| LORI SPAGNA is and amazing Multi-Dimensional Channel ~ Join us Sunday for another Galactic Activation |
Our world has reached a pivotal point as we hurtle towards a major shift in consciousness. In almost every major country, we are watching as a groundswell of people emerges from their slumber of compliance to tyrannical rules and begins to realize their own innate power. At last, that day has arrived. We are teetering on the brink of a Great Awakening. This month, Lori Spagna returns, sharing again a wealth of knowledge about DNA strands and the Sacred Key Codes lying within – Codes that unlock the greater purpose for our presence here during these epochal times. |
And, in response to your repeated requests, Lori reveals more of the wisdom she has gathered about animals and our pets. Our pets have shared the past two upsetting years with us. In many ways, they have suffered, visibly and invisibly, as well. Lori reveals how we can heal them at the same time we heal ourselves. Subjects to be discussed:• Lori Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus • DNA Activation: Sacred Key Codes Aligning with Our Role in the Divine Plan • The Pandemic: The Deeper Reason Behind It How Humanity Can Return to a State Of Normalcy • Pets: Animal Communication Sacred Healing - Animals, Our World and Ascension • Humanity's Destiny: Awakening to Our Greater Purpose A Collective Trajectory for Humanity |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Sunday, March 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday March 27, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
Are you feeling a strange shift in your sense of reality lately? Does your external world feel even more weird than usual? Perhaps you feel yourself eerily shifting back and forth between two different worlds? If you are having any of these sensations, you’re not crazy. There actually are two worlds within our reality now, and you are shifting back and forth between them. The 3D world is crumbling and fading, and the 5D world is beginning to appear. Although only vaguely apparent in the external world at this point, this transition from one reality to another is increasingly becoming evident within people’s inner worlds. What used to be just a narrow bandwidth of high 5D energy that was available to us has now expanded into a much larger opening into a new reality. And it is vastly different from the reality we are all used to. Discovering the New RealityIf you really look inside yourself and sense the energies flowing through your body, you may be able to see how this new reality is opening up within you. You can discover how your familiar 3D self is more and more quickly disappearing – and something else, much vaster, much more unknowable, is coming onboard. On the one hand, you might feel at times like you’re shifting into a much freer consciousness and experience incredible joy about this. You feel expanded and powerful, as if all possibilities in a new and exciting future are available to you. Enlivening experiences are showing up, sometimes magically out of nowhere. New people you immediately relate to appear everywhere you turn. On the other hand, you might at times also be experiencing even more confusion than usual. Perhaps you’re feeling a sense of emptiness, a boredom, or an irritable impatience about everything. You sense your life somehow fading away. You’re carrying around a feeling of dead energy: there’s no more excitement, passion or enthusiasm about anything you’re involved in. Or, even worse, you may realize that old, unfinished business you’ve never fully faced or resolved is totally in your face now, demanding resolution. Perhaps the term “quantum leap into 5D” is finally clear to you. Shifting into 5D is not a simple next step in your spiritual awakening process. It is a monumental leap that may at times feel impossible to make. Uncharted TerritoryIndeed, in taking this quantum leap, you can find yourself in completely uncharted territory. You realize you are a pioneer in the wilderness of the Unknown. If you can shift into your love of adventure, the experience can feel exciting, even thrilling. But, at other times, this can be impossible to do. The shift taking place can feel downright scary, because it is so unknown and unpredictable. It often demands a huge amount of courage and faith to just keep showing up and stepping forward each day into a brand new, unfamiliar reality. You have to firmly believe that Source is going to guide you, every step of the way and continue to keep you safe and secure through whatever may occur along the path you’re now on. It may seem that never before has your faith been tested like this. |
Dropping Your 3D BaggageIt can be helpful to know that your continued journey into this new world will be much smoother if you look to see what 3D baggage you are still carrying with you. It’s important to understand that you need to drop everything you can’t take with you into this new higher-frequency reality of 5D. For instance, are you still holding onto any unhealthy habits or addictions? Are you enslaved to certain things – maybe your devices or the internet? Are you perhaps in an important relationship that keeps you in a low vibration? Maybe you’re holding onto beliefs about lack – a sense that you are always needing more money than you have – or that there is not enough love in your life – or that your body is a sick body. Although these beliefs may presently be based on what’s true in your life, they are not beliefs that can go with you into 5D. They need to be seen clearly and consciously let go of. It’s important to not keep talking about them to others, unless it’s absolutely necessary. Do your best to not make decisions based on them, or fall into depression or despair about them. In any way you can, try to live your life as if these beliefs are no longer running you. In fact, if there are things, relationships or situations in your life that simply no longer bring you joy, these may be weighing you down and holding you back, as well. Anything that doesn’t feel right somehow may be something that needs to be left behind. Very importantly, if you don’t drop them now, it is likely they will eventually be simply taken