Many voices predict that this month, October, is to be a watershed – a turning point – that will usher in the longed-for change that transforms our world. We are citizens of the world, but we are also cosmic citizens. Planetary change is inevitable. The Light is in the final stages of its war against the dark. And the universe is with us in our struggle for freedom. Into this upheaval, Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return. They bring Laarkmaa, those eminent Beings from the Pleiades, who will tell us how the Light is winning. The peace and constancy of their presence, always instructive, always reassuring, will help us to re-assess our roles and re-align our resolve for the coming showdown. |
What an opportunity – to shake off our fears and melt into the revitalizing embrace of entities who feel with us in these difficult times, and wish to guide us to the higher destiny for which we were meant. Together, we can beam a brighter Light into the universe. Please join us.Subjects to be discussed:• Pia and Cullen Update Us on Their Mission’s Current Focus • How is the Light Winning the War Against the Dark? • Separating the Awakened from the Unawakened • Re-evaluating Our Personal Missions • How are Frequency Upgrades Affecting us? • Laarkmaa will outline Humanity's Current Situation and What Lies in Store for Our Future |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Sunday, October 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday October 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very pleased with humanity’s progress throughout the month of October, and we know that you will continue on this upward spiral that you are on. We also know that there are many more people awakening every day and that those of you who are awake are helping them in so many ways. It is our knowing that more people will be looking within themselves with the prompting of their guides and the people who are closest to them, because it is so necessary for people to stop looking outside of themselves for what is wrong with their lives and to start looking within. The emotions that people feel get louder and louder until they pay attention to them, and when those emotions are getting someone to pay attention there is still a lot of work to do. Therefore, those of you who have people in your lives that you know still have a lot of introspection to do, you are being called upon to be gentle with them. You are being asked to guide them while also nurturing them through the experience, because as you all know, feeling those emotions is challenging to say the least. Buried emotions coming to the surface after decades can be overwhelming and wreak havoc on someone’s life and their relationships. You as the Awakened Collective have that responsibility to those around you to maintain your stability no matter what they are going through, no matter what they are purging, no matter how hard it is for you to stay by their side. This is also incredibly challenging work that you have given yourselves. This is why you chose to awaken first, however, and to do the work yourselves. It was all to prepare you for these moments. You know you love the people who are closest to you in your lives, and you know you love them enough to stay by them, even when they are experiencing the worst of the emotional purging, but you also have enough experience with that process to know that you were not at your best when you are doing that purging. The people around you will not be at their best to such an extent that they may try to force you out of their lives. That is when you remember that your spiritual evolution is all about forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. You will help heal your loved ones by being that, rather than just knowing it as a philosophy or a theory. The final months of 2022 will continue to raise the speed of the energies that are coming in, and the speed of the energies coming in determines how long a person has to keep those negative emotions buried. You can expect to see a lot coming to the surface in November and December, as well as in the rest of October, but you all who are receiving this message can handle it. For those around you it will be quite an ordeal, and we encourage you to prepare yourselves and remember who you really are and what you are there to do during those most uncomfortable times that you have ahead of you of sitting with someone who is experiencing decades of negative emotion all at once. This will all be worth it as more and more humans prepare themselves for the shift, for full e.t. contact, and for all the gifts and abilities that they have yet to uncover within themselves. You will be able to celebrate with those that you sat with during their time of greatest need. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
Imagine before you there is an immense mirror. It is gilded in gold and shows your full-length reflection. You stand before it, unmoving and your reflection does the same. When you move, it moves, when you smile, it smiles, when you cry, it reflects your sorrow back to you. All humans are mirrors for each other. In any personal exchange, what one gives out, the other reflects back in equal measure. It may not be with the same words, but it will be on exactly the same frequency and setting the tone of the exchange for its entire duration. So, if a greeting is met with a frosty response, then the first person is likely to retreat or pull away. However, if the response is friendly and jovial, the exchange between the two, even if they are strangers, will most likely go for longer and leave both parties feeling happy and fulfilled. The same principle applies, even when the emotions and feelings of a person are not visible to the person/s within an interaction. A person’s belief system will always underlie what they project out to the world and consequently will be reflected back to them, albeit unsuspectingly, by the people around them. Nothing can remain hidden in the world of energy, because everyone and thing in the Universe is connected energetically. Therefore, any feelings for oneself or others such as weakness, inferiority, lack of self-worth, disrespect or arrogance will be detected and reflected by all within the person’s interactive circle. The message here is that it is not others that you need to blame for their seeming rejection, lack of interest, disrespect or rudeness towards you in your relationships and interactions, particularly if there are patterns of behaviour towards you over a length of time. Look within to how you feel about yourself, for you are being mirrored by others, reflecting how you see and feel about yourself directly back to you. What do you truly believe about yourself and how well does your life path sit with you? If others make you feel a certain way, it is only because you judge yourself so. See yourself in all reflections and begin to take responsibility for your reactions and responses to what is being shown to you in the behaviour of those with whom you are living and working with. So, stand in front of the mirror that is yourself and see what God, the Creator of All That Is sees: a wondrous, being of light experiencing the harsh lessons of life on the Earthly plane. Amongst the obvious or perceived flaws, what can you be proud of? What are you ashamed of that you should be celebrating? How are you judging yourself when there is no need to? In the energy of the Universe, there is only love, so strip back the layers, Dear Hearts, and find the truth of yourself, who you truly ARE. A being of love. That is all. I AM Archangel Uriel. |
