
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, October 31, 2022



ARCANGEL MICHAEL - SURRENDER TO THE LOVE OF THE CREATOR 💙Greetings, dear ones.We are sending you blessings of love and light right now and inviting you to open your hearts to our message to you...Darling, you are in the tail of this profound shift on earth.Some of you feel overwhelmed and want to give up.But we are here to tell you that they are getting closer to the victory of light on Earth.They're getting closer to heaven on earth.For this to happen, humanity must invoke heaven on earth.For this to happen in your reality, you must call heaven into your experience.. Make this call to the light every day.Start to feel peace and harmony entering your experience, even for a moment.They came here to live the Mastery of their soul.They came here as the incarnation of the Creator.When things get tough, surrender to the love and power of the Creator.Mastery is not understanding what can be done, but allowing the Almighty Creator's love into your life, through you.So let the Creator guide you on what to do next.Become a Divine Force of the Creator's Love in every thought, feeling, word and action.When you block yourself: surrender to the love of the Creator.When you feel disharmony: surrender to the love of the Creator.When you feel overwhelmed: surrender to the Creator's love.They don't have to understand everything...Just let the Divine Creator Plan unfold in your life.It's wrapped in the Creator's love - if he allows it.Also, ask for assistance from Angels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings of Light to guide you on this journey.Know that all is well my dears.Welcome home.We're walking alongside you, every step of the street.My dears, you are loved beyond measure. Every time. I am Archangel Michael and I bring you that truth.~Thank you, Archangel Michael!Channeled by Asara Adams

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council: Eyes on You Posted on 10/31/2022


Mira from the Pleiadian High Council: Eyes on You
Posted on 10/31/2022 by EraOfLight
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council speaking with you today from the Earth Council. Our eyes are on you as everything is being churned up on your planet. You have made excellent progress with removing the dark forces since we last spoke. Some of them are sitting on pins and needles knowing they have very little time left to be on the earth. Everything is being stripped away from them. They have completely lost control over you and the earth. They only have a few more tricks up their sleeves before before it will be complete.
Some of you have been feeling as if you have been walking on a tight rope, as you gently take one step after the other and look out wherever you can, because this is necessary now. Every day there are new revelations. These revelations need to being keenly addressed. They require you to look deeply into the past to see how it has infected the current times. This is why you came back from the future to change this now moment.
More people are awakening to the ugly truth that will set you all free. The Legions of Light are the celestial warriors of light. The Creator is fully active in their hearts, as well as in yours. The activations of the human heart are bringing forth a power to be reckoned with and a strength that is beyond compare. There has never been anything like what is going on with the earth right now. You are breaking all records of history from throughout the ages. We are keeping meticulous records and notes about how this is being done. Rest assured that the greatest minds and forces of light in every form of being, are completely in charge of this process. You are a part of this force of light, ground crew.
We will stop at nothing until the dark has been completely removed from this loving earth that you inhabit. You are the most creative and loving beings in all of creation. You are the ones who have taken responsibility for this grand finale of releasing the earth from enslavement. You have kept your commitment to the Creator. For this you will all be rewarded.
We understand this journey has taken you through many painful lifetimes on the earth, and other planets, to have the expertise to do what you are doing now. Please do not underestimate your gifts, your strength and inherent abilities. You are being pushed to the test now at this pivotal moment. Even your thoughts are a part of the strategic changes being implemented at this time You are working together in oneness and that is what is most important.
You might feel fragmented and like you are the only ones holding the light for the New Earth but this is not so. Each one of you is being ignited like a match and striking a new cord in the fire of creation. This makes your work and your energy even more formidable to those who have had control. We are with you and we know what it is like to go through the ascension process.
Some of you are questioning everything, and that is perfectly normal when you are ascending. Your bodies are going through many levels of change, so if you feel out of sorts; this is also normal. Some days you might need to soak up the sun, take long naps or walks. You may need to be with people, or you may need to be by yourself, because you’re processing these changes extensively. You may be awakened in the night receiving guidance, light and love. When you awaken in the morning you may feel anew. You are becoming anew.
Whatever you are experiencing is part of the great revelations being shown to you. Keep synthesizing these experiences so that you can clear the energies with which you are working.
These are exciting times and soon you will find yourselves living in a magical and perfect world.
I am Mira sending you all of our love and good fortune.
**Channel: Valerie Donner

EYES ON HERE guys! If there's a Med Bed Healing machine to be released soon,



If there's a Med Bed Healing machine to be released soon, there's also another 5D device that would make everyone excited as it produces everything you wanted, it's called #REPLICATOR. It is called replicator because it replicates everything according to your request. 

