Fear of losing status in the eyes of those they have convinced of the truth of their concepts. Fear of a hell waiting if they don’t promote and even force their personal religious beliefs on others from the illusion of “saving” them. Fear of what may replace known ideas and beliefs. Fear that perhaps the beliefs they have built their life foundation on aren’t really true. Fear of the unknown. Fear of losing the power and money that they have enjoyed from the status quo. Fear of losing control over……
Become alert and aware of ever present fear mongering often disguised as being for your own good. Media ads and billboards promote fear of what will happen if you do or do not eat this, take this medication, ignore this symptom, read this book, let children learn everything about the world, ignore some religious belief. News outlets spew a continual stream of information about negative and frightening events about to happen. Much of it is subliminal and you are not even consciously aware of some message or promotion but your subconscious hears it.
Fear is the manifestation of separation consciousness and has no Divine law to support, maintain, or hold it in place because God is the only power and not subject to or affected by beliefs of separation. Fear is the self-preservation aspect of separation consciousness and is presently dominating earth’s collective consciousness which is why you are seeing so much chaos. Self preservation is ingrained in most everyone’s energy field simply because in less evolved past lives it was necessary for survival.
We are not saying to ignore issues of health or safety, but we are saying that you are now ready to meet these things from a higher level of awareness, from the realization that God alone is power. Always trust your intuition and become aware of when you are being emotionally or mentally manipulated by some corporation, politician, religious “leader”, or individual who stands to benefit from your fear.
Be patient with those around you who fear change. Explain earth’s ascension process if the person is receptive, but never force truth on anyone. Allow those who are simply not interested in more evolved ideas or who are working to maintain the status quo to rant and rave as they please because the actions of human egos have no power to affect reality.
In the three dimensional belief system, peace is considered to be any activity of non-violence– treaties between countries, actions taken and decisions made between friends and family members to maintain harmony, ignoring slights or insults, remaining silent in certain situations, and often the surrender of personal empowerment in order “keep peace”.
True peace is the outer effect of conscious awareness of oneness and since oneness is the reality peace is ever present but not experienced in its fullness by those living in separation consciousness. Experiences of real and lasting peace will not manifest fully on earth until the realization of oneness becomes more dominant in human consciousness. However, material concepts of peace are steps along mankind’s evolutionary path never to be considered irrelevant or unimportant.
Every person has an ever present yearning for peace regardless of the state of their consciousness because peace is already fully present within whether they are aware of it or not. Every soul yearns to once again be whole, to experience the reality of their oneness with God and all that God is. The desire for peace is strong at this time but three dimensional minds often interpret peace as having more money and things, taking drugs, finding a better partner or job, and attaining increased recognition from others, and even eliminating those who may stand in their way.
Learn to discover, recognize, and experience omnipresent peace in the ordinary even when your life is difficult–in meditation, as you walk in a quiet and healthy forest, as you see the look in your pet’s eyes and wag of its tail when you open the door, when you hear a baby giggle or see it smile, when reading a good book, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend.
Peace in its truest sense is the omnipresent energy of oneness not to be attained but rather to be recognized, just as love is.
Your work has begun,
We are the Arcturian Group 10/8/23
Donations are welcomed
©2023 onenessofall.com | Marilyn@onenessofall.com
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