
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, March 6, 2023

Interdimensional Flux..


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So many of you told us you were energized by Ismael Perez’s first Live Webinar appearance that we just had to bring him back.

And, with the cosmic stakes raised and the dark’s struggle against us intensifying,we think this couldn’t be a better time for his return!

In this Webinar, Ismael discusses the Earth Alliance – who they are, how they are counteracting the effects of weather engineering on our world, and what they are doing to move us toward a new world planetary structure.

He also discusses the future of governments, as well as the presence of benevolent beings on Earth and how they are protecting the ‘God Connection’ in us all.


For those of you who miss Sheldan’s updates, you will find this Webinar blazing with information, clarity of thought, and Ismael’s characteristic comforting realism. He knows, as do we all, that the Light will win this battle.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Benevolent Beings vs Dark Beings
• Weather Events and Geo-Engineering
• Earth Alliance
• Reprogramming Ourselves to Prepare for Timelines
• Coming New World Structure

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Cost: $13.95 U.S.

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SourceJohn Smallman

You most courageously and lovingly chose to experience life in form yet again.


You are all on Earth and incarnate at this moment because you all chose to assist in the great awakening which is imminent. No one is here by mistake, so even those you might think are delaying or preventing the awakening are in fact purposefully following their paths towards the awakening, their own and that of humanity. As you can see, from what is being reported in many places, there is much pain and suffering being excessively experienced by many worldwide.

What is happening is that ancient fears, angers, resentments, and hatreds that people have denied and refused to acknowledge for eons, are now arising into the awareness of many – who may not even have been involved in what happened a long time ago – so that they can be honored . . . Yes, honored! . . . thanked for the lessons they have offered, and be released. If you are not yourselves involved do not unduly focus your empathic attention on those places or people. Be aware, send them love, but do not spend time imagining how horrific it must be for them, because doing that drains your energy, and reduces the effect of your loving intent to assist mightily in the awakening. Those lessons all had a purpose which was to show people the insanity of conflict. This was not acknowledged at the time, and so it is now coming to light to be forgiven and released, so that no impediments or obstacles remain to hinder the free flow of Love on Earth.

Love, as you all know and therefore cannot reasonably doubt, is the only Reality! You are Love. That is because Mother/Father/God, Source, Supreme Wisdom – or whatever word or phrase you use to label our divine Creator – is Love, and you were created from Love. Love is your Source and so you are always One with It, you are as identical to It as a drop of water is to the ocean. There is no other possibility.

However, you chose to use your free will to construct what appears to you to be a different or alternate reality, although it is, of course, quite unreal.Since doing so you have convinced yourselves that it – the material universe which is enormous in relation to your individual size as humans in form – is the only reality, and by doing so have hidden from yourselves the true Reality, the absolute infinite vastness of LOVE in which you have your eternal existence, by using it as veil or shield behind which you have chosen to place yourselves, blinkered and unseeing. To awaken, as humanity is the process of doing, is to remove and dissolve this ephemeral screen which is presently preventing you from knowing yourselves as you truly are, God’s divine progeny forever residing in His infinitely loving Presence.


To awaken is to know yourselves, and, as humans in form, many of you have spent lifetimes searching for Love . . . for yourselves! Now, finally, the human collective has united as one in relationship with itself – most of you remain unaware of of this essential, brilliant, and very recent coalescence – in order to spectacularly complete the awakening process for all. This is truly an amazing and exhilarating time to be on Earth as a human in form.

As I have told you frequently: not even one of you, not even one human among the billions of you is here by chance, or by accident. You all chose to be here now to take part in and massively assist in the process, and you are succeeding magnificently in bringing it to actualization.

Remind yourselves frequently – each and every one of you – that you are indeed divine beings permanently and most joyfully in the Presence of Mother/Father/God. You and God are One, and are therefore utterly and completely inseparable from Her for even the briefest of instants.

Knowing this, as deep within yourselves you do, embrace and honor yourselves, and release any sense or belief to which you may be clinging that would have you believe that you are unworthy sinners, or in any way too disgraceful, too disreputable, or too shameful to even think of associating with your divine and heavenly Father. He created you, and as your father His love for you is unceasing.