Now, here's a brief description from Jared Rand as to what this Replicator is all about  and how it's going to operate and benefit humanity. 

Lelani Tan 



👉#Replicators use plasma energy to formulate anything and everything you want, according to Jared Rand. 

For example, on a snowy day, if your snow boots are worn out, and you need a new snow boots, or a new hat and coat. Then, you just #program this huge database (replicator) with the latest styles and details that you want, and the replicator produces it. It gives you the Perfect size, the color, etc as per your request.  Fits you like a glove. 

👉This Replicator machine will produce the product in seconds.

👉If you want hot fudge sundae on a hot day, then just program it, and you got it.

👉Replicators recycle old things back into plasma energy. 

👉There’s no waste, no trash, no garbage, nothing to pollute the environment or to destroy the eco-system. 

Soil is plasma energy. 

Plants are plasma energy. 

👉Take a replicator to a poor village and those people can have everything they ever dreamed of in a matter of minutes. 

👉Replicators will #eliminate the need for massive amounts of land to feed the population. 

👉Anything you want, you can have it. 

👉3D printers are the forerunners of replicators. Accelerate that a hundred times and you have a replicator.

✨ Everything in creation is composed of plasma energy. 

👉Replicators are off-world technology, given to us by the #Galactics, who are sharing this technology with the human race. 

This technology is coming! It’s going to be available everywhere. You will be able to have a phenomenal time with it, constantly.

"‎Many of you in service to this planet wish for this to be your last lifetime on Earth.


"‎Many of you in service to this planet wish for this to be your last lifetime on Earth. You might believe that leaving Earth means you have risen and achieved the ultimate spiritual goal. We wish to assure you at this moment that it is a deep honour you were chosen as a spiritual volunteer to be in such a harsh density, to be here now means you are already highly advanced and able to handle such a mission to come through this way.
As you ascend higher and obtain a greater level of self-mastery and living on Earth, you may or may not choose to return here after human death. We remind you that no matter the challenges, Earth is an incredibly beautiful place that many souls would love to experience because it is also like no other in the Universe. You absolutely can transform here and experience Heaven on Earth as you master higher consciousness.
As a highly evolved soul, you chose to come here even though you could have lived in other dimensions, because you love humanity so much as well as Mother Earth. You did not come to Earth because you are too low to live in higher finer dimensions. Your Higher Self decided to send an aspect of itself into this dimension to master Consciousness expressed as form and matter. You came here to offer your light and love. You came here to assist others in growth simultaneously to your own.
You currently are learning how to love your humanity as you love your divinity."
~ Abigail Wainwright



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FASCINATING Information was given on the meaning and focus of each dimension!

Thank you! This was first time I heard these two, and it was delightful and informative. Pia and Cullen (and you and Miles) are wonderful and so connected. Thanks again. SV


Many voices predict that this month, October, is to be a watershed – a turning point – that will usher in the longed-for change that transforms our world.

We are citizens of the world, but we are also cosmic citizens. Planetary change is inevitable. The Light is in the final stages of its war against the dark. And the universe is with us in our struggle for freedom.

Into this upheaval, Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return. They bring Laarkmaa, those eminent Beings from the Pleiades, who will tell us how the Light is winning. The peace and constancy of their presence, always instructive, always reassuring, will help us to re-assess our roles and re-align our resolve for the coming showdown.


What an opportunity – to shake off our fears and melt into the revitalizing embrace of entities who feel with us in these difficult times, and wish to guide us to the higher destiny for which we were meant.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Update Us on Their Mission’s Current Focus
• How is the Light Winning the War Against the Dark?
• Separating the Awakened from the Unawakened
• Re-evaluating Our Personal Missions
• How are Frequency Upgrades Affecting us?
• Laarkmaa will outline Humanity's Current Situation and What Lies in Store for Our Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-55 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Definitely happening to me...

