There is so much happening in your world you must find it hard to keep up with it, particularly when it affects you personally. People are saying that doomsday is coming because they cannot see any end to the trauma and changes that have badly affected their quality of life.
There seems to be no end to the continual changes that are leading many into poverty and severely affecting their quality of life. Some ask why is it all happening now and what is the likely outcome. We wish we could see the immediate it and would assure you that in the long run it will be to your liking, and leave the old unsatisfactory ways of life behind.
There is a greater picture that you cannot see and as the energies continue to rise there will come a time when the light will become stronger, and leave the negative vibrations behind never again to blight your lives. It will be the culmination of humanity’s resolve and determination to remain strong and not give way to the pressures placed upon them.
At present success seems a long way off but be assured we are with you all of the time urging you ever onwards. We know you can do it and we will be backing you all of the way so that you do not become discouraged.
Some of you despair at the thought of having to live through such times, but we remind you that you knew what to expect before you took this incarnation. You may not realise it but you were prepared for this lifetime and the part you would play in it. So nothing happens by chance and all is a part of the great plan for Humanity.
In other words you have never been left alone to face your challenges and we back you up where possible or permissible. Be assured that all will work out as planned and there is light at the end of the tunnel of darkness. The dark Ones will follow their path and learn whatever lessons they need to rise up.
You normally carry your karma around with you and clear it whenever a suitable opportunity arises. Karma that is required to ensure lessons are learnt is applied when you are ready to handle it and normally assured of being successful. The whole set up upon
Earth is something like a school and opportunities are planned to enable you to continue evolving. It is the whole object of each life, and each ones experience determines how much they learn and progress. The goal is to raise your vibrations and move up into the higher levels until you become a Being of Light.
Understand that in the realm of freewill you accepted the challenge to see if you could overcome the interference of the dark Ones and still make progress. Their role is to play the opposition and do all they can to hold you back to see if you can overcome it.
It may seem a strange way to do it, but experience has shown it to be the best way that enables Beings of Light to evolve. The beauty of this system is that you will always get more opportunities to achieve success, and clearly we want you to be successful. Generally speaking the Light will always come out on top.
The system is well tried and tested and you always have the opportunity to see exactly what happened in your last lifetime on Earth. It is looked at and discussed with higher Beings who are far more experienced than you are and ultimately decide what you need to learn to continue your evolution.
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