
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Friday, February 28, 2025

Energy Update for March


Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

A quick sure to take time out today to declare your intentions for 2025 - both personal and global. Writing them down and saying them out loud is most powerful. This alignment is a game changer. Set your intentions and release them with ease and grace. 

With Love,


Is it Possible to Have Healthy Relationships?

Source:  Matt & Joy Kahn

Hello Beloved,

Let us begin this week’s newsletter by answering the question — is it possible to have healthy relationships? Before diving deeply, it is important to remember the usage of the word healthy refers to the quality of your choices and connections, which can occur whether your body is healthy or moving towards greater health on any level.

Of course, when pondering whether healthy relationships are even possible, the answer is yes, even though it may not always feel that way. Let’s explore why.

The primary reason why most people would say a healthy relationship isn’t possible is because they often find themselves in family structures, friendships, co-worker dynamics, and intimate partnerships, where the Universal objective is becoming a more balanced and empowered version of yourself within the framework of any given connection. This means the Universe often pairs you up with the exact characters that create environments and circumstances, where how you move through each facet of connection ensures a more balanced and empowered ‘you’ can emerge. As a more balanced and empowered expression of self has been birthed within you, an energetic signal is put out into the quantum field. It begins attracting others who can match and compliment the balance and empowerment you have taken the time to refine in other partnerships.

Sometimes the greater balance and empowerment you are discovering occurs through daring to be more specific and direct in your communication to create space for others to be responsible for their actions and feelings, instead of assuming it's your role to be responsible for everyone’s experiences. Some of you have done that communication work five times over. To such an extent that the remaining lessons of balance and empowerment are cultivated by moving beyond such connections. By parting with those who demonstrate through their words and actions how unmotivated they are to serve the fulfillment of your experience as you may have so graciously done for them. If in this type of predicament, it is essential to remember how constantly bending over backwards is not a beneficial form of yoga. It is how you give your power away to those whose potential gives you a greater sense of who they will one day be, instead of building healthy bonds and boundaries of empowerment with who someone is today. It can be a rather complex issue to navigate when dealing with parental figures or even adult children. There may be a long term pay-off to participating in one-sided connections. The question remains: is this connection adding or subtracting from my overall health and well-being? Even if its a relationship my heart just cannot part with, can I address the other relationships in my life to ensure I bring greater balance into my life to off-set the connections that are more difficult to navigate. As always, we are never telling you what to do, but offering you the inspiration to choose from your highest level of truth and empowerment. As always the choice is yours to make.

How do we become more empowered in romantic partnerships? Especially when the imbalance might be one partner more focused on communication and growth, when the other one sees a partnership as a guaranteed free pass to having their physical needs constantly met. One might say, ‘I might be more open to physical intimacy with the trust developed through communication and growth.’ Meanwhile, the other one might say in return, ‘How can I trust all this communication and growth is worth it, without seeing what’s in it for me?’ This can lead to a great rift in connection, where one walks away feeling like they are only seen as a physical object, while the other one feels they can’t say or do anything perfectly to ever be enough. Meanwhile, what both partners have in common is a need to prove the point that their feelings equally matter. This can create toxic households to live in, create ample opportunities for miscommunications to surface, and a lingering resentment shared by two hearts.

No matter which of these examples may ring true for any of your current partnerships, the remedy of transformation always begins with a moment of awareness.

In the first step of awareness, you deliberately create the space to determine:

'Will I become a more balanced and empowered me by changing the way I engage in this relationship? Or, is the balance, and empowerment I seek waiting for me to move beyond this never-ending spiral of confusion and enmeshment?'

Once you know, in awareness, whether you are being called to stay and grow or grow by going, the next step in transformation is acceptance. It is where you come into full acceptance that whether you are staying and growing or growing by going, it’s not often going to occur in a way that always pleases the desires of each person. Someone may disagree, have their feelings hurt, or even blame you for the feelings they have no interest in facing, feeling, or healing on any level. As awareness clears a pathway for you to see where you are being guided, can you accept that it is meant to unfold in the exact way it will be and only in a way that moves each person in the direction of their next lesson of greater balance and empowerment? Can you accept that for many in this world, the very catalyst they require to open up to the value of mutual respect, personal ethics, and to authentically resonate with balance over the instant gratification of carnal urges is often losing the very person, place, or thing they cling to as an external form of identity?

It is often why a partner can suddenly become a more redeeming version of themselves at the brink of losing their partner. While it may seem as if ‘they finally learned their lesson and woke up to what is important’, it can often be a temporary shift in order to win back the person like an object that defines them as a way of avoiding the despair of loss. Equally so, there are also examples of people’s eyes being opened, once the person they have objectified or taken for granted sees their next level of balance and empowerment exists in moving on versus staying put. As the lyrics of an 80’s song so poignantly says, all too often, ‘you don’t know what you got ‘till it's gone.’ It is why it is essential to love yourself more, not less, every step of the way — no matter how differently you hope things unfold.

