New Webinar Archive
now ready for downloading... Our Future World ~~ Living in the New Paradigm
Understanding the process of transitioning from our
New Webinar
Archive now ready for downloading...
Our Future World ~~ Living in the New Paradigm
Understanding the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D
world of full consciousness.
Topics include...
From debt slavery to freedom
• How
corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all
employees • Changing our perceptions
of banks and their role in our lives • Money has a consciousness:
importance of shifting the meaning of money
Preparing for Contact
• Old
paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world? • How to manifest our
deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations • What fulfills us in life -
Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness • Selamat Ja! - Be in Joy.
What does that mean to you?
To order Webinar 73 Archive: Click Here
Price: $13.95 U.S.
LIGHT CODES ~ Mary Magdalene
Good morning, Dear Ones, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come into
your frequency I see that you are holding your light upon this most powerful
day. I wish to speak about your light codes that are coming into this planet,
and the power of this energy that is affecting your human body and your own
psyche. I know that we’ve spoken very heavily about these energies, but it is
very important to understand that these light codes have those what we call
[unclear] forms in the light frequencies, and this pattern is quite unique for
there is a mathematical equation that is being brought forward into your own
DNA. What is happening is that it is the energy of what we call original
creation, of how everything was designed and created within the universe. And
these powerful light codes are now being infused within your pineal, your
pituitary, and within your own DNA.
And so Dearest Children I ask you to take a deep, inhaling breath,
and begin to bring in this essence, for these powerful frequencies are of the
beautiful golden and the white light natures, they are of great significance and
of great power, for it is of the union that is being brought forward through the
energies of the Christ light, merged with the energy of the beautiful energy of
Shekhina, as this beautiful energy of Divine Feminine is beautifully merged with
the energy within the Christ Consciousness energy. It has been brought forward
into the Holy of the Holies, it is there that this energy of the light frequency
is of great significance and great power. And so know at this time that the
light that you hold, the peace that you hold, the energy that you hold, the
essence that you hold is of greatness and of grandness. So I ask you Dearest
Children to take a deep inhaling breath, and to breathe in the essence of peace,
breathe in the essence and presence of light, yes Dearest Ones, it is known as
the elixir of life, the original creation of all that is. And we ask you to
breathe and release, and allow these beautiful, powerful light codes of the
elixir of life to merge within your essence.
The Holy of the Holies are here, and they stand before you, and they
reach into your heart, and they open up your heart chakra if you so allow, and
they allow you to merge into the essence of your being. Opening your vessel into
the purest frequency, the purest of love, with your energy and your frequency in
this essence of Divine Love, and allow the beautiful energy of the Holy of the
Holies now to infuse you. For you see the light codes are merging through your
being, and as we have told you before, they are creating both great love and joy
within the hearts of many, and yet turbulence and chaos in others. These
frequencies are indeed of the pure energy of God’s white light, and as they
enter into your physicality, allow yourself to feel them with the greatest of
ease. Allow this energy to come into your physicality, allow your body to
respond. Allow your heart to open to the energy of peace, and allow the
frequency of the energies to merge within your essence. And so as the beautiful
Holy of the Holies stand before you, they surround you with this beautiful light
energy, which if you accept, may you receive the essence and the embrace of
their love. Today as you emerge into this frequency and allow yourself to shift
once again from your third dimensional bodies into your crystalline light
bodies, these new light codes are vibrating within you, like a beautiful rainbow
of colors, as your body is vibrating and shifting and awakening, and anointing
you with love, bathing you with the beautiful golden light of God’s love within
your heart, within your soul, within your very essence you are being bathed with
this beautiful beautiful Golden White Light of God. There is peace within your
heart, and tranquility is felt upon your soul, so you understand and remember
the energy and the essence of who you truly
Remember Dearest Ones that you are Gods and Goddesses, and vibrant
vibrant light. Remember Dearest Ones that you are vibrant, and you are light.
These light codes are infused within you, it is the energy of original creation,
these light frequencies are being infused within your physicality, and they are
the gifts of life. We call them the gifts of life because just as your bodies,
all of your lifetimes have been in service to humanity, to Mother Earth, and to
the Great Creator, you have gifted your physical body. And so Dearest Children,
at this time, stand in the purity of the love that you are, may you feel the
essence and presence of these powerful light codes that are being infused within
your system. Allow this energy to merge within your physicality, within your
merkabic field, within your ethereal energy bodies. And allow this powerful
frequency of the rainbow colors to now merge through your eyes, so you will be
able to see clearly and feel the essence of love, so that you will see clearly
and feel the essence of love.
