| JARED RAND RETURNS with more up-to-date valuable information ~ Join Us |
Finally, we at PAO sense that humanity is teetering on the brink of a major shift. Slowly, after so many months of being surrounded by uncertainty, people are seeing positive change. Preparing, like flowers, to burst forth and shine our blinding light and goodness into this world and bring it back to what it was always meant to be. |
Now, more than ever, we need the clarity of PAO’s favorite truth-seeker Jared Rand, whose gift is to dig down into the dirt and grasp the nugget, revealing its underlying radiant reality. And of course, Jared will share the very latest news about the Celestial Chambers, as well as providing his unique Galactic perspective on the global crisis now engulfing humanity. Please join Colleen and Miles for this spellbinding Live Webinar!Subjects to be discussed:• Jared Updates Us On His Mission's Current Focus • Information Wars: Deciphering Truth from Lies • Coping with Increased Restrictions On Humanity • • Uplifting Us Energetically by Raising Our Frequencies • Celestial Chambers: A Progress Report • Looking at Current Global Chaos from a Galactic Perspective |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Please note new time:Sunday, October 24, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, October 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
As an Aspect of God, You Have Infinite Worth Ivo: So many of you make the mistake that was brought to Sharon's attention just now. Her neighbor last night was upset. He said, “I feel like such a loser because I can't pay my bills.” A few hours later he came over again, and he was ecstatic – he said, “I just got my check and paid all our bills off!” Sharon said, “And now you feel good, don't you?” He was over the moon. That is the way they want you to work – they want you to establish your self worth upon certain conditions, and then they make it very difficult for people to combat these conditions and win. For example, the economy has been manipulated in such a way that many are struggling even bringing in two paychecks. So they tend to get down on themselves for their perceived failings. In other cases, people fall ill or become amputees. Many people believe that they then are “less than” people, that they do not have as much to offer as someone with two arms and two legs or who has no illness or disability. Many people have a difficult time in love relationships. They struggle from one to the next, or continue to be married and divorced in succession. Others look at them and ask, “What is wrong with them? How come they cannot forge a relationship with another person?” Of course, the intention is that they can and they are comparing in an area they realize they can come out smelling like a rose. This is conditional self love. It is a precursor to conditional love of others as well, and why your divorce rates are sky high. You believe in the wrong type of self worth – conditional self worth. Your worth as a member of the Matrix society is based upon your ability to produce money and your level of conformity. Look at how many ways you are frowned upon – Sharon went on disability and had to release the self esteem she derived from being a contributing member of society. Your love of yourself is based upon conditions. Many of these conditions were conditions that were given to you by your parents. Sharon's mother wanted grandchildren. Well, in any case that would have been impossible because she is infertile. Sharon did not produce any children in this life – she focused entirely on what her mission was – to heal her family bloodline. I am not saying that it is not in your contract to produce children – it was simply in her contract not to produce children. Many of you have contracts that include bearing and raising children, and that is part of the reason you are here – because the first recipients of your higher light quotient will be your children. Sharon rejected her mother's rejection of her for not finding a mate and having children. Sharon also went through a process of trying to find a mate that left her feeling humiliated and intrinsically worthless, so she gave up this quest at 30 years old. Sharon has always directed herself to where her soul has led her – to a higher sense of self worth. What you must all realize is that you all have intrinsic worth that is infinite. Simply because you are human. It is not based on anything that you do, have done, or have not done. Because you did not produce heirs for your parents does not make you valueless. Because you did not forge a career in a more esteemed line of work does not make you valueless. Because you did not make a career for yourself does not make you valueless. The work you do does not make you any less than than any other soul on earth. All people on earth are equal because they are souls of God. Look at the way you compare yourself to others. Whether someone is prettier, more ripped, fatter, more roughcut, cooler, taller, shorter, more capable, happier, sadder, angrier... richer, poorer, whatever. None of these things matter. You need to begin to look at yourself as having infinite worth. Not infinite ego, infinite worth. You need to see yourself as having respect, first of all from yourself, then demanding it of others. Those others will test your boundaries to see where there are holes. |
There is no such thing as a human that fails. There is no such thing as a human that wins. Only in your limited scope of perception can something be seen as a win, and that is because it is a finite issue. You were born having won already. That is the truth about winning. You already won. You are human. Remove all within yourself that you constantly batter and beat yourself up with. If it is a dislike of your nose, then understand that you chose that nose before you were born. If it is a dislike of the way you write, then either upgrade your grammar and increase your lexicon, or find other ways to express yourself that will give you self esteem based on your conditional evaluation of yourself. Or drop your conditional evaluation of yourself entirely. Perhaps understand that you have never chosen to perfect your means of communication because what you know has been sufficient for you, and learn to accept yourself as is. There is nothing you need to do to increase your self esteem except to remember you are part of the One, the All. That is all. Many of you experience conditional love upon yourselves because either you had overbearing caregivers who foisted their expectations of you upon you, or because you have tried to conform to your codependent society and worry about what “they” might think. These are all ways to move you away from your own truth and these must be healed. When you say, “I am mean,” you must