| Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for September |
Like many of you who are our loyal PAO followers, we are seeking answers as our planet seems to crumble before our very eyes. Around the world, wildfires and their toxic smoke have been incorporated into the ‘climate change’ agenda, and are threatening the homes, health and well-being of millions. Nations are teetering on the brink of war. Costs of living are skyrocketing, fuelling more uncertainties. Meanwhile, heightened frequencies make our already intense ascension journeys even more arduous. Boy, do we need a recharge! For that, we turn again to one of PAO’s favorite guests, Jared Rand, who will knit together the strands of our doubts and give us coherent information and good old-fashioned common sense. |
This month, we‘ll pose some direct and probing questions that get to the heart of our present situation. And, as ever, we will ask him for an update on the progress of his miraculous Celestial Chamber project. Join us this month and power up!Subjects to be discussed:• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on his Mission’s Current Focus • Combating the 3D Dark Agenda Using 3D Strategies to Overcome the Dark’s Plan • Climate Change Deception Understanding the True Causes of Extreme Weather and Worldwide Firestorms • Overcoming Holding Patterns and Personal Freeze-ups Taking Action Instead of Waiting to Be Rescued • Celestial Chambers A Progress Report • A Fresh Look at Timelines Will This Ever End? Finding Rays of Hope for Humanity! |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Please note new time:Sunday, September 24, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, September 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
Situational Awareness Update, Part OneSource: Lisa Renee |
Dear Ascending Family, Today I would like to discuss a situational awareness update, similar to a situation report, even though that is not my usual style to be giving situational reports about outer conditions in the 3D world. We are embarking into the next stage of global warfare, and I’d like to help prepare you with some context and with a deeper understanding of the events that may be playing out in the globalscape during the weeks to come. This discussion is more focused upon those of us that reside in the United States of America. Even though many tips or guidelines, which I hope to give you through the length of this update, will also be helpful to you no matter what your position is on the globe. Clearly, if we go back to our August article, which was posted on 8-8 of 2023, the title of that blog is “Edict of War against Starseeds“. And what I’m referencing here is the September 11th (9-11, 2001) event of the Adam Belial, or Wicker Man ritual, that transpired in New York City. The destruction of the Twin Towers was a global ritual, as well as a line that was drawn in the sand by the Negative Alien Agenda and their Cabal representatives of the Negative Alien Agenda invaders to issue that edict of war against the human population and Starseed population. That event was nearly 22 years ago. However, on 8-8-23, we had another declaration of war made against the collective human race, that agenda is being focused within the United States primarily. And so, it’s important to understand that event as a declaration of war against the human population. Obviously, we have been talking about spiritual warfare, the war over consciousness, for a great many years. And yet, the spiritual war has escalated into the next stage of matter manifestation into the timeline. And that means that we’ve begun a next stage of seeing things manifest; we’re going to see the warring events become more prevalent in the matter world. Previously, the spiritual war was more invisible for those of us that are not sensitive and were not aware this was happening. Certainly, to many of the 3D people, who are unaware that humanity is embroiled in a global spiritual warfare. However, now as we move into a more active escalation of warfare, we will start to see this Electrical War happening in matter manifestation, and the next stage of that edict of warfare declared in our timeline began on 8-8 of 2023. As many of us in our community know, the events of which happened in Maui was an act of this warfare. As heinous and difficult as it is to bear witness to this takeover, this was the first sequence of a global operation set into motion by the global cabal or shadow government. Most of the operations are being orchestrated by the NAA directing factions of what could be referred to as the Khazarian Mafia, along with the Black Sun Nazi infiltrations in the United States, working towards the One World Order through the Great Reset (agenda 2030) propaganda. Obviously, they’re global, and they’re everywhere, but their headquarters, or their main base, is within Israel, Switzerland and the United States of America. So this next stage of war is now being directed towards the western power center of the United States citizens, the American peoples, in an assortment of false flag operations that have systematically and methodically been working on land grabs, and the confiscation of personal property, claiming eminent domain. What we’re entering here in the United States is the attempt to use government to confiscate and repurpose our lands, confiscate our agriculture in order to accumulate a centralized power into concentrated base of operations. Gathering resources into forming a geopolitical power center, gathering loosh and energetic resources into a particular power grid of the planet in which the Negative Aliens and the Cabal are repurposing, reconfiguring, reorganizing for themselves. As many of us are aware, there has been a warfare within their underground bases, what we call their DUMBS; these are deep underground military bases. Places and spaces that they have been operating have been breached in their security because there is an ongoing war that is occurring inter-dimensionally and on the manifested realms of our timeline. And as a result, they are reconfiguring themselves, they are repurposing themselves to prepare for the next stages of this warfare. Thus, looking at the Maui grids