| Galactic Activation Webinar ~ 2/20/22 Magical number - Mark Your Calendars |
As we pause to assess the battle scars inflicted by more than two years of lockdowns and restrictions, we sense that, finally, a Great Awakening is underway. Inspiring signs of change – of cooperative interaction, of liberty, of the overpowering yearning for freedom – are everywhere, most compellingly in the trucker convoys springing up all over the world. There is an energy, a sense of flow and cohesion, at play right now that taps into our deepest humanity and, at the same time, our freest, most liberated spirit. Love connects us all. We are one, and we know it! |
In this Valentine month of love and connection, who better to articulate its activational mood and offer her wise counsel than PAO’s guest of the month, Vidya Frazier. She will share her wisdom and show us how to create a more 5D reality in our day-to-day lives. Please join us as, together, we reclaim our sovereignty and raise our frequencies!Subjects to be discussed: • Vidya Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus • An Awakening 5D Reality Shift is Already Underway Tools to Assist You on Your Journey • Lightworkers, Starseeds as Frequency-Holders Redefining Our Spiritual Missions • Relationship Challenges Coping with Division • Keep Focused on Love, Joy and Peace ... No Matter What! |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Sunday, February 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PSTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday February 20, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
Welcome dear readers. Even though nothing appears to be improving in the outer scene, know that increasingly more are awakening each day and beginning to question their beliefs and the systems that hold them in place. The changes that the world continues to hope and pray for can only manifest through the consciousness of the people of earth themselves and not from some far off three dimensional concept of God. Divine Source Consciousness embodies no duality or separation in it, aware only of ITSelf and ITs expressions because that is all that exists. As increasingly more begin to recognize the error of separation, the contents of earth's collective consciousness will become more enlightened, in turn allowing higher resonating and more evolved ideas to be accessed and acted upon. This is how change will come and this is the work you and all who are awake are doing. Freedom is every individual's birthright and not something that must be fought for, prayed for, or anything else. Freedom is free and always has been. The poplar saying that freedom is not free is false. However, like the many Divine qualities that remain dormant in the majority, true freedom can only manifest from a consciousness that realizes oneness with Source makes it impossible not to be free. As your personal evolutionary journey draws you more deeply into an understanding of your true self hood, you discover as many already have, that you become increasingly aware of and free from many things that up to now have held you in some form of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bondage without your even being aware of it. Can God be bound by man made rules and beliefs? Could God ever be kept in bondage? Is God subject to the whims and desires, rules and regulations of human minds? A lack of freedom remains very apparent throughout the world because the majority has not yet attained a consciousness of freedom and believe that they are only powerless human beings. The people of earth will continue witness a lack of freedom on earth as long as there remains even one who believes in separation and duality. This is because there is only one consciousness individualized as the many. That one false belief will then manifest in some way because there is no un-manifest consciousness. But remember, your consciousness is the law unto you and not the collective although you will be aware of and continue to experience some of the collective while living on earth. Every person has choice as to what they accept or reject. Energy is always seeking to align with like energy and the state of your consciousness will attract from the collective those thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that align with your energy. However, thoughts that come floating into your mind are impersonal unless you claim them as yours at which time they then become yours because you have made them a part of your consciousness. Example--A person who continually worries about disease and their health will automatically attract ideas and experiences of disease and heath from the collective. As a person spiritually evolves and their energy becomes more refined, they become more sensitive to the frequencies around them. Many very evolved young people who incarnated specifically to add Light to earth's ascension process, are having a difficult time now because their energetic sensitivity is causing them to feel the negative and low resonating energies (anger, depression, frustration, low self worth etc.) so apparent on earth at this time. Because they don't remember who they are or why they came, they believe these feelings, emotions etc. to be theirs personally rather than being external to them. If you have a young person suffering from this, explain to them what is going on, that their sensitivity is allowing them to feel collective energies that are not theirs. |
