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I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, January 6, 2025

The Starseeds Ascension Path of the Ascended Masters and Galactic Heritage


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for January featuring Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith

As we step across the threshold into a New Year, we wonder what awaits us. When conflict and uncertainty are all around, where shall we find peace?

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to lead us out of anxiety and despair toward possibility and hope. With them they bring the enduring love and constancy of Laarkmaa, the Pleiadian beings whose discernment and guidance our world so badly needs.

During the Webinar, Laarkmaa will give a spectacular update on the coming year!


Subjects to be discussed:
• All Signs Indicate Our 3D World is Quickly Shifting this Year

How We Can Best Prepare During These Accelerated Times
 Medical Breakthroughs:
An Opportunity for the Release of Long Suppressed Healing Technology
• Ascension Hypersensitivity

Dealing with Disruption as Our Higher Vibrations are Being Aligned
• A Moment with Laarkmaa

Laarkmaa Outlines Humanity's Current Situation and What to Expect in 2025

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live.
Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you
a link to a video recording.

Sunday, January 19, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday January 19, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... 
Register Now! 

To make payment and register:  
Click Here -

Cost: $20.00 U.S.

2025 a year to Remember. Help PAO stay afloat. Thank you.

The Starseeds Ascension Path of the Ascended Masters and Galactic Heritage

Source: Shekina Rose

“Many of you, the starseeds and the blue rays, are connected to the ascended masters, galactic beings, and star systems that are part of your awakening through your evolving ascension journey. Depending upon the rays of Creation, star systems and spirit realms you came through, will determine when these way showers and ascended master teachers will arrive in your life. They are destined for you to be reunited in your field of consciousness for the greater expansion of who you are.

The star beings and lightworkers innately know the importance of raising their vibrational frequency. The Soul intuitively and knowingly guides you to awaken your body vehicle which is a star gate to the higher and interdimensional realms.

When the crown chakra is awakened, it can bring this illumination and realignment to the expanded Universe.

Your ascension journey is an awakening messenger to the Universe that opens energetic highways to the higher realms that lifts the veils of illusion.

It is your true nature to commune with the other realms, with telepathy, telekinesis, psychokinesis, having full access to your cellular memory and God DNA abilities.

Planetary ascension is awakening your DNA for your expanded understanding of the multidimensional and interdimensional self and realms and the connection to the planets and the solar system. It is giving you a greater capacity of awareness to tap into an untold history of humanity, the Cosmos, the Starseeds and ETs, beyond what you have been taught in your systems and constructs on this planet.

As you continue on the progression of raising your frequency, so does your galactic and cosmic awareness. These awakenings and intuitive insights are brought to your attention by your Soul’s ascension to be Universal Consciousness Creators of Unity. 444

These awakenings are occurring to thousands upon thousands of light workers, blue rays and starseeds, in different ways, all over the world; you are seeing the visibility of the grander relationships and bigger picture of you and the interconnections of your ancient galactic history, and that you, light bearer, blue ray starseed have made the difference, even if the rest of the world has yet no idea.

The universe sees you. Home is calling you to know your place in the cosmos, and that you are part of the Universal Galactic Community of Light.

Your ascension through the gateway of the Ascended Masters can show you your galactic heritage of the expanding unity field that has always been a part of humanity and who you are. 11:11

There was a time on Gaia when there was a greater harmonic resonance field within the Source of Light that extended to the other planets, through the Central Sun and human template.

In this harmonic resonance field was a collective unity consciousness that you could experience with the earth, trees, rocks, animals, devas, nature kingdoms, other realms, planets, stars, sun and Cosmos.

As you can see from ancient architecture, the sacred sites were designed with this alignment to the stars, planets and within the harmonic resonances energy field of Gaia. Your bodily energy fields were more attuned with the harmonic resonances of Creation in alignment to Source, and many of you have ancient memories of such, as in the times of Lemuria, golden periods of Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and with indigenous cultures. 11:11

Because you are from these planes of light, and that is your true resonance field, residence on Earth can feel like separation and a longing for home. The actual longing is for those missing harmonic frequencies and is your Soul driving force intuitively guiding you to find and make those reconnections in your life and with Gaia.

For many, this has been the purpose playing out in your life, relationships and locations on the planet.

The starseed light workers, more than others on the planet, have an inherent Soul purpose to be of service in Love, Light and Truth for the ascension and evolution of the New Earth.

Although everyone on the planet has a Soul purpose in serving the greater whole, you, starseed, blue ray, have always had a sense you are not from here, have a longing for home, but you have a job to do and it’s not in normal 3D life as it involves awakening and service to the Light. And you may have a career, marriage and children though your focus will be on raising your personal consciousness and frequency to awaken your higher self to your spiritual gifts and cosmic lineage, what you came here to do.

As a star being, you came in with a specific encoding that is activated from the particular origins of the planets, Creation rays and interdimensional planes, and Soul groups you are from and came through. This has created your unique resonances that align you with your purpose and path of connections, awakenings and places you live and visit on the planet. You are also very much activated by an agreement in the unity field of Souls that determines your path and purpose collectively as a star being ambassador, liaison of higher fields of dimensions and Galactic councils.

You are collectively assisting one another to reach a higher resonance field on the planet. Know that you have created a vibrational frequency shift on Gaia. Through your unified collective consciousness, there is a grander Light Source resonance on the planet! 333

Five Ways to Enter the 2025 Higher Timeline

Source:  Kerry K

The Pleiadians: You are Entering a Time of Liberation

Source:  Emmanuel Dagher

Happy New Year, my friend!

