
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, August 5, 2024

Cut Cords


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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Change is in the air! Yes, indeed. Many changes happening all at once. Political, economics, health, new technologies, Truth explosions daily, past history isn't what we have been told, just to name a few.

The micro and the macro. While all that is going on, our newsletter platform, MadMimi, is closing its doors at the end of August. Miles and I are scrambling to find an alternate source and to learn how to export all of your email addresses so we don't loose our connection with you.

Starting in September, we will have a new look for our newsletters ~ just don't know what platform we will be migrating too, yet. It is simply a little change, but in my brain, this is a big change. LOL.

We continue to walk forward as we realize we have to let go of all attachments to previous beliefs systems that are no longer valid. This process can be confusing, true. However, on the other end, true sovereignty reigns.

With Love,

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MARGIE KAY was truly Amazing...

Margie definitely is the real deal. Her story from childhood on is astounding. From remote viewing to extraordinary healing abilities Margie is a master. It was a treat to listen to her stories.
We thank everyone who joined us yesterday. Your continued support is a blessing. Colleen

Colleen, I just listened to the replay, and it was fantastic. I hope to be able to join her January class. I did study remote viewing with Dr. Courtney Brown at Farsight Institute. He is one of the few who stressed the importance of meditation for successful viewing. Lots of viewers don't. I pray that the interference you have experienced will cease. Love to Sheldan. Hope he will be in a med bed very soon. Love, Jan D


From the age of 2½, Margie Kay has been aware of the ‘other worlds’ that exist around us. She has spent her whole life seeking and learning about them. In the process, she has accumulated a breathtaking array of experiences – and stories.

Now, she is PAO’s honored guest.

Through the course of a very busy career, Margie has been able to integrate her use of remote viewing into both criminal and paranormal investigation. Deeply involved in UFO research, she will share some of the remote viewing techniques she uses to contact extraterrestrial beings, and describe methods that have led her to discover inter-dimensional portals. Margie possesses a profound understanding of the nature of time and will decode for us some of its secrets. More personally, Margie channels Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus and, since 1985, has been in direct contact with Val Thor.

Subjects to be discussed:

• UFOs and ETs
Learn How to See Extraterrestrial and Inter-Dimensional Craft
• Time Anomalies
Exploring the Many Mysteries of Time
• Natural Remote Viewing
Methods to Remote View People, Places, and Events
• Val Thor
A Sharing of Wisdom About Humanity

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-76 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


Exclusive Interview with Simon Parkes

Source: Ismael Perez

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A Time to Cut Cords

Source: Natalia Alba

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Beloved Ones,

We are reaching the peak of the great transmutation we have been undergoing since this year began. A personal metamorphosis to become illumined beings that involves the complete healing of our wounded hearts, and emotional bodies, to achieve self-synthesis, something that the New Moon at 12 degrees Leo supports, for we are at a time when we need to let go of what was, to be able to embrace what Is, as Guides share many times.

We are in a process of self-reconnection like never before in our human history, and it is now when we shall cut all the cords that are impeding our energy to become sovereign and flourish. The Leo Moon focuses on relationships, for they are our mirrors and the only way in which we master ourselves completely, for it is when we are in the presence of others that we know if we are becoming loving and compassionate beings, as ascension is not a mental concept.

This is a time for you to cut energetic, spiritual, psychic, miasmatic, sexual, and solar cords, for all of them are keeping you from being the owner of your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energy, as you continue to be attached to past people who have already fulfilled their purpose and that shall to be set free.

When we own our energy, thoughts, and emotions, we become sovereign of our bodies, consciousness, and personal experience, which is what Leo helps us achieve at this time, a complete state of ownership of all of who we are.

Personal power does not come from outer energies, but from the inner work we do to attain a better connection to who we are, and our divine selves, healing and clearing all we find within, and in our bodies, that is fragmented.

Others who may be already living a balanced and harmonic relationship may experience this time as a blessed one to reinforce their soul connection, creating new ways of being together, communing, and continue creating from a unified space, that will serve All.

Astrologically, The New Moon in Leo will harmonize with Mars and Jupiter. It is an opportunity, as we embrace more love and expand our hearts, to balance the ego, especially with anger issues, learning how to direct our thoughts, feelings, and life force to build not destroy ourselves, as anger and stress are the most detrimental states of being for humans.

Once we heal and balance our ego, Jupiter can help us expand in the confidence and willpower we have retrieved, as we move inward and discover that all anger was fear in disguise, as well as past untreated traumas that caged our hearts and did not let Love in.

When we open ourselves to experience pain, embrace it, and keep its lessons, we allow love in. When we hide pain for fear of feeling fear, then we cannot receive love, abundance, expansion, and all we wish to create in our reality, and that is our birthright to create.

Only we constrain this divine, loving, and abundant flow. No one else has this power, even though we have been programmed to think they do.

Focusing on releasing and cleansing all that disempowers us is also vital now, for as we heal, we too need to release through our chosen cleansing methods, the accumulation of many different energies in our bodies, that do not allow new ones in.

This is a very transformational year, and even more so this month. Experiencing ups and downs in our energy levels, emotions and thoughts is common. We need to be compassionate and understanding with the long-term process that we are experiencing and that will have many detours, as we continue rediscovering ourselves and evolve.

When we feel emotional, with the urge to quit our healing process, the best is to be patient, and compassionate and stay as neutral as possible, for feelings come and go if we learn how to listen to them and process them, but the truth of who we are, and our mission always prevails.

We also have today Venus entering Virgo. This is another cosmic ally to help us in our relationships, as Virgo also rules our divine reunions, allowing us to discover ourselves through the eyes of others.

Our relationships show us where we are, what we need to heal and unify, and what we are fomenting and shall be removed from us. Our relationships, even the toxic ones, aim to show us who we are not. They show us what we do not wish to keep experiencing in our lives, as the more conscious we become, the more balance and harmony we create in our divine reunions as well, removing from our lives beings who are draining our life force, for there are beings whose only purpose, in this dual world, is to feed from others.

When we have healed, cleared ourselves, and started moving into a more sovereign space in our ascension journey, we distill the idea that all relationships come to teach us, for we no longer need to experience that if we have already learned from them. We need to be empowered to say no when it is the time, before moving further and creating another toxic relationship, standing up for ourselves, and starting to attract the soul reunions we deserve now to experience.

When there is love for ourselves, there is utmost respect, and we only accept the same in our soul encounters with others, who too value themselves and are ready to co-create in illumined ways.

May you love honor, and appreciate yourself completely, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba


This is Why The Chosen One Suffer The Most

Source: Spiritual Nectar

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