Some people speak about their spiritual life, as if it is another part of their life, such as their social life, family life, work life, or sex life. In their mind, their spiritual life is another box they open, or room they enter, every now and then, and which is separate from the other boxes or rooms in their life. You may also hear people talk about having a spiritual life, or needing or getting a spiritual life. They speak about a spiritual life as if it is a possession, as if it is another object they can find, hold, and own, and take it with them, and use it or discard it as they see fit. Some of those same people talk in terms of already being spiritual, or wanting to become more spiritual, or wanting to socialize with other spiritual people. They hold the belief that they are somehow different from, or better than, the "non-spiritual" people, and may even have the idea that they are already "enlightened" or close to it, or may at least think "I already have God in my life." The true Spiritual Life is not a separate box, room, or compartment in your life. Real Spiritual Life is also not an object, and cannot be merely added to yourself or to your life. True Spirituality is also not based on mere belief, theory, or conjecture, including, but not limited to, the vague notion that you are somehow already Spiritual. The fear, clinging, and selfishness of the natural life, are the personal mechanics that prevent the Spirit or God from existing in and through a being and life. The Spiritual Path is impossible for those who want it quickly, as if they are visiting a fast-food restaurant. The intuitive understanding of the Spiritual Path, cannot be realized by the superficial, by those who are not comfortable delving deeply into their own nature, but who would rather skim along on the surface of life, merely engaging one distraction or stimulation after another. Honesty with oneself about oneself, and refusal to live by mere belief, but instead requiring evidence, are also indispensable along the Spiritual Path. Finally, letting-go of the natural tendency to acquire and hold the Spirit unto oneself and for oneself, is also necessary for advancement into the higher stages of the Path. The Spirit, and the Spiritual Life, cannot be consumed. Much more time, depth, courage, and selflessness are required, if a person is to learn and discover the true Spiritual Life. He must have the time, depth, and courage to see, acknowledge, and live by the reality within and without, versus mere belief (or unproven ideas) and living by those beliefs. Without seeing and acknowledging the reality and the selfishness of oneself, there is zero chance of letting-go of those aspects of one's being and life that are preventing the true Spiritual Life from unfolding. People placate themselves with delusional systems, and not only regarding their spiritual status, but about many other areas of life within and without, including about other people and their relationship with them. Holding a sincere belief that the earth is flat, does not make it so. It is not realistic to merely declare yourself to be already Spiritual. If you were already Spiritual, you would not be seeking, reading books, or meditating to "find God" or "get closer to God," and you would have no interest in reading this Teaching. Belief may feed the vanity, or may make you feel better about yourself, and may fill some gaps in a fragmented identity, or may distract you from what you really are and your real life of suffering, but mere belief is empty and delusional, and does nothing to help the true Spritual Life become a living reality. The real Spiritual Life is based on reality and in reality: the reality of you and the reality of the Spirit, the Metaphysical, or God, regardless of the word you use to refer to It. Buddhist scripture references the "Transcendental Intelligence," which is also an appropriate term. |
The Spirit and the true Spiritual Life are not added to your life, as you would acquire and add any object of desire unto yourself. You cannot get, hold, and own the Spirit. The Spiritual Life is not about adding something else to you or your life, nor is it in order to make yourself "spiritual." It is not about a superficial change in personality. It is not about learning to act "spiritual," however you may think or assume that "spiritual" is "supposed" to look. The real Spiritual Life is not about you becoming more spiritual, but is about you allowing room for the Spirit to exist in you and your life, and beyond you and your life. The Spiritual Life is primarily about the Spirit, and not about you. The Spiritual Life is not about you making yourself more Spiritual, but is about allowing the Spirit to transform you, and allowing room for It to exist in, and beyond, your small being and limited life. The Spiritual Life is first and foremost about you allowing, and not as much about you becoming. It is the difference between more acquisition and more getting, which actually shuts-out the Spirit, versus allowing room for the Spirit to exist in but beyond you and your life. The attempt to "get" the Spirit has the contrary effect. The truly Spiritual Life indeed requires your full participation, and is far from passive, but is not mainly about getting, owning, and using the Spirit. The very subtle and single act of self-feeding and self-protection prevents the very Thing you are attempting to acquire. The fear and clinging to oneself, and the subtle feeding and protecting of yourself, are that which prevent the Spirit. Trying to cling to the Spirit, and control It, has the same effect. Instead of seeking for the Spirit to become part of your limited life, just as any other acquisition, allow yourself to become part of the Infinite Spirit. You cannot contain, acquire, get, hold, own, and use the Spirit; the attempt to do so prevents the very Spirit you are seeking. Rather, allow room for It to exist in, and infinitely beyond, your limited body, mind, heart, and life. The Spiritual Life is primarily about the Spirit, and not as much about you as you would naturally be inclined to think. The seekers in the popular spiritual community, are unknowingly working very hard to prevent the very Spirit they profess to be seeking. The term Me Life would be far more appropriate than Spiritual Life. It is about them, and not about the Spirit, except as yet another object of desire and a tool for their own self-feeding. You can limit your thinking about the Spirit or God, and limit yourself and your actions relative to It, and thus shut It out, but you can never limit the Spirit Itself. Instead of trying to bring the Spirit unto and into yourself, allow room for the Spirit to exist, and to do as It will. True Spiritual Life is about allowing yourself to become part of Something Greater, Something Beyond yourself, and without looking back to see how you are doing. It is not about making you more Spiritual, and is not about merely having a spiritual life among all your other lives. |
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