
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 7 2019
Compiled 7 Oct. 2019 2:57 pm EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. A Special Thank You to those very dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unnamed, to Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy
Judy Note: For the last week and a half most intel sources have been under Non Disclosure Agreements as we remained on HIGH RED ALERT for release of the 800#s. Only a very few knew the exact date for the reset, but it was believed to be very close.
MarkZ: We would wrap up the exchanges sometime between Mon. Nov. 4 to Fri. Nov. 15, which meant we should have to have the reset right away. Funding could be anywhere from today Mon. Oct. 7 to Wed. Oct. 9. The unrest in Iraq was pushing toward the RV. Member: A big announcement was set for tomorrow Tues. Oct. 8 which was expected to quell the riots. Rumors were from we were anywhere from the reset being underway right now, to church groups have received notification, to more Paymasters had funds. CMKX deliveries were set for Thurs. of this week Oct. 10.
The 800#s would likely be released in tandem with the Global Currency Reset, Restoration of US Republic and beginning of Mass Arrests on over 9,000 sealed indictments filed against global and political elites in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office.
Within the next two weeks, or by Oct. 21 The DOJ was set to release a damning report on criminal FISA abuse by Comey, Brenna, Obama, Strock and others. Obama’s corrupt DOJ and FBI defrauded the FISA court using a phony Russia dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton in order to spy on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. According to the two-page FISA memo released by House Intelligence member Devin Nunes, Hillary Clinton’s phony dossier played a central role in obtaining a FISA warrant and three subsequent renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said under oath that but not for the dossier, the FBI would have never sought a FISA warrant on Carter Page.
Those pending arrests were causing Cabal members to panic and in retaliation they threatened President Trump with impeachment. The situation was so bad by Sun. Oct. 6 2019 Trump had pulled 1,000 Troops out of Syria to no longer be at war there, turned security forces toward the US by slimming down White House Security and ousting the CIA and activated U.S. Marines and Army Paratrooper Reserve Forces via a National Emergency Alert.
See the full details here. See the full report here.
Sorcha Faal -- National Emergency on October 19, Trump Throws CIA out of White House What Does It Mean thousands of elite US Army paratroop forces currently training to invade their nation’s capitol city Washington D.C.
Thousands of elite US Marine troops ordered to be activated on 19 October for a “National Emergency”
Yesterday on that same Sun. Oct. 6 Benghazi was exposed by two survivors as a deliberate Clinton/Obama/CIA Massacre; HSBC was in the middle of a corruption purge, while the CIA-run Deep State Mass Media continued to gaslight the nation with fake news including ginned up “whistleblower” schemes that were wholesale fabrications.
The bottom line was that the Cabal was losing control of their funding from the Global Monetary System. On Tues. Sept. 17 2019 it had been confirmed by the Central Bank system’s recent already 5 overnight in a row Repos that short term funding had dried up. To avoid Bond, Commodity and Stock Markets collapsing and causing an unprecedented worldwide Depression, Global Currency Reset investors bought out the Cabal’s quadrillions in debt derivatives due on Sept. 30.
By Thurs. Oct. 3 the Central Banks were totally off the SWIFT banking system and onto the CHIPS system, plus Redemption Centers were officially opened that same day. There were people who received their Prosperity Packages, though had signed NDAs and were unable to talk about it. Tier 4a was slowly rolling out.
By Tues. Oct. 8 US Inc.’s Federal Reserve had such a serious liquidity problem that by international law they were no longer allowed to print fiat US Dollars, while the reset had happened, Redemption Centers were going and would remain active through Sat. Oct. 12 or perhaps Mon. Oct. 14, some on a 24/7 basis.
Rumors were that something big was going to happen in a week on Mon. Oct. 14. The US Inc./Federal Reserve/Central Bank Cabal was under a Thurs. Oct. 17 deadline to come up with Quadrillions in gold for debt repayment to keep their fiat Global Monetary System afloat, or they would lose complete control of the US and Global Monetary Systems – which they actually had on Tues. Sept. 17 2019 when to keep the Markets from collapsing, GCR investors had paid off their Quadrillions in debt.