Before we catch up on the blessings 2025 has in store for us, let’s reflect a moment on the gifts that the past year brought us.

What a ride 2024 took us on! If the highs and lows felt extreme for you, know that you are not alone.

2024 brought us the understanding that whatever patterns the mind may fall into while trying to protect itself, it’s important to honor its experiences.

And that it’s important to give the mind the right to be exactly as it is presenting itself in that moment, without trying to push against it or force it to do anything outside of its capacity at the time.

The struggle that many people on a spiritual path often fall into, is that they believe they must always think positively. That they need to present themselves in ways they believe reflects a happy and perfect reality.

Doing that actually moves us further away from real and lasting peace and happiness.

When we as spiritual beings can give the mind the right to exist exactly as it is, and honor all of its emotions and experiences, even when it’s throwing a tantrum, we open ourselves up to receiving profound compassion that helps us alchemize density into light.

That kind of compassion has the power to heal anything.

That kind of compassion opens new, life-enhancing pathways for the mind to play with, without it feeling like it needs to resist because it assumes something it needs is being taken away.

Ultimately, that patience and compassion are what leads a person to create a fully awakened state of being.

I also chose the word “abundance” for 2024, because over the past year, many of us began to shift our perspective on what abundance truly is.

Abundance is not confined to what a person accumulates materially.

Abundance is achieved the moment a person realizes that it is a direct result of how much they are choosing to love themselves, others, and the Universe.

If a person is experiencing any form of lack in their lives, whether it’s in their finances or in their relationships, it’s because they are not giving enough love to themselves, then by extension, to others and the world around them.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing a life of seeming lack. It’s a choice, and one that must be honored.

However, if you are someone who is ready to move out of a reality that mirrors lack back to you, and to generate more abundance, simply make a commitment to yourself, that you will make loving yourself in a sacred and nurturing way a top priority from now on.

This can include eating more healthfully, spending more time doing the things you love, surrounding yourself with kind and respectful people, and of course, treating yourself with kindness and respect.

Try this for the first quarter of 2025, and notice the potent shifts that start to show up for you as a result!


As I began intuitively feeling into and tracking all the astrology related to the year 2025, the word “miracles” kept coming up.

A big part of creating miracles is to be open, mindful, and ready to take inspired action.

In 2025, we will make big strides when it comes to accomplishing some big and important goals we set for ourselves, especially in areas of personal growth.

It’s through personal growth that we are able to make the greatest impact upon the world, because we are no longer making everything about “them” but rather more about the sacred “I AM,” where we are at our most powerful.

This new year of 2025 will also refuel many people with the energy of excitement, which may have felt to have been missing for a while, especially to those who have felt exhausted while walking a spiritually aware path.

This replenishment will also greatly assist us in feeling motivated to get things accomplished much more quickly.

Another component to receiving more miracles in our lives is to keep things light, fun, and playful. The energy of 2016 will support many of us in moving towards this way of being.

Of course, being serious has its place.

Yet having fun, keeping a sense of humor, and being playful are every bit as important!

Enjoying a more playful outlook on life will not only expand our personal relationships. Our careers/businesses will also flourish as result.

If you find yourself getting a bit too serious, or noticing that the mind wants to go into its survival patterns, simply ask yourself, What can I do in this moment to have more fun? To play?

Then follow through on whatever ideas you come up with. This will create more space for joyful miracles to enter your life.

Also, this year you will probably notice some amazing outside-the-box solutions to unresolved challenges.

This will occur as we choose to take more risks, invest more energy in our greatest dreams and visions, and march to the beat of our own drum, without trying to fit in or please others just to be liked.

Be open to these new energies! They are ready to support greater success and miracles in all areas of our lives.

Global Influence

Globally, the year 2025 is a good year to move out of old rigid structures and into new concepts that support greater fluidity, creativity, and support for all of humanity, not just a select few.

Watch for old ideologies and structures to fall, while new hearted-centered technologies, businesses, and ways of living are elevated to the forefront of the world stage.

The key to moving through this year of miracles with greater ease is to remain open.

To give up the need to be set in our ways or to be right all the time.

And to just go with the flow!

If you can remain in that state, the miracles will multiply and magnify in amazing ways for you!

Keeping an Open Mind and Heart

If it feels good to you, I invite you to keep an open mind and heart to all of the blessings and opportunities the Universe is bringing into your world now.

This coming year will continue to expand upon many of the blessings we received in 2024, while the awakening to higher consciousness that is now manifesting in the collective will reach soaring new heights.

This expanded consciousness will powerfully enable real and positive change in the world, in a way that can no longer be held back or denied.

Those who have served as way-showers for what has felt like an eternity will find themselves with a much lighter load this coming year.

I know that for many, this day felt like it would never arrive.

The lighter load will be a result of us allowing ourselves to receive the support of newcomers who have recently awakened, and are eager to dedicate their lives to a more mindful way of being.

Imagine the infinite possibilities that can show up for us as we allow ourselves to breathe and experience a lighter existence.

I know I’m ready! How about you?

Intention for 2025

A beautiful intention to set for 2025 would be:

“From this moment on, I choose to embrace, receive, experience, and notice the miracles being presented to me each day.

“I remain open and in the natural flow of life, so that I continue to expand into greater joy, love, peace, freedom, financial wealth, support, creativity, balance, stability, fun, play, fulfillment, trust, connection, Divine Remembrance, pristine health, and miracles, with ease and grace.

“All of this, or something greater! And so it is!”

Until next time,

With gratitude,


Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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