| Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for September |
Like many of you who are our loyal PAO followers, we are seeking answers as our planet seems to crumble before our very eyes. Around the world, wildfires and their toxic smoke have been incorporated into the ‘climate change’ agenda, and are threatening the homes, health and well-being of millions. Nations are teetering on the brink of war. Costs of living are skyrocketing, fuelling more uncertainties. Meanwhile, heightened frequencies make our already intense ascension journeys even more arduous. Boy, do we need a recharge! For that, we turn again to one of PAO’s favorite guests, Jared Rand, who will knit together the strands of our doubts and give us coherent information and good old-fashioned common sense. |
This month, we‘ll pose some direct and probing questions that get to the heart of our present situation. And, as ever, we will ask him for an update on the progress of his miraculous Celestial Chamber project. Join us this month and power up!Subjects to be discussed:• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on his Mission’s Current Focus • Combating the 3D Dark Agenda Using 3D Strategies to Overcome the Dark’s Plan • Climate Change Deception Understanding the True Causes of Extreme Weather and Worldwide Firestorms • Overcoming Holding Patterns and Personal Freeze-ups Taking Action Instead of Waiting to Be Rescued • Celestial Chambers A Progress Report • A Fresh Look at Timelines Will This Ever End? Finding Rays of Hope for Humanity! |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Please note new time:Sunday, September 24, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, September 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
Greetings to you beloved beings of light. I am Archangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence today and I wish for you to recognise your own presence as we connect. There is a certainty in your presence. There is a certainty in your physical body, in your mind, your emotions and your energetic field as you allow yourself to be present, in the moment, with yourself. You can recognise a certainty; a confirmation of self, an understanding of your presence. However, it is important to also recognise that there may be an uncertainty as you connect with your energies. When you allow your mind to begin to contemplate, you might find that there is an uncertainty in the fact that you feel that you do not know yourself fully. You might not know fully your energy field. You might not know the power that you hold within you that is ready and waiting to be used. You may not know what you’re capable of – the strengths, the courage, the confidence that you have. There also might be experiences of the past, or thoughts that bring fear to your being. Maybe you push those wounds, those pains, those thoughts away because you don’t know how you can cope with them, or if you’re strong enough to deal with, transform and heal these areas. While there is a certainty in your presence and your grounding upon the earth, even within your own being there is an uncertainty, and we can recognise this uncertainty as a fear. A fear is when you are unsure of how something will unfold, or a situation, experience or being creates tension stress and a feeling of being scared within your being. This often extends from wounds – past experiences that maybe didn’t go to your liking or where you felt vulnerable or weak – powerless – and experienced suffering. Fear has a wonderful way of protecting you so that things don’t repeat themselves. However, when we do have a fear, we often energise it and so it does get called into your reality. Often a fear is because we do not know how things will unfold and we also do not feel capable, courageous or strong enough to deal with the situation, the experience, the person, the being, whatever it may be. Now, the unknown is often used to describe the Creator. The Creator is label-less, formless, in fact we cannot describe the Creator, in truth. If we do describe the Creator we are entering into illusion. We can recognise that the Creator is unknown and yet we have a sensation, a familiarity, a feeling connected to the Creator and connected to the expression of the Creator within your being, which feels very comforting, powerful and inspirational. There is almost this pull and push motion where we are curious about the unknown and it feels completely natural and comforting. We are uncertain about the unknown because we do not know what will manifest. When you exist upon the earth it is natural to want to control your reality, even your being, and maybe even the people around you. It feels that everything is unknown and everyone is unknown, even those that you know dearly. How can you deal with this? It is overwhelming for the mind and the emotions. It is natural to want to control your reality and your being as a way of safeguarding yourself, however, in order to really become one with the unknown and to recognise the comfort, the support and the benefits that are present with the unknown, there is a need to let go of the control. Once you begin to let go of the control, then the Universe of the Creator supports you. The Universe of the Creator has always been supporting you but you allow