As mentioned earlier, there are those of us who long ago fell into low vibration. And these ones have indeed been violent toward Earth and humanity. Yet be aware that even these ones serve some greater purpose, though they do not know it! If you see or hear of a dragon lighting up a hillside, building, electrical tower, or something else with their fire, purely for the sake of destruction, we assure you—they do not serve the Light! Our work flows in alignment with that of the Angelic realms, the Galactic Federation, the benevolent elemental beings—all of this a matter of vibrational attunement and agreement. Even if we are not ourselves physically working with these ones of the Light, we support their ventures and agreements, as they support ours. All of you who are dedicated to assisting Earth’s Ascension are involved in work that flows from the same vibrational currents as those of the higher realms. You do not realize it, as your outlook and feeling about life is often based on what you see around you. Yet what you see around you is only a holographic image! A representation of a thought. An out-picturing of an energetic frequency. It only appears to be physical, due to the dense accumulation of molecules that create the image and feel of a physical presence. As you know, none of it is real. Your experience of the physical is what is real! And your experiences of us, as well as all beings relegated to the “magical” or “mythical” category. This is more and more now awakening deep within your heart-mind—the psyche paired with spirit, over-lit by your soul and higher self. Like the many starships that morph into cloud shapes in your airspace, we seek to be near and to assist, without undue interference or retaliation from Earth forces. So that each time you begin to remember your beautiful gifts, which you once practiced with ease, you draw nearer to us. You are beginning to recall now that you can heal yourselves and others. You are beginning to realize that you can understand what a baby or someone speaking a foreign language is saying, by using your intuitive understanding of their intention, and the energetic transmission behind the sounds. You are beginning to recall what it is to hear very high vibrational tonal frequencies. You will hear them at times, even now, as a high-pitched ringing in one ear.You are becoming more sensitive and aware of these energetic downloads. And you are remembering how to use tonal frequencies to shift the energy of any place or situation you are in. You are remembering now how to manipulate energies so as to purify water, air, and soil. How to alchemize with fire, without allowing the fire to get out of control. How to read the movement of stars in the night sky and clouds in the day, so as to understand what is happening with the weather, the Earth, with human awareness. We assist you in all of this. And all of this and more is returning to you now! We are still with you, in this moment on Earth’s timeline. And we ask that you call to us once again, so that we may be joyful as we were in times of greater consciousness, before war and shadow covered the Earth. Most of you will not see us on land, in the seas, or in your skies each day. At present we must still hide our presence for the most part in higher dimensional invisibility, as some technologies do alert your militaries of our movements . . . Like the many starships that morph their appearance into cloud shapes as they remain in your airspace, we seek to be near and to assist, without undue interference or retaliation from armed forces. As we are aligned with the Angelic realms and the Galactic Federation (and Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds), we bow to the beauty and vibration of those whose consciousness represents Divine Light, in ways that well surpass our own levels . . .
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