In essence, relationships of any variety are an opportunity to partner up with others as a means of becoming a more balanced and empowered version of yourself. This can occur as a motivation of mutual expansion and up-leveling in healthy relationships. It can equally occur as a means of giving each person what they need to move toward greater balance and empowerment from within the confines of unhealthy, imbalanced, and disempowering interactions. If finding yourself in the latter, you may activate two of the primary steps of transformation.

Step One - Direct Awareness: ‘Am I being called to stay and grow or grow by going?’

Step Two - Deeper Acceptance: ‘Can I accept my heart’s desire, even if it is meant to unfold in a way that I cannot control or protect anyone’s heart from facing?’

Once a direct awareness of what to do has been seen and has moved you into a deeper acceptance that cannot control anyone’s experience within it, you are ready to begin moving out of patterns of imbalance and into new horizons of relationship health and empowerment.

Sending so much love to your radiant beautiful heart as you navigate the wild wilderness of a brand-new world.

We love you.

All for Love,

Matt & Joy


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Energy Update for March

Your Deeply Hidden Agenda

Source:  Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

Even though your fears are partially the result of recent events, they are mostly the pent-up fears you have carried for 3D Earth eons.

You are reacting to fears beyond today’s reality.

Every time you are accosted emotionally or physically in your current world, you are reminded of trauma that might have happened eons ago.

Reminders triggered daily by world events – not to relive them but to erase them from your memory.

You are in the midst of your private hell because you are tying current events to past trauma and releasing it. You are the patient and the psychologist.

Even though you are in a releasing phase, which allows you to exit those long-held fears, the accumulation of all you are feeling internally is frightening, along with knowing your life as you knew it is over.

Of course, many of you have been releasing for months, years, or decades. So you question why this particular time is so fearful, given all you have released. This is so because the fears you release include elements you ignored or have been afraid to address.

Throughout the eons you have been of 3D Earth, you have been the power-broker, thief, war-monger, murderer, prostitute, compassionate and loving being, homeless person, warrior, and earthly saint. You have experienced every piece of 3D fear-based humanity. Something you have been afraid to address, given your need to move beyond 3D.

t is like young children refusing to admit they ate all the cookies despite the chocolate ring around their little mouths. You might find that humorous as an adult even though you must address the issue.

You are now acting out both the child and parental roles, discovering pieces of yourself you have been ashamed of. So you are angry at others, not because they have disrupted your life, but because they display pieces of yourself you have kept hidden for eons.

Even though this message does not apply to everyone, it applies to enough of you to arouse your curiosity or fears. Allow yourself to flow through this piece as a reminder of how complex and, perhaps, in your vocabulary, evil someone can be, which is bringing up issues you have hidden for eons.

Perhaps you question that last statement, remembering that you have existed in other places at other times and believing the 3D “evils” becoming evident must have shifted within you at some point.

The other places and times you lived did not affect those 3D pieces because your role was to explore every 3D Earth experience possible before initiating this transition. You needed to fully understand fear and allow yourself to cleanse during this time. If you had only experienced love and joy, you would not understand why this transition was necessary or how to combat it.

Before you began this arduous transition journey, you knew you would experience fear by creating and experiencing it. This historical time is tying it all together so that some days you are angry, others fearful, and still others calm and peaceful. You are shedding your fear skin with all its secrets for a new skin that expects peace—an expectation that would not be possible if you maintained your hidden shame and fear.

You are exposing your positive and negative 3D hidden agendas, which are inconsequential in your new world. But without this exposure, you would have difficulties fully claiming your new self.

Some of you are not experiencing anything unpleasant, while others are nearly incapacitated with shame and fear. Everyone is addressing this phase in their unique fashion. But know that none of you now transitioning has been what you consider a “good” person throughout your 3D Earth lives.

Those now of 3D display your worst 3D tendencies, forcing you to address your hidden agenda- issues you wish would remain secret forever.

Hiding parts of yourself is not to be. Not because you are terrible but because you wish to enter your new world with a clean slate.

In 3D, you were neither a terrible nor a loving person; you were both because you were preparing yourself and the Earth for now. You needed to experience pieces you hoped were hidden so deeply that you would never have to experience them again.

To find your path, you must eradicate those hidden secrets you have punished yourself with for eons.

It is time to allow yourself to love all of you. So be it. Amen.

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Planetary Activation Org.

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