December 21st, it will open in Heaven...
*A magnificent and Celestial Star Portal, which will mark the Dawn of the New Age of Aquarius and the first day of Satya Yuga of the Central Sunlight...
At 11:11 AM Winter Solstice, the long-awaited New Era of Light, will finally dawn and the New Earth 5D will be born!..
*The great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn of the December Solstice, will be the moment when they will occur from the Central Sun and in the Gamma Timeline of Earth, powerful flows of Energy of very high frequency that will pass through the atmosphere of l to Earth...
This Light has not been present on Earth since the days of the Atlantic and this 40 Hz Gamma 5D Energy will instantly encode and with a more complex order its DNA...
The stellar seeds will be experiencing changes and very drastic sensations in their bodies, something out of the ordinary as preparing for what is to come, all month they will be with those sensations but should not fear is the physical reaction ca to what was already destined in your soul as a cosmic seed.
This proves that the invisible arises effect on the visible body, we remind you to connect with nature take time for you, walk in nature, eat healthy, drink lots of water, connect with the earth as star seeds made of the great mother the mother earth...
*On 21/12/2021, the Cosmic Doors will open completely, spread through the heavens and pour over the planet, the most powerful, unbeatable and blinding 40Hz Gamma Light current ever...
It will cause a shift in a very Divine order, throughout the life of the Earth's Solar System!
*Dear ones, if you have enabled your Inner Eye, you will be the first to witness the Great Ascension of humanity...
Now it's imminent on all fronts, that something really great is about to happen on planet Earth...
Humanity is about to experience an Evolutionary Swantic Jump in Consciousness, and we can tell you that many Beings, from all corners of the Universe, are here and on the front row to witness this Great Ascension.....
♡Remember that Light is information and Darkness is simply a lack of information.
We ask you to keep your mind open and do your own research on this subject, on a deep level..
This story is not a made up myth, but the true prehistoric account of what happened in Earth's past....
On December 21, the entire Galaxy will enter the Fifth Dimension, also known as the New Age of Aquarium and the Sixth Golden Age, where humanity will reach a vibratory plateau and there will be no old restrictions and controls...
♡♡♡Those who wish to live in harmony, sharing, caring, cooperating and working with nature, creativity and Love, will form spiritual communities and a completely new and different civilization..
* The New Era of Aquarius brings the realization of their true Divine Self, they will achieve a state of Perfection where everything will become possible...
They have kept hope through this whole process, and have conquered the whole world just to be able to be on Earth and witness the greatness of what's to come!...
The Big Time has finally arrived!...
Blessings at the speed of God, We Are The Pleyadianos, via Michael Love....
Sharing cosmic awareness crystal light
Light Stara energy indigo crystal Rainbow Diamond Sapphire Blue Turquoise

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