
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Blue Parellel...


PAO Updates Mad Mimi 1
Working Together to Move Dark Energy Into the Light   We Can Make a Difference

Working Together to Move Dark Energy Into the Light...We Can Make a Difference!

You often tell us that you hunger for the unique brand of information we offer. We, in turn, are delighted to provide it. But now, we need something from you.

PAO is one of many truth emissaries marked for censorship by popular social media and e-mail platforms. The unfortunate result is that fewer people now receive our newsletters, and our Webinar attendance is in severe decline.

Live Webinars offer us a singular opportunity to pool our energies. Together, the power of people is formidable. Inspirational. We encourage you to join us. Help PAO to help the cause!

Can ‘we the people’ act in a meaningful way to help move our mass consciousness forward? The answer is ‘yes!’ By forming a partnership of the awakened, we will spread the word to those who remain disengaged. Our circle can only grow.

Please spread the word: tell your friends about our monthly Live Activational Webinars. Our next one is on December 19, with two powerhouse guests, Dr. Scott Werner and Dr. Joseph McNamara. At the end of the Webinar, feel free to ask Dr. Scott and Dr. Joe about your personal health issues.

Register for the Live Webinar here:

We deeply appreciate your purchase of PAO’s activational materials (Webinar archives, books, and downloadable dvds):

And please, donate whatever you can spare to our cause:

Together, let's work to move dark energy into the Light!

Peace and Blessings,
PAO Team

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We are here; we continue to reach out. We are aware that at these times you are more receptive. So it is our intention and invitation to offer you the opportunity to remember who you truly are. You are a star being, a member of the galactic family having a three dimensional human experience.

You are here in this dimension to be a receiver of energy and information. You are here to anchor a new reality by your conscious focus and understanding. There is much contact being made from the galaxy to this planet. It is always the signal searching for the receiver. There are those awakening and realizing they are receivers.

Your internet serves to share these messages received by others who are now in contact with those from other dimensions or timelines. Of course the goal is that all humans realize their ability for this contact and this energy exchange.

We sense great anticipation within you when we share this. You are a visionary, you are a receiver, these are ideas, concepts, understandings that you hold and embrace as truth.

You and many bright ones like you are remembering the many other realities of harmony, love and equality in which you have participated and experienced. This planet is an extreme contrast to what you know and remember.

It has been a great mystery to you why others can not embrace this kind of harmony and equality. Your planet is on the threshold, the brink of a shift to an entirely new reality. We would like to give you more information on this shift that is now taking place on planet earth.

First let us share that there are always several realities, several outcomes waiting to manifest in just your personal lives. Humans are beginning to realize and recognize the fascinating unfoldment of your science of physics, quantum physics. It is a language and concept that most people cannot allow their mind to even consider because it pushes against so many of their sacred beliefs.

It feels that if they embrace this idea of multi-realities going on at all times, they might lose their mental hold on what they think is reality. That feels frightening, too unstable; there is always resistance where there is fear.

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Allow yourself in the coming days to explore what some of your other possible realities might be. You can make this awareness a small view of just your day and how it might be played out in other parallel realities. What choices await? What events unfold? What fears are there? What hopes? What dreams?

You /others are broadcasting energy in the form of your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs at all times. As you send the energy forth several realities are always possible. The reality that manifests is the one on which you have focused more of your energy.

We can feel you struggle a bit with this information. Let us give you this; your reality feels and looks solid and permanent. This is only one aspect of the illusion upon which you are operating. It is just one level of awareness gathering all your beliefs, all your knowing, focused on the one level or reality that you can sense, feel, touch, taste and see; this is what you have known up until now.

As you awaken and those beliefs begin to soften, your knowing expands to include other awarenesses; you begin to realize that the reality in which you are focused is only one of many realities simultaneously existing in the same place, the same time, the same space. And with all those other realities co-existing there are parallel possibilities that can unfold.

Your reality is not as solid as you would like to think. It is actually very fluid, very flowing, very malleable. Each energetic exchange in one reality brings a new wave or ripple that goes out affecting the other realities in some way.

Every living being is affecting this experience and reality. The collective consciousness of all humans is calling forth, inviting and creating the reality that everyone is witnessing and experiencing. The more attention, the more energy or focus given to a certain outcome will guarantee it will manifest fully in this physical realm. Most humans do not realize their personal power in creating what is occurring in the daily events.

Most global events seem too big, too overwhelming or too distant for you to have any effect on or to claim any responsibility for that manifestation. Yet we are inviting you to realize that no matter what is occurring in the third dimension you have contributed to that outcome or event in some manner.

Now understanding that truth, we invite you to step into your magnificent power as a multidimensional divine being here on this planet at this time to invite, create and call forth a new reality.


If multi-parallel realities are available at all times, for goodness sake, what would you like to experience? How would you begin to use your thoughts, words, emotions and focus, and most important of all, your imagination, to allow another parallel reality to come forth in your experience.

Practice this skill in your personal life. Imagine that there are always several realities that are possible. Which one is manifesting for you now? What were your thoughts, fears and worries that might have called this forth?

