Beloved Ones, As we move into Piscean Season, many of you will feel the pulse of moving inward, working with inner alchemy to achieve unity within yourselves. This is a time when many of you are going to be awakening or expanding into your soul mission, as I am often seeing in many of you. During this season many of you will awake to your role as Earth Unifiers. Your main mission is to reconcile opposites in the earth’s structures that are still damaged with false programming, to create more separation, and at a collective level. Pisces teaches us how to achieve ascension by precisely merging opposites. It is with this Water sign that we finally clear karmic ties, embody our lessons, and terminate the zodiac wheel by knowing who we are, our purpose, and how to step into a new harmonic sphere of Creation. When we are reticent to leave behind the past and move forward, our physical body shows us the resistance in our feet, knees, and lymphatic system, all ruled by Pisces. If no medical condition, look within to see if you are moving into a new cycle, and your ego is not letting go of the old, as when it occurs we feel pain in our joints, and lymphatic system, which does not drain properly our fluids, for we are not wanting to let go, creating more blockages into its network, and pressure into the parts of our body that want to move forward. Those of you who have already activated both of your polarities, removing the old and stepping into a new phase, will be activated by your Unified Self, as Divine Unifiers. This involves dedication to balancing and neutralizing the ego and seeing the Truth and Unity in all beings and Living Forms. As Divine Unifiers and hence polarity reconcilers, your mission involves remaining always in a compassionate neutral state of being, for judgments obstruct your purpose of anchoring more love and integration. This is a time for us to resurrect our Divine Template, often imbalanced as part of our polarized nature in this plane of existence. A time for us to remember the power of unity to shift what we cannot individually, for this transitional year, is key for us to leave behind separation, at a personal and collective level, and move into a more trinitized space. This is a year when many of you will finally achieve healing, correction, and activation in your polarities—shoulder blade portals—and in all their corresponding body channels. You will realize the Divine Perfection in yourself so you can also see it in others, creating more balanced relationships and releasing the ones that only foment separation through toxicity and egoic patterns. Strength, devotion to serve, and focus on what is truly important, and that is only love, is vital at this time for us to contribute to our planetary ascension. Our trajectory is determined by our personal choices to remain in our Hearts or to keep feeding false narratives. All choices serve Creation for All is equally respected. May you live with your eyes, mind, and soul wide open to see the Truth. May you choose wisely what forces you wish to serve, Beloveds. Within Infinite Love, Natalia |
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