
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Oct. 2 2019
Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Source: Dinar Chronicles
The below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. A Special Thank You to those very dedicated and brave intel providers who wished to remain unnamed, to Brad who does great research and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
This has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the reset where together, we will make life better for all. Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. Judy
Judy Note: It was my belief that we remained in a RED ALERT for 800#s release, although most intel people were under NDAs and unable to confirm. MarkZ reported that in Reno there were expectations for 800#s release by the close of West Coast Banks tonight Wed. Oct. 2 to sometime tomorrow Thurs. Oct. 3.
On Mon. Sept. 30 2019 10 am Baghdad time the Iraqi Dinar went international on Nasdaq and Forex at a program rate and was going up in value. Zim Swaps have been occurring.
It was also my belief that the Global Currency Reset occurred on Mon. Sept. 30, plus that at some point this week the Stock Market would crash and the Dollar Index would drop to over 100 points, resulting in the US Dollar eventually loosing 50% of it’s value. President Trump would then declare a State of Emergency and announce a US Dollar return to the Gold Standard, plus that if they hadn’t already, currencies of 209 nations of the BRICS Alliance would follow suit to a gold-backed Global Monetary System.
It was additionally believed that this week President Trump would declare a Restoration of the Republic and Mass Arrests would begin that would require the President to declare Martial Law. On Mon. Sept. 30 Gen. Mark A. Milley, who was specially trained in Martial Law, became America's 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
These beliefs were based on the following recent and slated upcoming events:
Tues. Sept. 17 2019: Global Currency Reset Tiers 2 and 3 investors bought out the Cabal’s quadrillions in debt. Short-term funding had dried up and liquidity panic broke out, which was confirmed by the recent already 5 overnight in a row Repos to save the financial system. As $84 Billion was needed, only $75 Billion of the Central Bank Bailout money became available for the Banks. Obviously it likely went toward Cabal debt repayment a week later.
Mon. Sept. 30 2019: USA Inc. had to pay $1,000 trillion of debt repayment to the Chinese Elders, for which they received a postponement of bankruptcy until Oct. 18.
Mon. Sept. 30 2019 10 am Baghdad time: The Iraqi Dinar went international on Nasdaq and Forex at a program rate and was going up in value.
Tues. Oct. 1 2019 10:00 am EDT: The Stock Market went into free fall. It has been in or near the red since Oct. 1 2018 when it lost all gains for the year, and only held up by the Fed printing trillions in fiat US Dollars – that no one would trade.
Tues. Oct. 8 2019: US Inc. and Fed. would no longer be allowed to print fiat US Dollars.
Fri. Oct. 18 2019: New deadline for USA Inc. to pay Quadrillions in debt to the Chinese Elders for using their gold since 1871, or be declared bankrupt and lose their control over the Global Monetary System.
A. Morning Coffee with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
1. In Reno there were expectations for 800#s release by close of West Coast banks tonight Wed. Oct. 2 to sometime tomorrow Thurs. Oct. 3.
2. Hong Kong has shut down. No info at all was coming out.
3. There were great expectations for release this week.
4. A contact of MarkZ expected to be under an NDA by mid day tomorrow Thurs. Oct. 3.
5. The NDA will be for three months or 90 days.
6. KCMX Package deliveries were expected to begin again today Wed. Oct. 2.
7. nflemingjr: I am being told that I will be under an NDA within the next couple of days.
B. Oct. 2 2019 6:44 am EDT Monetary System Dysfunctional – Inflate or Die: Monetary System is Dysfunctional -- Inflate or Die Final Wakeup Call
1. We have allowed the Central Banks to control our markets by giving away our power to issue our own money, interest free.
2. The world’s monetary debt-backed monetary system of the Rothschild Central Banks: More Inflation is Needed to Keep the Financial Expansion Alive, Inflate or Die, Negative Interest Rate Mortgage, Cashless Society, Counterfeiting Money
3. It is irreparable and according to their plan, was already poised long ago to be replaced by its successor, the SDR-monetary system of the IMF. That was planned to be implemented after a major event had taken place, marking the start of WW3.