A. Oct. 7 2019 Coffee with MarkZ 2pm EDT: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
1. The unrest in Iraq was pushing toward the RV. Member: A big announcement was set for tomorrow Tues. Oct. 8 which was expected to quell the riots.
2. Rumors were from we were from the reset being underway right now, to church groups were receiving notification, to more Paymasters had funds.
3. Military Contact: We would wrap up the exchanges sometime between Mon. Nov. 4 to Fri. Nov. 15, which meant we should have to have the reset right away.
4. CMKX deliveries were scheduled for Thurs. of this week Oct. 10.
5. Military chatter: Trump was mobilizing the Marines for deport (on Sat. Oct. 19).
6. The Chinese were bringing in people left and right to get the Tier4a Group done.
7. First Basket: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, India Ruphia, Brazil, Russia, South Africa.
8. Dinar Street Rate $3.91-$3.93. Contract rate $28.50 on 1st $10 mil, then Street Rate.
Dong $.48 Street Rate, low $2.00 for Screen Rate, plus there would be a Contract Rate
Zim: higher rates if you had a Humanitarian Project.
dawg4664: Rupiah $ 1.08
9. Mark can feel things coming together in the next day or so.
10. Funding from today Mon. Oct. 7 to Wed. Oct. 9.
B. Oct. 7 2019 2:39 am EDT Intel Alert: RV/Intelligence Alert: "Judgement Day" -- October 7, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
1. Brexit is on the verge of occurring as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson prepares to make his next move.
2. Israel's Foreign Minister confirms initiative to sign a non-aggression pact with Arab states. This historic move signifies that Israel is now following the Earth Alliance's GESARA agenda.
3. The upcoming document releases from AG Barr and the IG report on FISA court abuses will reveal and expose all criminal traitors. In response, the Deep State Cabal are preparing a "hot coup" attempt against President Trump to avoid being exposed and arrested.
4. If the Deep State Cabal are successful in their attempt, they will have Hillary Clinton run for 2020 presidency.
5. Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley issued a directive order that cites an "emergency within the United States" and "threats to the Homeland".
6. Judgement day is inevitable for the Deep State Cabal. The Deep State Cabal's crimes and treason committed against the Republic will see justice in the name and honor of John F. Kennedy as portrayed in the movie "2012".
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmMeT8MW1LA (Scene starts at 1:49)
7. Meanwhile, undeniable sightings of UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) have been intensifying ever since the US Navy confirmed the existence of UAP.
8. HSBC continues its corruption purge under the cover of "Project Oak" prior to the upcoming financial system change.
9. The RV is expected to occur once all nations begin adopting the gold standard under a Global Gold Treaty.
10. According to sources, something big is going to happen on October 14th.
C. Sun. Oct. 6 2019 Emergency alert - U.S. Marines reserve forces activated to respond to "threats in the Homeland" Natural News
1. The lawless Dems and their deep state traitors are now trying to arrest or execute President Trump before they are all exposed as criminal traitors (in the upcoming document releases from AG Barr and the IG report). See the full details here.
2. There are no real whistleblowers. It's all staged. The entire news media is gaslighting the nation with fake news. Every element of this coup is completely fabricated. See the full report here.
3. We are learning today from multiple sources, both inside and outside the military, that a "hot coup" attempt has been mobilized against President Trump. Three days ago, a directive order was issued by Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley. The directive cites an "emergency within the United States" which "will come with little warning" and involves "threats in the Homeland."
4. The order coincides with other intel we're receiving about the illegal coup attempt against Trump going "hot." Mass hysteria in the media and a total censorship crackdown among the tech giants further underscores a coordinated, criminal coup taking place in America right now.
D. Sat. Oct. 19 2019 National Emergency: CIA Thrown from White House, Army, Marines Called to Duty, Sorcha Faal:
1. President Trump has thrown the CIA out of the White House and called up thousands of elite US Army paratroop forces and US Marine troops who were ordered active for a National Emergency. Sorcha Faal -- National Emergency on October 19, Trump Throws CIA out of White House What Does It Mean.
