Have our rituals and
meditations actually changed the scenario for the Earth Changes so that they
will not be so cataclysmic?
If the changes are going
to be gentler, will this change the Federation’s plans to evacuate some of the
Earth’s population?
Yes, your marvelous spiritual work has greatly assisted the
local Spiritual Hierarchy in changing both the timing and the intensity of the
Earth Changes. However, there will still be Earth Changes. Your beloved planet
must change the nature and energy of its current surface topography and return
to a pristine state. What you have done is to give your planet’s population the
additional time to shift and to awaken. This marvelous reality is a most
wonderful gift that you have given to your fellow humans and to your local
Spiritual Hierarchy.
At present, the Galactic Federation’s plans have not changed
for a physical evacuation of some elements of your planet’s population in the
near future. What have changed are some aspects of the entire evacuation
scenario. This evacuation scenario is now seen as a significant way to introduce
the Galactic Federation of Light to the entire human population of planet Earth.
What have changed are only the intensity and the timing of these drastic Earth
Sheldan’s next Update will be on Oct. 3rd. He has been working on &
Researching the Antarians for his Webinar.
Those who’ve participated know of their Magical Intensenergies beyond
anything else made available to us so far.
I encourageveryone to share their Energies in anywayou feel will help,
past, present or future as time is healed.
Lethe Antarians knowe commit ourselves to healing any suffering in the
World & Oureality even as we are healed.
Do this each day & night as we invite healing & watch what happens
as our Opportunities Expand from 5D to 9D.
A word to the Wise is sufficient as we join withe Antarians who have always
Succeeded in All they have undertaken.
Humanity can surely use an Upgrade as the Antarians Uplifthe dark & the
Light which brings Usuccess & Fulfillment,
**** PAO Posts are at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
Sheldan Nidle Answers Your
1. What is the purpose of your updates? What do they actually do for us and why are there so many of them?
Open to the Un-K-now-able
HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
**** PAO Posts are at PAO~REFLECTIONS & More @ GJack **** http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PAOR/messages
Call on the Infinite numbers of Angels to help
you share the Antari Energies of Light, Love, Sound & Healing
Bruno Groening’s
Healing Stream can be combined withe Antarian Energies.....
The Acturian
Healing Chamber(s) focus these Magical Energies as wenvelope a Person or a


1. What is the purpose of your updates? What do they actually do for us and why are there so many of them?
The purpose of the
updates is to inform, to activate, to empower, to uplift, to inspire and to
bridge. Yes, some people are activated by reading my channeled updates and
books. The actual activation process is a very subtle one that involves the
slight lifting of your spiritual amnesia. Activation takes place through the use
of various combinations and sequences of words on each page of either my updates
or my books. They contain a specific vibration pattern that sets up a resonance
in your suppressed RNA/DNA memory. This vibration pattern then gradually helps
to activate your remembrance of those past events and/or universal truths that
are embedded in your cellular memory. You have suppressed them since childhood.
When the time or circumstances are right, these profound memories begin to make
their appearance once again. I am very fortunate to be one of those persons who
has been given the gift to activate people in this wonderful
There are many
updates, actually weekly, to let people know that there is an ongoing
educational and activational process. This process requires that a constant
series of updates be given to the public. The primary purposes of this mission
are to inform you of what is happening and to aid the Galactic Federation in
preparing you for the eventuality of first contact.
2. Why do
you believe that when the first contact comes, the people will be ready and
accepting, rather than suspicious and rebellious?
We can break this
response into two parts. First, the entire process for our first contact is
being orchestrated by the Spiritual Hierarchy. They have arranged for contact to
occur only in the right divine time. This time will happen when our population
is sufficiently prepared spiritually and has an awareness in the necessary
proportions for the divine contact. This preparation is now occurring in the
present period. Those people who are now awakening are going through a
preparation that will quickly rid them of much of the potential negative
reaction to first contact. Also, the first contact will introduce our planet on
a large scale to the incredible positive energies of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
The first contact is a return to our spiritual home and an acceptance of who we
truly are. That is, we are awakening physical Angels who will assist the
Spiritual Hierarchy in the unfolding of Creation in the Physical
Second, the first
contact is being undertaken to end your galactic quarantine. It is a time to end
the spiritual amnesia that has gripped most of you since early childhood. When
this process is complete, you will remember all that you have now forgotten.
