Raising Frequency and enhancing the Bio-Energetic Field of our body is the threshold to Higher Dimension experiences.
Jacobs Ladder.
Becoming eternal peace.
Breathing into unlimited oneness.
Stillness is.
The power of each chakra / energy center,
connected intentionally downwards to the
central Crystalline grid of earth / Gaia,
along each Energy center, and our spine,
upwards to the
sun and solar system,
can be channeled from our bottom / root chakra to the top into the brain - Third Eye. / Pineal Gland.
Setting intentions -
entering the pineal gland area and leaving our physical body beyond our 8th chakra,
The Stella Gateway.
Emitting a vertical beam of that high vibrational energy.
The compression of the accelerated energy becomes like a „super flashlight“ when it gets connected to the heart center energy -
when you channel it through the heart
outwards / horizontal
- and finally connect and increase the
double torus of our body -
the heart center is the bridge.

... to the very edge of existence
... the Universe / the divine will recognize you
We are Sender and receiver
We are alpha and omega
Love , peace, joy, gratitude
Balance yin and yang/ masculine and feminine/
are the ingredients of this alchemy’s transformational state.
Entering stillness -
the field of all possibilities-
Creation is beyond matter -
it’s energy.
Equilibrium is stillness- the zero point where all power springs from nothingness to ultimate energy.
Love is the most powerful force in the universe.
Love Starts in the heart.
No other option.
Creator and Author.

Mike Harrigan.
I Am.
You Are.
We Are.
Global Consciousness..

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