Pretend that there are several parallel realities awaiting your invitation. Allow yourself to feel, sense and experience these possibilities. Make this process as real for yourself as possible. If you want to be a successful writer, imagine yourself being acknowledged for the wonderful book you have written. Notice how you feel, notice any emotions that arise for you in this process.

Allow yourself to play in this parallel reality often. Make it as real as possible for yourself. Be in a state of gratitude, notice how the universe supports and assists you in this creation. Allow yourself to make this reality outrageous.

Be gentle and be kind with yourself as you explore other possible opportunities. Investigate what dreams did you have as a youth? Investigate what would have happened if you had made a different decision at some crossroads of your life? What would you be doing?

Allow yourself to imagine living that dream now as if it were your true experience. Expand the possibilities, allow yourself to play with these ideas of creating or stepping into a parallel existence.

Expand your consciousness to imagine a different parallel reality for your planet. Allow yourself to feel that, experience that, read about it in your newspapers. We believe you are getting the idea of who you are in this wonderful shift that is happening here on your planet.

We realize we have given you much information in this message. We realize that on some level you know the truth of what we share. We know these ideas press against your long held beliefs of what is true.

Relax into these possibilities, play with these concepts, allow yourself to see or script the other realities in your personal life. Then expand to the other realities for your planet, Remember this is a game of awakening. Be at Peace, Beloved the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.www.morningmessages.comFREE 88 messages available


JOIN PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar featuring Two Medical Professionals


Two powerhouse doctors – double dynamos, combining dual reservoirs of deep knowledge, energy and wisdom – will join Colleen and Miles in a riveting roundtable that you will enjoy now and remember in the weeks to come.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

We’re so excited about PAO’s first-ever health collaboration – a joining of two vibrant medical minds who will give you more of the information you’ve been asking for, and need. A rare opportunity for Starseeds to merge our energy, be revitalized – and Light up the cosmos!

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Blue Rays Civilization

by Erena Velazquez - VoyagesofLight


Greetings Mankind,

We are Blue Rays,

We came here in peace. We have been observing humankind for a long time and we decided it's time for us to introduce ourselves to humanity. We live in a far away galaxy. We are humanoid and we have a blue skin, this is why we called ourselves Blue Rays. We walk on two feet and have a body similar to humans, the only difference is that our skin is different and our features are more profound than in humans. Our height starts at 8 feet and up and we have a slim build. We live on the inside of the planet and not on the surface of the planet like here on Earth. Our diet is plant based, we don't eat meat, as you call it here we are vegetarians or vegans.

We are pleased to be here. We were waiting for a long time to connect to the human race and we feel it's the perfect time for us to introduce ourselves. As a lot of changes are happening on Earth right now. We are observing now and feel happy for humanity, because we know after all that darkness will come a bright light and humanity will go to a New Age, which you call here The Golden Age. Our technology is much more advanced than here on Earth. We are over 150,000 years more advanced in technology. We build and use only friendly technology, we don't enslave or kill anybody, we are a peaceful race.

Our purpose here is to interact with humanity, when the right time comes. When you will go through all your changes and become a peaceful and a happy nation, we will jump on our fast ships, which are a slim construction during flight but then expands into a huge size when the ships land, we can be here in seconds. As of right now, we would like to tell you that we are an advanced civilization, who focuses only on advancement that brings only good. We don't build any unfriendly or killing technology. We have the technology that protects us from unfriendly civilizations, but we use it only when it's needed. We live so far away and we are hidden from a lot of nations, that we don't need to use this type of technology to kill. We value life very highly as do many other galactic civilizations, who are friendly and follow the protocol in living in peace.

We are from 8th dimension and up and some of us reached the 12 dimension and higher. We have a structure that is not based on wealth. We don't use money, we work and create only what we want to create, which means everyone has an assignment, and they choose what they want to make. We live very long lives, and we don't die like humans from diseases. We don't have any diseases, because we have technology that eliminates any virus or obstacle that we come across. We love to create and we don't like to destroy. We have amazing plants on our planet, they are very unusual and have never been seen by the human eye. As we mentioned before, our ships are very fast and we can fly in just seconds to anywhere. We also are spiritual beings, we practice and work on our enlightenment and development. We never stop learning and helping each other. We would like to share our knowledge and our development in the future with humanity.

Our goal is to establish a friendly communication and interaction with the human race. As of this moment, we know your going through a lot of turbulence and it seams everything is falling apart, but remember one thing, everything happens for a reason. Nothing in the universe has been created or dismantled for no reason. Your old system is falling apart and it's scary, because you don't know what the future will bring. Please remember, you have a lot of other civilizations on your side and we are aware that The Galactic Federation is helping you out.

We would like to tell you one more thing, we communicate telepathically, but we can also speak. We can speak any language we want because we have the technology that can translate for us any language we use. Our language is not known to humanity and it would not make any difference right now, if we would try to tell to the channel, because the sounds would be very unfamiliar.

We were happy to be here and be able to give this short communication and introduce ourselves. We are looking forward to doing more communications, because we found the channel, who is willing to channel us, and we are pleased and happy to send all our love and light to Earth, and we hope that very soon you will be a happy and a prosperous galactic civilization.

We are Blue Rays and we are looking forward to doing more transmissions.

Thank you for the transmission.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

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