Have You Recently Jumped onto a New Timeline?

Source: Vidya Frazier


Have you noticed lately that something strange has happened – that you seem to be existing in a reality that is somewhat unfamiliar to you?

Maybe nothing much has changed in your external life, but somehow you are experiencing a sense of greater ease and well-being, less inner pressure? More self-love? And even at times a feeling of joy that wells up out of nowhere?

If so, this may mean you have recently shifted onto a new timeline that holds a higher frequency. Or, it could be said that you’ve “gone up a gear” in your Ascension process – or that you’ve moved up a level within the Fourth Dimension. This is happening more and more for people consciously headed for the Fifth Dimension.

It can initially feel like you’ve somehow jumped onto a new moving sidewalk that is going somewhat faster than the one you’d previously been on. Events are happening more quickly, and pleasant and exciting surprises are occurring out of nowhere.

It kind of takes your breath away, as you attempt to get used to the new sensation of greater momentum pushing you forward in your life.

Initial Fear, Confusion and Stress

It’s important to note, however, that if you’re not experiencing this — and especially if you’re suddenly feeling a great deal of fear, confusion, or stress – this may indicate exactly the same thing: you have just very recently shifted onto a new higher-frequency timeline.

Because of the new frequency you’ve now shifted into, any old patterns, relationships, or situations occurring in your life that are not vibrating at this higher frequency cannot come with you. And so they are now arising in full force in order for you to see and acknowledge them. You can then decide if there’s anything you still need to learn from them. If so, very light, ponder what's involved, without falling into analyzing it or feeling painful emotions. And then just let it go.

The good news is that, if an issue or problem is fully in your face at this point, it means it is already in the process of leaving.

So you don’t really have to do anything much with it except see it as part of your 3D self that is falling away – and just love yourself through the process of letting it go. It can feel really rocky and challenging; but if you can stay calm and trust the process, it can be amazing how the uncomfortable situations and patterns seem to dissipate surprisingly quickly.


Once these situations calm down and resolve themselves, you might then notice that you seem to be in totally new territory. Energetically you feel different – clearer, more relaxed, no matter what is happening. There’s a sense that reality actually works somewhat differently from before.

Somehow more synchronicity begins to happen, even things that feel like magic. What you need shows up more quickly than before, and people you need to meet are suddenly there, even before you know you need them. Emotions are lighter, freer. You feel a greater sense of well-being and peace. Divine orchestration of the events in your life is more and more obvious.

New Timeline, New Challenges

You might for a while not believe that your life could have changed so radically, so quickly. You may hear an inner voice warning you not to get too comfortable, to stay on guard. Old fears may make a feeble attempt to arise in you again.

Stay alert. Be careful to not to subject yourself to old patterns of distress or anxiety and create a drop in your frequency.

Yet, at the same time, it’s also important not to slip back into a pattern of falling asleep again, assuming all will entirely shift into peace and happiness in your life. This is because, with every new shift into a higher frequency, you not only experience greater freedom, joy and love — you also find there new challenges that are now arising.

With every new awakening you experience, there is new territory to explore; there are new abilities to master and new parts of yourself to learn about. This is the process of spiritual evolution: it continues on and on. There are always higher aspects of your multidimensional Self to discover, master and embody. And there are likely more lower-frequency patterns to release.

Sometimes there is incredible joy and excitement in this process; other times, it’s as if you’re constantly running to catch up with yourself. Occasionally, you may experience unfamiliar sensations in your body, as it attempts to recalibrate in order to keep up with what’s occurring. You might feel strange, yet somehow comfortable, energies running through your brain.

Often, during all of this, you find you need more downtime, more rest and sleep in order to integrate all the changes that are occurring in your being.

But through it all, as you continue making these “upgrades” in consciousness, you will find there is a greater sense of peace that flows through you. And a deeper joy and gratitude for the most minute blessings in your life. There’s a more profound love you experience for yourself and others in your life.

As more and more third-dimensional patterns fall away, you continue to discover who you have always been, beyond all the various identities you’ve assumed.

You become aware of that Divine Essence within you that has never changed, no matter what has occurred in your life, what emotions you’ve experienced, or what thoughts you’ve had.

You find you are beginning to embody your incredibly exciting and complex 5D multidimensional Self. And that all of the confusion and fear and suffering you've experienced during this monumentally transformative stage of your evolution has truly been worth it!


