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I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Chakras and Dimensions The human body has 15 chakras... there are 7 embodied chakras


Chakras and Dimensions

The human body has 15 chakras... there are 7 embodied chakras that are within the human body. And 8 morphogenetic chakras that surround the body. Together it is 15 chakras within this construct called the Time Matrix. Many healers that are into energy healing work only know about the 7 chakras, or 8, or 12. But the reality is that there is a total of 15 chakras as part of a person’s energetic anatomy.

Each of the 15 chakras correspond to a dimensional level of consciousness. Each specific dimensional colour has a certain frequency vibration. The lower the dimensions are, the denser the matter and reality field is. The chakras are the energetic turnstiles that move the Source energy coming from the top of the head, downward from the center of the spine through the chakras and then which project out the certain frequencies associated with different dimensional wave spectra of their colours. This forms the auric layers/capsule. The 15 dimensions form a set of 5 reality fields. Each of the 5 sets of reality fields, are called density levels or Harmonic Universes HU, which contain 3 dimensions of frequencies that form it’s own reality field. For example, the dimensions 4, 5 and 6 is collectively called the Soul Identity and we are collectively moving into this for those who chose this evolution, and this is the second HU. It contains the Astral mind/body, the archetype mind and the Angelic mind. It is a station of consciousness of Density 2 and together it forms the Soul Identity. The dimensions of 1, 2 and 3 collectively form the Incarnate Identity of Density-1 or HU 1. This station of consciousness is what we come in with when we were born.

We have a subconscious mind, emotional body and the mental body (reasoning mind). Together, this forms the basic perceived separate identity of the Incarnate Identity. There are 5 Densities or HU’s and Density-1 is the most dense type of matter. Our physical bodies are much denser than our emotions as an example. And our thinking and reasoning mind, is much less dense than our body. So you can see how each dimensional level above becomes less dense.

When we dream we see the dreams not with our physical eyes, but with our higher senses. And we experience the reality of the dreams in a higher dimensional aspect or state of consciousness, as we travel to higher planes during sleep.

When we are awake and look out into the world around us, we are actually seeing the immediate past of our reality. Because what we create now manifests in the hologram and then comes back down and creates our reality. So our present reality is created by our past creations. Therefore it is important to make each now moment, count in right and truthful action.

Our consciousness is stationed one dimension above what we see. So when we look out, from a 3rd dimension point of view, we are seeing the 2nd dimension’s emotional level.

We can raise our consciousness station level so that we can perceive higher reality fields. In this perspective of time, when seeing the lower dimensions as the past, and the higher dimensions as the future, then time has a whole new meaning.

Since each of the 15 dimensions exist as different density levels, they can all be existing in the same space without conflict of realities. They are separated by a different ‘angle rotation of particle spin’ between each dimension level and separated by magnetic repulsion zones between a set of 3 dimensions, or density levels or chakras. So when a person shifts their angular rotation of particle spin of a certain density level, they can shift their station of consciousness and ascend upward to a higher frequency reality field.

The different matter states of the density levels from the lower dimensions to the higher dimensions progressively undergo cellular transmutation. As the Density-1 Incarnate physical body matter being in the most dense reality field, under goes bioregenesis, it starts to shift from a physical carbon-based gross matter form into a carbon-silica based biology of the Soul Identity; dimensions 4, 5, and 6. This moves us more towards the crystalline body. And then progressively going upwards to higher stations of consciousness into a fully silicate biology of the Over-Soul Identity. From the silicate biology, it continues to evolve into a liquid-light biology of the Avatar Identity station of consciousness and then to the ante-matter biology form of the Rishi identity (which are like flaming spheres of light/ the sun. These are the gold, violet, emerald blue rays).

The whole goal of a person is to progressively evolve their biology and station of consciousness so that they can embody more light (develop the light body) and eventually become immortal. If you are further interested you may wish to also read about the Rainbow Body. Some Monks have achieved this on record.

In order to continue our path to accreting more light into our being, we have to heal the lower light body so that the lower dimensional aura fields can merge together and ascend into higher stations of expanded consciousness.

Our energetic circulatory system must function properly and optimally for dimensional merger of the stations of consciousness. In order to embody our Soul Identity and become less dense, we have to merge our Incarnate Identity with the Soul Identity to form an expanded and higher intelligent body form.

If we have any types of auric attachments, blockages, seals, etc., then it prevents this process from occurring. It also prevents a person from activating their DNA. So it’s important to clean your energy fields as much as possible and to protect your energy field with something like like the 12 D Platinum Shield.

Using the 12 D Shield daily helps recode your 12 strand DNA in your physical body up to Avatar level. The original divine blueprint for humanity was created as a 12 DNA Strand Avatar. The majority of people have 2 strands currently activated. This is changing at incremental levels within the light body.

12D Platinum Protection Shield Technique:

The Star of David, the Merkabah and Heirophant seal are a few interchangeable names. The star of David is the 2D view of the Merkahba. I prefer to call it the Merkahba as there are also corrupt teachings around the Star of David as well as around the chakra system and many other teachings.

Link to the 12D Platinum Shield for Protection:

This shielding has the GSF (God Sovereign Free) coding built into it. You may also invoke the STS (Special Triad Sweep) using the Gold, Violet and Emerald Rishi Rays as a boundary clearing test around your light body. They move in an anti-clockwise spiral starting at 12” below the Earth (Chakra point 13).

Energetically these are very challenging times for many. Remember to protect and clean your energy field daily.


Please take only whatever resonates as truth for you.


Ascension glossary



#chakras #highervibes #higherconsciousness #embodiment #upgrades #activations

#thelighthousewithnicole #wayshower #source

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