“I Am asking for and invoking the presence and assistance of Archangel Michael and the Light Force, the Powers of Light, the Lords of Light, the Legions of Light, the Warriors of Light, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Grace, the Lords of Protection, and the Divine Director on behalf of __(your name)__ now.”
Before beginning, dedicate yourself to the Light: “I Decree I Am dedicating myself to the Light now.”
Next, “I Am asking for and invoking the presence and assistance of Archangel Michael and the Light Force, the Powers of Light, the Lords of Light, the Legions of Light, the Warriors of Light, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Grace, the Lords of Protection, and the Divine Director on behalf of __(your name)__ now.”
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect for_ (your name) __ entire Tube of Light and Crystal Shaft, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
(Wait until the energy reaches the feet before going on.)
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the grounding cord of __(your name) __ on all levels to the Center of the Earth and beyond, including all planetary structures, grid structures, and connections, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
(Wait until the energy reaches the feet before going on. Wait after each step.)
"I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect all the templates of __(your name) __ on all levels, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, and connections through all levels and all systems.”
(List the following templates one by one, going on to the next only after the previous template is cleared. Keep them in strict order.)
“Ka template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“Etheric template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“Ketheric template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“Celestial template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“I-Am template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“All Galactic chakras and templates at all levels.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“All Causal Body chakras and templates on all levels.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]
“All Ascension chakras and templates on all levels.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Silver Cord of __(your name)_____and chakras down the back on all levels, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
[Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the heart complex of __(your name) ____, heart panels, and all heart systems on all levels, and all the chakras. chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
[Wait until energy reaches feet.]
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Physical and Etheric bodies of _(your name)__, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
(List the following chakras one by one, going on only after the previous chakra is fully cleared and you sense the energy has reached the feet.)
“Crown Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Third Eye Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Throat Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Heart Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Solar Plexus Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till the energy reaches feet.]
“Belly Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches the feet.]
“Root Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.”
[Wait until the energy reaches the feet.]
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Emotional and Astral bodies of (your name) _____, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.
(List the following chakras one by one, going to the next only after the previous chakra is cleared. Be sure to keep them in order.)
“Transpersonal Point Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system thru all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]
“Vision Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Causal Body Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches the feet.]
“Thymus Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches the feet.]
“Diaphragm Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]
“Hara Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]
“Perineum Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]
“Movement Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]
“Grounding Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Earth Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Mental Body and Mind Grid of __(your name) __, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
(List the following chakras one by one, going to the next only after the previous chakra is cleared. These chakras are not Kundalini/Etheric Body chakras, but their Mental Body and Mind Grid counterparts.)
“Crown Chakra, Crown complex, and Crown system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches the feet.]
“Third Eye Chakra, Third Eye complex, and Third Eye system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]
“Light Chakras (2), Light complex, and Light system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Chakras at the top of the Throat, the lips, and lower Throat and entire Throat complex, and Throat system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“Solar Plexus Chakra, Solar Plexus complex, and Solar Plexus system through all levels and all systems.” (Note: There is no heart or heart equivalent on the Mental Body or Mind Grid levels.) [Wait until the energy reaches the feet.]
“Root Chakra, Root complex, and all Root systems through all levels, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“All chakras, chakra complexes, and chakra systems through all levels and all systems for the breasts, fingers, and toes.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Spiritual, Galactic, and Causal Bodies of __(your name) __, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”
(The chakras for these are as follows, in sets rather than individually.)
“All the chakras, chakra complexes, and chakra systems on all levels and through all systems for the chakras of Will, Desire, Attainment, Action, and Propulsion, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” (These are the Galactic Body chakras.) [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“All the chakras, chakra complexes, and chakra systems through all levels and all systems for the chakras of Sound, Reception/Information, Communication, Manifestation, Creation, and Implementation.” (These are the Causal Body chakras.) [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] “The Spiritual, Galactic, and Causal Body Crown Chakra, Crown complex, and Crown system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Ascension of __(your name) __ on all levels, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, templates, and components of all Ascension processes through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]
(Note: The Ascension processes operate through all the bodies. To request clearing for only the Ascension Body would be to limit this request for clearing. When the Ascension levels are fully cleared, the energy clearing is complete.)
To finish, make this one last request:
“I am asking you to fill the energy of __(your name)__ with the Light of the Christ through all the levels and components, through all the dimensions, all the connections, and all the systems.”
Thank them and end your clearing meditation.
Source: Diane Stein, ‘Reliance on the Ligh’t (CA: The Crossing Press, 2001)
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