4. Fortunately, the Cabal has now been driven into a corner and their original plan cannot be implemented, despite their many attempts to force a war first with the Ukraine and now with Iran. Top cabal puppet Benjamin Netanyahu, among others, has been at the forefront of the efforts to provoke this full-scale war.
5. Today’s monetary system works on false debt backed money, which is a do-it-yourself version of inflation to rob the people blind of their purchasing power.
6. The counterfeit money is introduced into the economy in a number of different ways. Over the last 30 years, it has mostly gone into financialized assets through monetary back alleys, and stayed there. Of course, this was great for people who owned stocks, real estate and bonds. The top 10% of the population, watched its wealth grow from about $20 trillion 30 years ago to about $75 trillion today. During that same time, U.S. GDP rose only $15 trillion — which is about what the bottom 90% gained in wealth during that time.
7. The proof has been amply provided that the Monetary system is Dysfunctional, as short-term funding dried up and liquidity panic broke out, which was confirmed by the recent already 5 overnight in a row Repos to save the financial system. As $84Billion was needed, only $75Billion of the Central Bank Bailout money became available for the Banks, so someone didn’t get their funds?
8. USA Inc. had to pay $ 1,000 trillion of debt repayment to the Chinese Elders at the end of September, for which they received on their request a postponement until October 18.
9. That debt payment deadline has resulted in the production of trillions of new dollars to keep the markets afloat – which is probably the reason why the dollar index has passed the 100-point-status and automatically can lose up to 50% of its value. Due to this situation, that is expected to continue to worsen, and will become the ultimate reason to choose the only way out via the Global Reset with the introduction of the gold standard, in order to prevent a worldwide depression.
10. Following each of the two bubble blow-ups this century, the feds decided to “stimulate” the economy with fake money. The monetary system is doomed. Today’s dollar/euro/yen/Pound all are fake, with no firm connection to the real world of time, resources and output.
11. Under the Constitution, the Federal Reserve has never been authorized to establish a Central Bank. While, this illegal institute has never been audited – now expected to happen after the return of the Gold Standard.
12. The Central Bankers are inflating; they have to keep inflating or the show will come to a screeching halt. If Central Banks want inflation in consumer prices — in Japan, in Europe or in America — they’re going to have to raise rates.
13. President Donald J. Trump won’t like that idea: He wants a weaker dollar. A weaker dollar is the only way to a revival in U.S. exports, actual U.S. GDP growth above 3%, improves the president’s re-election chance in 2020.
14. Inflation is worse than people may think; the destruction of their fiat money lurks stealthily in the wings. Owning gold is one way to protect yourself from the Central Bankers’ deceptive policies and preserve your wealth.
15. Madame Lagarde gave a pre-departure speech at the IMF explaining how she sees the future of monetary banking. The future, according to her, being no more than 15 to 20 years away, will constitute a cashless society. Since Madame Lagarde is moving to head the ECB in Frankfurt, it is fair to assume that Europe will be one of the largest test grounds for a digitized, cashless society.
16. The only solution to get the world out of this mess is the already partially operational Quantum Financial System (QFS) that is waiting in the wings for full implementation and is completely independent from the existing, centralized monetary system, making all other previous transfer systems like the banks and for example Block Chain obsolete. After the Revaluation (RV), all sovereign currencies will be gold or asset-backed, to ensure a sustainable value, to be stored and transferred via QFS. Everyone will receive an account in this new monetary system.
C. Predicted Global Currency Reset Events
It was also my belief that the Global Currency Reset occurred on Mon. Sept. 30 and at some point this week the Stock Market would crash and the Dollar Index would drop to over 100 points, resulting in the US Dollar eventually loosing 50% of it’s value. President Trump would then declare a State of Emergency and announce a US Dollar return to the Gold Standard, plus if they hadn’t already, currencies of 209 nations of the BRICS Alliance would automatically follow suit to a gold-backed Global Monetary System.