2. There were thousands of elite US Army paratroop forces currently training to invade their nation’s capitol city Washington D.C.
3. They were joined on 3 Oct. by thousands of elite US Marine troops ordered to be activated on 19 October for a “National Emergency”
E. Oct. 7 2019 1:46 am EDT Exposing Benghazi: RedPill78 -- Interview with Sgt. William Kotel and Nick Joe: Operation Red October, Exposing Benghazi
F. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Jan. 2016: President Trump Declared War on Child Sex Trafficking
The morning of his inauguration Donald Trump’s first official act was to visit CIA Headquarters and declare a War on Child Sex Trafficking.
President Trump was well informed on the dark, well-kept secrets that gave power to the Cabal. US Inc. and a CIA Black Budget funded out of US Taxpayer dollars, international Child Sex Trafficking, Drug and Gun running Rings with profits going into individual secret accounts at the Vatican Bank.
Global elites worshipped Satan through child exploitation and organized crime that was supported by European Royals, run by the Vatican and enforced by various mafias. US Taxpayer monies funneled from US Inc.’s Federal Reserve through the Queen’s Bank of England, Vatican Bank and Central Banks across the globe for their nefarious activities.
Upon their own election US Politicians were given special privileges by the Cabal, including well-funded individual accounts at the Vatican Bank, plus at certain critical points, secret invitations to pedophile parties and Child Sacrifices. Kickbacks, payoffs and recordings of those caught in money laundering and pedophilia have been used to blackmail global elites and politicians into doing the Cabal’s bidding.
Directly after his inauguration President Trump hired US Attorney General from Utah John Huber and 740 investigators to investigate the goings on in Washington D.C. They did, and have filed over 9,000 sealed indictments against political and global elites in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office. They have used testimonies and made deals with the lower echelons to gain evidence on the Big Wigs – all a part of the awaiting Mass Arrests between now and through Dec. 2019.
We all care about abused children. Please research and expose the atrocities in any way you can. See: http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/pages/243/590/stories.html
Judy Note: From a very young age the subject of my book “Twenty Two Faces” Jenny Hill, was raped and tortured into multiplicity by a Satanic coven under direction of a CIA Operative Mind Control expert imported out of Nazi Germany known as Dr. Green.
Barely surviving to the tender age of six with fractured thinking patterns caused by her severe abuse, she was again raped and tortured, forced to witness a child sacrifice and save for divine intervention, was almost killed herself – an unfortunately common occurrence for thousands of children across the globe born to Satanic-worshipping political and global elite parents who were into Dr. Green’s CIA Mind Control Program.
Since the end of World War II, this horrendous exploitation of innocent children has been run by CIA - US Inc - British Crown - Vatican international Child Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking, Drug and Gun running Rings. Known as the Cabal, they had control of the US and World Monetary Systems that was funded out of US Taxpayer dollars through a CIA Black Budget and the Central Banking System, with their nefarious activities enforced by various mafias.
These inhuman Global elites used their addiction to Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice to blackmail politicians and influence political arenas in order to gain power for their own monetary gain. Jenny’s testimony: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
G. Predicted Global Currency Reset Events
It was my belief that the Global Currency Reset occurred on Mon. Sept. 30 when the kingpin of the GCR, the Iraqi Dinar, went international. Also on Mon. Sept. 30 Gen. Mark A. Milley, who was specially trained in Martial Law, became America's 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
At some point soon President Trump would declare a State of Emergency and announce a US Dollar return to the Gold Standard. Currencies of 209 nations of the BRICS Alliance were set to follow suit by revaluing their currencies and completing the move to a gold-backed Global Monetary System. It was also believed that President Trump would soon declare a Restoration of the US Republic complete with the Martial Law needed for a beginning of Mass Arrests.
Tues. Oct. 8 2019: Glenn Beck said on his Tues. Sept. 24 show that the Fed. had been printing trillions of US dollars to keep the banks alive and by Oct. 8 would no longer be allowed to print those fiat US dollars.