understand that you are lovable nonetheless. Work on being more kind but make sure to uphold your boundaries. When you say, “I think they don't like me,” understand that you are looking into the mirror of life and there is something about the way you are relating to “them” that makes you feel insecure about yourself. When you say, “I should do this because everyone else does it,” you have fully bought into the matrix plan to make you subservient and you use others behavior as a means of ruling how you should behave. These are all folly. There is nothing wrong with you. You are simply experiencing a physical existence in order to learn. If all students are flawed and bad because they are in school, then this does not say much for any of you because you have all been in school at some time or another. Stop using conditions to rate yourself. You are intrinsically beautiful and special. Me: Thank you, Ivo. Ivo: It is true, my love. Humans in the galaxy do not find themselves lacking or insufficient. They do not focus on what they consider to be their shortcomings or their flaws because they accept themselves as they are. This is self love at its best. Do not base your self esteem on what you do, base it upon who you are. |
I am Saint Germain. I come at this time, in these times that are expressing great change, across not only this country where many of you find yourselves now, but across the entire planet. Many changes. Many changes that are seemingly not what you are wanting to happen, but knowing that these are changes that must happen. For it cannot be stopped. For the light coming into this planet, raising the vibrations, raising the consciousness of this planet and all within this planet, all must rise as one. So great many changes are in process right now. You have been told to prepare for those changes, never knowing when indeed they will happen. But I tell you now, they are happening in this moment, many things yet behind the scenes. But for those that do have eyes to see and ears to hear, you can find these truths. They are there. And all you need to do is what is being called ‘connect the dots’ as many across the planet now are doing. For it is all about the light coming into and illuminating the darkness everywhere, and the darkness fading away more and more. But before it fades away, it first must come into the light and experience the light, experience the higher vibrations. And then have a choice: to go into those higher vibrations and be within that light, or fade away from it. And yes, many have decided already to fade away from the light. They do not want to be within the light. Think of many of them as the vampires within your fables, in your stories. They fall away from the light. They cannot handle the light. They fall away from the higher vibrations because they cannot handle the higher vibrations and as the Earth, as Gaia, indeed continues to rise in vibration, leaving less and less space for those of lower vibrations. It is destined. You are destined, all of you. All of you that resonate to these words are destined to be a part of this Great Changeover that is happening. But many of you are being more a part of it than you even begin to understand at this time. Some of you step out and are more vocal about standing up for yourselves, to declaring your freedom, your sovereignty. And others of you find that you are working with energy. You are working with the light. You are working with vibration within yourself. And as you focus within yourself, raising the vibration within yourself, you raise the vibration for all all of humanity, all of life here on this planet. So, as we have said many times, you are all doing your part. But whatever that part is, know it is what you are supposed to do if you are following your guidance. If you are shying away from that guidance, then you are indeed not following it. |
So feel it. Know it within yourself. Hear those wee small whispers within that tell you it is time; it is time to move forward in whatever way that might be. As was said some time ago, you have your marching orders. They are not orders from us. They are orders from within yourself, from your own Higher Self to follow, to move forward, however that might be. But there is need for those of you, the Boots on the Ground, to rise up as one nation, as one world rising up and saying, “no more!” Saying, “Enough is enough!” And not giving in. Not giving in to the system. Not even becoming a part of the system any longer. For this system must fall. It has to. It cannot sustain itself much longer. And you have a great deal of help that is coming from every direction, even though they cannot go against the Prime Directive. They cannot directly interfere in your soul advancements. But they can intercede when they are asked to do so, whether it is the Galactics, or us the Ascended Ones. We can all intercede when asked. And the Agarthans as well. All are here to assist this process. And all of us have been assisting in various ways, more ways than you can possibly imagine. For if it were not for the Galactics themselves, this system, this planet even, would not even be here. It would have been destroyed long ago. And civilization as you know it would have been gone. That was the plan, or their plan, those of the forces of darkness. Their plan, as you know it, was for depopulation of the planet. Where they then could control a small group of slaves. But that was not going to happen. And in the various councils that came together bringing the decision forward that this would never happen. It would never be allowed. For mankind, humanity must continue on, on this planet. So you have a great deal of help much behind the scenes. But all of you, each and every one of you, have a great part to play in this to bring about freedom, freedom as those of the Founding Fathers of this country meant to have here. But not only this country, it spreads through the entire planet. The fathers of this country had a mission. They set forth that all men were created equal. All of mankind are equal. In the eyes of the Father God, and The One, the Creator Being. And it is not for man to establish otherwise. But try, they have. And in many cases they have succeeded for some time. But those times now are over. They cannot continue to sustain the control they have over the population. For they are few. And you are many. And the many shall overcome the few. I tell you now, rise up in whatever way that you know to do, and do not go gently into the night. Be those ones you came here to be to bust this system wide open. For without you, who? I leave you know in peace, and love, and oneness. I am your Saint Germain, always here to be with you, and even more so in the coming times ahead. |
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