from you, because your higher consciousness will no longer be able to tolerate them. So it may be easier if you take control now and make the decisions you need to make in order to step away from them. Wide-Open Field of New PossibilitiesAnd yet, this shift you are making need not be an entirely difficult and frightening one. If you look closely, you may also sense that there is a wide-open vista ahead of you on your path. It’s a vast space that at this point is still empty – but it is light-filled, clear, and very inviting. It is your new 5D reality, waiting for you to bring life into it. There are infinite possibilities of what can be created in this space. See if you can tune into this lighted space and sense it somehow ahead of you on the path. What does it feel and look like? When first sensing it, you may have an immediate impulse of wanting to begin filling it with images in your imagination of all the things, people and situations you’ve been yearning for. But be careful not to do this. Don’t imagine anything in it at this point, or you’ll just be inserting all your old needs and desires you’ve had based on a sense of lack you’ve experienced while living in your 3D world. Instead, see if you can simply focus on the feeling of this new vista ahead of you and the joy you experience – and see what just begins to show up in it. How would it feel if you really did have everything you wanted? What would a sense of fulfillment, and a feeling of being safe, loved, and valued feel like? Experience the joy in imagining this. Feel into the sensation of being able to be the very best version of yourself – where you are the most empowered, happy, and fulfilled you could ever be, doing what you most love. Imagine what it would be like to be totally loving your life and your relationships. What would life be like if you were experiencing a constant and complete connection to Source and to all of life? Allow Source to Fill Your New RealityIt is this process of fully experiencing joy and the sense of having all you could ever want that will begin to create a life filled with what is needed to bring this about. You don’t need to decide how this is all going to happen – just feel the feeling of it all already being present. If you can feel this now as much as possible, it will accelerate your journey into 5D. Then watch what happens as you simply allow Source to fill in your new Reality. Stay in the moment; make plans if necessary, but stay flexible and fluid. You may be in for some wonderful surprises. Be aware that timelines are shifting, sometimes daily. What was originally going to take place today may have already changed. Watch to see what new events or situations arise to point you in a new direction. Trust that Source will bring you exactly what you need in just the right timing. If you look closely, you’ll notice how your path is growing more and more narrow, and the choices you need to make are fewer and fewer. You’ll see how it’s very difficult now to make mistakes. Anything that may look like a mistake today may later become clear to not have been one, after all: it was instead specifically designed as something for you to learn from, to wake you up, or guide you in better direction. Just Keep GoingThe bridge between the two worlds of 3D and 5D is now getting shorter and shorter. All you need do is keep remembering you are fully on it now. There’s no turning back – and you wouldn’t want to anyway. Keep focused on the brightly-lit vista ahead of you and keep walking toward it, one step after another. As you do this, feel how its pull on you gets stronger and stronger. At some point, even as you pass through the darkest of days on planet Earth, you will still be guided flawlessly into your new realty. |
Greetings, we are the Andromedans, we come forth as a collective energy from our civilization, bringing forth high vibrations and frequencies, wisdom, codes and energetic symbols to support your ascension in this moment. It is our purpose to aid you in recognising the evolution of your truth from within your being, understanding how you may express your truths and experience your truth in this physical reality. Often many beings believe that their purpose of existing upon the Earth is to progress and advanced spiritually. Therefore, they dedicate their time to engaging with the inner planes. This is appropriate and it is necessary. However, the greater purpose of existing upon the Earth is to discover one's truth and spiritual growth in a physical manner or physical way. In acting and reacting and existing within the physical reality. Let us give you an example of this. You may discover a wound within your being, and you may visit an ashram on the inner planes to create the healing that is appropriate and necessary. Or you may go within your being inviting your soul and soul group to bring forth the necessary healing. This is appropriate and necessary. You are existing as a physical being on a physical Earth so there is a need for this healing to take place at a physical level. Therefore, there is a need to integrate the healing with your physical body and energetic fields with your physical reality. There is a need to integrate the healing with your thoughts and emotions, the way that you act and react to those around you, what you choose to create, every part of your physical reality requires to anchor, ground and experience the healing process. Then you become the spiritual advancement that you wish for and desire because you are working both energetically and physically and the physical part is the interaction with yourself, as a physical being, and your physical reality. This is essential because this is what your soul has come to the Earth to experience. Now, with this understanding we recognise the importance of the physical reality. We recognise the importance of every single word and thought, reaction and action that you create, every single correspondence, and communication that you have with other people as well. Also, with nature, animals and Mother Earth. Every part of your reality becomes an integral aspect or grounding of your spiritual evolution. That's your physical reality and your existence upon the Earth allow you to express and experience the truth that is within your being. This truth is born from the Creator through you. This does not mean that it belongs to the Creator, for you are the Creator as well. You are an aspect of that greater source. We the Andromedans wish for you to gain an understanding of your truth and your purpose of expressing and experiencing your truth upon the Earth. Every aspect of your reality is an expression and an experience of your truth. This means that it is aligned to you to your essence, to all that you are, and all that is the Creator. Now today we the Andromedans wish to speak of the displacement of truth. |