His Will is for you to fully accept yourselves, just as He does, and be completely and joyfully at peace in His Presence, which is your eternal Home. Any sense of shame or unworthiness to which any of you are perhaps inadvertently clinging is as unreal as the illusory environment in which you find yourselves as humans in form.

You are incarnate now because you each individually chose to undergo the trauma that you knew it would cause you, in order to so lovingly assist in the awakening of humanity and of yourselves. You did not have to be here, you could have assisted most beautifully from the non-physical realms, but you most courageously and lovingly chose to experience life in form yet again because of the power of Love that you each are. As you are well aware, Love is forever sharing and extending Itself limitlessly and unconditionally to all sentient life. The fact that you are present on Earth as humans at this time demonstrates very clearly indeed the Love that you each are, even if, again because of the limits that a life in form imposes upon you, you do not get a true sense of the magnificent beings that you all assuredly are.

Make sure to spend time daily deep within yourselves at your holy inner sanctuaries, and while there allow yourselves toreconfirm to yourselves that you are indeed most beautiful and holy divine beings superlatively assisting in the collective awakening that you are also participating in. You are all eternally and most dearly loved by your divine Mother Who is showering you with Blessings as you so beautifully fulfill the tasks you chose to undertake before you incarnated. You are coming Home!

With so very much love, Saul.


Suzy Ward on Memory Loss

Source: Suzy Ward


This most helpful comment on memory loss just came in from Suzy Ward:

This is what Saminten said in her book, Illuminations for a New Era:

You decry the loss of time that seems to be zipping by and another loss you lament is memory. Neither of these aspects of third dimensional awareness is being lost, dear ones. “Time” never has been as you devised it with 24 hours each day and 12 months in a year and so forth. This has served you well, but no longer is this happening. Your time structure is collapsing as energy is moving at its lighter density speed, and your periods of light and dark are coming with more velocity. So rather than time being lost, it is speeding up.

The memories that many of you speak of as “gone,” are not. With the acceleration of everything within the universe, it is natural that the cells of your body are reacting to being lifted into a higher survival mode. Most of all, this is affecting your brains – the computers that turn on your thinking and reasoning processes – and this is necessary! The light being absorbed by your cells is allowing your brains to slough the layers of forgetfulness and programming that have denied them full functioning ability.

If you are not experiencing any memory loss or a sense of scattered thinking, then you are stuck in the third density that not much longer will be the status of Earth’s being. So it is desirable for you to feel not quite firmly in touch with the reality of the day or the environment.


Ismael Perez Latest: Brings the deep insights on the Draco wars, Earth Ascension

Source: Ismael Perez

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Archangel Michael: Interdimensional Flux

Source: Celia Fenn

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That is the name Archangel Michael gave me for the energy experience that we are undergoing in March 2023.

It is a result of the intense flow of Water Plasma energy that was experienced in February and the intense Solar flares that have been bombarding the planet.

It is drilling drown into the DNA to finally flip us into the Multi-dimensional consciousness of the New Earth. Old timelines are being disconnected to make way for the material expression of the New Earth.

Symptoms are a deep feeling of disconnection and chaos. I find I often wake up in the morning with absolutely no sense of where I am on the Time/Space continuum. It takes me a few moments to reconnect with Earth and March 2023. That is because we are so much elsewhere in the Galaxy, especially at night and in our sleep time.

Also physical discomfort and “purging” as old patterns of personal belief are dissolved.
I find this process to be a lot like what happened in 2013 after the big shifts of 2012. Only a lot faster…really a lot faster. It is as though we do not have time to draw breath and some other change occurs. We are being turned 180 degrees to see life from a totally different perspective.

An all-encompassing perspective that includes all forms of life, not just homo sapiens on Earth.

This is the emergence of the Pure Ones and the Pure Crystalline Heart. The Ones who honor all Creation and carry the Light of New Creation. The Ones who carry the Emerald Heart Codes and will create the New Lemuria.

It may be a bit of a rough ride but it is unfolding before us!
Love to everyone!

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