
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Dragons of Higher Light - The Collective


Update on our shopping cart:  We continue to learn and develop a working shopping cart. We cannot predict when we will be up and running. However, you can be sure we will let you know immediately. We appreciate all your concern and loving comments. We are blessed with our PAO community. Love, Colleen 

Magic of Ritual

SOURCE:  Colleen Marshall

Note: Lately I have been joining drumming circles and loving it. Last time we gathered for a drumming circle, we all introduced our drums. This ritual reminded me of what I wrote many years go when I was creating my drum and the importance of Ritual. I'm sharing it here. 

Magic of Ritual

I'm so jazzed. I have wanted to get a drum for awhile now. When I go to full or new moon circles, I usually use a rattle which is nice also. Monday night (July 27th) I met with 12 other friends to make a hand drum for ritual. The process of creating my drum has been amazing and a very spiritual journey.

When my friend, Ursula, was taking the order for my drum kit, I have to say I didn't know anything about size, skins, materials. She asked which skin did I want: deer, horse, elk or buffalo? I closed my eyes, went to my heart and asked: Buffalo came in strong. When the kit came, Ursula, gave us our hoops so we could write a dedication on the inside of the hoop. I set aside time to listen to my heart for words to honor my drum. First I smudged my space and lit a candle setting an intention for the future drum to speak to me. Before writing my dedication, I received the message to go look up buffalo medicine. Here's what I found which was perfect for me.

Buffalo Power Animal Symbol of Abundance

Buffalo medicine includes abundance, manifestation, protection, earth creativity, feminine courage, knowledge, generosity, hospitality, sharing work, courage, strength, challenge, survival, giving for the greater good, formulating beneficial plans for all.

Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honoring every walk of life. Buffalo will assist you in establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Pray/meditate/focus on harmony and peace among all beings. Ask the Universe for help and be thankful for the gifts brought to you. Buffalo teaches us that true prosperity comes when we are grateful for what we have and when we live in harmony and love with every body and being contained within the universe.(source: shamanicjourney)

My drum is bringing magic to me. I am elated with the process of connecting with buffalo medicine and my drum.

Thirteen people met to assemble our drums. It was a beautiful evening. Now it was time for us to hang our drums to dry. It would take 4-5 days to dry....just in time for the full (blue) moon (Friday, July 31). Whoohoo!

That night I had a dream about being in a circle drumming for NESARA/GESARA to manifest in the physical. Upon awakening, you know that twilight/lucid time before being fully awake, I realized my drum gave me her name (drums are female). It was Glory. In my mind I said, "Oh, Gloria, I like it." **NO, GLORY, I heard loud and clear.** I was so honored and excited about my drum providing her name to me. My heart welled up in gratitude ~ I reveled in the magic of the moment.

On the full moon I woke up early and went to my "healing room". I smudged the room, myself and my drum with sage. I made a sacred intention, lit a candle and began the initiation process by slowly beating my drum. It was beautiful as my drum and I synchronized our energies. After some time, I felt euphoric and deeply connected to both Mother Earth and Father Sky. Thank you Glory. I will celebrate life with you forever more. ZaZuMa! Heartfelt gratitude from my singing Heart for coming into my life and reminding me of the importance of ritual and to always be grateful. ZaZuMa!

Excerpts from Sheldan's book, Your First Contact, on the power of Ritual

As a planet's population develops and grows spiritually. the resonate frequencies of that galactic society continually shift. Hence, endless sets of moments or eternal 'Nows', that change according to the perceived reality, constantly take place. This changing balance between society and planet is maintained by positive group ritual. Ritual is one of the many responsibilities that each podlet joyfully shares with every other. It is an important part of daily life that expresses and maintains the vital connections among planet, individual, and Spirit. Rituals also assist in communicating a sense of the profound. It is this bond that is mainly responsible for all souls' happiness and growth. Ritual is one of the essential ways in which the podlet educates it many members.