It was additionally believed that President Trump would declare the Restoration of the Republic and Mass Arrests would begin that would require the President to declare Martial Law. On Mon. Sept. 30 Gen. Mark A. Milley, who was specially trained in Martial Law, became America's 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Mon. Sept. 30 at 10am Baghdad time the Iraqi Dinar went international (on Nasdaq and Forex at a program rate).
Fri. Oct. 4: We would have until Fri. Oct. 4 to make our Zim appointments.
Tues. Oct. 8 2019: Glenn Beck said on his Tues. Sept. 24 show that the Fed. had been printing trillions of US dollars to keep the banks alive and by Oct. 8 would no longer be allowed to print those US dollars.
Thurs. Oct. 31 2019: Brexit deadline in the UK.
Nov. 15 2019: When the reset happened we would have 45 days to exchange/redeem, or until around Nov. 15.
Jan. 1 2020: A National Retail Sales Tax Code would become effective, replacing the bankrupt Federal Reserve and IRS tax system. A 17% tax was expected to be levied on new items only, with no tax on earnings, food or medicine. On July 3 2019 President Trump had signed an Executive Order, content unknown, covering tax laws until Jan. 1 2020.
March 2020: Arrests of anti-constitution/NWO/Cabal/against President Trump would be occurring between now and March 2020, while also in March 2020 the Second Basket of currencies would revalue.
Sat. March 28 2020 (180 days after the reset): activation of GESARA/ NESARA.
D. Brief History of Events Behind the Global Currency Reset:
In 1871, and perhaps dating back to 1861, the Chinese loaned gold to private families and bankers in order to establish the US Monetary System that led to the World Monetary System. As of now that loan, plus interest on the loan, had yet to be repaid.
Since the 1930's and onward because of the Cabal’s reckless spending, the Fed has been printing fiat US currency and US gold has been considered counterfeit.
In 1944-45 Interpol was formed by the World Court as a global policing agency. Interpol was tasked with bringing in criminals who had performed Crimes against Humanity such as the Bushes who were involved in drug-gun running and human trafficking.
The Basel Agreement was done to repay the Chinese funds loaned (that have yet to be repaid).
By 2004 Bankers were continuing to lie to the Chinese – and getting away with it – about paying back their loan on the gold.
In 2008 a so-called “Mortgage Crisis” occurred where US Taxpayers bailed out major banks from a pending bankruptcy because even the interest owed couldn’t be paid on the Chinese Elder’s Gold Loan. The monies from the bailout were not used to pay back interest due and the fiat US dollar was causing major crises in international trading, so the BRICS Alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) formed to do a Global Currency Reset with 209 currencies of the world made asset/gold-backed.
In 2013 a new Gold Treaty was signed (by BRICS nations) in order for a Global Currency Reset to take place and thus repay the loaned gold to the Chinese. The Gold Treaty of 2013 resulted from a decade of lies since they set up the US monetary system from the Fed and private bankers such as the Rothchilds and Rockerfellers.
Thurs. Aug. 29 2019: Since inception of the US and World Monetary Systems in 1861 bankers of the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS had been using US Taxpayer dollars for their own purposes and not in the best interest of the People. It had been long realized that for the US to return to the Gold Standard, the nation also had to return to the original Constitution. To do that the fraud had to be exposed. On Thurs. Aug. 29 2019 a report was released on former FBI Director James Comey – the beginning of Declass.
Fri. Aug. 30 2019: From Camp David Trump issued an Executive Order that established a National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee – US implementation of the Quantum Financial System.