What do we mean by this?When something is displaced, you could say that it finds a different location, it is in a different location from its origin, maybe it has even become detached from its origin. There are many displacements of truth, and what we mean by this is that the truth is slightly altered because it has been taken on by another, and not born from the origin of one's being. What we mean by this is when you connect with your truth, your soul, your essence within your being, and the Divine guidance or inspiration comes forth so that is your truth. It is born from you. You are the origin, your connection with the Creator is the origin of this truth. Now truth can be transferred to another so you might share this idea or inspiration with another person, and they may resonate with it and connect with it. They may connect with that inspiration within their own being recognising the same within their own being. Therefore, it ignites a new origin of similar qualities within their own being. However, this origin of truth is not the same, although an origin of truth has been ignited in another. If another being takes on this truth, this idea, this concept but it does not really connect with them and they are choosing their origin. Then we can call this a displacement of truth because they may like, they may be inspired by this truth, however, they haven't connected it into their own truth. Their own origin and allowed it to inspire something greater within their being or something similar. So, the displacement of Truth is when another takes on an idea and they like it, they feel as if it is aligned with what they are or what they wish to be and yet they don't connect with it in their truth, in their origin within their being so, they may have an opposing belief. Imagine that the idea that is passed on is about being a radiant being of light, and another accepts this, that it would be wonderful to be a radiant being of light, and yet they still run programs that they are wounded or that they are unloved or they cannot connect with their truth, their spiritual aspect. Then we have a displacement of truth. The truth is serving them because it is inspiring them, and yet, but they have not yet fully grounded it into their origin in order to allow their own blossoming of their origin, their vibrations, their truth, which is aligned to their reality. Now this is not necessarily a bad or a good thing. It is simply what happens when you take on the idea, the concept, the understanding of another and it does not fully align, or you do not fully align with the concept. It does not penetrate your origin, your truth, your soul and ignite something similar, something beautiful from within your being. Now we the Andromedans are sharing with you about displacement of truth because we wish for you to recognise when something is inspiring you, and you like it, and when something really connects into your core. Now, you may have said something, concept or idea you completely dislike, and that is okay. It isn't aligning with your truth. However, sometimes something that your mind, your personality, or maybe even your ego dislikes, when it is grounded into your origin or connected or you take it into your soul, into your origin and you comtemplate it within your soul, in your origin. Sometimes you find that which you push away is actually what is required and needed to activate from your soul and your origin to create the truth, the spiritual advancement that you require and need. You exist in a world where there are so many ideas, so many opinions and judgments, so many ways to achieve anything and everything. So, therefore aligning with your truth is immensely important, it is appropriate to take on the ideas and concepts of another being. However, if you are trying to put them into action in your reality or even into creation, there is a need to take that concept, that idea with you into meditation, within your soul, your essence, and see what activates. Imagine a garden, you have your own plot of garden and people bring you seeds, and you take the seeds, and you plant them in your garden in the soil. The seeds that are aligned, the seeds that grow, the seeds that blossom are those that are appropriate for you, that serve you. The seeds that do not germinate or grow, they are taken into your truth, but they do not blossom. Do not ignite anything from your origin, and so, that which we are sharing with you is to invite you to contemplate whether a truth that you receive from outside of yourself. Is a truth that aligns with your being and that ignites a blossoming of your origin into your being in reality. If it does not, even though it may seem magnificent, it is important to let it go. Then you will be connecting with truth, born from your origin, whether it is born from you or from others, you will be guided as to what is appropriate to serve your ascension and to serve your spiritual growth and it will make it easier to navigate the world, this physical world, where there are many opinions, ideas, judgments, and concepts. And you can be in your power in control of your own truth, your own reality, and spiritual advancements. We know that our communication with you today is slightly unique. However, we believe that it was necessary in a time when there is confusion. So, we leave it with you as a seed, it may germinate in your truth. It may not. If it does not, then it is a displacement of truth, and you can let it go. We are the Andromedans. We love you, and we thank you. More Andromedans |
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