Most of all, you will remember the nature of the soul contract that you agreed
to before you incarnated on planet Earth. In this holy soul contract, we gave
the Spiritual Hierarchy our permission to ask for a divine intervention. This
procedure meets one of the major criteria for first contact and assures the
Galactic Federation of our full cooperation in this matter. This contact is not
a rescue mission. Rather, it is a return to the inter-dimensional realities from
whence we came and to which we daily long to return. This process of remembrance
permits us to overcome any resistance or negativity that our limited mental
constructs will be able to put into our heads.
3. In your
book and lectures, you mention that Earth will be a showcase planet. What do you
mean by a “showcase” planet”?
From her beginnings,
Mother Earth has been blessed with a great prophetic destiny. This divine
destiny, as prophesied by the Archangels, was that Earth would one day have a
great galactic civilization upon it. This future galactic society would be the
divine one that would bring an end to the galactic wars and establish permanent
galactic peace and unity. This galactic society would be composed of the souls
of many great Beings from all over the Milky Way Galaxy. They would come
together and pass through the final stages of a grand genetic experiment. Their
success would mark the rise of a new era in our galaxy.
Planet Earth and
this solar system are therefore destined to become the meeting place for the
entire galaxy. Earth galactic society would become the finest example of how
galactic civilization serves the divine laws of the Creator. Mother Earth and
her sacred children would teach many of the other star nations about how best to
apply the divine laws of the Universe. Earth would become a great meeting place
and trade center for the exchange of all forms of innovative goods. It is for
these reasons that it will truly become a “showcase” planet.
4. Who are
the Council of Nine?
The Council of the
Nine are the major representatives of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue
Light. This Great Blue Light of Creation comes directly from Lord Surea. It
first passes through the Council of the Nine and from there is distributed to
the High Light Councils of Orion. From there, it passes through all the Great
Sacred Councils of Archangels, Angels, Elohim and Time Lords (the lineage of
Heaven) that exist in all of Creation. In their divine Beingness, the Council of
Nine carries the mighty sacred energies of the holy WILL of Lord Surea, a major
aspect of the Supreme Creator.
The Great Blue Lodge
is composed of the holy places in which the sacred Blue Light of Divine Creation
is illuminated to every part of Creation. In the case of the Milky Way Galaxy,
the spot for the anchoring of this holy and divine Light is the Sirius star
system. It is here in the Sirius B solar system that the great Oracle Temple of
the Council of Nine, and of Lord Surea, is located. It is Earth's magnificent
destiny to join the Sirius star system in the coming galactic year of 11 IK
(2015 AD) and to have a corresponding Great Oracle Temple of Lord Surea and the
Great Blue Light built there.
The Council of Nine
are Lord Surea's most profound messengers. They carry Lord Surea's divine Light
to all of Creation. In his name, they proclaim the mighty WILL of the Creator to
all Beings. It is their holy task to see that every Creation unfolds as provided
for by the Divine Plan. Through their wise and profound council, the sacred
knowledge of every Creation is revealed to all concerned. All the divine lineage
of Heaven is beholden to the Great Council of the Nine.
5. What is
the photon belt and what has happened to it?