I know Dearest Ones it has been difficult for many of you, for you
have not felt loved. You have felt cheated from life in many ways. And yet you
have given your body in service, and these powerful light codes are bringing
forth the power of love into your system, so that you can feel this energy and
be revitalized, rejuvenated, and remember who you are, and the beautiful essence
of all that you are. So I ask you to take a deep, deep, deep inhaling breath,
and begin to breathe. Begin to breathe in the essence and presence of peace,
begin to breathe in the essence and presence of love, and breathe in these
powerful light codes. These light codes will be magnified for the next 30, 40,
and 45 days. Yes, they are flooding the planet at this time, they will be quite
magnified within the next 30, to 40, to 45 days. There will be intensity of
energy, and as you pray and receive the light codes within your body, your
bodies can heal, your bodies can be rejuvenated, your bodies can be restored
with the frequency of love.
May the heart of your heart be at peace, may the heart of your heart
be love, may the heart of your heart be light. As you enter into this beautiful
frequency at this time, we take you into the beautiful sea of creation, not the
cave of creation but the sea of creation, it is the energy of vastness, of all
that is, the energy of oneness. It is as if you are going into the universe,
into the galaxy, and there dearest children, there is peace, there is love, and
there is hope. And so Dearest Ones, I ask you to open your heart, to this
beautiful beautiful energy of the sea of vastness. You are returning home, you
see, it is a beautiful seafoam green, mixed with the golden beautiful white
light. As if you are the vastness of the sea, but you are floating, and you are
effortless. And your spirit is awakening, and returning back to oneness. This is
what these beautiful light codes are doing, they are flooding each individual so
that they may return to their oneness, and there as you imagine yourself as this
beautiful seafoam green, the vastness of this energy, as if you are in space
traveling through time, as it were. Not your physical body, but your spirit and
soul are now being bathed in oneness. And there, Dearest Children, you are
feeling this freedom out of your body, out of your soul, out of your mind. Into
this beautiful frequency of love, and so as you allow your heart to open, and
you feel this peace, and may you feel the tranquility, and may you feel the
light of God surrounding you.
And there you are in this beautiful frequency, as the energy holds
you in this powerful powerful space of unconditional love. Can you feel this
energy of unconditional love, and the vastness of the beautiful seafoam green
energy? It is the seed of creation. It is where you were created, so allow all
of your own essence and all of your essent self to feel this. Remember every
soul journey, and every lifetime is being bathed with a sea of love. All of your
incarnations, every aspect of your spirit and soul journey has been bathed in
unconditional love. Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you receive it?
Children you have sacrificed yourselves for your mission to serve this planet.
And so we gift to you this beautiful beautiful beautiful energy, bathing you in
unconditional love. Accept this as our gift unto you, for it is of great
importance that you honor yourself and be honored for your service and for your
devotion of all of your incarnations of time. For you see Dearest Children you
do not know or understand all that you have done in service, in your history of
mankind. And this incarnation may seem fruitless but it is not. You are here to
hold the light, and regardless of what you are doing, or what you believe you
are not doing, you are all holding the beautiful light for this planet to
ascend, for humanity to ascend, for all the world to see and to know. Do not
allow the darkness of the world to overcome you or overtake you. Do not allow
anything or anyone to hold you back from your greatness and your grandness, just
as Grand spoke last week of your magnificence, we are infusing these light codes
within you today so that you can easily and effortlessly hold your frequency of
grandness and magnificence, into your being. For those who are not for your
highest good will fall away, people, places, things that are not for your
highest good will fall away. And so know at this time that the light that you
hold, the essence that you hold, the peace that you hold, the grace that you
hold is indeed revered.
We know Dearest Ones that it is difficult to be on the earth plane.
Jeshua and I understood this, and yes, the Holy Mother, and Joseph, and all of
us understood the difficulty, but we came together to be at peace and to bring
love, and to bring the joy, and as we have said we left our imprint to be
reawakened at the appointed hour, for the energy of Divine Mother, Divine
Shekhina, to be awakened, the energy of Divine Goddess. And now we hold this
beautiful essence in this powerful frequency today, and as you allow the energy
to merge into your pineal gland, it will awaken your remembrance. And you feel
the presence of God within your being. You will remember your oneness within
your being, that you are no longer separated, that the world that you live in is
an illusion, and holds the energy of duality. But you are never separated from
your Creator God, you are never separated from the individual light codes of
your original creation. And so today as you feel this energy of the vastness of
the light codes flooding you, surrounding you, now accelerate yourself into the
next leg of your journey, and when you make the decision to turn back into
spirit, into the energy of the vastness of oneness, into your final ascension
home when it is time, you will be pleased with how you have served. Today we are
serving you, giving on to you, our gift of light. As I have said, these light
codes are upon the planet for the next 30 to 40 to 45 days, flooding your planet
with new frequencies and energies for humanity and all sentient beings. Where
there has been darkness there will now be light and truth will now come forward.
And each of you will be able to have the clarity of purpose that you have been
seeking, clarity of purpose that you have been seeking.
