
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The green comet can be sighted any time starting today. Your energy directly impacts


The green comet can be sighted any time starting today.
Your energy directly impacts your groove.
We are in times, where we no longer have to, make sacrifices, rituals, have extreme discipline.
The most important thing is, whatever you do, enjoy it, do it with joy.
New frequencies are coming, that were never on earth.
These are cleaning, temporary lines and henceforth, karmas, contracts and programs that tied us to them.
By increasing the frequency of the heart center, this becomes the predominant channel, it is the best way for the mind to yield its power to feeling.
Everything that comes is new.
You can no longer project, or guess.
The big plumbers, aren't being informed of what's coming.
This plan is going to shock us all.
I can only tell you that the veils are running, it changes our perspective, it disables our beliefs.
When the dimensional connection opens, we can understand that everything is united and manifested with different facets of the same prism.
Welcome to the golden age!!!

QUESTIONER: You said once that the seer, seeing and the seen are one single thing, not three.


QUESTIONER: You said once that the seer, seeing and the seen are one single thing, not three. To me the three are separate. I do not doubt your words, only I do not understand. MAHARAJ: Look closely and you will see that the seer and the seen appear only when there is seeing. They are attributes of seeing. When you say ‘I am seeing this’. ‘I am’ and ‘this’ come with seeing, not before. You cannot have an unseen ‘this’ nor an unseeing ‘I’ am’. QUESTIONER: I can say: ‘I do not see’. MAHARAJ: The ‘I am seeing this’ has become ‘I am seeing my not seeing’, or ‘I am seeing darkness’. The seeing remains. In the triplicity: the known, knowing and the knower, only the knowing is a fact. The ‘I am’ and ‘this’ are doubtful. Who knows? What is known? There is no certainty, except that there is knowing. QUESTIONER: Why am I sure of knowing, but not of the knower? MAHARAJ: Knowing is a reflection of your true nature along with being and loving. The knower and the known are added by the mind. It is in the nature of the mind to create a subject-object duality, where there is none. QUESTIONER: What is the cause of desire and fear? MAHARAJ: Obviously, the memory of past pains and pleasures. There is no great mystery about it. Conflict arises only when desire and fear refer to the same object. QUESTIONER: How to put an end to memory? MAHARAJ: It is neither necessary, nor possible. Realize that all happens in consciousness and you are the root, the source, the foundation of consciousness. The world is but a succession of experiences and you are what makes them conscious, and yet remain beyond all experience. It is like the heat, the flame and the burning wood. The heat maintains the flame, the flame consumes the wood. Without heat there would be neither flame not fuel. Similarly, without awareness there would be no consciousness, nor life, which transforms matter into a vehicle of consciousness. - Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Excerpt from the book: I am That. Chapter 80. Via Dear Sir Manoj Sethi 💙

Plasma energy and Tachyon energy medical beds


Plasma energy and Tachyon energy medical beds



Children Will Listen


Children Will Listen




✨✨When your light increases..... new people come into your life,


✨✨When your light increases..... ✨
"When your light increases, new people come into your life, your professional life improves, you feel more vitality and motivated (or), that is, you can observe when things start to work in your life and this is related to an increase in your light.
When your light increases, low vibration people begin to distance themselves.
When your light rises, you invite masters and other spirit guides into your life and they all somehow protect your path through this life...
When your light increases, some other people's bad intentions, hardly reach you.
When your light increases, you unconsciously invite other people around you to increase their light as well.
In your heart, you know things don't increase your light, just stop doing those things and allow your light begin to express in your life.
You deserve to express your divinity on this earth and for that, you must allow your light, to grow in you
For all our relationships!!!
You've made it.

An energetic technique that I was divinely guided to Teach by Sophia.


An energetic technique that I was divinely guided to
Teach by Sophia.
Call in an angel to regulate your ego until it is fully connected to your heart, ascending it to a 5th dimensional consciousness, also call in an angel each day to filter out the negative thoughts in your mind until no more exists.




It has been classified as top secret and is not displayed.


It has been classified as top secret and is not displayed.

