
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, January 30, 2023



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Revitalizing the PAO to Zoom Forward

In conjunction with our plans to take PAO in a somewhat different direction, we are introducing the first phase of the new and revitalized organization to coincide with the beginning of this New Year.

As a first step to ushering in PAO’s transition, I redesigned our website to give it a fresh new look: By eliminating a lot of ‘old news’, I am leaving more room for new and relevant items. Thus, those viewers more recently introduced to the PAO mission can learn about Sheldan, our Galactic history and future, and about today’s world and its challenges.

To remain relevant in the today’s more competitive spiritual age, we realized that the time had come when we needed to awaken more people and spread the galactic message even more widely. Our steadfast Laarkmaa friends, Pia and Cullen, came to our aid, kindly arranging introductions to several like-minded internet radio hosts. The exciting outcome: Colleen and I are shortly to embark on the next leg of PAO’s journey – into cyber-radio. We are thrilled! (Stay tuned!)

Sadly, that saying about ‘the best-laid plans’ may well apply to PAO right now. As January began, the tax man swooped down on Colleen. Seems that Sheldan’s eyes were more focused on the Galactics than on day-to-day issues back here on Earth, leaving Colleen with a mountain of unpaid bills and back taxes. She is duty-bound to set these issues to rights before she can proceed. To further complicate matters, Colleen herself is dealing with a range of persistent health issues that make each day a challenge. Still she soldiers on, determined not to disappoint PAO's loyal followers.

We are undeterred and remain excited about our new and improved website, and about PAO’s new direction. We feel that it is the right thing to do now, to reflect a changing world, awaken more people on earth, and be part of the cosmos’s Great Awakening. It will give us yet more ways to continue serving you and bringing you the most up-to-date and relevant information available.

Over these many years, you have joined us, worked shoulder to shoulder with us, to become a dynamic force in this universe. We are unwavering in our mission to help humanity awaken, and ease its passage to higher consciousness.

A timely donation, whatever you can manage, would help us in moving forward. With your support, PAO will soon be zooming toward the stars again!

Peace and Blessings.

PAO Team

Mail Attachment 2


Source: daily Motivation

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Change Is An Inside Job

Source: Lorna Bevan


This midpoint between two sets of eclipses, with Venus at odds with Mars and a Full Moon across Leo/Scorpio at the end of the week, is a turning point within a turning point. Now that all planets are moving forward until the start of May, your thoughts turn to taking action. But unless you want the same old, same old results, you need to change your thinking before your tweak the external.

As the 2023 Event Horizon in March rapidly approaches, think about the past six months of your work, gains, losses and spiritual growth then set your intentions, while letting go of whatever no longer serves you.

An old life is going dark to allow a new one to light up. Although the external is chaotic, feel into what is happening in your personal journey. Discriminate between what is yours and what is collective anxieties.

Look at who are you becoming and how you can align with that new version of yourself. Clue: anything that doesn’t align with your truth will feel dense, almost unbearable.

Identify what is NOT yours and disengage from it… cut the cords, delete your expired hopes, erase your broken yesterday from your story.

Stop doing what you don’t want to do. If you’re serious about evolving, then one of the most powerful disciplines is to consistently not do what you don’t want to do. You work out what you don’t want to do – what no longer resonates with you – and you stop doing it.

“No” is a complete sentence.“ NO, I am not going along with my self-created misery for another second longer. NO, I am not going to paper over my feelings just to be liked. Enough is enough. I am walking with what I know to be true. How do I know? By intuition, by scanning my body and feeling what is arising there.” There have been too many weak yeses and not nearly enough big NO’s.

New! In February, the Men in Black Pluto and Saturn will complete a karmic sweep of outgrown New Age Thinking ahead of incoming Aquarian Triality. Get Master Coaching on Belonging/False Belonging and Groupthink / Personal Sovereignty.


Finding your Heaven

Source: The Angels-Shift Frequency


Imagine heaven. It isn’t a place on a faraway cloud or a dream that exists after the brain dies. Not at all. Heaven is a state where you are totally and entirely open to the love that sources you and gives you life. It is a vibrational dimension in which you are intensely present, elevated, and experiencing love.

It is an existence of peace, joy, kindness, consideration, creative expression, courtesy, and all you associate with love. It is wisdom, understanding, harmony, and a sense of everything making sense. It is the ordinary imbued by a sense of the extraordinary. Colors are vibrant and glow from within. Sounds feel alive. Your senses are heightened to feel very deeply. Most of you only “live in” heaven after death, but many of you have glimpses of this vibration at moments while you are upon your earth.

Heaven can be felt in the first bite of an exquisite meal. You lose yourself in sensory delight, appreciation for the food, the chef, and the moment. Heaven might be that moment in high school when your first crush looked at you and smiled, and you felt magnificent, worthy, and loved. Heaven might have occurred for you when you first looked into the eyes of a newborn child or when you looked into the eyes of a parent for the last time upon this earth.

