| Revitalizing the PAO to Zoom ForwardIn conjunction with our plans to take PAO in a somewhat different direction, we are introducing the first phase of the new and revitalized organization to coincide with the beginning of this New Year. As a first step to ushering in PAO’s transition, I redesigned our website to give it a fresh new look: https://www.paoweb.com By eliminating a lot of ‘old news’, I am leaving more room for new and relevant items. Thus, those viewers more recently introduced to the PAO mission can learn about Sheldan, our Galactic history and future, and about today’s world and its challenges. To remain relevant in the today’s more competitive spiritual age, we realized that the time had come when we needed to awaken more people and spread the galactic message even more widely. Our steadfast Laarkmaa friends, Pia and Cullen, came to our aid, kindly arranging introductions to several like-minded internet radio hosts. The exciting outcome: Colleen and I are shortly to embark on the next leg of PAO’s journey – into cyber-radio. We are thrilled! (Stay tuned!) Sadly, that saying about ‘the best-laid plans’ may well apply to PAO right now. As January began, the tax man swooped down on Colleen. Seems that Sheldan’s eyes were more focused on the Galactics than on day-to-day issues back here on Earth, leaving Colleen with a mountain of unpaid bills and back taxes. She is duty-bound to set these issues to rights before she can proceed. To further complicate matters, Colleen herself is dealing with a range of persistent health issues that make each day a challenge. Still she soldiers on, determined not to disappoint PAO's loyal followers. We are undeterred and remain excited about our new and improved website, and about PAO’s new direction. We feel that it is the right thing to do now, to reflect a changing world, awaken more people on earth, and be part of the cosmos’s Great Awakening. It will give us yet more ways to continue serving you and bringing you the most up-to-date and relevant information available. Over these many years, you have joined us, worked shoulder to shoulder with us, to become a dynamic force in this universe. We are unwavering in our mission to help humanity awaken, and ease its passage to higher consciousness. A timely donation, whatever you can manage, would help us in moving forward. With your support, PAO will soon be zooming toward the stars again! Peace and Blessings. Miles PAO Team |
A Message from JesusSource: John Smallman Beyond God there is nothing because God is the infinite ALL |
Here in the non-physical realms we are overawed by humanity’s amazing and extremely rapid progress as you move from being deeply asleep and dreaming back into your natural, normal, and beautiful state of fully conscious awareness that you are eternally, and in every moment, One with God. You are coming to the realization that there is no place, space, or state of being, other than of Oneness with God. And to come to that realization is wondrous and amazing, because you have for so long believed that, as humans, you are each an individual, completely physically separated even from those with whom you have the most intimate of relationships possible. As humans it appears that you are born alone and that you die alone. But in truth you are never alone because separation from God is utterly and completely impossible. Being human is NOT a state of individuality separated from God, it is a state of having forgotten that you are eternally One with God. All life, all consciousness is permanently and eternally in the Presence of God in utter joy, because the Love that is Mother/Father/God/Life, is Consciousness, is complete and constant awareness of who you are as One with God. All that exists, all that has sentient life is eternally alive in the infinite energy field that is God. Beyond God there is nothing because God is the infinite ALL; there is and can never be a beyond what is infinite and has no boundaries. As a physical being in form, there is an infinite field of Wisdom, of Love, of which you are unaware, and to which you do not have access. The power or intensity of this energy field, which is the life force, would instantly dissolve or dissipate your physical forms were it to enter into them completely, and so you only receive the very small emanations that your bodies need to be and stay enlivened. However, when and if, while in your human form, you actually experience this very gentle and loving Presence consciously within you during meditation, or during an out of body event, It seems vast, and all awareness of your human state of being effectively disappears as you momentarily become aware of being just One; and then your conscious awareness returns to your body. But the memory remains, it is the memory of experiencing the feeling of being enormously accepted and loved as never before. To have such an exposure to Love is a life changing event that you will never forget. Not everyone has had or will have such an experience, it is not something that you can consciously seek out and experience. It is an event that is part of the life paths of some people, and which can uplift and inspire others if they choose to talk about it. It does not in any way at all indicate that those who have such experiences are better than or more spiritually evolved than others who do not. To even think of comparing yourself to others, let alone to someone who has or has not had such an event unfold in their lives, is totally meaningless, because you are all, without even one exception, the infinitely beloved children of God through whom God is continually expressing Herself. There is NO separation, all are eternally One with and in the Presence of God, always. |
Your eternal existence, including any life in form that you may choose to experience, occurs constantly in the divine Presence, the field of Consciousness that is All. There is never even an instant when Mother/Father/God is unaware of you, and your temporary unawareness of Her is just an aspect of living your life in form. To repeat: All Is One. You are lovingly cherished, seen, and unconditionally accepted in every moment of your eternal existence, and the joyful conscious awareness of the proof of this Truth will delight and amaze you way beyond your ability to conceive of now, when you inevitably awaken, as you are now in the process of doing. All that you need to do in your daily human lives is to set the intent to continuously reset the intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives, because God is taking care of everything else. Even if you do not do this, you are still being eternally cared for, cherished, and loved, because once God creates, what She creates remains eternally consciously aware of its Oneness with Her, even though this awareness is mostly veiled or hidden from you while you are living as humans in form. Life in form is temporary. All who are ever incarnate are incarnate by their own choice to experience the lessons that they have, with divine guidance, chosen to learn. Every thought, word, action, or event that a human experiences is pre-planned to arrive at the precise moment in their lives when it will be totally appropriate. However, as you live your human lives it very frequently appears to you that events and situations you experience have occurred completely by chance. This is never the case. You chose to incarnate, you then planned a life path, and then, while you are incarnate, your life path unfolds precisely as planned. There are no accidents, events or issues that arise