The Great Solar Flash is a very high-magnitude solar flare directed towards Earth, known as a super flare, that can be recorded as a class x-50 to x-100 or higher on the X-ray scale.
A super intense call from the Earth’s Sun will be seen on Earth as a blinding flash of Magnetic White Light.
The ancients called this cosmic glimmer of light by many names, it is mentioned in ancient writings from all cultures, including the Vedas, Sumerian tables, Biblical texts, Egyptian texts and in the Maya codice.
The light emitted by this large cosmic flash is a gamma-level exotic light that resonates very high and is called starlight.
Earth science has shown that gamma light instantly recodes DNA, transforming it into a more complex and advanced state of functionality.
The great Solar Flash (divine light) is the cosmic trigger and the cause of what we simply call "the event" on planet Earth.
The moment this Light hits the surface of planet Earth is the advancement of comprehension and this is the beginning of earthly event.
Puntos De Luz
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