~ A message from Saint Germain ~
Via Car 21. November 2022
My dearest friend.
It is my immense pleasure to announce to you all the decisive victory of the attraction of light. The movie has ended. The grains are being removed from the ground.
Your workplace can no longer take away your delusional sleep. Lies and deception have no escape from reality.
Everything is going according to plan. And the remaining few that need to be arrested have nowhere to hide.
As stated in the previous post, the storm has begun and quietly continues. I don't want to warn my enemies.
Plus they all sign agreements of secrecy. They are not able to speak.
I know many are eagerly waiting, but this is a matter of safety.
The death of Pope Francis is about to be announced. And just like that the dominoes fall. It concerns the collapse of the Vatican and the Catholics.
Again all religions are in doubt and will collapse one way or another. One by one Only universal spirituality remains.
The official announcement of NESARA/GESARA is coming soon. And it will be the first frame of the new golden age of peace, love and prosperity for all citizens of the earth.
Lower vibrations will definitely leave that part of the universe. 5D Higher Vibration is held by all those who decided to stay, at the soul level, to build a new earth.
Come join the wave of love! Now we can celebrate the victory of light!
I am your brother Saint Germain who loves you unconditionally.

Via. Not even a single one.
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