| The Best Of PAO's Webinars, Number 11In this trio from our series, The Best of Sheldan’s Webinars, you will see how prophetic he was in outlining our glittering galactic future. Especially now, as the darkness of the world’s corruption is being brought into the Light, we can see the truth of the Galactic Federation’s predictions for our well-being, abundance and prosperity, and how those revelations will culminate in full consciousness. |
For a limited time, PAO is offering three of our best-ever Webinar archives. To buy three single Webinar archives you would normally pay $41.85 Now receive this bundle of 3 Webinars for $24.95 – save 40%!This bundle includes:▪ Webinar 80: Preparing Ourselves for a New Reality ▪ Webinar 61: Merging Science Into Spirituality ▪ Webinar 57: GAIA
To order your Best Of Webinars, Number 11: Click Here |
We are, to put it human terms, working over time here in the spiritual realms as the human collective continues to move rapidly toward the grand and momentous event – your collective awakening! It truly is very, very close! Yes, we have for many years now been telling you that your awakening is close, that it will happen soon, and that was true. But time, as you experience it in the unreal environment of pure materialism, is variable, it is not a constant one directional flow, as it appears to you, and therefore it makes it difficult for us to address it in a way that makes sense to you. Having made that clarification, I will say again “Your moment of awakening is very close.” Remember there is only now, and you can experience now, as many of you have, by going into a deep meditative state. Be of good cheer, be uplifted by these loving forecasts, and gladden the hearts of those with whom you interact by your utterly loving and uplifting presence. You do not need to say anything or engage them in discussion, just BE, and they will feel your beautiful energy field enveloping them with a sense of increased power, and they will therefore experience a personal sense of awareness of their own beautiful and powerful energy fields. Just Being is the reason for your present incarnation, now, today. There are no accidents. It seems to you that accidents are frequent occurrences, and you are required and/or encouraged to invest in insurance policies that will protect your items of value in case one happens to you. However all ‘accidents’ have a spiritual purpose which is normally not apparent in the moment that it occurs, but which may be recognized at a later date. And there are always lessons to be learned when they occur which often leads to changes in legislation in order to reduce or eliminate the possibility of them recurring. Not one of you is on Earth by accident. Unplanned pregnancies are not accidents, nor are motor accidents, severe illnesses, or the seemingly untimely deaths of loved ones, and nor are the various ways that people choose to deal with them. Every event has a divine purpose, it provides an opportunity for learning, although often the lesson being offered is not recognized until some time later, or not at all. Nevertheless, they always bring healing to those affected by them. Remember: You are never alone! Loneliness, separation, and any sense of not having someone with whom to share your joys or your worries are just an aspect of the illusion, dream, or game of separation in which you have chosen to take part. You can, and should, always call on and open yourselves to receive loving guidance from your individual support teams in the non-physical realms. We are watching over you in every moment, awaiting your call for guidance and loving encouragement in whatever you are dealing with, as you journey toward the awakening that you so willingly and courageously chose to participate in by incarnating, in order to assist all your brothers and sisters on their paths home to Reality. |
As many of you are very well aware, all across the world many loving ones are right now joining together in communities to support each other, and from which they are constantly offering invitations to others to join them and enjoy the unconditional acceptance that is a major aspect of these groups. This is truly a magnificent and heartwarming sign of the awakening process in action. If any of you are feeling lost and alone, then please do ask us for help in seeking out a loving community that you can join. And know that each one of you always have your own unique and individual gifts to offer to any group that you choose to join, because you are each, without any exceptions, brilliant expressions of the One. Please let go of any sense of worthlessness or unworthiness that are undermining your trust in yourselves, because you are each divine beings, and those deeply buried negative beliefs about yourselves are completely and utterly invalid. I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is for you to relax daily into your holy inner sanctuaries, and while there set the intent to let go of any and all feelings or beliefs you may have that indicate to you that you are, in any manner, unworthy. You are pure divine beings, and any sense you may have that you are unlovable or unworthy of the love of other humans or of Mother/Father/God are insane. God created you in Love, so how could you possibly be unworthy or unlovable! However, most of you were frequently shamed in infancy and childhood over meaningless errors you made. It is an aspect of nearly every culture, race, and ethnicity, and the intent of those shaming you was loving, they were attempting to teach you to fit into the culture into which you had been born, just as had happened to them. You know intellectually that those feelings or beliefs are invalid, but they were so deeply ingrained during those early years that you learned to obey and comply in order to receive the loving care that you needed at that age in order to survive. When it was withheld it was not only extremely painful, it was terrifying. Separation was most powerfully demonstrated to you, and you naturally had to bury the trauma it caused you in essential self-defense. To awaken is to become fully and completely aware of your inseparability from your Source, and to know yourselves as Love incarnate. By doing just that, by just being, you enormously assist all with whom you interact in any way at all in remembering that they too are One with Source in every moment of their existence, as your loving energy envelops them and brings even a momentary awareness to them of their eternal and God-given complete and unconditional acceptability. There is not, and never has been a sentient creation of God’s that is in even the most infinitesimal manner unworthy of Love, because you are all created from Love, and therefore you are LOVE. That can never change, and your task as a human is to remember that, and awaken from the dream into Reality, your eternal Home, where you are at every moment in the Presence of God, the only ‘place’ that exists. Your loving brother, Jesus. |
We have realized that we have a hidden aspect of our consciousness. We call this our subconscious mind, but it is much more than a mind, and it is vast. It has access to every experience we’ve ever had in every lifetime everywhere in the cosmos. Through our intuition, we have access to all of this and much more. By recognizing the qualities of the energies that we intuitively sense, we can align ourselves with the feelings they stimulate in us. This prompts the subconscious aspect of our consciousness to resonate with us, and give us the bodies that we have and our experiences. We have been limited by our beliefs about the limits of our conscious mind, but we are more than our conscious mind. We realize that our consciousness includes our subconscious, but it is not accessible for our ego-consciousness. These divisions of our conscious self are held by us as our limiting beliefs. In our true Self, we do not need limitations. Only our beliefs about ourselves keep them in place. We have made them real for ourselves in order to play the human show in all of its convincing scenarios, but we are more than this. To begin to realize our true Being, we can choose to bring ourselves into the energy spectrum of the heart of our Being, the Source of our conscious life force. It is completely life-enhancing. It is the expression of unconditional love, which the ego-consciousness does not know. It is our intuition, which is also part of our consciousness, and it is our infinite presence of awareness. Consciousness is universal. It is everywhere and in everything. We are part of it, and in our true Self, we have access to all of it, because we are the creators and modulators of energetic patterns. This is what we do. It is our nature. By our state of being, we are constantly creating in every moment by our alignment with energetic patterns through our attention and perspective. We are constantly contributing to the expansion of universal consciousness. We just haven’t realized that we leave our mark everywhere and always. We have allowed ourselves to be captured into a trance that encloses our awareness. We’re still the creators, but weakly so, because we have been convinced to believe that the world of our human trance is all there is. Anything beyond is imaginary, and realizing its reality is beyond our belief. By using our imagination, we can align with our intuition beyond the mental realm. It is the realm of knowing and is unlimited. It can carry our awareness beyond time and space, into the quantum field. By shedding the beliefs in compartments in our awareness, we gain access to awareness of the expanse of consciousness and everything it contains and creates. We can know the awareness of all aware beings. |
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