The main photon belt
is an immense inter-dimensional belt of Light energy. It has the shape of a huge
torroid that is almost 26,000 years in diameter. This belt has greatly affected
our planet and our solar system on a regular basis. Usually, it takes about
2,000 years for us to move through one of the doughnut-shaped parts of this huge
cosmic torroid. Currently, we are imbedded in a huge hole torn through it by
another smaller photon belt. This rip in one of the doughnut-shaped parts of the
photon belt is much larger than the entire diameter of Earth’s solar
Only hours before
our solar system encountered the main photon belt's null zone, the smaller
photon belt, or gamma rich bow wave from the great nova of 1987, created an
enormous hole in the main photon belt. During the course of this collision
between the two photon belts, the smaller belt’s life-threatening gamma ray
energies were greatly diminished, and those remaining were totally dissipated by
their subsequent encounter with the planets Saturn and Jupiter. At the
appropriate time, we will briefly enter the main photon belt and then join the
Sirius star system.
6. Have our
rituals and meditations actually changed the scenario for the Earth Changes so
that they will not be so cataclysmic? If the changes are going to be gentler,
will this change the Federation’s plans to evacuate some of the Earth’s
Yes, your marvelous
spiritual work has greatly assisted the local Spiritual Hierarchy in changing
both the timing and the intensity of the Earth Changes. However, there will
still be Earth Changes. Your beloved planet must change the nature and energy of
its current surface topography and return to a pristine state. What you have
done is to give your planet’s population the additional time to shift and to
awaken. This marvelous reality is a most wonderful gift that you have given to
your fellow humans and to your local Spiritual Hierarchy.
At present, the
Galactic Federation’s plans have not changed for a physical evacuation of some
elements of your planet’s population in the near future. What have changed are
some aspects of the entire evacuation scenario. This evacuation scenario is now
seen as a significant way to introduce the Galactic Federation of Light to the
entire human population of planet Earth. What have changed are only the
intensity and the timing of these drastic Earth Changes.
7. Some PAG
members live quite far apart and weekly meetings are not very convenient. Can we
conduct PAG business without actually meeting
The answer to that
question is yes. The key is to inform each PAG member of what is occurring and
the progress of your various projects. Your feedback can come via the telephone
(conference calls), by online continuous e-mail transactions, by transmitting of
progress reports and immediate replies, or even by a bi-weekly meeting with
members of the PAGs. What is important is that there be a constant and creative
exchange of information among PAG members. Hopefully, future technologies will
vastly mitigate the existing difficulties.
8. Sheldan,
many of your updates refer to the need for us to spread the ‘Web of Light’ into
the world. How do you expect this to happen?
The World-wide Web
of Light is a very important concept. It's a concept with which the Federation,
as well as the Angelic Realms, are very, very involved. They feel that the web
of consciousness, which is what this Web of Light is, will be spread in two
basic ways. First, they look upon their work, which they are doing every day, to
bring more consciousness into the planet and to help this Web of Light happen.
Then, those concerned individuals who feel very deeply the need to accomplish
this Web of Light, will have the individual energies to accomplish it. The
second point refers to our own responsibilities. We have to take the information
that has been given to us to create the various PAG groups around the planet,
and to link the PAGs up with the most modern state-of-the-art technologies and
trainings possible. This second part will happen because of the first. As people
become more interested and awakened, and as those who see what already has
happened come together and discuss it and do the things out of their passion and
need, then all will happen. Remember that the key to all things is intent, and
we have the intent to make it happen. And if these two things happen as they are
supposed to - indeed, as they are now happening - then it will truly happen. We
do not have to be worried or upset or in panic over timing. We just have to do
the divine flow, what feels good inside us, and let it happen. That is all that
is required.
9. Because
we live in a world that measures time in 3-D scientific terms, many of us have
difficulty with the concepts of time and Right Divine Time. Could you clarify
Right Divine Time and explain why it is so different from our own measurement of
Right divine time is
basically what it sounds: time that is set up for the right flow to happen at
the sacred moment when it is supposed to. When everything is in Right Divine
timing or in Right Divine flow, it occurs. We have to understand that our
concept of time is actually illusory. The concept of short, sequential bursts,
which is how we measure and understand time, is actually not the way time is.
Time flows, and as it flows it creates only a 'now'. This 'eternal now' moves
forward and creates what in sequential time we call past, present and future. In
actuality, there is only present, and when the present comes together and
creates the need for what must happen, then what is divinely ordained occurs.