Many are beginning to actively protest for personal freedom. Because so many have integrated the higher frequencies that have been pouring to earth for some time, increasingly more are becoming aware of how freedoms on earth have been manipulated. Those who do not yet understand that freedom is already fully present within them by virtue of their oneness with God, will seek it through actions and outer activities that align with their present state of consciousness. You will be seeing increasingly more of this. There is an opening and awakening indicative of evolutionary change taking place that is causing many who never before questioned personal freedom to now question. However you reading these messages already know who you are and that the qualities of Source including freedom are fully present within so for most of you (there will be exceptions) the work of bringing freedom consciousness to the world will take place more on the inner levels rather than an outer. The increase of Light on earth is causing many to awaken and begin attempts to regain the personal freedoms they ignorantly allowed others to take in their lives--freedom to be one's self in relationships, job, family, and religious affiliations. Permanent freedom can only manifest through consciousness because consciousness is the substance of form which is why third dimensional tools are often ineffective. True freedom is struggling to be born at this time and every person is sensing it. It is not three dimensional concepts based in ideas of separation that will lift the world out of financial, marital, employment, or religious bondage but rather mankind's realization of their already present completeness. However, there remain those in the world who use media as well as other forms of communication to keep the majority from realizing innate freedom because once a person, or group realizes true freedom, they are no longer controllable. Know and actually accept that you are already free dear ones, by virtue of freedom being a Divine birthright available to all. Attaining the consciousness of it begins with knowledge, the understanding that you are already free by virtue of your oneness with Source. Follow this by practicing (bringing to mind) this truth in every situation that arises personally or globally. Acknowledge that freedom is a Divine law even though the world in general is not experiencing it fully at this time. Gradually a sense of freedom will begin to grow within you in spite of what may be taking place in the outer scene. This will bring with it new feelings of empowerment that begin to dissolve old feelings of victim-hood allowing you to easily say; "Thank you for your opinion, but I am going to do this." Attaining a consciousness of personal freedom often brings about anger and resistance from those who do not want change and in some cases expect a person to continue doing what they tell them to do as before. Resistance will come from family, religious or social groups, husband/wife, friends, etc. but as long as decisions for personal freedom flow on streams of Love rather than those of anger, resentment, revenge etc., innate freedom will begin to grow and blossom. Always say, do, and take actions from a place of love even with those who may be angry, demanding, or resentful of the changes you are making for yourself. This never means surrendering to another's unwanted desires and choices for you but rather means that you firmly and in ways the other person can understand, state your truth from a consciousness aware of the other person's Divine nature. There will be times when you must simply you "play the game" a bit and there is no harm in this because what is important is what takes place in your consciousness. Always trust your intuition to guide you. Once an individual chooses to open themselves to seeking spiritual truth they are guided in new directions, some of which are not always pleasant. Know that the difficult experiences manifest on all levels for every person once a choice to spiritually evolve has been made. These experiences are are not accidental or a sign of spiritual regression but rather come through an individual's Higher Self (the Real Self) who knows what lessons the person is prepared for, needs, and is ready to learn. Individuals frequently choose to incarnate into situations that will re-activate an old energy they may have been actively carrying and suffering with through lifetimes but are now spiritually prepared to clear. For example, a person who has carried and suffered from sexual abuse lifetime after lifetime, will be allowed if spiritually ready, to incarnate into a situation of active sexual abuse in order to personally activate these deeply buried energies, move beyond, clear them, and evolve into a state of consciousness that no longer allows, carries, accepts, or can ever again experience sexual abuse. These dear ones often then become counselors helping others do the same. Human minds can only judge by appearances but remember nothing is as it appears for everything in the third dimension is a material interpretation of a spiritual reality. Spiritual reality underlies all appearances or there would be no outer manifestation. Trust the process and allow yourselves to let go of the three dimensional "shoulds" and "should nots" you may still hold in consciousness. Be who you are In the freedom of Divine Reality, we are the Arcturian Group |