near the stargates in the region, it was made very clear that some of these DUMBS, portals and bases have been destroyed in certain areas of the planet’s grid network, in which there has been a fleeing of these spaces of these forces. As an example, let’s say those in Malta that were underground and working in the underground DUMBS and within the tunnel systems that exist under the earth, certain places on the earth that have now been placed in the control and watchful eye of Guardian Host, then these entities must flee and go somewhere else. Many of them have fled to where the Hawaiian Islands. So underneath Maui is a interdimensional access into the inner timelines, or the openings into the inner timelines or the Inner Earth. And this area is now being reconfigured as a base of operations for the remaining dark Cabal members, and their representatives, which are mainly the billionaire class, or the celebrity class that we can see are helping to carry out these particular anti-human agendas. The events on Maui are the set up, and this event was an act of war against the human population very similarly, as what the 9-11 event was. If you’re not familiar with The Wicker Man ritual of the Belial Sun agendas of the Luciferians or Satanists, if you go into the Ascension Glossary it is explained. They use a particular military campaign in order to create holographic inserts and using various directed energy weapons, and what we have come to know as Project Blue Beam technologies, which I’m sure it’s called something else by now. But this is the false flag operations of staging various chaos or military operations to control the public, and to disarm the public in order to steal the public’s resources, lands, agriculture, everything they can. This is now heating up in the United States of America and other western power centers. And it’s something for all of us to have as a situational awareness to understand that this global warfare is in play, and it has escalated now, and that requires us to be awake and aware to these dark machinations during the final battle stages of this particular conflict itself. Again, this is the spiritual warfare. |
So again, understanding that Maui was like the 9-11 event where an edict of war was stated in drawing a line for battle, and this is the NAA basically telling us, “this is what we’re going to do now.” And it’s setting into motion an operation of which the land grabs, the [fake] climate control agenda, the setting of emergency lock downs are being put in place, no matter what it is deemed as an emergency situation, whether it is the “CV plandemic” agenda with the next variant that they are sending out through electromagnetic waves, broadcasts of fear, oppression, and propaganda. However, they carry out this agenda, they are coming at us from every angle. And so we need to be aware of this agenda in play as calmly as possible. And understand that during this period of time, our main theme taken from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Novel series is; Don’t Panic, please don’t panic. I think we need a big button that says “Don’t Panic,” to help us remember to stay as calm as possible when viewing these agendas. Because now we’re at the stage where things are rapidly escalating, and we may see things manifest around us or in the matter world or impact people we know and it’s going to be scary. It’s going to look really bad to us, whatever it is, it is going to look quite terrible, and this is going to potentially put us into a state of fear and panic. This is what we must resist. We must resist feeling fear and keeping our wits about us. Don’t panic. And I’m going to explain what we are living through in order to give you some tools and some tips to more smoothly navigate through these challenges ahead, challenges that some of us may have in the coming weeks. Now remember, these types of grave challenges are not going to be for absolutely everyone. There are some people that may not be aware of this warfare happening in the distance, and may be completely insulated from the impacts of this warfare. But we still have loved ones, family members, or maybe some of us are residing in high-risk areas of descending hubs, where we need to be awake and aware to our environment. On the lookout for red flags, as we need to have a hyper vigilance in our situational awareness, so that we know when to ask the right questions when problems arise in our lives, if and when they do. Now, again, if and when problems arise, that you are equipped to understand how to address this calmly, with critical thinking and common sense. Do not panic, and know that the resolution is there waiting for you. Okay? Now in the United States, we’re undergoing this next stage of escalation of warfare. This means that Maui is in this operation of being set up as a base for Negative Alien forces and their human representatives, primarily the Black Sun contingents and those factions that serve them. This area is now being taken over; lands confiscated. They’re grabbing the land, they’re grabbing whatever they can, and this is now being set up as their center for their operations to be orchestrated globally, their child trafficking schemes, their adrenochrome production, everything that these depraved creatures use and steal from the human beings and Earth. Maui is one of their decided positions, one of their repurposed headquarters for operations against humanity, because of the powerful energies of which are underneath in the oceans and local stargate system. And also it is a militarized location strategically, because it is an island and it’s more isolated in which they can control the islands and perimeters from prying eyes. It’s much harder for those of us that are not billionaires with access to powerful resources, we don’t have access to our own planes, and our personal magnetic rail trains located underground in which to get from place to place very quickly. This is an isolation tactic as well, where they hide what they are doing on the ground there from the rest of the population, as they start building out and doing whatever it is they do to create their militarized headquarters for continuing their administration and