| Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for June |
Join Colleen and Miles for a lively question-and-answer discussion.By coming together each month as a group, we can significantly assist the GF in speeding up the necessary processes that will lead us towards full consciousness. As always, the Galactics will envelop Webinar attendees in activational energy.PAO had such positive feedback from Laura’s previous visits that we just had to invite her back again! Great-granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura’s heart instincts and life calling have always been to protect and restore this planet and its Ascension timeline. In light of the deepening crises that right now envelop our world, she returns, armed with sound knowledge of the cyber ops that control and threaten to destroy Earth, and mastery of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical arts that can heal both Gaia and humanity. |
If information is power, then it is also healing, for it energizes us to go out and find solutions to our life’s ills. Laura’s words and ideas will ignite our vital spark, inspiring us to link our spirits, rekindling the flame of our frequencies to even greater heights. Please join us!Subjects to be discussed:• Laura's Mission • All Eyes are On America Events Leading Up to Disclosure of the False Narrative • Remembering our Galactic heritage On the Alert for a Possible Cosmic Hoax • New Technologies Timeline for Release of Suppressed Healing, Energy and Environmental Technologies • Ascension Preparing for More Frequency Upgrades • An Astrological View of Our Current World How Astrology Affects Our Future |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Sunday, June 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, June 27, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
Greetings, namaste, blessings, I am Grandmother Anna. It is a joy to be in your presence, bringing forth my vibration and truth into your awareness and reality. Have you ever thought that you are a being of expression? You are a being of receiving; you are a being of flow. One of your main purposes in existence upon the Earth is to be consciously aware of the energy flowing from your being and what you are creating with it. It is to be consciously aware of what you are receiving, what you are bringing and drawing into your body, being, soul, chakras, thoughts, emotions, every aspect of your being and your reality. It is your mission and purpose to be aware of this flow and how you are in the centre of this flow. YOU ARE THE ANCHORYou are the anchor of the Creator. You are the anchor of this two-way flow. When you are consciously aware of the energy you express, and the energy you receive you begin to dance with the Creator and with your Creations as you manifest them from within your being and your reality. I invite you to contemplate what is happening in your reality that maybe is unbalanced, that you are not happy with or are concerned about, you wish to change or shift or alter? When you think of something that could be hindering you or occupying your mind, allow yourself to acknowledge: What am I anchoring in this situation?’ What energies am I allowing to flow through my being from the Creator or simply from my mind, from my emotions? What energies am I receiving? What energy am I receiving from the Creator, from the outside world, from my situations, experiences? What am I receiving? What am I expressing? Therefore, what am I being? What am I anchoring? As you acknowledge this, you begin to understand how you are being present in the world, how you are being present in your physical body, and how you are being present in your reality. Thus, you can create a shift. You can also ask yourself:What do I wish to anchor instead? What do I need to anchor to make the necessary change, transformation or shift that I desire? Or what do I need to express from the Creator through my being? What do I need to receive from the outside world, and from the Creator? Therefore, what am I being, what am I anchoring? When you allow yourself to recognise what you need to anchor, what you need to be in that moment, in the situation you begin to acknowledge and create a transform thus, creating yourself as an anchor of a new energy. An anchor of a new aspect of your being thus releasing what is no longer needed. You are being present, grounded, anchored in a new way. You are being present, grounded and anchored in a new way as the Creator This is something I encourage you to explore in the coming days. It is amazingly simple process and yet it can transform your reality and your experiences as well as transforming your embodiment, the way you act and react within your reality and ascension. |
As you recognise yourself as an anchor in every given moment of your reality and ascension, receiving energy from the Creator, expressing energy from the Creator, I encourage you to contemplate this. Recognise they are all the same, it is the same process and yet you can feel yourself breathing in, receiving energy from within your being and radiating it outwards thus, expressing and radiating the Creator. Receiving divine energy from the Universe of the Creator, from your guides and bringing it into your being, into your embodiment. Exhaling beaming out the energy of the Creator, inhaling the energy of the Creator. We can see that it is a flow, it is a process and although our perspective is slightly different, the process is the same. When we think of expressing the Creator, and when we think of receiving the Creator, it is still a good idea to recognise these two aspects because we ground two levels of energy. We bring forth a heightened vibration with each expression and with each receiving. We allow our entire being to receive, express, and to anchor. We involve our wholeness and our completeness in this process and that is what is needed in this moment. It is essential and important for us to recognise our wholeness, and completeness, therefore whatever our actions