Healing the Masculine Shadow – Stage 1At this stage, the masculine is purged out of their known reference points by having the normalcy of their current reality shaken, as the unconsciousness of past indiscretions is brought into the light of consciousness. This is done to purify the shadow into the honor, humility, and courage of the divine masculine. This has been playing out publicly as many celebrities and authority figures are being called to face and answer to the unconsciousness of their actions, whether it’s their current level of unconsciousness or skeletons from the past being cleared out of the closet of regret. As the masculine mind comes clean to coercing, dominating, abusing, or manipulating the innocence of the feminine heart, the masculine shadow begins its process of being reformed by a path of self-forgiveness. For those at this stage of integration, the best course of action is transparency. Instead of waiting for a publicity witch hunt to trace your most regrettable actions, now is the time for the masculine mind to confess its most unsavory behavior. Even if knowing better now than before, the way in which we truly demonstrate having learned from our past mishaps is by clearing the air with those we affected, no matter the risk or cost. Whether anyone else offers you forgiveness or not, just by admitting the limitations of your behavior and acknowledging the negative affect it potentially had on someone else’s livelihood, we are taking a bold step in the direction of self-forgiveness to assist the masculine shadow in being redeemed instead of ridiculed. Healing the Masculine Shadow – Stage 2At this stage, you have done a certain amount of your inner work and may even embody the qualities of the divine masculine. While completion of stage 1 is expressing the divine masculine through the words and actions of personal responsibility, stage 2 can be a bit more precarious. It is because throughout stage 2, the masculine is no longer healing their personal masculine shadow, but holding space to help heal the shadow of the feminine archetype throughout the play of personal relationships. This means that an awakening divine masculine is often put in a position to heal the karmas and emotional blockages of their feminine counterparts from their history of past relationships. In stage 1, the masculine heals on a personal level. In stage 2, the masculine heals the relationship dynamic by assisting in the transformation of the feminine from shadow to divine aspect. It may sound unfair to have to pay the karmic bar tab others racked up before you, but it is a crucial stage of surrender. From this depth of surrender, the masculine holds patient space to help the feminine develop the trust and faith in surrendering into the heart of their masculine counterpart. Metaphorically, the feminine surrendering into the masculine has nothing to do with handing over power to a partner, but symbolic of the feminine heart merging into oneness with the cosmic mind of heaven. As the masculine holds space to help heal the wounds the feminine carries from cycles of abuse and persecution, the masculine demonstrates their alignment with Source to give the feminine permission to merge into the light of divinity that can be depicted as two hearts becoming one. Just as the awakened mind learns to hold space for the heart to faithfully open, the awakening divine masculine must be the openness, consistency, and unconditional love that invite the shadow to surrender its guard and allow the innocent feminine heart to come out of hiding. For those at this stage of integration, the best course of action is to develop a daily practice of gratitude and self-love, while holding courageous space for the feminine aspects within and throughout to find the strength to trust again. A spiritual ego steeped in arrogance may think: “This isn’t fair. I shouldn’t have to heal these layers that have nothing to do with me.” Meanwhile, an awakening heart rooted in humility says: “May I embrace the honor of helping my beloved to heal, so there will be no barrier to divide us from the love that brought us together.” |
Healing the Feminine Shadow – Stage 1The feminine shadow is the cellular memory of past abuse cycles that shields itself from potential harm by rejecting those who get too close. Since the unconscious belief suggests more hurt will occur whenever we are open and vulnerable, the feminine shadow either rejects those they want to be close with or attempt to build intimate relationships with emotionally-unavailable partners. Often times, it is a history of emotionally-unavailable partners that creates this push-pull energy when in the presence of those who are open and able to love. This unconscious self-fulfilling prophecy inevitably reflects the feminine shadow’s tendency to be so hurt, heartbroken, and battered by the past indiscretions of the masculine that it attempts to match the unconsciousness of the masculine as a way of keep itself protected. For those at this stage of integration, it is crucial to take inventory of your relationships to ensure you aren’t perpetuating toxicity in any areas of your life. When toxic relationships are present, you will surely be called into an equal aspect of shadow just to stay afloat in partnerships that may serve your personal desires, but aren’t destined to reflect the sustainability of true intimate partnership. Once there are no glaringly toxic distractions pulling at you, the next crucial step is to develop a deep bond with yourself and those you trust, so you can begin associating opening up and being vulnerable with the ability to feel safe. As this occurs, the world becomes a stable environment to attract more meaningful and long-lasting relationships, instead of being ongoing reflections of a painful past. One of the most effective ways to heal the feminine shadow throughout stage 1 is to find the courage to talk about your experiences. Because abuse is a dominating experience of being silenced and held against our will, speaking about our experiences gives a voice to the voiceless parts in ourselves and offers the choices that seemed