running of global operations of warfare against the collective human race, with the main focus being to further dismantle the United States at this time. Most of us are aware that the narrative alongside the plandemic has been the “climate change, global warming;” whatever flavor they come up in which to call that, but we understand that this is the mechanism of the cover of their electrical wars and weather wars, right? This includes chemtrails, it includes the spraying of the skies, whether it’s genetically modified mosquitoes, whether it’s barium, strontium, or aluminum that they’re spraying, heavy metals in the air, in the skies, or different types of mind control experimented, modified types of particles, protein chains or bio-chip systems. A lot of the chemtrails are also related to the mind control programs and the mind control that they blast out in the environment from internet towers, cell towers, any of the electromagnetic transmissions of which are being created for this purpose at this time. |
We are coexisting in a world with many people that have been injected with the bioweapon, it means that many people around us are holding, different heavy metal configurations or assembling bio-chips which make them natural conductors of the artificial electromagnetic frequencies. This is why it becomes much more intense for those of us that are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic energies, because we have so many human beings now that have been weaponized in this way, because they have been injected with self-assembling bots and nano- types of materials which organize themselves as conductors, creating a biological machine inside of the unaware human being who is now working as a Bluetooth node, or a modem, internet node for carrying these artificial signals. Clearly in our spiritual ascension community, there has been many of us that have been open and sharing the difficulties of being in the presence of loved ones that have been injected with this bio-weapon and feeling the artificial energies or whatever is being transmitted beyond what could be the faulty protein instruction sets that are also being sent through electromagnetic wave transmissions. Those of you that have been in the community for a very long time know that as I have been talking about genetic modification of the organic, angelic human Diamond Sun DNA for many years now, and in that process of going down the rabbit hole of looking at genetic modification through all of its sources, whether it’s the “vaccine industry, pharmaceutical industry, medical industry, the chemtrail industry,” the types of artificial programs, and the embeds of holographic inserts and different technologies that are put into social media, and the technology that we have to interact with at this time. Indeed, it’s everywhere, but again, it’s not something to place us in fear. It is to utilize this from an place of informed awareness, a higher overview and clear understanding. It is better, to be awake and aware and to know what the agendas are, because then you can protect yourself, and you can protect your families, and this informed awareness helps to protect your families, and for you to make better choices for yourself and for your entire family. Now, with this overview, the transmissions have always been related to genetic modification for the transhumanist agenda. This code was cracked a while ago in understanding the aliens figured out that if they interfered with protein assembly in our physical body at every level, they could shut off DNA switches because our body, and our DNA operates on protein chains. So their main way of creating diseases and making us ill, is by contaminating our foods, our air and water and anything else, which is designed to create faulty protein chains inside our body. This manifests as autoimmune diseases, at least what they call autoimmune diseases. Because what this means is your organic immune system function doesn’t recognize the tissue in your body as being organic or functioning naturally, and therefore your own immune system starts to attack your cells. And eventually as your immunity is exhausted and adapts to these foreign invaders, this becomes an auto immune disease, because your own body is being weaponized against you through this faulty protein chain, which is being recorded in the cells and disrupting cellular integrity. Cell to cell communication is interfered with and recording this faulty protein chain in your cells, and the immune system doesn’t know how to identify that properly. Then the body becomes in a hyper immune state trying to fight whatever this pathogen/predator/parasite is, as it is being exposed to the body. And this is the source of many health problems; this is the majority of the health problems that manifest as diseases that we see in our world today. And again, this is being deliberately created by these invaders, the Negative Alien entities and their representative organizations used for global brainwashing within the western medical system and everything else. That’s the game that is being played in the bio-weapon injections, not only to create a human being as a personal Bluetooth signal that is now connecting and conducting artificial frequencies as energetic nodes of which can be hacked and controlled or energy source biologically harvested. This is a part of biometric responses and understanding the battery source of every human being that can be connected into nodes within all people that are now injected with this bio-weapon. They can be connected as nodes linked together as a network in which to run these artificial frequencies that are literally being weaponized to hurt humans, and some of these people are our own family members. Okay, so we’re living in sci-fi land. It’s a very weird, weird world, but we have many spiritual supports and solutions that are available to us. But in order to find the solutions, we have to understand there is a problem to begin with and ask the right questions. If we do not understand what is happening, or we are ignoring what is happening, or we don’t want to look at what is happening, that means we cannot ask the right question in order to find the right solution. To