are we are in a space of wholeness and completeness of the Creator. Whatever we may be doing, thinking, or feeling we are coming from that space of entirety, the ultimate whole and complete vibration of the Creator, this is essential on the Earth at this time. It is important to come to terms with yourself as an anchor, asking yourself in meditation, what does this truly mean for me? What practice, meditation, or thought process will allow me to really embody that I am an anchor of the Creator and anchor into the Earth of the Creator's energy? This is something entirely personal for you to acknowledge, understand and to explore. What practice, what thought process, what meditation, what technique will allow you to really acknowledge yourself as an anchor of the Creator's energy? It can be something that comes into your awareness, it may be a technique that you are aware of or a healing process that you are aware of. It may be something that you are doing for yourself, and maybe working or co-creating with another. It could be walking, could be running, could be exercise, whatever it is, it is very important that you recognise this process now and that there is something you can do to really heighten your awareness of yourself as an anchor. There is a need for you to have the perspective in your mind for you to really exist as, embody and walk the Earth as an anchor for the Creator so that everything you do, think, and feel comes from the knowledge and understanding that you are an anchor of the Creator's light. You then approach everything you are and everything you create from this knowledge of being an anchor. You draw into your body more and more light, more and more vibrations and high frequencies. Like a lotus flower in the physical, your physical body, your chakras, your mind, your energy systems, your emotions all begin to open up and you blossom. You become your ascended master self on the Earth through this anchoring and grounding process because you are saying, not only to yourself, not only to the Creator, to the world that you are an anchor of the Creator's energy light, truth, and love. This creates an opportunity for great expansion, a great opening within your being, as a physical being upon the Earth. Therefore, spiritual energies, your spiritual aspect, your spiritual master self will be able to come forth because you are creating this opening, you are creating a very strong and powerful foundation. You are allowing yourself to open and become your truth. In many ways, we can think of it as there is nothing standing in your way, you are an anchor, you are bringing these energies into your being, into the Earth, into your reality. Everything within your being is opening up, your intelligence opens up, your intuition opens up, every part of your being begins to open, to express and receive this flow of the Creator and you anchor further. You become the Creator upon the Earth. Not only do you recognise this, you really embody it and you experience it. I am an anchor. I am a Creator anchor. I invite you to affirm this to yourself in the coming days: ‘I am a Creator anchor. I am an anchor of the Divine energies and I co-create with the Creator in the physical.’This means through your physical being, perceptions, expressions, receiving, attractions, through co-creation, manifestation, everything that I am and the truth of the Creator. Imagine yourself in this way, how will others perceive you now? Not that it matters how others perceive you, but what I am saying is that others will be inspired. You will be a strong foundation of the Creator's light. This will be magnetic, it will be inspiring, it will encourage others to be the same in your presence, not that you will awaken anything within them, nor that you will influence them. They will be in your presence experiencing this flow that you are an anchor, that you are so strongly grounded in your spiritual self and in the vibrations of the Creator that they cannot help but open and become their truth. It is not even about directing your energy; it is just about you being present as an anchor. It will transform so much within your world, within your reality, within Mother Earth and the entire world, it is immensely important in this moment. Recognise yourself now as an anchor and allow yourself to realise that this is your pathway forward. Allow yourself to acknowledge what you become, how you become, in what way do you act and react. Do not try to guess, just allow it to be and you will see yourself transform, you will see yourself becoming something so amazing, beyond your imagination. I trust in you and I am present to support you and assist you in every moment. You are a Creator anchor. I love you always. I am Grandmother Anna |
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again today. Let us walk together for a moment amidst the beauty of your favorite scene. That may be the seaside, walking on a sandy beach next to gentle waves. Or a beautiful green forest, full of quiet Nature sounds and gentle breezes. Or it may be a desert, or a mountaintop. Choose a place on Lady Gaia that is meaningful to you, even if it is a special place you travel to inwardly in Inner Earth, as you meditate. We will join you there. And in this place of beauty, there is a sense of Oneness, of the completion and perfection of all things. If you have placed yourself out in space somewhere, flying amongst the planets and the stars, do you see the symmetry of movement—the interchange amidst each planetary being, as they move along their elliptical or trajectory? See if you can hear the music of the spheres, subtle yet growing more distinct and more colorful in its harmonies . . . See if you can feel the Light flowing to planet Earth now, and the shifts of consciousness of all living beings there . . . Be aware that as you sit or move quietly in any of these or other Peaceful scenes, you are resonating beautifully with the vibration of that place. You may wonder, How do I shift my current life and its