absent whenever abuse occurred. I personally applaud movements like #MeToo for giving the feminine heart a voice to express its pain. As pain is given a voice to be heard, the feminine finds the courage and strength to forgive the unconsciousness of the masculine, instead of fighting fire with fire, so to speak. In stage 1, the feminine finds a voice to express its pain, clear out toxicity from relationships, while learning to open up within themselves and others without feeling threatened or a need to either lash out or shut down. This prepares the feminine for stage 2, where a deeper dive into conscious communication, trust, and forgiveness paves the way for true redemption to dawn. Healing the Feminine Shadow - Stage 2As you find the safety to be open to yourself and others, like the masculine, the feminine begins working on transforming the dynamic of relationships. Just as the masculine holds space for the feminine to blossom, the feminine learns to develop trust in their counterparts to allow a surrendering into true intimacy to unfold. As the feminine shadow is transformed throughout stage 2, the feminine is allowing current circumstances to be different than past abuse cycles. The crucial skillsets for the feminine at stage 2 is openness and communication. Openness answers the question, “How can I be more intimate in my relationships today and if I’m unable to take a step forward into intimacy, can I communicate my needs to those I love?” While it is natural for a partner to be disappointed whenever their beloved cannot meet them in an intimate space, the ability to communicate where we are at invites our partners into our experience instead of reinforcing how left out, dissatisfied, or unrecognized they feel. When integrated in a healthy relationship dynamic, the masculine holds space for the feminine to feel safe and cared for through the reliability of the masculine’s most empowered conscious actions. As the masculine holds space for the feminine to surrender and open up, the feminine allows each day to be a step forward in rewriting the history of abuse cycles by being intimate with faithful trusting partners. If unable to do so, the necessity of communication allows the masculine to feel invited into the healing of the feminine, whether pertaining to their past or as lingering residue from unrelated experiences. While the masculine may view physical intimacy as a way of expressing its feelings for their feminine counterpart, true intimacy also includes hand-holding, foot rubs, eye gazing, breath work, cuddling, and engaged active listening. Once the feminine can trust the masculine is interested in connection and not just the physicality of being gratified, the feminine develops the trust to open up, let go, and invite in all the love their masculine counterpart is yearning to share. Another important element in healing the feminine shadow at stage 2 is actively forgiving the indiscretions of the stage 1 masculine shadow, instead of demeaning the masculine as the masculine has done to the feminine over the course of history. Just like the masculine may not find it fair to pay the karmic bar tabs from their beloved’s past, the feminine may equally find it unfair to be so forgiving of the masculine shadow, especially in the aftermath of such senseless and brutal abuse cycles. To not forgive the masculine shadow is to maintain a shadow aspect as the feminine. When this occurs, we are nice on the surface but ruthless to anyone who dares to cross our path and willing to betray anyone or anything in order to get our way. Inevitably, it just maintains the war of inner conflict that is easily justified through standpoints of righteousness. As a way of assisting both aspects into alignment with divine perfection, if you come across a public figure being indicted for charges, lets us honor the justice taking place, while forgiving their soul, so they may be purified, instead of incessantly punished. Unconscionable punishment may be the best description for how the feminine has been treated by the masculine, but it is the opportunity of the feminine to help reform the masculine with greater mercy, compassion, and love than the past can ever reflect. Equally so, it is the duty of the masculine to anchor the divine feminine as two equal aspects of the same alchemical whole. Despite our deepest desires, none of these stages can be rushed. Even when we wish we were further along than we may be, it is essential to be honest with yourself and others about where we are it in our healing journey. In doing so, the individual and collective consciousness of all heals the fractures and divisions that have divided the masculine and feminine into shadow aspects for far too long. As the masculine is reformed to hold reverence and respect for the feminine, the feminine rises to equal power without having to express its will in a masculine way. From this space of equality, the divine masculine listens and loves without attachment, as the divine feminine opens up to intimacy and communicating their needs in the safety of sacred partnership. No matter where you are in your journey, may you know the light of your true perfection and welcome into your heart the ecstasy of love that resides within as each and every breath. It may not be easy or even seem fair, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It reflects the brightness of the one who is willing to succeed, fail, pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and keep moving forward -- against all odds. My love is with all of our hearts now and forever. Many blessings belovelies, Matt Kahn |
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