply allow yourself to acknowledge the floor and the ground beneath you. Grounding yourself back into the world and your reality. We hope that this serves you in gaining more clarity in your own Ascension process and bringing healing where it is needed. We thank you; we love you. I am Archangel Michael |
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