challenges, which have only increased over the past year or more, by simply thinking or feeling to be elsewhere? Isn’t it best to just sit in whatever situation I am in, and accept it without trying to escape inwardly? And we would say, most assuredly, accepting “What Is” holds its own amazing presence and power. We encourage all to accept the Present Moment without struggle or resistance, as resistance only more fully embeds the energies of what you push against. What we image all of you doing, is connecting inwardly with images and experiences that offer you the immediacy of Peace and Well-Being. From there, you can approach the circumstances of your life (and the world) with a renewed sense of calm, with your energetic “sensor” registering at a frequency that is centered and tranquil. From this place of reassurance, you then look upon whatever feels burdensome to you as you move through your day, and realize that this outer condition really has no power over you. Of course, you may feel that the unanswered questions, the uncertain future, the current struggles to understand what is happening, let alone solve it—that all of this has very real power to influence how you feel at any moment. And this would be so, yet it stands a far smaller chance of taking you out of your center if you first establish Peacefulness as your dominant vibration. |
One that is part of Who you are, and therefore natural to you. The more often you spend actual physical time in Nature, with your heart-mind quieted, taking in the calm scenes around you, and the more time you meditate on calm scenes where there is a steady and unbroken sense of Well-Being, the more that vibration becomes natural to you. That then becomes your norm, your default position, and not the tumultuous vibration of the shadow world. We do not view the world as being in shadow, but like you, we are aware of a shadow world. And what we mean by that, is that version of the world, demonstrated in some of its current situations, that transmits the vibration of fear, uncertainty, loss, shame, and other forms of density. These images and emotions cannot carry you to experience your higher good; they may even cause you even to doubt its existence some days. That is their function—to carry you away from a vibration of solidity and calm, and into a broken and dissonant vibration. In those moments, you are not who you truly are, but a being who has momentarily lost their center and been taken in by outer appearance and the energies it projects. That is the shadow world—the representation of Earth life that is not an ongoing presentation of open possibilities, each moving higher than the last in its expression, but a representation of life as an ongoing struggle that slowly but surely spirals downward. You may be thinking that that is the world you see as you watch or read about the daily news, or watch certain videos on the internet, regardless of whether they come from the old established channels of information or some of the newer ones, many of which promise to be the only truthful ones. We would be extremely careful at this time, regarding what information you allow yourself to take in, for this is not simply information, but an energy stream. Some of it will connect you directly to the shadow world, which is a tool and resource used for the purposes of lowering your vibration and bringing you to an emotional and psychological state that lowers your overall etheric vibration, and therefore the trajectory of your inner and outer path. These tolls were created for the purposes of gathering humanity’s energies, to further a far darker agenda than you would ever support were you to understand fully what you were partaking in. Be aware that these news programs and information outlets do not come in any special color or have any identifying marks, except for their vibration. Most have the appearance of respectability, and present information in ways you have been trained to accept without question, yet offer much that is not trustworthy. |
The only distinguishing mark is their vibration, as it registers with you as you watch or listen. And so we encourage you to turn off that which pulls your energy down or seems to be pulling your energy into it. It is possible to be basically aware of what is happening in the world, and to send Light to all difficult situations occurring now, without dwelling on details to where you feel hopeless or sad, or where you must run from one internet spiritual message to another for reassurance that all is not lost. As you protect and honor your vibration, you listen more to those messages and realization that bring you feelings of Peacefulness, not distress. These are messages that tend to come from within, not without. Take those quiet moments each morning, whether in meditation or out in Nature or both, where you will center yourself in the Well-Being that is naturally yours. Note that the presence of your beautiful, resilient spirit desires to become stronger now than you have ever experienced it. How can that be, you ask, when the world feels to be in a more precarious place than ever? When my own life holds so many questions and What Ifs? And we would say, you have never been a collection of ideas, or information, or outer situations. These are holographic projections, and not your true life. You have only ever been a bundle of powerful Light and Love, with visions of an Ascended Earth, and an Ascended humanity. You are intrinsically a great Sun that pours out a living vibration to all around it. There is much that your rays touch and give life to, that you are not even fully aware of yet. Leave the old training behind, dear ones, for it cannot serve you any longer. Decide now what constitutes Joy and Peaceful reality to you—the Love that sustains within all situations, and rely on that alone. For this you came. Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always. . Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. |
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