That is the difference between right divine time and what we think of as time.
When we understand that, and allow it to flow and become one with our inner
beingness, then all the anxieties that we have about time
10. Given
the extensive research into finding extraterrestrial life in the universe being
conducted by the SETI Institute, has the Galactic Federation contacted these
What the Federation
has been doing is very simple. Those SETI groups, for instance the CSETI, etc.,
have been contacted in various forms and ways. Right now the process is very
simple. What the Galactic Federation wish us to understand more than anything is
that there is a consciousness energy coming. This consciousness energy affects
what is to happen. They are beings of high consciousness. We are beings of lower
consciousness who are moving towards their consciousness. They understand what
must happen. To us, they - the elder brothers and sisters - are the ones who are
attempting to utilize their abilities to bring forth a new reality. This reality
is something that goes beyond anything that we know or understand, and all they
wish is simply to do it, or - to use what was said in the last question - to do
it in a right divine time and in a right divine way. So yes, some people have
been contacted, others have not. It just depends on whether they're ready and
where their consciousness is.
11. Since we
are being told that our bodies are being changed, why are most of us feeling so
incredibly tired these days? Could you explain more about the
What is happening to
us is a very simple process of the ascension. When you reach certain levels of
the anchoring in of your light body, of the changing in your cellular structure
at the genetic levels of your RNA and DNA - at these levels, your body is
overtaxed. Look at yourself, once again, as a small child - in this case, a
toddler, less than age 3 - attempting to grow. And what do children do? They
sleep a lot. They feel fatigued. They have a great deal of energy, giant bursts
of it at times, and then, seemingly, it goes away. This is all that is
happening. No more, no less. So just go with it and realize that it’s part of
the entire process of your growth in consciousness and of the bringing forth,
the integration, of your physical and spiritual beings.
12. How will
the full impact of the Photon Belt affect Earth's nuclear
As I stated when I
talked about the Photon Belt previously, when nuclear energy interacts with the
Photon Belt, there is normally a vast explosion. Therefore, the key to what the
Federation is going to do, before we interact directly with the Photon Belt and
likely before, is to make sure that these nuclear energy systems, whether they
are military reactors, civilian electrical reactors, etc., are de-activated and
are no longer a part of the whole procedure. So don’t worry about that. Just
know that it will be taken care of when the time comes.
13. I have
been told by a couple of people that there will be an invasion of dark forces in
April of this year. Would the Galactic Federation be aware of this situation and
how would this affect the mass landings?
Every so often there
will be certain movings through of dark energies. These energies are part of the
entire procedure of allowing this particular flow of light and dark around our
world. However - and this is the key point - what is happening at this time, and
from now on, is that this dark energy will not be allowed to cause massive
difficulties on this world, as it has before. It will be allowed to do one
thing: move through us, give us lessons, and then leave. Because right now, this
is a planet of glowing light. It is a planet of change. It is a planet of
transformation. At this moment, we are in a chrysalis and are transforming
ourselves into the full conscious beings that we were meant to be. Therefore,
this will not affect the landings, or any aspect of the ascension procedures
that are now underway.
14. Should
we be preparing welcoming committees to greet the non-sentient beings and the
Galactic humans? Will we be given the necessary information on protocol,
etiquette, and diplomatic courtesies?
At the
appropriate time, you will be told what has to be done as far as protocols, etc.
Don't worry about that. Right now, what you simply have to do is to ‘be'. Do the
things that are needed to bring forth consciousness. Do the things that are
needed to remain positive. Do the things that are needed to keep connecting and
networking with each other. When the time comes for the greetings, then you will
be told what to do, what has to be said, how to put committees together, etc.
Don't worry about that now. Just remain positive, move forward, put your
Planetary Activation Groups together, network with other groups, network with
the entire Planetary Activation Organization. Be one with yourself and with
others, and move forward. That is what is important right now.
To print these questions and answers formatted
for fewer pages: Click here http://www.paoweb.com/qafp1.htm