Telepathic Consciousness


Mail Attachment

Revitalizing the PAO to Zoom Forward

In conjunction with our plans to take PAO in a somewhat different direction, we are introducing the first phase of the new and revitalized organization to coincide with the beginning of this New Year.

As a first step to ushering in PAO’s transition, I redesigned our website to give it a fresh new look: By eliminating a lot of ‘old news’, I am leaving more room for new and relevant items. Thus, those viewers more recently introduced to the PAO mission can learn about Sheldan, our Galactic history and future, and about today’s world and its challenges.

To remain relevant in the today’s more competitive spiritual age, we realized that the time had come when we needed to awaken more people and spread the galactic message even more widely. Our steadfast Laarkmaa friends, Pia and Cullen, came to our aid, kindly arranging introductions to several like-minded internet radio hosts. The exciting outcome: Colleen and I are shortly to embark on the next leg of PAO’s journey – into cyber-radio. We are thrilled! (Stay tuned!)

Sadly, that saying about ‘the best-laid plans’ may well apply to PAO right now. As January began, the tax man swooped down on Colleen. Seems that Sheldan’s eyes were more focused on the Galactics than on day-to-day issues back here on Earth, leaving Colleen with a mountain of unpaid bills and back taxes. She is duty-bound to set these issues to rights before she can proceed. To further complicate matters, Colleen herself is dealing with a range of persistent health issues that make each day a challenge. Still she soldiers on, determined not to disappoint PAO's loyal followers.

We are undeterred and remain excited about our new and improved website, and about PAO’s new direction. We feel that it is the right thing to do now, to reflect a changing world, awaken more people on earth, and be part of the cosmos’s Great Awakening. It will give us yet more ways to continue serving you and bringing you the most up-to-date and relevant information available.

Over these many years, you have joined us, worked shoulder to shoulder with us, to become a dynamic force in this universe. We are unwavering in our mission to help humanity awaken, and ease its passage to higher consciousness.

A timely donation, whatever you can manage, would help us in moving forward. With your support, PAO will soon be zooming toward the stars again!

Peace and Blessings.

PAO Team

Mail Attachment 2

NASA Challenger Disaster Crew Members Found Alive in 2023

Source: The People's Voice

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Telepathic Consciousness In Higher Dimensions Of Heart, Mind, And Body

Source: Shift Frequency - Peter Borys


As we awaken to our true multidimensional humanity, we become aware of our unlimited consciousness abilities of Infinite Being. We are Infinite Divine Being in unity consciousness experiencing the cosmos through incarnate form.

Within a heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we can experience a seamless harmonic communication exchange of pure meaning. This type of direct communication from the higher mind in the heart has been historically referred to as “telepathy.” We will find that the unveiled frictionless frequencies of information transmission and decoding in a telepathic consciousness are very natural in a higher dimensional humanity.

The Fear-Based Conflict, Control, and Separation Matrix Infecting Humanity

For thousands of years, humanity on Earth has experienced the spirit, soul, and body within a very limited 3D frequency band of consciousness through the five physical senses and the fear-based egoic level of the mind. The false system of fear, conflict, control, and separation has conditioned human consciousness to decode and sense life experience in dense energetic frequencies of extreme limitation and disharmony.

By being restricted to a slower and dense frequency range of conflict, the pure flow of love and creativity of the true Divine human has been blocked by fear-based thoughts, negative emotional encoding, traumas, and body armor. This restricted flow of human multidimensional energies reduces life force, and thus inhibits love, creative expression, and the natural state of the physical body that is beyond all disease.

As a result of the narrow frequency band of fear-based duality perception, humanity has negative emotional encodings and limiting beliefs in a separation of the conscious and unconscious mind.

The restriction to the very narrow frequency band of information that is consciousness vibrating at a dense level of the physical has veiled humanity from its true capabilities of nonlocal consciousness in Divine Being. All of the accumulated traumas, attachments to lower frequency emotions, and repetitive limiting thought patterns have reduced the full energetic transduction and emanation capability of the heart center.