that support into your being and into your reality. You may recognise greater inner guidance. You will also recognise that things occur within your being and your reality to build your trust so that you feel more confident, more able to move with the flow, more able to accept the unknown because you know that the unknown works in a positive, fulfilling way for you. And yes, there may still be aspects of the unknown that you fear because it is impossible to know everything and, in many ways, it is not your place nor your purpose to know everything about the Creator or the Universe of the Creator or even, to some extent, yourself because you are an extension of a greater energy. Your purpose in this moment is to recognise fully that extension and all that you embody in this reality. When we release the control, there is a moment of surrendering to the unknown and that moment can feel as if you are jumping off a cliff. However, there is a certainty there that the Creator will support you, even if it is only 1% certainty. And with that 1% certainty, you open yourself up to trusting in the support of the beneficial energies in and around you – trusting that you know how to respond to yourself and your reality from within your being. You can follow your inner guidance. You can connect with energies, with people, with situations. You can call forth what is needed into your reality. There is simply a need for that moment of surrendering – of leaving behind any form of control saying that this is the way it should be, this is the way things should manifest – and just being present with what there is in this moment and who you are in this moment. When you allow yourself to achieve this, that 1% of certainty and trust arises and you open slightly to the support that is within your being. You realise that the unknown is actually a canvas for you to dance within, or upon, to dance the way you wish to dance, so that you can feel fulfilled and supported. The unknown will become exciting, magical, inspirational and enlightening because the unknown is filled with so many treasures waiting for you to explore. In meditation or quiet time, first, sit and recognise how you tried to control yourself or your reality. Then imagine yourself at the top of a cliff or a mountain. Let go of all that control. Leave it behind. Jump and surrender. Imagine it in your mind. What awakens within you as you leave behind control and jump into the unknown? You might experience tremendous fear. Sit with that. Let it speak its message to you. Ask how you can resolve the fear, and then, what waits for you beyond that? That is where the treasure lies, as you enter into the unknown. It may be that there is a simple need to trust yourself, your own inner sacred abilities. I leave this with you to contemplate. It requires much contemplation. I love you dearly. I am Archangel Metatron. Thank you. |
3 Habits Only Practiced by Highly Vibrational People, Which Makes Them SuccessfulSource: Wisdom Nuggets |
Dear friends, dear children of Earth. I am the voice of the Earth, and I welcome you. I would like you to acknowledge me as your mother, for I carry and support you, gently, as does a mother, yet in a way that is also powerful and strong. Feel the ground beneath you through your feet, which are sense organs that can feel the Earth’s energy. Feel the vibration of the Earth in this place, and allow it to penetrate into you in a pure and clean way. Feel the element of air and that of water from the sea so close by, the element of earth from the rocks under your feet, and the element of fire from the Sun overhead. Feel the great forces of nature that surround you and rest in them. You are welcome here on Earth – you belong here. Sometimes you forget that, but your body knows it belongs here; it moves with the rhythms and cycles of its earthly nature. When you can experience the soul as a source of light that descends onto Earth and which, once here, learns to enjoy and take pleasure in earthly things, you can then see that the body is the guide of the soul. The body receives the soul and the soul imbues the body with consciousness, and although that consciousness is divine, it is not all-knowing. The idea of an all-knowing God has been taught to you through your religious traditions, but God is something else entirely: it is the Source of brilliant, life-loving energy. This divine energy flows from the Source as does water from a fountain, and although this energy is imbued with infinite power, it always finds new paths to travel. It does not know everything in advance, but discovers ever new adventures as it flows. You are a drop in an infinite, brilliant stream of light; a drop which is now residing in an earthly body. And although that drop is full of light and wisdom, it is always a new adventure for the soul when it again inhabits a body, when it finds itself again incarnated and discovers new things to enrich itself. Look at yourself and see how your soul, how this drop of light from that eternal Source, merges with your body. See in what parts of your body the light is the clearest; where the body is most lively, relaxed, and flowing; where it flows with the rhythm of nature, of this planet. Feel those places in your body where everything is flowing well. There is where your