Ritual is performed according to the regional location and the specific purpose of each pod. It is also carried out simultaniously on a global basis. Galactic society is established in such a way that many pods of similar purposes are scattered throughout the planet. Intermingling of pods assures that the planet's resonance can be balanced easily. It also permits each pod to come in contact with as many different purposes as possible. The key is to teach all how to blend their energies and join most efficiently and effectively. So you may ask, what is it that they do?

Positive ritual is lovingly performed at the many primary energetic nodes on a planet's surface. Here are located the great ritual temples of galactic society, always constructed according to the principles of sacred geometry. Temples serve as sites for properly balancing the planet's numerous resonate frequencies.

Balancing ritual consists of prayer, meditation, intention, and song accompanied by the inspired use of many great crystals, instruments, and drums found at the temples. In solemn procession, members of different pods bring into being the sacred geometry and chant the sacred oaths of their people. They perform this ceremony to create new balance and give sustenance to their holy Mother ~ the sacred, living Being that is their home.
(Chapter: Galactic Human Society)

As you begin to 're-member' who you are, planetary guardianship becomes one of your major responsibilities. The cetaceans provide a model of guardianship you can benefit from by observing. Through the use of their rituals, their song and their travels (migrations), cetaceans vivify the biosphere. Whale song has been found throughout all the oceans of the world. The actions of whale song are found throughout the skies of the world. Even in the deepest parts of Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe, the Devas of sky, earth, and water have joyously received the song of the cetaceans. Your world's tribal shamans have full knowledge of its great energies. These wise women and men are well aware that whale song creates necessary, life-sustaining resonace. During every winter in each hemisphere on your planet, the whales' songs bring forth a new and glorious life cycle. (Chapter: Physical Angels)

ZA ZU MA! Sirian for "Heartfelt Gratitude"

Soon we will be able to receive your love donations. Thank you.  Currently we are not able to receive your donations or webinar registrations. We are creating a new shopping cart. More updates to follow. 

The Collective: The Dragons of Higher Light

Today’s message is an excerpt from the new book channeled from the Dragons of higher Light: The Spirit of the Dragon Tribes: Wisdom and Guidance from the Dragons of Higher Light.

Each chapter of the book begins with a question from a Light Bringer, asking about the Dragons — their origins, their roles and missions, and how they help us as we Ascend.

This excerpt is from Chapter 5 – “Dragons and Earth’s Ascension”:

A Lightworker asks:​

What role do Dragons play in our and Earth’s Ascension process? And in what dimensions do they reside?​

The Emerald Green Dragon Tribe answers:

We can say, we would not be here so powerfully at this time on Earth’s current timeline, if Earth and humanity had not long ago called us forth!

In truth, we have never left.

Yet the increasing vibration of Earth and millions of Her people now, have made possible a more conscious collaboration between humanity and various races of higher vibrational beings.

We are one such race, invited to be a part of this great moment of Transformation.

And so, merely thinking of us, and all tribes who are of the Light, and calling us forth to assist your Earth and humanity—that is all that is required.

We begin then to connect with you more often on a higher self level. And perhaps, more often to appear in your dream state, and to connect with you in other realms, other dimensions.

And to connect with you in more obvious ways in your own shifting dimension!

You are aware that there are varying levels of “reality” in Earth life.

This includes higher dimensional forms of what you see around you right now.

In some ways, due to the power of the quantum field, at any one time there are numerous timelines, offering many variations of your own life, and of your planet, solar system, galaxy, and Universe.


We join you on those planes of existence in which you are open to experiencing us, and open to knowing who we are, as you are open to knowing your own true self.


It is not so that you are at any one time stuck in this or that dimension.

You travel with us, friends!

You soar to new heights in your etheric travel, including in your meditation time.

And in your moments of pure and complete immersion in song or dance, or any art or emotional vibration that opens your heart to new, higher levels of Light.