Higher Dimensional Communication and Creativity

With the full capacity of the heart to experience and express the higher dimensional light and love of the Divine, humanity can restore the ability of the higher mind through the brain to decode, transmit, and express multiple frequencies and bandwidths of information and consciousness. The higher mind operating from within the organization of the heart has the abilities of instantaneous memory, telepathic consciousness, multichannel telepathy, bi-location and beyond, teleportation, harmonic cellular regeneration, and intentional creativity and manifestation. In this article, we will focus on the ability and experience of telepathic consciousness.

We are infinite and eternal souls experiencing our awareness with the physical frequencies of consciousness that organize and express as the physical vehicle of the body. We are experiencing a level of incarnate form that is humanity on Earth. The current experience of incarnation has been in a very dense range of inharmonic duality within the third dimension. The level of conflict, control, and separation that has been conditioning Earth humanity for thousands of years does not reflect who humanity truly is as infinite multidimensional beings.

There are many dimensions and levels of experiencing incarnations within the universe. The true Divine freedom of the human being can best learn in a consciousness of infinite choice of love and creativity within the incarnate experience. Most incarnate soul experiences within the many dimensions of the cosmos experience their soul evolution in these frequencies of consciousness. Earth humanity now has a choice to awaken and ascend to these harmonic frequencies and move beyond the severe control frequencies that have enslaved and imprisoned the incarnate experience on this planet.

Communication that is nonlocal, multidimensional, harmonic, and of pure meaning is foundational to the learning through unlimited love and creativity. Living from a heart-centered unity consciousness is a fully cooperative experience of our unique being in shared unity with others. The seamless, open, free, and purely understood communication of telepathic consciousness is natural to our unique soul experience and our shared activity to further unlimited creative human expression of Divine Being.


Language in a Limited 3D Frequency

The story of the Tower of Babel is one aspect of the narrow frequency of human communication that has impeded our true nature. When the negative force intervened within humanity on Earth, the resulting consciousness encodings restricted awareness to a level of miscommunication, misperception, and misunderstanding of the egoic mind using symbol and sound within a fear-based consciousness. There is a limitation of knowing through language communication using 2D and 3D symbols and frequencies in visible light and in the auditory range of the present physical senses.

Currently, language in the visual and auditory band of the human physical senses within the limited 3D consciousness is only partial. The 3D language tools are incapable of communicating full meaning. The meaning is greatly stepped down and must be interpreted. Thus, at this level humanity is constantly working under a dark veil of misperception and misinterpretation. As a result, the egoic mind works incessantly to deal with this conflict and creates tremendous background noise and static. In this type of language communication through stepped down frequencies that do not have the energy to carry precise information, meaning is diluted and distorted. Within this dense frequency band, humanity never has full unimpeded communication. There is always a level of disharmonic friction.

When the senses and communication abilities are limited to a particular 3D bandwidth, the only way to receive and express pure meaning is in silence beyond words. We can do this, even in the vastly reduced level of decoding consciousness in 3D, because we have multidimensional awareness of infinite consciousness as souls in Divine Being. We can directly communicate the love of the Divine which infinitely transcends the slow and friction based frequencies of 3D language.

Before we discuss our awakening to the full message communication of the higher mind in a heart-centered consciousness, we need to describe one other capability of the visible and audible frequencies of language.

While we are focusing on the severe limitations of this form of communication as compared to our higher dimensional communication abilities in a much broader spectrum of energy, we will first mention the gifts of even this lower level communication.

First, the ability to communicate the level of meaning that we currently do in 3D is a remarkable use of just the current visible light frequency and present frequencies of hearing. It is a powerful intelligent use of the lower level 3D communication tools to communicate a relatively high level of meaning with the limits of symbols and sound combinations within the narrow range of the present decoding capabilities of humans for light and sound.

Secondly, words in symbols and sounds do have the ability to hold and emanate the frequencies of consciousness of the communicator. Even higher dimensional meaning can be encoded within the sequencing and expression of words and multi-frequencies of sound, as well as carrying the frequencies of intent, emotions, and feelings of the communicator.

The soul has found ways to communicate its essence even among the most limiting and narrow frequency bands. Even with some level of success within daunting limitation, it remains extremely challenging to communicate through perpetual inharmonic and conflicting energies that cannot convey full meaning.

