October is here. Hopefully a blessed, easy, safe and healthy October for all. And so it is. The energies are high with an all time capital H high since 1st September so take one day at a time. Discern. Do what u can and surrender what is beyond ur control. September was tough n challenged most of us to beyond our limits where there was no option but to surrender. Hopefully this is a month of peace and easy health n prosperity.
Gratitude for the blessings. Keep holding each others hands as u walk this path. Pray for urself n all those who u see online n in presence asking for prayers or help. Let's all pray and hope that the last 3 months of 2022 are easy n blessed for us. And let it start with a healthy, easy and blessed October 2022 for all of us. We've got this.
And so it is.

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