
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Pleiadians: Let Go and BE!


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


The 888 Lions Gate Portal date is fast approaching. I will be spending the day with a few friends to celebrate and anchor in these unique, positive energies and consciousness shifts being gifted us. This annual alignment starts on July 26 (day out of time in the Mayan and Galactic calendars) and ends on August 12. This makes the 88 portal day the apex of energies.

This alignment is when our Earth, our Sun, Sirius (often referred to as our Spiritual Sun) and 3 brightest stars in the Orion Belt (mintaka, alnilam, alnitek) align. The three stars of the Orion Belt align over the pyramids of Giza.

I was gathering my tuning forks, heart crystal bowl and thumb drum for the 888 ritual. Personally, I use my tuning forks daily. I clear my bed before sleep and again when I wake up, along with a full body experience. I find comfort in doing rituals especially before bed.

Below is an article on the benefits of tuning forks. Let's all get ready to welcome in the energies of the 888 Lions Gate Portal. These are the times we were born for. Keep shining your Light bright in this world and beyond.

Blessings of Love sent your way,

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MARGIE KAY was truly Amazing...

Margie definitely is the real deal. Her story from childhood on is astounding. From remote viewing to extraordinary healing abilities Margie is a master. It was a treat to listen to her stories.
We thank everyone who joined us yesterday. Your continued support is a blessing. Colleen

Colleen, I just listened to the replay, and it was fantastic. I hope to be able to join her January class. I did study remote viewing with Dr. Courtney Brown at Farsight Institute. He is one of the few who stressed the importance of meditation for successful viewing. Lots of viewers don't. I pray that the interference you have experienced will cease. Love to Sheldan. Hope he will be in a med bed very soon. Love, Jan D


From the age of 2½, Margie Kay has been aware of the ‘other worlds’ that exist around us. She has spent her whole life seeking and learning about them. In the process, she has accumulated a breathtaking array of experiences – and stories.

Now, she is PAO’s honored guest.

Through the course of a very busy career, Margie has been able to integrate her use of remote viewing into both criminal and paranormal investigation. Deeply involved in UFO research, she will share some of the remote viewing techniques she uses to contact extraterrestrial beings, and describe methods that have led her to discover inter-dimensional portals. Margie possesses a profound understanding of the nature of time and will decode for us some of its secrets. More personally, Margie channels Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus and, since 1985, has been in direct contact with Val Thor.

Subjects to be discussed:

• UFOs and ETs
Learn How to See Extraterrestrial and Inter-Dimensional Craft
• Time Anomalies
Exploring the Many Mysteries of Time
• Natural Remote Viewing
Methods to Remote View People, Places, and Events
• Val Thor
A Sharing of Wisdom About Humanity

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-76 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


The Pleiadians: Let Go and BE!

Source: Christine Day


Beloved ones we greet you,

Great energetic forces are at work across your earth plane, the winds of change are creating a next phase cycle of higher light codes to anchor throughout the planet.

These light codes will birth a series of higher light frequency waves, bringing forth a pure consciousness of love that begins to arise and pulse, touching those of you who are on the path. Re-opening your sacred Hearts on another level, realigning you to authenticity, wisdom and knowing.

These energetic waves are designed to uncloak all that does not contain Truth, all that is corrupt within countries and within individuals. Your Heart is your guiding light, your compass to assist you to navigate through these changing times.

Be still and trust your authentic Heart!

There is going to be a shaking of the planet as old dense patterns are unearthed, creating a huge shifting of consciousness throughout the entire earth plane.

This is the time for greater changes to be unveiled as you move and navigate deeper within “the New Dawning” era.

Claim ownership of your vast light, your integrity, your knowing! Be still and trust the guiding compass of your Heart! Utilize the words of truth, ‘I AM’, allow these words to be your sacred mantra. Let go and trust, let go and Be!

Be not blinded by the drama that is coming, that will unfold in your own life. Witness and let go. Refer only to your own Heart, staying in integrity moment by moment.

We witness you in love.


The Pleiadians


How To Use Tuning Forks For Healing

Source: Academy of Sound Healing

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Using tuning forks for healing is a very gentle yet powerful modality to treat the mind, body, and soul, and to restore inner balance and health. It works with the nervous system, the tissues, and the more subtle energies of the body, being deeply relaxing, and filled with long-term benefits.

In this article, we will share with you our top tips on how to use tuning forks for healing either at home for yourself, friends, and family or professionally during more thorough sound healing treatments.
What Are Tuning Forks For?

Tuning forks vibrate at a set frequency after being struck on the heel of the hand and are used for several reasons, including healing with sound.

They can be held by the stem, not the prongs, and are available in a wide range of frequencies, ranging from 64 Hz to 4096 Hz, however, the 128 Hz tuning fork is the most commonly used frequency for sound healing.

They are being used to help alleviate difficult symptoms caused by:

▪ Chronic stress
▪ Chronic pain
▪ Tiredness
▪ Hypersensitive nervous system
▪ Headaches and migraines
▪ Insomnia
▪ Joint pain
▪ Cramps
▪ Digestive problems
▪ ... and much more

Besides being a very effective sound healing instrument, using tuning forks for healing can also be a powerful support for integrating other alternative healing modalities such as sound massage, yoga, and meditation. This is because the sound’s ability to interact with the more subtle structures of our beings can assist the shifting of any stuck and stagnant energies on all levels of our being.