Higher Dimensional Mind and Body Communication within the Heart

Humanity is awakening and evolving beyond its narrow level of consciousness in dense 3D frequencies. We are healing the conditioning and attachments to low level trauma frequencies and opening to the full capacity of heart consciousness to receive and emanate higher dimensional energy.

Within the heart, the full capabilities of the mind and physical brain can return to humanity. In order for humans to see, hear, feel, and know in the fullness of multidimensional and nonlocal frequencies, the nervous system must be balanced. This balance will enable the part of the hormonal system through the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and the pineal gland to decode and transmit higher frequencies of light.

With the heart consciousness remembering the infinite unity of the soul in Divine Being, biophotons can communicate through the cellular network of the body through a DNA manifestation that expresses the Divine human.

We begin to open to our full meaning and conflict free communication at the 5D and 6D frequencies of consciousness. In telepathic consciousness, there are no longer any 3D interference frequencies of the uncertain conscious mind and the unconscious mind chatter.

The awareness of the Divine consciousness from the higher mind within the heart and through the body is a noiseless, no static state. Therefore, in this harmonic awareness without the friction of conflict, humanity is free to love, and create as both personal souls and in intersubjective unity with other humans and all of creation.

The higher mind frequencies are able to communicate the full message without misunderstanding in all situations. This frees the soul incarnate to fully create and to develop their soul evolution. Within this consciousness of complete loving communication without the veils, misperceptions, and conflict, humanity can express infinite choice and creativity.

All choices have no conflict or negative impact on other souls. Infinite intelligence organizes in cooperative frequencies to enable ever higher levels of creativity. The gifts of all souls will be working in harmonic conjunction with other souls to further their own soul evolution and creativity and their shared experiences and gifts.

There is no misperception of meaning and nothing is hidden between personal souls. At this dimensional level of consciousness, there is a whole new meaning of teacher, student, and learning. It is a cooperative exchange of information to further the creative mission of each. The understanding and flow of information is open as all parties intuitively know the information and knowledge that is meant to be exchanged in order to further their purpose in love and creativity.

Within the higher dimensional consciousness in Divine unity, communication is a telepathic exchange where the parties know the meaning of the shared encounter. The dynamic power of higher frequency light is uninhibited by doubt, fear, misunderstanding, or competitive conflict. Each unique soul in total freedom works in unity with others within the cooperative purpose for knowledge in furthering the infinity of creativity and love.

Within the heart-centered consciousness in Divine unity, we have full memory and instantaneous nonlocal communication to all in the universe through our multidimensional Being. Fifth dimensional life and beyond is a dynamic interchange conveying information through our multisensory and multichannel mind within an incarnate physical body that can tune and emanate these frequencies.

May we continue to awaken to our true Divine human consciousness so as to remember, restore, and evolve our harmonic telepathic consciousness on Earth.


The Other Side of Saying Yes

Source: Lee Harris Energy with Monica Lawson

Monica Lawson is a Spiritual Advisor and co-author of Chase You with Elizabeth Kendig. A near death experience following a tragic car accident awakened her ability to hear, see, feel, and know the "Other Side." She has had the privilege of giving readings to people from all over the world, in all walks of life, faiths, and belief systems. Her mission is to help people discover their purpose, connect to their spiritual gifts, and co-create a life that leads to more joy.

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The Twelve Layers of DNA: “You Alone”

Source: Lee Carroll ~ Kryon


Your spirituality is evolving.

Why would you spend hours looking into each other’s eyes or chanting mantras when every bit of energy you create can now be done in the blink of an eye?

Your very time frame has changed!

Could it be you are stuck in a system you felt was static and forever—and very comfortable?

Do you really believe that peace on Earth at this point in time will be created by those who sit in small groups and spend hours in an alpha state?

Think: This is what the ancients did, and you are wishing to still be in that ancient system.

Your profound spiritual DNA is evolving, allowing you to accomplish far more for the earth by becoming quantum in your life.

You now possess the power of hundreds of chanting new agers who just want to sit and “be.”

You alone can affect the light-dark balance of the planet as your Merkabah moves from place to place with a very high vibration.

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