Wed. evening Sept. 4 2019: the RV became a go, again, after multiple boxes of counterfeit Zim Bonds used for international trading (not the bonds we held) were discovered in Asia, Europe and the Americas. As a result, hundreds of perpetrators were arrested from Sun. Sept. 1 through Fri. Sept. 6.
Wed. Sept. 11 2019: Evidently President Trump signed an Executive Order that took effect at 12:01 midnight, which replaced other EOs past US Presidents have signed regarding the reset.
Thurs. Sept. 12 2019: All holds had been taken off RV funds held by the Paymasters.
Sun. Sept. 15 2019: The FISA report was released with expected Disclosures and Mass Arrests to follow to the end of the year.
Tues. Sept. 17 2019: Global Currency Reset Tiers 2 and 3 investors were made liquid at 6 pm EDT and bought out the Cabal’s quadrillions in debt derivatives due on Sept. 30.
Without those in Tier 2 and 3 clearing that derivatives debt, plus taking care of the National Debt, the Bond, Commodity and Stock Markets would have collapsed and caused an unprecedented worldwide Depression.
By that same Tues. Sept. 17 short-term funding had dried up and liquidity panic broke out, which was confirmed by the recent already 5 overnight in a row Repos to save the financial system. As $84Billion was needed, only $75Billion of the Central Bank Bailout money became available for the Banks. Obviously it went toward debt payment a week later.
Also on that same Tues. Sept. 17 President Trump ordered immediate declassification.
Additionally on that same Tues. Sept. 17 Benjamin Netanyahu lost the election in Israel, the Banking Cabal lost their power and Ed Buck, the notorious pedophile drug dealing money bundler for those who opposed the RV, was arrested in LA on an airtight case – a continuation of the Mass Arrests that began with the arrest of Pedophile Kingpin Jeffrey Epstein.
On Fri. Sept. 20 2019 an 11-count indictment (one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering) was handed down by the Justice Department in a Russian Bribery Case referred to as Uranium One – an act of Treason against the US, punishable by death with charges involving Mark Lambert, the Clintons, Obama, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Holder and Lynch.
“Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.”
Thurs. Sept. 26: The Central Bank Gold Agreement (CBGA) expired, after which there was a global release of GCR funds and beginning of Prosperity Package deliveries.
Sun. Sept 29: US Inc.’s Quadrillions in debt payment was due the Chinese Elders the next day on Mon. Sept. 30. The Fed’s reaction to make that debt payment deadline has been to print trillions of fiat US Dollars to keep the Markets afloat – which was likely to result in the Dollar Index surpassing 100 points and eventually loosing 50% of it’s value.
Mon. Sept. 30 2019: USA Inc. had to pay $ 1,000 trillion of debt repayment to the Chinese Elders, for which they received a postponement of bankruptcy until Oct. 18.
Mon. Sept. 30: Gen. Mark A. Milley became America's 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley, who has been specially trained in Martial Law, took over for Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, who was retiring after years of exceptional service to our country.
Mon. Sept. 30 2019 10 am Baghdad time: The Iraqi Dinar went international on Nasdaq and Forex at a program rate and was going up in value.
Tues. Oct. 1 2019 10:00 am EDT: The Stock Market went into free fall. It has been in or near the red since Oct. 1 2018 when it lost all gains for the year, and only held up by the Fed printing trillions in fiat US Dollars.
Tues. Oct. 8 2019: US Inc. and Fed. would no longer be allowed to print fiat US Dollars.
Fri. Oct. 18 2019: New deadline for USA Inc. to pay Quadrillions in debt to the Chinese Elders for using their gold since 1871, or be declared bankrupt and lose their control over the Global Monetary System.
Oct. 2019: At some point during Oct. the IMF would announce a Global Gold Treaty, calling on all countries to use the Gold Standard. Presently the Military was on High Alert with expected major political and economic changes, disclosures on and arrests of major figures. Mass Arrests, trials and tribunals worldwide were expected from Oct. through Dec. 2019.
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