Sat. Oct. 12 2019: Deadline to redeem Zim.
Thurs. Oct. 17 2019: Deadline for the Cabal to come up with Quadrillions in gold to keep their fiat Global Monetary System afloat.
Tues. – Wed. Oct. 29-30: The first Q drop on 28 Oct. 2017 indicated that Hillary Clinton would be arrested Oct. 29 or 30.
Thurs. Oct. 31 2019: Brexit deadline in the UK.
Fri. Nov. 22 2019: When the reset happened we would have 45 days to exchange, or until around Nov. 22.
Jan. 1 2020: A National Retail Sales Tax Code would become effective, replacing the bankrupt Federal Reserve and IRS tax system. A 17% tax was expected to be levied on new items only, with no tax on earnings, food or medicine. On July 3 2019 President Trump signed an Executive Order, content unknown, covering tax laws until Jan. 1 2020.
March 2020: Arrests of anti-constitution/NWO/Cabal/against President Trump would be occurring between now and March 2020, while also in March 2020 the Second Basket of currencies would revalue.
Sun. April 5 2020 (180 days after the reset): activation of GESARA/ NESARA.
H. Brief History of Events Behind the Global Currency Reset:
In 1871, and perhaps dating back to 1861, the Chinese loaned gold to private families and bankers in order to establish the US Monetary System that led to the World Monetary System. As of now that loan, plus interest on the loan, has yet to be repaid.
Since the 1930's and onward because of the Cabal’s reckless spending, the Fed has been printing fiat US currency and US gold has been considered counterfeit.
In 1944-45 Interpol was formed by the World Court as a global policing agency. Interpol was tasked with bringing in criminals who had performed Crimes against Humanity such as the Bushes who were involved in drug-gun running and human trafficking.
In 1974 the Basel Committee for banking supervision was established. Basel Agreements 1, 2 and 3 between 1988 and 2008 were done to repay the Chinese funds loaned – that have yet to be repaid. Bankers were continuing to lie to the Chinese – and getting away with it – about paying back their loan on the gold.
In 2008 a so-called “Mortgage Crisis” occurred where US Taxpayers bailed out major banks from a pending bankruptcy because even the interest owed couldn’t be paid on the Chinese Elder’s Gold Loan. The monies from the bailout were not used to pay back interest due and the fiat US dollar was causing major crises in international trading, so the BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) formed to do a Global Currency Reset with 209 currencies of the world made asset/gold-backed.
In 2013 a new Gold Treaty was signed by BRICS nations in order for a Global Currency Reset to take place and thus repay the loaned gold to the Chinese. The Gold Treaty of 2013 resulted from a decade of lies since they set up the US monetary system from the Fed and private bankers such as the Rothchilds and Rockerfellers.
Thurs. Aug. 29 2019: Since inception of the US and World Monetary Systems from 1861-1871 bankers of the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS had been using US Taxpayer dollars for their own purposes and not in the best interest of the People. It had been long realized that for the US to return to the Gold Standard, the nation also had to return to the original Constitution. To do that the fraud had to be exposed. On Thurs. Aug. 29 2019 a report was released on former FBI Director James Comey – the beginning of Declass.
Fri. Aug. 30 2019: From Camp David Trump issued an Executive Order that established a National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee – US implementation of the Quantum Financial System.
Wed. evening Sept. 4 2019: the RV became a go, again, after multiple boxes of counterfeit Zim Bonds used for international trading (not the bonds we held) were discovered in Asia, Europe and the Americas. As a result, hundreds of perpetrators were arrested from Sun. Sept. 1 through Fri. Sept. 6.
Wed. Sept. 11 2019: Evidently President Trump signed an Executive Order that took effect at 12:01 midnight, which replaced other EOs past US Presidents have signed regarding the reset.
Thurs. Sept. 12 2019: All holds had been taken off RV funds held by the Paymasters.
Sun. Sept. 15 2019: The FISA report was released with expected Disclosures and Mass Arrests to follow to the end of the year.
