Here's a couple of Updates on Happenings around the Global Currency Reset Developments.
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS Below & More @ GJack Above****
Simon Parkes: Special Update 6-2-19 ~ "OPPORTUNITY"
All PAO Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS Below & More @ GJack Above****
Simon Parkes: Special Update 6-2-19 ~ "OPPORTUNITY"
Stroppy Me: Are we about to See a 'Reset'?
Wow Stroppy Me is talking GCR! That’s a first!
Published on Jun 2, 2019
More possibilities for next week.
Will this be another BOOM?
Wow Stroppy Me is talking GCR! That’s a first!
Published on Jun 2, 2019
More possibilities for next week.
Will this be another BOOM?
Published on Jun 2, 2019
More possibilities for next week.
Will this be another BOOM?
"Currency Reset Buzz" - Fulford Report (Excerpt) - 6.3.19
Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis
reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while
Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency
By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society

People with real-world intelligence
contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming
down. “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S.
Corporation. I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is
connected. There is change in the air. The corrupt governments are being
exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was
how a CIA source in Asia described the mood. Many apparently
disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East
Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for
9 days starting this week. This move to shut down all gold trading and
international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister
Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading
Papua, New Guinea, home to some of the
world’s largest gold reserves, just selected James Marape as Prime
Minister. Marape wants to effectively nationalize his nation’s mineral
and energy resources.
King David Peii II of the Twin
Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui (Bougainville), the de facto
controller of Panguna, the world’s largest gold mine, told the White
Dragon Society he was close to Marape:
“Interestingly, he happens to be my
own schoolmate, friend, and U-Vistract client [referring to the
gold-backed currency which King David created]. I just sent him my
congratulatory message. When the appointed time comes, God opens all
The shutdown of Indonesian banks and
the gold-related moves follow an unprecedented ten-day shutdown of the
entire Japanese banking system from April 27th to May 7th. This
unprecedented shutdown also led to speculation (including by this
writer) that it would lead to some sort of financial announcement, but
nothing happened in a manner that was visible to us common people.
However, we are now hearing from British royals that the shutdown was
needed for IT work related to the Quantum Financial System. It is also
related to the announcement on April 9th that Japan would be issuing new
currency starting in 2024, the sources say.
These moves all began to be
implemented in March 2019 after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the
Vatican Bank, was found guilty of molesting young boys, P2 Freemason
sources confirm.
These moves will also have a major effect on the Dutch royals’ Bilderberg group and its members, since...(Full report will be posted midnight Thursday. ~ Dinar Chronicles)
Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis
Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency
By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society

People with real-world intelligence contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming down. “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S. Corporation. I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is connected. There is change in the air. The corrupt governments are being exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was how a CIA source in Asia described the mood. Many apparently disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for 9 days starting this week. This move to shut down all gold trading and international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading currency.
Papua, New Guinea, home to some of the world’s largest gold reserves, just selected James Marape as Prime Minister. Marape wants to effectively nationalize his nation’s mineral and energy resources.
King David Peii II of the Twin Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui (Bougainville), the de facto controller of Panguna, the world’s largest gold mine, told the White Dragon Society he was close to Marape:
“Interestingly, he happens to be my own schoolmate, friend, and U-Vistract client [referring to the gold-backed currency which King David created]. I just sent him my congratulatory message. When the appointed time comes, God opens all doors.”
The shutdown of Indonesian banks and the gold-related moves follow an unprecedented ten-day shutdown of the entire Japanese banking system from April 27th to May 7th. This unprecedented shutdown also led to speculation (including by this writer) that it would lead to some sort of financial announcement, but nothing happened in a manner that was visible to us common people. However, we are now hearing from British royals that the shutdown was needed for IT work related to the Quantum Financial System. It is also related to the announcement on April 9th that Japan would be issuing new currency starting in 2024, the sources say.
These moves all began to be implemented in March 2019 after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the Vatican Bank, was found guilty of molesting young boys, P2 Freemason sources confirm.
These moves will also have a major effect on the Dutch royals’ Bilderberg group and its members, since...(Full report will be posted midnight Thursday. ~ Dinar Chronicles)
Currency reset buzz as Indonesia shuts all banks, pawn shops for 9 days while Malaysia calls for international gold-backed currency
By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society

People with real-world intelligence contacts are all buzzing with the feeling that something big is coming down. “My gut feeling is that we are very close to the end of the U.S. Corporation. I can say this, as what is happening here in the region is connected. There is change in the air. The corrupt governments are being exposed and will either step down or be removed by ‘the people,’” was how a CIA source in Asia described the mood. Many apparently disconnected events all point to this.
Let’s start with the situation in East Asia, where Indonesia has shut down all of its banks and pawn shops for 9 days starting this week. This move to shut down all gold trading and international banking came immediately after Malaysian Prime Minister Mahatir called for replacing the U.S. dollar with a gold-backed trading currency.
Papua, New Guinea, home to some of the world’s largest gold reserves, just selected James Marape as Prime Minister. Marape wants to effectively nationalize his nation’s mineral and energy resources.
King David Peii II of the Twin Kingdoms of Papaala and Me’ekamui (Bougainville), the de facto controller of Panguna, the world’s largest gold mine, told the White Dragon Society he was close to Marape:
“Interestingly, he happens to be my own schoolmate, friend, and U-Vistract client [referring to the gold-backed currency which King David created]. I just sent him my congratulatory message. When the appointed time comes, God opens all doors.”
The shutdown of Indonesian banks and the gold-related moves follow an unprecedented ten-day shutdown of the entire Japanese banking system from April 27th to May 7th. This unprecedented shutdown also led to speculation (including by this writer) that it would lead to some sort of financial announcement, but nothing happened in a manner that was visible to us common people. However, we are now hearing from British royals that the shutdown was needed for IT work related to the Quantum Financial System. It is also related to the announcement on April 9th that Japan would be issuing new currency starting in 2024, the sources say.
These moves all began to be implemented in March 2019 after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the Vatican Bank, was found guilty of molesting young boys, P2 Freemason sources confirm.
These moves will also have a major effect on the Dutch royals’ Bilderberg group and its members, since...(Full report will be posted midnight Thursday. ~ Dinar Chronicles)
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