And so, we join you on those planes of existence in which you are open to experiencing us, and open to knowing who we are, as you are open to knowing your own true self.

Our role in your and your planet’s Ascension into full fifth dimensional life is not contained to any one narrow form.

As with all beings whose consciousness is based on the accumulation and development of higher Wisdom, we are dedicated to assisting you in living that life which is most fulfilling, yet also most healing for you.

And you have come in to heal many things, many wounds accumulated in hundreds of lifetimes on this and other planets and stars.

You have come in to become your higher self while still in a human body.

As Dragons of Divine Light, our higher selves are already in place in our daily living, though we too are evolving higher.

Though you have been told that Dragons are dark, dangerous beings who answer to the self-appointed lords of the lower realms, this is a very dark, very narrow, misleading retelling of our lives and intentions, and our history with you.

For we of the Light realms serve only that which is of Divine Love. We do not look to those of low vibration for direction or sustenance.

As mentioned earlier, there are those of us who long ago fell into low vibration.

And these ones have indeed been violent toward Earth and humanity. Yet be aware that even these ones serve some greater purpose, though they do not know it!

If you see or hear of a dragon lighting up a hillside, building, electrical tower, or something else with their fire, purely for the sake of destruction, we assure you—they do not serve the Light!

Our work flows in alignment with that of the Angelic realms, the Galactic Federation, the benevolent elemental beings—all of this a matter of vibrational attunement and agreement.

Even if we are not ourselves physically working with these ones of the Light, we support their ventures and agreements, as they support ours.

All of you who are dedicated to assisting Earth’s Ascension are involved in work that flows from the same vibrational currents as those of the higher realms.

You do not realize it, as your outlook and feeling about life is often based on what you see around you.

Yet what you see around you is only a holographic image!

A representation of a thought. An out-picturing of an energetic frequency.

It only appears to be physical, due to the dense accumulation of molecules that create the image and feel of a physical presence.

As you know, none of it is real.

Your experience of the physical is what is real! And your experiences of us, as well as all beings relegated to the “magical” or “mythical” category.

This is more and more now awakening deep within your heart-mind—the psyche paired with spirit, over-lit by your soul and higher self.

Like the many starships that morph into cloud shapes in your airspace, we seek to be near and to assist, without undue interference or retaliation from Earth forces.

So that each time you begin to remember your beautiful gifts, which you once practiced with ease, you draw nearer to us.

You are beginning to recall now that you can heal yourselves and others.


You are beginning to realize that you can understand what a baby or someone speaking a foreign language is saying, by using your intuitive understanding of their intention, and the energetic transmission behind the sounds.

You are beginning to recall what it is to hear very high vibrational tonal frequencies.

You will hear them at times, even now, as a high-pitched ringing in one ear.You are becoming more sensitive and aware of these energetic downloads.

And you are remembering how to use tonal frequencies to shift the energy of any place or situation you are in.

You are remembering now how to manipulate energies so as to purify water, air, and soil.

How to alchemize with fire, without allowing the fire to get out of control.

How to read the movement of stars in the night sky and clouds in the day, so as to understand what is happening with the weather, the Earth, with human awareness.

We assist you in all of this.

And all of this and more is returning to you now!

We are still with you, in this moment on Earth’s timeline.

And we ask that you call to us once again, so that we may be joyful as we were in times of greater consciousness, before war and shadow covered the Earth.

Most of you will not see us on land, in the seas, or in your skies each day.

At present we must still hide our presence for the most part in higher dimensional invisibility, as some technologies do alert your militaries of our movements . . .

Like the many starships that morph their appearance into cloud shapes as they remain in your airspace, we seek to be near and to assist, without undue interference or retaliation from armed forces.

As we are aligned with the Angelic realms and the Galactic Federation (and Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds), we bow to the beauty and vibration of those whose consciousness represents Divine Light, in ways that well surpass our own levels . . .

Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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