Heaven occurs every day. You might feel it in a contented slow sip of coffee, the crisp air in your lungs, and the blood pumping through your veins on a beautiful walk. You might feel it as you hug your best friend, laugh at your dog, or see a funny video. Heaven might be the moment you start to feel relief from pain or the sweetness of climbing into a comfortable bed at night.

These moments of heaven have a few things in common. You are intensely present with the experience in the moment. You are overwhelmed by a sense of appreciation. You feel loved, loving, or experience love. There is a sense of perfection in that moment. If you have these qualities, heaven can be found anywhere, anytime, and even in any circumstance.

Challenges yourself to look back at your life and remember those moments of heaven. See if you can recall several of them. Make a list of the qualities that made each of those moments heaven. How can you include more of those qualities in your daily life? Can you pick one moment to savor each day? Can you take time out for some unabashed appreciation? Can you find reasons to love yourself or others, or love even if you find no reason?

We would love for each and every one of you to experience heaven on earth. While it is not reasonable to expect you’d do so all the time because the contrast does inspire expansion, we know that if you strive to be present, strive to appreciate what you can, and strive to love what you can, then, more often than not, heaven will be accessible to you. You will feel it as a frequency, an experience, or a state of being. In this space, you’ll easily perceive your guidance and pick up on your “deceased” loved ones. You’ll know joy in the present, even as you move towards more later. You’ll live your life with a sense of adventure.

With practice, you can find heaven, right here, right now. Take a moment to look around and be present. Appreciate one thing. Love one thing. The less you resist this exercise, and the more you surrender to love, the more you’ll feel heaven. In this space, you’ll feel us too, loving you as an exquisite and beautiful being within this beautiful creation.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.


Destiny, Fate and Soul Contracts

Source: Shift Frequency


Tanaaz – Before you entered this physical time and space your soul made an agreement. Before you came into human form, your soul had specific purpose or destiny that it had agreed to fulfil. This destiny was written and is your Soul Contract.

We all have Soul Contracts and essentially it is the list of lessons that we are meant to acquire in this life time in order to advance our soul to a higher level of consciousness.

I have seen this Soul Contract many times through meditation and when doing intuitive readings and here is what I know about it-

♦ Your time, date and place of birth are no accident
♦ The family you were born into was specifically chosen for you
♦ Certain people are destined to come into your life to help you heal something either from a past life or in this lifetime
♦ Whatever events unfold in your life are here in order to help you evolve to a higher state of consciousness
♦ Death is also included on your soul contract, but not as a date- rather it is at a moment in your life- a moment when you realize whatever it is that you need to realize in order to move back into spirit form

You were sent to this dimension of Earth at a specific time, to a specific place and with a specific purpose. One thing that is not predetermined however, is your free will and choice.

Life is full of choices. We all have free will, we are all in charge (to a certain extent) and we all have a say in how we want our life to unfold once we get here.

These choices are seen as our fate- we can choose which path to go down, we can choose which road to avoid and which road to pursue, but one thing that we cannot change is our destiny.

Our destiny is essentially to experience the Unconditional Love of the Universe and often this takes many journeys, across many lifetimes and dimensions, in order to fully return to this energy.

All souls on Earth are here at different stages of their conscious evolution, some are towards the end and some have just begun, but either way we are all ‘contracted’ to be here.

Essentially, your Soul Contract is the deal you made with yourself in order to help you grow and evolve to a higher state of awareness but, you are not alone. You are also given some help along the way by your guides and angels.

In order to fulfil your Soul Contract you are also assigned a set of spirit guides, angels and people to help you. If you are open enough, you will constantly receive signs, messages and clues as to whether you are following your highest or destined path.

One of the best physical clues that you are following your Soul Contract or highest path is when synchronicity occurs or strange coincidences happen that lead you from one thing to the next.

Another good sign that you are following your highest path is when you seem to meet the right people at the right time who can offer you information, guidance and assistance when you are in doubt or wanting to learn.

There is some debate over whether or not you can break your Soul Contract. Some argue that everything you do is part of your contract, and others believe that you can wander off your chosen path. But was breaking your contract part of the deal?

I don’t think its possible to really ever break your contract, but there can be moments when your choices don’t always flow with your destiny. When this occurs you may experience confusion, negativity or even physical ailments, but remember all of this is sometimes necessary to help you naturally align with and move back into the flow.

Think of your Soul Contract as the mountain you were placed on- the mountain you were destined to climb. You can choose how to get to the top, you can choose which way you want to climb; each of these choices bringing about a completely different experience, but the destination will always be the same. Your mountain will continue to grow, shift and evolve as you do, but your purpose here in human form will always remain.

It is not a race to see how fast you can get to the top, it’s not a necessary challenge to try to climb someone else’s mountain, the challenge is in being true to yourself, and climbing your mountain with ease and grace; excited by where the journey will take you.

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