Advanced Technologies of the New Earth - Jared Rand

Source: Solutions for Freedom

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PLEASE CONSIDER a donation this month. Thank you.


The World Is Changing: What's Your Mission

Source: Aurora Ray


The shift is happening now!

You are part of a group that has volunteered to take on this mission. You have been chosen for this purpose by your higher self and soul family.

You are part of this team because you want to help your fellow humans create a more peaceful world; you wish to participate in the process of transformation that will make our planet a better place for all beings.

You want to contribute something positive to our collective consciousness so that we can all experience peace, love, and joy together in our world as One Being.

Many of us have incarnated here on Earth with this intention: to contribute something positive by sharing our experiences with others who may be feeling lonely or who need support or encouragement during this times of transition or challenge; we wish to help others find their way back into balance so that they too can experience joy again.

You came to Earth as children of God/Goddess, knowing that you were infinite beings with unlimited potential. You were born with an inherent sense of trust and love for all things around you. You did not know fear, pain, or death, as they are only illusions created by your mind.

You have been here on Earth for thousands of years, helping others learn how to love themselves unconditionally and find their true selves through meditation, self-love, and service.

As children of God/Goddess, you are here to help those who are like you: those who have forgotten their true nature as beautiful spiritual beings living in THESE realities with these bodies on THIS planet at THIS time in our galaxy in THIS universe with these stars lighting up the night sky in THIS dimension with these suns warming your skin, which has been bathed in these stars' energy since birth!

The changes that are occurring on Earth are not only affecting humanity as a whole. They are also affecting every individual who has made their home here in Gaia.

Every single person has been affected by these changes and will continue to be affected by them for some time to come. The more you know about what is happening now, the better equipped you will be to deal with it.

There are many things that you can do to help yourself and others through this process. You can meditate or pray for guidance from your higher self or spirit guide, or you can seek out a healer who can help guide you through any difficulties that may arise during this time of transition.

You might also want to get involved in some type of community project where you can meet people who share similar interests and work together towards common goals and objectives.

You are here on Earth now as part of your mission to help others come into their own power and self-expectations through unconditional love. You have many gifts and talents that you can share with others if they allow you to do so.

You are all here as teachers, healers, and guides for our world because you came with a message of love that needed to be heard by those who were ready for it. You came with an invitation for us all: "Come into your power now."

You have been given a precious gift – unconditional love – which means no matter what has happened in your life or how things have gone so far, you should always remember that you are loved unconditionally by Source/God/All-That-Is.

The reason why you are here is that we are going through a huge transformation. We have been moved by Divine Love and Divine Light into a new vibration, and it's time for us to go through that process together.


This isn't about money or material possessions; it's about giving back to others who are less fortunate than yourself so that they may share in their abundance just as you do now. It's about becoming more aware of how much good you can do for others when they don't even realize they have needs until they encounter someone like you who wants to assist them on their journey!

You are meant to participate in this shift. You are meant to make a difference. The Star family is counting on you; the Indigo family is counting on you, and the new wave of star children coming into the physical plane is counting on you.

You have been called to this time in history, and your life has been designed around this one task. You are here for a reason, and soon enough, you will see it clearly. Revel in your mission and rest assured that it will be successful.

As a lightworker, keep your eyes on the prize and know that the time is ripe to make big changes in your life and on the planet with your fellow lightworkers. Abundance is at the doorstep, and you are the person that can let it in! Enjoy this journey; it's not going to be easy, but it will be well worth it.

You are loved and supported by Source and the Universe, so there is no such thing as failure; you're either learning or growing. We're all on this journey together, so keep supporting each other along the way!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

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Sunday, October 30, 2022

The inner earth is a reality, but we have known that for so long.!


The inner earth is a reality, but we have known that for so long.!

Calling upon the masculine and feminine forces within my body to rise


Calling upon the masculine and feminine forces within my body to rise and copulate in my inner vision. Asking these forces to spark the elements necessary to come together, first in my being, and then in my reality, in such a way as to allow for the manifestation of that which I envision and desire, in alignment with the highest good of creation. May nothing interfere with this creative force.
In wisdom, I proceed
Art Jacob Paul ~