I invoke the Cosmic Level light to demonstrate to me the truth of my
being, soul and Creator aspect.
I know that it is through my acceptance of the most appropriate
Cosmic Light that I will begin the process of recognising my
Open to the
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of
Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
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Aid Further Transformation with the Cosmic Level
by Mahatma, the Cosmic Logos
Audio: https://www.omna.org/latest-weekly-channeled-message/![Audio Download](https://www.omna.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Audio-download-150x150.jpg)
There is a need to be prepared that the surge of awakening invited forth through your connection with the Cosmic Level can begin a powerful journey of realising your truth. Often when you are unable to recognise the next level of truth available for you to realise there is a blockage, limitation or negative belief which is attracting your attention almost blinding you from recognising the truth of the Creator ready to be revealed to guide you forth. There is a need to realise that when you access the Cosmic Level in order for the pure truth of your being and the Creator to be revealed to you, there is a need to dissolve your attachment to that which is hindering you, thus you may experience a release process. This release process may be a mental, emotional, physical or spiritual experience. Healing is taking place however it is predominantly your attachment to the resistance, blockage or limitations which are being released. Negative experiences, memories or pains can create a powerful energy of attachment within you. This is because whatever is limiting you may be recognised by you as a part of your identity or it may be a fear of realising your truth which is causing your attachment. There are a number of reasons why attachments form even to unneeded or unwanted energies. It is wonderful to realise that your attachment is your key to bringing forth enlightenment. When attachments are released whether you understand their meaning and purpose or not, they reveal to you an aspect of your truth creating enlightenment which can also be experienced as healing.
Allow yourself to recognise that experiencing a blockage, limitation, resistance, negative belief or a feeling of being stuck is simply your attachment to an energy. This means that an energy has arisen within you to be released. With the release of the energy so you will access healing and enlightenment; the light of the Creator. When the energy was originally formed you created an attachment to it, a bond or recognised it as a part of your being. You may have forgotten about your attachment to the energy. It may have been that the situation which created the energy was too painful to let go of so an attachment was formed so that you would hold onto the energy to deal with it when you were ready. Thus, when a negative energy rises within you, you can acknowledge that you have an attachment to the energy. You have stored it within you for healing at a later date. When the energy rises it is time to let go of your attachment to the energy, that is in truth the healing process, letting go of your attachment to the energy. Yes, you may re-experience the situation, even in those moments you are only reliving your attachment to the energy. Sometimes releasing your attachment can be a painful experience however it brings to you liberation as it allows you to connect with your truth, recognising greater aspects of your Creator self.
I share this with you now as I wish to encourage you to recognise your healing processes in this new way. It will allow you to move through your transformational processes with greater ease, speed, perfection and a truthful perspective. I also wish to make you aware that the Cosmic Level of the Creator’s Universe supports you in releasing your attachments and accessing the enlightenment ready for you to receive simply through connection and downloading the Cosmic Light.
‘Cosmic Logos Mahatma, it is my deepest desire and inner guidance to connect with your energies and the Cosmic Level of the Creator. Please allow the translucent light of the Cosmic Level to pour over and through my being. I ask and hold the intention of receiving support from the Cosmic Level light to enable me to move through my healing and release process of unneeded energies within me with ease and perfection, due to my ability to recognise the presence of attachment. Support me in easily recognising the attachment and letting go of the attachment effortlessly. My purpose of identifying and releasing my attachment to negative or limiting energies which arise is to access and embody my next stage of enlightenment.
I invoke the Cosmic Level light to demonstrate to me the truth of my being, soul and Creator aspect. I know that it is through my acceptance of the most appropriate Cosmic Light that I will begin the process of recognising my truth which may or may not bring energies to the surface to be acknowledged and my attachment to them to be released, either before, during or after. I know I am supported immensely and completely by the Cosmic Level Light and Mahatma so that this process of awakening will take place with feelings of joy, inspiration and liberation. Thank you I know I am blessed eternally with and as the Divine Creator.’
There is an immense purity within the Cosmic Level Light of the Creator’s Universe which means that you can invite the Cosmic Level Light to support you in any matter where truth and recognising your Creator self within would be beneficial. Please know that you will only ever experience the Cosmic Level light and vibration at the most appropriate level for you. The Cosmic Level light if shared with you at its pure vibration could be detrimental to your health and wellbeing on many levels of your being because of your Earthly vibration. This sacred and powerful light will always be filtered by your soul and guides so that you receive it at an effective strength to aid transformation within your being while protecting you from the potency of its pure light. Please remember that if the energy does become too intense and unbearable know you can simply make a request for the impact of the energy and the vibration of the light to be decreased so you may feel comfortable as the transformational process takes place.
There are other requests you may make to the Cosmic Level energy:
‘Mahatma and the Cosmic Light please support the appropriate downloading of my higher chakras into my being and their balancing with my current chakra system to support a greater state of enlightenment within my being. I know that guided by my soul, soul group and my guides there is no need for me to understand my higher chakras nor the downloading process. I simply trust that all that needs to take place will take place. Thank you.’
‘Mahatma and the Cosmic Light please support the integration of my energy with the appropriate Dimensions of the Creator’s Universe to aid greater experiences of balance, illumination, healing and enlightenment within my being. I know I do not need to understand the Dimensions of the Creator’s Universe I am blending with unless it is beneficial for me to do so. I simply trust that all that needs to take place will take place. Thank you.’
![Aid Further Transformation with the Cosmic Level by Mahatma the Cosmic Logos](https://www.omna.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/17062016-th-300x169.jpg)
‘Mahatma and the Cosmic Light please support the greater illumination of my mind and connection of my mind with the appropriate vibrations of the Universe of the Creator to support me in recognising the truth of my being with ease and perfection in my everyday life. I simply trust that all that needs to take place will take place. Thank you.’
‘Mahatma and the Cosmic Light please support me in recognising the truth of my being with your support and through my integration with the Cosmic Level Light. Support me in seeing, sensing and acknowledging my true self in appropriate ways in my reality and spiritual evolution. I am ready to acknowledge my truth beyond that which I am currently choosing to recognise. I simply trust that all that needs to take place will take place. Thank you.’
‘Mahatma and the Cosmic Light please support the healing of my being, even the aspects which I do not or have not recognised so I may become a beacon of healing light. I simply trust that all that needs to take place will take place. Thank you.’
Know the Cosmic Level is available to you to support your spiritual evolution at this time. Using the word ‘appropriate,’ is very important when making a request to the Cosmic Level and will ensure that transitions are comfortable for you.
Explore within the Cosmic Level and experience the divine presence of the Creator,
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