are purely to draw your attention to the lessons being presented to you. If you fail to notice them, they will be presented again and again until you do notice and respond to them. You will notice and learn the lessons that you planned for yourselves before incarnating, because that was the intent when you planned your human lives, and no one can fail to do this because your intention is always achieved. In truth it is utterly impossible for divinely created beings to fail. Failure is an absurd concept that can only be imagined by one who is unconscious of or unaware of their divine nature, but it is a state in which many humans do experience their lives in form. Daily, and even more frequent visits to your holy inner sanctuaries, where you rest quietly and peacefully as you allow any roof-brain chatter to subside, are essential moments on your pre-planned life paths, where you make space available for yourselves to become aware for a while of your unbreakable and uninterruptible divine connection, your Oneness with God. When you do take this time out from your daily human activities, you can feel yourselves releasing judgment of yourselves and of others, and you will then also feel the knowing that you are indeed in the Presence of God, and that you are unconditionally loved and accepted by Her. So go within whenever you have a free moment, and enjoy knowing and being aware of your eternal divine nature at One with Her, and thus be most lovingly uplifted and inspired. Your loving brother, Jesus. |
Welcome dear readers. During these times of confusion, violence, and chaos, never doubt that you are known, loved, and honored for choosing to assist earth in her journey to once again express the Divine perfection that is her reality. You did not need to incarnate as many do in order to learn and grow beyond the third dimensional belief system, but you along with many others chose to incarnate in order that the presence of many evolved states of consciousness on earth would add Light to and lift earth’s collective consciousness to a higher level. Everything is energy, dear ones. Everything — people, words, actions, “stuff” — has a vibrational frequency and the closer it is to reality/truth the lighter, faster, and brighter are the frequencies. The further from truth something is, the slower, denser, and heavier the vibration which is why the three dimensional earth manifests as material and why you feel heaviness in certain situations, places, or even around certain people. In reality your body is pure, perfect, and whole — a Light body, an individualization of God. Just as you commonly think of a body of water, think of yourself as a body of God. In the density of third dimensional energy, the real Light body is interpreted as physical, dense, material, and subject to all sorts of problems. Your real body has always and will continue to go with you wherever you go. It cannot die for it is your individualization of Divine Consciousness. It is only the material concept of body that dissolves after the Light body leaves. Everything, that which is considered good and that considered bad, is a concept of a spiritual reality or Divine Idea because Divine Consciousness is all that exists. The third dimensional state of consciousness is unaware and thus unable to understand that earth is a spiritual world peopled with sons/daughters of God because their state of consciousness is as of yet only able to align with denser energy. There are some who live from a three dimensional level but who have retained the ability to interact with energies invisible to most. Most of them worked with psychic energy throughout their past lives and often work as psychics in this one. Always remember that psychic is not the same as spiritual and information can rise no higher than the state of consciousness of the person giving the information. This is an important point to remember in these times of many predictions. Always trust your intuition. |
Because there is only ONE Divine Consciousness expressing ITSelf as infinite form and variety, energy is always seeking to reconnect with ITself. In the human scene this manifests as like attracting like or “bird of a feather, flock together.” Be aware of what you hold as truth in your consciousness because consciousness automatically draws and connects to whatever energy it is in alignment with. Example: A consciousness of violence, lack, and beliefs based in separation will automatically attract ideas about as well as actions of violence. Hypochondriacs will always be attracting some health issue. There is no such thing as a God who punishes or gets pleasure from the suffering of ITself as individual being. In fact these things do not even exist in Divine Consciousness. The third dimensional state of consciousness dreams up concepts of God based in limited and false information and then sets about worshiping and preaching these concepts to others. Every person is the God creating their life and situations from the contents of their consciousness. However, this does not mean that every negative experience is a failure of spiritual growth but rather often represents a graduation of sorts. Many negative experiences actually represent completion and are expressing a clearing of some old energy unknowingly being held in consciousness. The human desire to attain “good” and get rid of the “bad” is actually the material concept of a spiritual reality. Soul remembers who it really is and yearns to be complete, known, and acknowledged. The third dimensional state of consciousness feels this yearning as a desire for human “good”– people, places, experiences etc. believed capable of bringing happiness and success. However, the duality aspect of three dimensional concepts automatically means that human good and human bad can and often does quickly shift to the opposite. Holding tightly to good experiences of the past or continually trying to recreate them for self and others in some way is no different than attempts to bury, forget, ignore, deny, or rid self of bad memories. As either one comes to mind (and they will until cleared) look right at them and see them for what they represent or represented in an earlier state of consciousness. No longer endow them power for good or bad and thank them for the lessons, insights, and evolutionary growth you gained and release them into the nothingness that they really are. Learn to see through all material appearances and into the deeper reality that underlies it. If you see someone stealing, do not judge the person as bad, but understand that because in reality that person is a Divine Being, he or she is unknowingly carrying a desire for wholeness and completeness which to their limited state of consciousness they are interpreting as a right to whatever they need or want. This does not mean those living from an un-evolved state of consciousness should simply be allowed to do whatever they please. Spiritual evolution involves lessons at all levels of awareness which for some may mean that their needed lesson is jail time Practice oneness at all times–a wordless flash of awareness as you enter a room, get to your office, do the dishes etc. Every time you answer your phone remember that God is the person at the other end or when driving know that God is every other driver on the road. By keeping a tiny portion of your awareness always centered in truth it soon becomes your state of consciousness, your life, and your reality. We are the Arcturian Group 1/29/23 Donations are welcomed |
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