And may you seek the light inside of yourself, and Dearest Children
the beautiful energy of St. Germain is with us, the violet flame of
transmutation is now inside of each of you, transmuting your own darkness and
opening your third eye so that you may bring the new light codes within your
physicality into your third eye, opening and awakening your third eye even
grander for clarity of purpose. And the pulsation and the energy that is being
downloaded into your chakras, but particularly into your third eye, will allow
you to hold the visions of your pathway, as one of the Holy of the Holies are
here holding the frequency for each of you. You are very special and you are
very important, and you are holding the frequencies inside of you. And so as you
allow yourself to receive this gift of light, know that the heart of your heart
is peace. And the heart of your heart is love, and the heart of your heart is
joy. And the remembrance of who you truly are now comes flooding back to
And yes Dearest Children, as the third eye opens, you will be able to
see visions of your future, and understand your past and your present. You see
it is a journey, and everything falls into place as it should. If you allow
yourself to be in harmony and synchrony with your own oneness, and yet Dearest
Children most of you second guess yourself, struggling as if you’re in a bubble
of light, trying to get out of this bubble. You are resisting your connection to
oneness. And you wonder why you struggle, we ask you to relax and to breathe,
and allow the energy to unfold. Relax and breathe, and allow the energy to
unfold. Relax and breathe, and allow the energy to unfold. May the light of God
surround you the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you
wherever you are God is and all is well.
So we ask you to visualize yourself as a beautiful spirit no longer
struggling with these light codes that are coming in at this time, which have
tremendous tremendous power, and they hold the original creation. There has been
separation, and this is why the energy of what you may call your Adam and Eve,
for it is this separation of unity consciousness, and the division of the Divine
Union, which became separated, the story is not the truth, but it is a parable,
the parable of the division of the union of Father/Mother God in its separation
from truth and oneness.
So today we reconcile this within you, reconcile the division and the
separation of Father/Mother God inside of you, you have returned back to Divine
Union, and you are returning to your oneness, no longer struggling with the
separation of your beautiful spirit and yes, the twin flames come together in
Divine Union, and they too are unified in spirit. Unified in spirit, all flames
are being unified in spirit, within physical form and in ethereal form, are
being unified. This is the power of the light codes that are being brought forth
at this time. There is no longer division or separation, there is only truth,
love, light, and healing. And so as you feel this essence within your soul, that
you have come now to reunification with yourself, the powerful energy of this
beautiful energy, these beautiful light codes returning to oneness. I remember
union, I remember the divinity inside of myself, I am love, I am peace, I am
joy, I am light. And may the love of God surround you, and the power of God
protect, and the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and
all is well.
And the Holy of the Holies have healed this energy around you, and it
is of great importance and great significance that you honor the light that is
being gifted to you today, and to all your essent self. It is a commitment that
we and all of life have agreed to. Yes, all sentient beings on this earth plane
have agreed to serve, and now, the beautiful energy can begin to serve you.
Allow these beautiful light codes to serve you, to heal, to restore the love
within your psyche or your soul. We are never far from you, so all you have to
do is ask us, to call on these beautiful frequencies, for they are there for
you, flooding around you every moment for the next 30-45 days. And you will
begin to feel them, and begin to feel the energy, and will be rejuvenated, no
longer walking through what we call the quicksand or the sludge of the energy on
this planet. It is why we have taken you into the sea of Creation, into the
vastness, returning you back into this creative energy of Oneness, where all is
possible, and all that is. There is no resistance, there is only love. There is
no fear, there is only light, there is no separation, there is only unity. And
so today as you feel this embracing around you, and truly truly surrounding you
with unconditional love, you are all loved more than you can understand. We want
you to feel it, and to acknowledge it, and bring it into your heart chakra, and
feel at peace. I am love, and I am loved, I am love, and I am loved.
May the love of God truly surround, and may the power of god truly
protect you, and the presence of God watches over you, wherever you are God is
and all is well. What may appear to be separation within your life is an
illusion. Step into the vastness of these beautiful light codes, into the sea of
creation, and you will never feel alone, you will never feel separated. And so
accept our gift unto you on this beautiful beautiful day. May the love touch you
hearts, and may the Holy of the Holies anoint you, with the blessings of all
that is, and all that shall be. We are here to serve you. But today as you allow
yourself to open to this richness, this beautiful vastness, all that is, you are
returning home to yourself, can you feel it? Can you sense it? And may it be
bestowed upon your soul, and so we will leave this with you upon this beautiful
beautiful day, allowing your heart to open to this richness of love. We will
take our leave now, and allow you to feel the essence and presence of this
energy, and may you return back into consciousness, for this is no longer to be
a planet of fear, it is to be a planet of love, and you Dearest Children as you
are bathed in the love, will serve the light of God, in your truest essence. Now
go my children and be at peace, and know that you are
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