Tues. Sept. 17 2019: Global Currency Reset Tiers 2 and 3 investors were made liquid at 6 pm EDT and bought out the Cabal’s quadrillions in debt derivatives due on Sept. 30.
Without those in Tier 2 and 3 clearing that derivatives debt, plus taking care of the National Debt, the Bond, Commodity and Stock Markets would have collapsed and caused an unprecedented worldwide Depression.
By that same Tues. Sept. 17 short-term funding had dried up and liquidity panic broke out, which was confirmed by the recent already 5 overnight in a row Repos to save the financial system. As $84 Billion was needed, only $75 Billion of the Central Bank Bailout money became available for the Banks. Obviously it went toward debt payment a couple of weeks later.
Also on that same Tues. Sept. 17 President Trump ordered immediate declassification.
Additionally on that same Tues. Sept. 17 Benjamin Netanyahu lost the election in Israel, the Banking Cabal lost their power and Ed Buck, the notorious pedophile drug dealing money bundler for those who opposed the RV, was arrested in LA on an airtight case – a continuation of the Mass Arrests that began with the arrest of Pedophile Kingpin Jeffrey Epstein.
On Fri. Sept. 20 2019 an 11-count indictment (one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering) was handed down by the Justice Department in a Russian Bribery Case referred to as Uranium One – an act of Treason against the US, punishable by death with charges against Mark Lambert that alleged his involvement with the Clintons, Obama, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Holder and Lynch.
“Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.”
Thurs. Sept. 26: The Central Bank Gold Agreement (CBGA) expired, after which there was a global release of GCR funds and beginning of Prosperity Package deliveries.
Sun. Sept 29: US Inc.’s Quadrillions in debt payment was due the Chinese Elders the next day on Mon. Sept. 30. The Fed’s reaction to make that debt payment deadline has been to print trillions of fiat US Dollars to keep the Markets afloat – which was likely to result in the Dollar Index surpassing 100 points and eventually loosing 50% of it’s value.
Mon. Sept. 30 2019: Expiation of the Central Bank Gold Agreement. USA Inc. paid a $1,000 trillion debt repayment to the Chinese Elders, for which they received a postponement of bankruptcy until Oct. 18.
Mon. Sept. 30: Gen. Mark A. Milley became America's 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, who has been specially trained in Martial Law, took over for Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford. Dunford retired to join General James Mattis and General John Kelly to regulate the trials at GITMO – one of which was the Military Tribunal on 9/11 which began late Jan. 2019.
Mon. Sept. 30 2019 10 am Baghdad time: The Iraqi Dinar went international on Nasdaq and Forex at a program rate and was going up in value.
Thurs. Oct. 3 2019: The banking system went completely off the SWIFT System and onto the CHIPS System. Currency rates have been moving up in value and were to be locked in place by Thurs. Oct. 3. Redemption Centers were officially opened on Thurs. Oct. 3 and would remain active through Sat. Oct. 12, some on a 24/7 basis.
Sun. Oct. 6 2019: National Emergency Alert - U.S. Marines, Army Paratrooper Reserve Forces activated to respond to "threats in the Homeland."
Tues. Oct. 8 2019: US Inc. through the Fed. would no longer be allowed to print the fiat US Dollar.
Sat. Oct. 12 2019: Deadline to redeem Zim.
Fri. Oct. 18 2019: Deadline for US Inc. to come up with Quadrillions in gold to the Chinese Elders (for using and spending their gold since at least 1871) to keep the fiat Cabal Global Monetary System afloat, or lose all control.
Tues.-Wed. Oct. 29-30: The first Q drop on 28 Oct. 2017 indicated that Hillary Clinton would be arrested Oct. 29 or 30.
Oct. 2019: At some point during Oct. the IMF would announce a Global Gold Treaty, calling on all countries to use the Gold Standard. Presently the Military was on High Alert with expected major political and economic changes, disclosures on and arrests of major figures.
Sun. Nov. 17 2019: When the reset happened we would have 45 days to exchange, or until around Nov. 17.
Oct. through Dec. 2019: Mass Arrests, trials and tribunals worldwide...
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