A very important aspect to remember is that there are two main types of tuning forks for healing: plain/unweighted and weighted Tuning Forks.

How Do Tuning Forks Work For Healing?

Sound waves are created when any object vibrates, such as the sound of someone singing, playing the guitar, or even the sound of a glass smashing on the floor.

When struck, usually with a mallet, on a knee cap, or a hockey puck, the tuning fork tines start vibrating a couple of hundred times per second, thus producing waves that transmit powerful vibrations in the air. These back-and-forth vibrations disturb the air molecules surrounding the tuning fork at great speed, smashing more air molecules that, in the end, hit our eardrums and get processed by our brains as gentle humming sounds.

The faster a tuning fork vibrates, the higher the pitch of the note it makes while facilitating the opening of energetic pathways where the body’s energy, life force, or Qi flows naturally.
The Benefits Of Tuning Forks For Healing

Using various tuning fork frequencies for healing comes with many benefits, including tuning the body’s natural cycle or circadian rhythm while stimulating homeostasis, which helps bring the body back to its natural state of balance.

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It also attunes the body’s vibrations on a cellular level and promotes the activation of Qi so life force energy can flow freely without any blockages. It balances the nervous system by aligning the right and left brain, thus improving cognition and clear thinking.

And another very interesting benefit is the aid in repairing our DNA structure while reducing chronic stress levels, anxiety, inflammation, muscle pains, and digestion disorder symptoms.

Steps On How To Use Tuning Forks For Healing

In sound healing, with weighted and unweighted tuning forks we can correct many imbalances and learn how to project positive energy and attract positive vibrations while strengthening our body’s electromagnetic field so we can better handle and balance whatever life throws at us.

As mentioned earlier, tuning forks can be used both by beginners at home and professional therapists alike, however, there are a few things worth mentioning:

▪ During a tuning fork healing session, you should always lie down and relax
▪ The tuning forks get stricken and passed over various areas of and on the body
▪ The tuning forks produce a vibration that the body naturally aligns to, thus traveling deep to trigger the healing process
▪ Different tuning forks produce different frequencies and vibrations
▪ A tuning fork activator can be used as well

When trying to choose chakra tuning forks for healing, unweighted tuning forks are the most commonly used as they help to make distorted waves coherent and to clear lower vibrations that no longer serve you

On our Sound Healing Academy YouTube channel, we have a great video on How to use tuning forks for healing, where Jane Satchwell, the Vice-Principal of the Sound Healing Academy, uses 3 powerful techniques which can be used with 3 different types of tuning forks to reduce pain in joints and muscles.

These techniques are very effective for pain relief, particularly in joints and in the muscles, where in many cases, the pain relief can be instantaneously in many cases.

Jane also offers a short yet very helpful demonstration of her techniques. Watch the video to discover the best tuning forks for healing and how you can apply these techniques to help yourself, your family members, and your friends.

Three Techniques On How To Use Tuning Forks For Sound Healing

The 174 Hz Unweighted Tuning Fork

This technique is used to start the sound healing process.

The beauty of these Unweighted Tuning Forks is that you can hear the sound much more clearly than the Weighted ones. When working with these, we’re not working directly on the body but just off it.


▪ Activate the tuning fork by tapping it on a rubber puck or with a mallet (you’ll be able to hear the sounds very clearly)
▪ Bring the tuning fork close to the painful area on the body without actually touching it, and move it over the area slowly
▪ When the sounds die away, simply reactivate the tuning fork in the same way

The 128 Hz or the 136.1 Hz Tuning Fork

Both are Weighted and are used directly on the body to target any painful areas you may have.


▪ Activate the tuning fork
▪ Place the end of the tuning fork directly onto the joint or muscle, and as you touch it on any part of your body, you’ll be able to feel the vibration going in, which creates a very soothing effect
▪ As the vibration fades away, reactivate it before it completely dies away
▪ Keep working around the area where it’s uncomfortable

Top tips:

If somebody has a particularly painful joint or muscle, you can make the end of a tuning fork much softer by attaching a simple rubber ball. Although it is a little less strong, you can still feel the vibration through it.

You can also put a crystal foot on the end instead of a rubber ball. Using rose quartz is very good for emotional healing and can be used to release emotions as well as pain. The vibrations will be felt strongly through the crystal, amplifying the tuning fork's healing vibrations.

The Weighted 128 Hz Tuning Fork and the 136.1 Hz Tuning Fork together

The vibrational frequencies of these two tuning forks are very close together, with only a few Hz between them. That means they are very dissonant with each other and are very helpful in releasing any stuck energy or pain.


▪ Tap one tuning fork and then the other very quickly, so they are both vibrating at the same time
▪ Then introduce them very close together on the affected part of the body, but without actually touching them
▪ When you feel the vibrations dying away, reactivate both of them at the same time again, and do so for a maximum of three times

Top tip:

At the end of a tuning fork therapy session, you can always return to working off the body with an Unweighted Tuning Fork to finish the healing process. If you’d like to learn how to use Tuning Forks for healing but don’t own any of your own, you can buy the tuning forks used in the video from our Sound Therapy Shop.

Additionally, don’t forget that you can participate in our Online Tuning Forks Courses, which cover various types such as Level 1 Foundations Certificate, Uncertified, Short, and Level 2 Practitioner Diploma Courses, all designed to accommodate all levels, abilities, and interests.

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