be awake and aware means we must be brave and calm in order to see all the gory details, we must have comprehension of all of these pieces. And once we see that overview and we understand it, then our higher consciousness can guide us naturally to find the solutions we require, and guide us through the dark maze of this spiritual warfare that we are all undergoing at this particular time. We are all being exposed to this warfare, no one is exempt. We’re in this together. Coming back to this next stage in the coming weeks, we have some important dates. First of all, we understand that they’re going to attempt to roll out the next stage of lock downs again, and force or coerce a new set of injections, again, these are bioweapons. In the propaganda they call it vaccines, but all vaccines have been designed as genetic modification bioweapons. And obviously, more people are awake now, but we have to live through this next stage of the agenda and see how far this will be taken. As always, my guidance and support for you is do not consent to any of the Cabal 3D controller structures in the most peaceful way possible. Stay away from these controller structures as much as you can. Do not engage with them. Do not try to be a hero and run in there and try to expose it for what it is. This stage is the heightened warfare of these times and to understand that we need to be safe, we need to take care of each other, and we need to understand what is happening in the larger movement of these particular agendas. So we have two things, major things, in terms of the Covid plandemic, which we have already seen their agenda and how it carries out. They’re going to be pushing this shortly, ever more aggressively. Now, in certain areas people will be more exposed to this agenda. Now, obviously, the more populated cities are higher risk with this aggression, because getting around and doing your day-to-day is harder when you’re in a high-density population area, which is where they’re going to try to enforce these types of lock down mechanisms, mandates, contact tracing, or other types of mechanisms to make it extremely difficult to navigate in society unless we follow their tyrannical rules, laws, whatever it may be. This is something to be aware of. They’re going to try to do it in a severe way and we don’t know how far it’s going to go as it depends on how the masses react to these tactics. With the increase of weather disasters, they are systematically going to say it’s climate change, but it is artificial and they’re doing land grabs and collecting loosh, as they did with Maui. Maui was the first line drawn in the sand. There are at least 14 other cities in the United States, and more growing globally, which have this same contract that Maui had, and now this weather or emergency situation will be enacted. Maui was a blueprint for them to organize this agenda and carry it out in other major cities and locations. They’re going to duplicate this same agenda, and they’re going to take it all through North America and beyond. Where all of a sudden there is an emergency situation with disease pandemic accompanied with unexpected fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, weather wars of any type, okay? And now, because they are much more desperate to gain control; they’re using microwave weapons, directed energy weapons, and as we know some areas do have operational the, “5G Internet of Things” as carrier waves to send massive amounts of data through the airwaves in order to achieve their objectives. So it’s understanding, this is the time to be paying attention to your surroundings, your environment. This climate change lie is used as the cover for emergency usage laws to perform land grabs, and institute other types of tyrannical laws. This is the systematic confiscation of properties, of money, of resources, and it’s starting now. They’re starting to weaponize all control systems, weaponize banks, where banks receive a notice from let’s say, the IRS, the taxing authority, and you’re being taxed something which the authority, the so-called US Treasury hasn’t let you know that they are charging you this amount, but they just issue a levy and take it out of your bank account. |
Things like this are happening in the United States. Again, please don’t be scared of this. It’s understanding, they’re desperate; they’re trying to grab resources everywhere they can. They’re trying to grab money. They’re trying to grab children. They’re trying to grab whatever they can grab. This is the smash and grab tactic, and they don’t care who sees them for what they are anymore. They’re not hiding it. They’re not trying to cover it. They just use the media as the propaganda tool, and they say it’s climate change, and basically whatever cockamamie story they come up with, because they don’t care if you know and can see them, they’re just telling the public those lies, right? So this is the stage we’re going into as the next level of the aggression is made against the population. I would suggest for our community, for those of us that live in the United States of America and beyond, look out for the “smart cities,” because these are going to be the areas that are probably targeted with some form of a Maui-esque, kind of operation, a false flag with sudden and unexpected emergencies. This will accompany forms of lock downs and mandates. We can see what’s happening, let’s say with the Burning Man situation, another wicker man ritual and all the sudden there are media reports there is an Ebola outbreak. Whether it’s true or not is a question; it’s probably just fear propaganda. But again, people are stuck in the mud, because of some unexpected mass flooding, and they can’t get out. Okay, this is a blueprint of their agenda. We need to be aware that they’re going to do this wherever they can. So understanding the how, what and why, in terms of the mind control that is being targeted to people that are unaware of the negative ego programming. Everything we describe in ES is a study of the negative ego which is 1D-2D-3D layers of our body, how it’s been hijacked, we call this the negative ego and that negative polarity, and how this becomes run by the V-V programs by the