soul and body are dancing together in harmony. See how happy your soul is being here; it wants to enter into this adventure. It is not a punishment, or a duty, or a “should” – your soul wants to be here. This body of yours is the partner of your soul’s dreams. Your soul is grateful for this body, even though, from your human perspective, the experience can at times be very difficult. Therefore, let us look for places in your body where your soul-light flows less freely, where there might be a separation between the light of your soul and your body. Descend, with your complete awareness, to those places in your body where you experience tension or distress. Descend with an inquiring mind and look, very openly and honestly, at those places in your body. Many of you desire to understand the language of your body, to understand what messages the body has for you, but you are accustomed to doing so through thinking. It is through thinking that you want to inspect and analyze everything, but the body does not work that way. It inhabits another level, which is the same level as nature outside you: the trees, the plants, the rocks, the animals, and they do not think, as do humans. There is certainly a living, feeling, perceiving consciousness in everything, but the thinking part is not there, which is why nature surrenders more easily to the flow of life. |
 jeshuadotnet |
Humans, however, have a choice, as there is also space within you for spontaneity and play, which is part of being human. But in many people, that space is filled from being very occupied with the mind. In that way, you do not really inhabit your body until the body knocks on your door through a pain, an ailment, or an illness. It wants to tell you something, but you cannot understand it with your mind. That is why I encourage you to descend into those places in your body where things do not flow well and to find another language to communicate with your body. That alone brings healing because you release the thoughts in your head and, through your body, connect with me, the Earth. I live in your body – I have my own wisdom, and follow laws and rhythms that you have forgotten. Descend into me and allow me, the Earth, to reside in you. Descend into me and allow an animal to appear in that place where the energy is blocked, and observe what arises in you. What does this animal look like, and what does it tell you? It speaks in a very plain language, but it is not a language of words and thoughts. It wants your attention and it is here to help restore harmony in your energy field, you aura. It is a healing animal that can do its work only if you trust it and allow it to restore your balance. This animal embodies the wisdom of nature; take it in and absorb the energy this animal has to offer. Do it without words and be really open to the energy of this animal. Fill your whole body and aura with its energy. Feel how this animal grounds and connects you with me, your mother, and all the elements of nature. Become this animal for a moment by becoming one with it. Feel what it takes to soothe the pain or ailment that you experience, and to resolve it. The animal carries an instinctive force in itself, which allows it to know what you need. Your thoughts can keep you from that knowledge, because they are full of judgments, commands, and prohibitions. But you are souls who have connected to an earthly body that contains elements of the plants, the animals, and the minerals. All levels of nature are represented in you, so feel your oneness with the Earth. I ask that you connect with one of the four elements: earth, water, air, fire. All the elements are represented here; however, there is one that you currently need the most. Is it the power of fire, with its enthusiasm and passion, or the smooth, flowing, nature of water? Is it the strength and the grounding of earth, or the vastness and spaciousness of the sky, the element of air? Imagine for a moment how the four elements are represented by four figures and one of them comes forward spontaneously to give you something – connect with that element. Receive the healing power of that element with awe and wonder, so it can show you what is important for you at this time. Finally, I ask that you be aware of the many guides you have here on Earth: your body that always speaks to you in its own language, and the consciousness in the animals, plants, minerals, and elements around you. They are all equally your guides, very tangible, very close. You are very welcome here, and when you temporarily lose that feeling of welcome, then fully descend into your entire body. Your body knows you are at home here, that you are not alone, and that you are always surrounded by resources and forces that support you. I am Mother Earth, and I myself am a mixture of heavenly energies and physical forces – I am a soulful creature. And when I see you, who are also soulful creatures, connect with the Earth forces and radiate your light here and enjoy doing that, I am intensely happy. To surround you with the guides I offer to you is my joy, my passion. Therefore, receive my energy. You are my children, and nothing makes a mother happier than to see her children grow and flourish. Thank you very much. |
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