No doubt you already have ideas as to what you would like to do in future and your options will be considerable, as you will have proved your worthiness by experience to be a Space Traveller if that is your desire. So much will open up for you that the past problems and hard times you experienced will fade away into the past and be but a distant memory.
Can you imagine what it will be like to be released from the shackles that have held you back, and have a greater freedom of choice. To some degree you already know what to expect but the reality of it all is presently beyond your imagination, although your sci-fi films have been purposefully presented to give you an idea of what it is. Meeting other Extra -terrestrials will not be as strange as you might imagine because the human form is normal in your Universe, even if in some manner it is quite different it will still be recognisable as such.
You have so much to look forward to and we often remind you to simply keep your focus on your goal and not be distracted by what is going on around you. We realise that questions will arise in your mind, as a major change in your life raises all sorts of problems mainly related to your present family.
Certainly all souls must allow others to formulate their own choice as to what they do in the future. However, the type of life you choose is likely to lead you further afield, but your links with it will remain and contact will be through thought transference. Furthermore you will not have the same obligations to the family as upon Earth, although some will continue to keep a close link with them. Understand that some bonds created upon Earth are no longer necessary in a new situation that is not at all like your earthly experiences.
Much of what you need to know about your Space friends will come with the time of open contact that is not too far away. They are keen to meet you and introduce you to the new world that you will eventually live in. Believe us that they are highly evolved souls who wish to help you take your place in the new levels of vibration, that are devoid of the negativity that you face at present. Happy times beckon but as we have told you, you must first put the Earth in order so that it is safe for visitors to arrive and meet you. We will help you achieve it but first the intent must come from you and be achieved.
We are all brothers and sisters and the children of God and equal in God’s Eyes, and it would be wonderful if it was recognised and led to peace upon Earth. All of the time you threaten each other peace seems a long way off, but it must come in one way or another.
Time is relatively short for you to wake up and be what you were intended to be as Beings of Light and Love. How nice it would be if all hostilities were replaced by peaceful exchanges and recognition of the Oneness of all Life. Together you could turn the Earth into a paradise and live peacefully together, and we could meet you and enjoy being in your company. The more you send out such thoughts you will help create the energies to achieve it.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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