sexual misery, and by the Armageddon and pestilence program. Once we understand this, we can see it operating and are empowered to clear it. We are empowered to share that information with others, if they’re open and willing, to be able to clear their fear, clear their negative ego so that these programs that are being sent out on turbo at this time, do not impact you or them, right? Because once we see what they’re doing, once we know what their modus operandi is, then we are informed; and we empower ourselves. So understanding that the United States is the hardest place for them to dismantle, because, as it has been discussed before, the United States Constitution, is a living document that holds the energy signature aligned with the truths found in the Natural Laws. The United States Constitution has a blueprint that is connected to the natural laws of God. Therefore, this becomes an ideological thorn in the side of the Negative Alien Agenda and other despots that want to design nations of mind slaves and brainwashed followers, not a civilization or nation of free independent thinkers who value personal freedom and hold reverence for life. What we’re getting at here is it’s about personal freedom, because the only path to self-sovereignty is when an individual has autonomy in order to understand that your life force, your consciousness belongs to you, fully and completely, and that you as a self-sovereign being, as an individual, have a right, not only an incontrovertible right, but a divine right to live your life as you see fit, and act upon your own judgment or discernment, to be able to keep and use the products of your own effort. Meaning where you place your time and energy, what you reap and so as a harvest from your own energy and efforts. You have every right to handle the means of that production and pursue the value systems of your life at whatever you choose. This means that when we become collectivized under this Marxist hybrid of socialist-meets-communist overlay, which is really a trick and deception, very clever deception to pull in the youngsters, by the Satanists and by the Negative Alien Agenda, because they’re promoting all these beautiful concepts as a bait-and-switch, in order to trap people in a consciousness trap where they give up their personal autonomy. They give up their personal individualism, and therefore they lose their self-sovereignty. That is the game of the Marxist/socialist/communist agenda of the Satanists that are playing out this ideological conflict as a part of this spiritual warfare against the natural laws of God and against the Law of One. Which is all about being God-Sovereign-Free, protecting self-sovereignty for all individuals. It looks like we have some important dates coming up. What I want to talk about now is that we’re going to be coexisting in a very strange world. We are already coexisting in a strange world, but it’s about to get weirder. Some of us may perceive this bifurcation split happening more than others. And that is, as the war is escalating now, it’s going to generate several anomalies. Again, this may look scary sometimes. This is why it’s very important to understand what I’m telling you now. The war is already won! The main problematic issue is that they’re going to try to lure you into their consciousness traps through broadcasted fear, through seeing others’ incredible suffering; this may as well be your own loved ones. And what will be important is that you have the spiritual strength, the core strength inside yourself to be more powerful than the fear programs that they’re sending out, and to understand that you have the power given to you as a co-creator. Once you set up your Law of Structure, you consciously participate where you have placed intent, consent, and authority. You have the power to out-picture any of the problems that may appear to be impending, whether it looks tragic, or issues impacting your children, your family members, what have you. Your goal will be to hold the out-picturing for your loved ones. Again, as you have permission to represent; this is especially in line for parents with children, that you have the right to do that for your children to out-picture their reality through the strength that you hold in the Law of Structure, which grants your intent, consent, and authority to be solely with God. What we need to understand here is going towards God is the organic time wave, it is the organic ascension; anything outside of that is not. Continued in part two tomorrow… |
Yes, the energy has continued to be intense and weird, and we are only one week out from the second Scared Point of Light, the Equinox Portal on 23rd September. In our transformation process we are becoming more” liquid” and fluid and more affected by Plasma flows, especially the aquafire and water plasma flows. There is also increased activity in the Earth’s magnetics, as the Planet balances out its magnetic flows. This is responsible for the kind of sea wave unsteadiness some of you are feeling. It is time of deep transformation on all levels. I find that a regular spiritual soul based practice including a focus on Love, Balance and Peace helps immensely. BALANCE is the key word here, along with GROUNDING. As the Sun moves into Libra on the 23rd as well, we will find more need to work with balance as the chaos around us increases! I also find a focus on a healthy and balancing diet and staying hydrated with spring water and/or structured water is so important right now. Water is a fluid form of Divine Consciousness that reflects our conscisousness both as individuals and as a collective. If we keep our bodies clear and hydrated, we will be better able to serve humanity as clear and pure transmitters of Light. That is what we came to do, and to help to create the New Earth as a shining beacon of light in the Galaxy. The Earth herself is activating this process, cleansing and throwing off toxic energies to begin creating a New Earth and a New Lemuria. We can be part of this by staying in balance especially in our emotional and mental aspects. Seek the Clear Angelic purity of the Pure Heart and it will guide you home! |
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